We won’t stop fighting until we’re where we deserve to be.

We won’t stop fighting until we’re where we deserve to be.

Friday 7 March 2025

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Tomorrow is International Women’s Day.

Today, tomorrow, and every day, we stand in solidarity with all women and girls experiencing family and gender-based violence, including First Nations women who continue to face violence, racism and marginalisation as the result of ongoing colonisation. We also recognise that migrant and refugee women, women with disabilities, and trans women experience significant and disproportionate levels of violence in their lives. 

We stand in solidarity with women and girls across the globe who experience disproportionate rates of displacement, violence and harm from war and disaster. 

We will continue to fight for all women and girls and their rights to support, safety and a life free from violence – no matter where they live, who they are, or their circumstances. 

This year marks the 50th anniversary of International Women’s Day, with the UN-selected theme for #IWD2025 “For ALL women and girls: Rights. Equality. Empowerment”. This year also marks 50 years since the release of the landmark report Poverty in Australia and subsequent development of an official poverty line. 

While we’ve come a long way in the fight for gender equality since 1975, we’re still so far from where we should be. Right now, we are in the midst of the worst housing and cost-of-living crisis in decades. While these issues impact all Australians, we know women and girls are disproportionately affected.  

Women continue to face significant economic inequality – remaining disproportionately in lower-paid occupations, in part-time and casual work, and being paid less on average than men for the same full-time roles across every industry and occupation in Australia.¹ New data released by Australia’s Workplace Gender Equality Agency shows that, of eligible private sector employees, almost 3 in 4 employers have a gender pay gap in favour of men.² 

Women – particularly older women – are the fastest rising group to experience homelessness, with family violence now the leading cause of homelessness for women and children in Australia.³ 

And for many Australian women, financial abuse features prominently in their lives, with the ABS reporting that one in six Australian women have experienced financial or economic abuse from a partner.⁴  

A newly published report by Anne Summers, The Cost of Domestic Violence to Women’s Employment and Education, examined ABS data and found that 43.9 per cent of women who experienced physical or sexual violence by a partner in the last five years had cash flow issues, compared with 7.2 per cent of women who have never experienced partner violence or abuse.⁵ 

We know that experiencing family and gender-based violence can worsen women’s economic and housing security, and that rates of family and gender-based violence tend to increase in times of crisis. 

A federal election will be called imminently – a real opportunity for our leaders to create, champion and implement meaningful and lasting change for all women and girls in all their diversity in Australia, especially those experiencing family and gender-based violence.  

Enough is enough. We’re calling for accountability from every party to prioritise the rights, equality and empowerment of all women and girls in Australia. We need significant action now to ensure every victim survivor has access to the fundamental human rights of economic independence, financial stability and safe, long-term housing.  

Current and prospective leaders must go beyond symbolic IWD gestures and announce decisive action. This means keeping domestic violence on the national agenda, investing in frontline specialist services, funding primary prevention and early intervention initiatives and adequately addressing the ongoing housing crisis for victim survivors. 

This #IWD2025, and every day beyond, we will continue to advocate for a world where all women and girls can live safely, free from family and gender-based violence.  

Australia isn’t there yet, and we won’t stop fighting until we’re where we deserve to be. 

Continue reading “We won’t stop fighting until we’re where we deserve to be.”

New data on family violence deaths – one part of a complex picture.

New data on family violence deaths – one part of a complex picture.

Tuesday 11 February 2025

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This week, the Australian Institute of Criminology released their data on intimate partner homicides in 2024. 

The data report, part of the National Homicide Monitoring Program (NHMP), is an important addition to the tools we have to help us understand family and gender-based violence in Australia. 

What does the data capture?

The NHMP collects verified data on cleared incidents of intimate partner homicide perpetrated against a female.  

‘Cleared incidents’ refer to incidents where the offender has or would have been charged with a homicide offence (like murder or manslaughter), or if the incident was otherwise legally cleared. 

All victims in this data set are women, but the perpetrators can be either male or female – as long as they were a current or former intimate partner of the victim. 

According to the data, there were 35 female victims of intimate partner homicide between 1 January and 31 December 2024 – a decrease of nearly 24 per cent when compared to 2023, where 46 victims were recorded.  

While at this stage of reporting the figures for 2024 show a reduction in intimate partner homicides, we need to take a nuanced and cautious approach in interpreting this data and its implications. The NHMP updates their data quarterly, so it is still possible that the figure for 2024 will increase. Overall though, a decrease is consistent with the long-term downward trajectory for intimate partner homicides over the last few decades. 

However, we also need to recognise the limitations of this one data source.

What isn’t fully captured?

The NHMP data captures intimate partner homicides. While family violence is most commonly used by men against their current or former partners, we know it can also occur outside of intimate relationships, and can encompass family members, carers and kinship relationships. 

These figures also do not capture the deaths that have gone unacknowledged or unrecognised as family violence, including missing people or deaths that are still under investigation or subject to ongoing coronial processes. In particular, this creates barriers to the full representation of key communities, such as Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women, refugee women, LGBTIQA+ communities and sex workers. Deaths by suicide that have occurred in a family violence context are also not included.  

Finally, it’s important to recognise that homicides, while incredibly tragic, form the tip of the iceberg in terms of experiences of family and gender-based violence. Although experiences of violence may not always result in death, they do result in injury, hospitalisation, and long-term psychological damage. For some, these impacts will last a lifetime. 

Creating a true picture of the impacts of family and gender-based violence in Australia is a complex and difficult task – and while this new data is welcome, the picture is not yet complete. 

For now, it’s also important to look at other sources of homicide reporting – including from Destroy the Joint’s Counting Dead Women project, and Sherele Moody’s Australian Femicide Watch. What’s needed is consistent investment in a varied and robust program of data and research in Australia, that will continually inform all our work in preventing and responding to family and gender-based violence. 

Page last updated Tuesday, February 11 2025


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For many families it’s a season of fear, not cheer

For many families it’s a season of fear, not cheer

Sunday 22 December 2024

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As the year draws to a close, families across the country are getting ready to wind down and celebrate. However, for many people, the holiday season is a time filled with fear. 

Year after year, December is one of the most high-risk times for people experiencing family violence, with the period between 25 December and 1 January often being well above the yearly daily average for family violence incidents, according to Crime Statistics Agency (CSA) data. 

Their figures show that during December 2023, there was an average of 279 family violence incidents per day recorded by Victoria Police. This average increased by 33 per cent on Christmas Day, with 372 family violence incidents recorded. That’s an average of one incident every four minutes.  This is also a very busy time for frontline support services who remain open and ready to assist people experiencing violence over this period. 

As we brace for another spike over the holidays, I want to emphasise that one woman lost at the hands of men’s violence is one too many.  This year, at least 98 women* have been murdered – and these are only the known cases. There is no official count of family violence homicides, and many victims remain invisible – meaning the true number of deaths is likely much higher than we know.This is the tragic tip of a much larger iceberg.  

Why are the holidays such a high-risk time? 

Family violence is complex – there’s no one particular reason why we see an increase in incidents over the holidays. Some exacerbating factors include increased time at home with the perpetrator, increased use of alcohol and other drugs, and increased levels of financial stress. 

However, it’s important to remember that while these things may exacerbate family violence, they are not the underlying cause. Violence is always a choice. 

But it doesn’t have to be like this. Family and gender-based violence is preventable. It’s everybody’s business, and everybody’s responsibility, every day of the year – we all have a role to play here. 

We know that many people experiencing family violence will never contact the police or reach out for support on their own. Often, it is the people closest to them – their friends, family, neighbours or colleagues – who will be the only ones to notice something is wrong. It’s crucial we all know how to recognise the signs and respond if someone we know is unsafe. 

How can I tell it’s family violence? 

Family violence can take many forms – physical, emotional, financial – and it’s common for a victim survivor to experience several of these. Certainly, physical signs – like unexplained cuts and bruises – are a big red flag, but there are other, more subtle things to look out for.  

Your loved one may be hard to contact, or seem withdrawn and depressed. They may seem particular on edge or anxious when their partner is around. That person may be controlling and jealous, or might call and text your loved one incessantly.  

The main thing is to trust your gut. If you feel like something is wrong, don’t ignore it. 

What can I do to help? 

Find a way to speak with your loved one alone, away from their abuser. Gently share what is worrying you, and ask them if they feel safe. If you’re unsure what to say, this conversation guide is a handy tool. 

Importantly, always approach with kindness and compassion. Don’t judge or blame, and don’t tell them to ‘just leave’. There are many reasons why someone might be unable to leave an abusive relationship. Respect what they’re ready and willing to do and focus on what they need from you. 

If they’re not ready or willing to talk, that’s okay – just let them know you’ll be there for them whenever they need you. 

If they do need help, some practical things you can do include helping them connect with a specialist family violence service. If you’re unsure of what services are available, a good place to start is the list of Victorian services on the Are You Safe At Home? website. 

You can also create a safety plan together, which might include agreeing on a code word or signal they can use if they’re in danger, and keeping copies of important documents at your home in case they need to leave quickly. Even offering things like childcare or assistance with errands can be incredibly helpful and can give them the space to make a plan. 

Knowing someone you care about is experiencing abuse can be deeply upsetting, and it can be hard to know what to do. But you certainly don’t need to be an expert – even the smallest steps can have a huge impact.

This opinion piece first appeared in the Herald Sun (print edition) on 22 December 2024. You can view the original article here.

For 24/7 family violence crisis support and accommodation in Victoria, contact Safe Steps on 1800 015 188. For support and information in other states and territories, contact 1800RESPECT or 1800 737 732.  

If you or someone you know may be at risk of using family violence, contact the Men’s Referral Service on 1300 766 491. 

If someone is in immediate danger, always call Triple Zero (000).  

*There is no complete and official list of every woman and child murdered in Australia. At the time of publishing this article, Destroy the Joint has reported 75 women killed this year. Australian Femicide Watch has recorded 98 women who have lost their lives to violence.

While these numbers are shocking, they are only the ones we know about. Many deaths go unreported and unrecognised as family violence, meaning the true number of women and children killed is likely far greater. 

Page last updated Sunday, December 22 2024


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Hope in Action during the 16 Days of Activism

Hope in Action

during the 16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence

Welcome to the 16 Days of Activism

by Tania Farha
CEO, Safe and Equal

Twelve months ago, to commemorate the 16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence*, we published Nurturing Hope. This collection of stories and reflections from many different people working to end family and gender-based violence was a chance for us to capture and celebrate what hope can look like in the change-making work we do. 

The feedback we received was immensely positive and heartening, both during the 16 Days of Activism and beyond. Many people reached out to us with their own stories of hope and reflections on its significance. Working to end family and gender-based violence can be tough, all-consuming work. We have all watched with dismay this year as the number of women killed continues to tick upwards. Each and every one of these women deserved a long and happy life, and we know that there are more deaths and severe impacts that are not fully reflected in this number, including the impact on children. Victim survivors are at the centre of all our work to ensure that everyone is free of violence and supported to survive and thrive. 

Being able to pause and share how we maintain hope in this work is crucial.

It is an act of collective care and connection – we are all in this together, and the work we do matters.

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Tania Farha

For this year’s 16 Days campaign, we wanted to continue exploring what hope looks like in our work. This time, we are showcasing Hope in Action: a campaign to illustrate how family and gender-based violence prevention and response work is creating hope – for both the family violence sector and the broader community – through meaningful change. 

Throughout 16 Days, we’ll be platforming three different stories of Hope in Action on our social media and website, featuring incredible practitioners working to end family and gender-based violence. These stories showcase the tangible impact of community-based and community-led prevention and response work, and give us a chance to celebrate the people who make it happen. 

Most importantly, we want Hope in Action to serve as a reminder that ending family and gender-based violence is possible – and we are making progress. In a world that can feel heavy at times, now more than ever we need to remember that change is possible. Our work does make a difference – and we have every reason to be hopeful for a future free from violence. 


*Each year, the 16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence takes place from 25 November (the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women) to 10 December (International Human Rights Day). This global campaign (running since 1991!) provides an opportunity for individuals, organisations and communities to unite and collectively advocate for the elimination of gender-based violence. 

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Transfemme affirms that trans women are welcome in our families and communities.

Watch our conversation with Starlady from the Zoe Belle Gender Collective about Transfemme, a project designed to promote healthier dating and relationships between trans women and cisgender men and to help end men’s violence against trans women and trans feminine people.

Want more? Here’s some further reading:



PACE uplifts migrant and refugee women and gender-diverse people, and has done so for 15 years.

Watch our conversation with Feifei Liao from the Multicultural Centre for Women’s Health (MCWH) about the PACE Program – a leadership program that has inspired and uplifted women and gender-diverse people from migrant and refugee backgrounds.

Want more? Here’s some further reading:



Champions of the West harnesses the power of footy for a more equitable future.

Watch our conversation with Tess Stewart-Moore from GenWest about Champions of the West, a partnership between GenWest, the Western Bulldogs Football Club, the Western Bulldogs Community Foundation, and Women’s Health Grampians, with support from the Western Football Netball League.​

Want more? Here’s some further reading:

Reflections on Hope in Action

As the 16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence draws to a close, it’s timely to reflect on our work as part of a growing global campaign to eliminate family and gender-based violence.

The last year has shown us yet again why this campaign is needed. We have seen the recent and harrowing statistic that, worldwide, one woman or girl is killed every 10 minutes at the hands of their intimate partner or a family member. But there are also inspiring examples all over the world of people organising together to demand change.

Here in Australia, we have all been devastated to see the number of women and children murdered continue to rise – particularly over the last few weeks. By one count, at least 96 women have been killed this year, and these are only the deaths we know about. The true numbers of not only deaths, but experiences of violence, are likely much higher than we know.

While it has been a deeply sad and challenging time, there are so many reasons to hope and push forward with change.

This year, we have seen the release of the Senate Inquiry into Missing and Murdered First Nations Women and Children, alongside a landmark inquest into the domestic violence murders of four Aboriginal women in the Northern Territory. We have been inspired by First Nations advocates who continue to challenge the silence and inaction that surrounds this violence and fight for self-determined solutions.

We have seen rallies across the country, a rise in public conversation, and national funding announcements to address the deaths of women being reported in Australia.

Importantly, we have been buoyed by the determination and the tireless work of all the advocates and practitioners across the state and the country. This work to create a better future for all people experiencing family and gender-based violence forms the backbone of our Hope in Action campaign for the 16 Days of Activism.

The three stories featured in the campaign give us a glimpse into our sector, and the ways we are creating meaningful change. We hope that these stories serve as a way for us all to celebrate all our work, and nourish hope.

As we look beyond the 16 Days of Activism, Safe and Equal will continue to work with our members, stakeholders and partners to advocate for what we need to eliminate family and gender-based violence.

Hope in Action is one way we can hold a focus on valuing and supporting each other while we do this – because that’s how hope stays alive.

Safe and Equal wishes to thank Starlady, Feifei Liao and Tess Stewart-Moore for their generous contributions to our Hope in Action campaign.

Page last updated Monday, November 25 2024


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From Insights to Actions: Towards a Culturally Responsive Family Violence Sector

From Insights to Actions: Towards a Culturally Responsive Family Violence Sector

Thursday 5 September 2024

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We recently gathered at the Melbourne Museum on Wurundjeri Country with specialist family violence services across the state for a sector forum hosted by Safe and Equal and Djirra. The focus of the forum was how non-Aboriginal family violence services could best provide culturally safe assistance to First Nations people seeking family violence support.

With a backdrop of blue skies and birdsong, we were welcomed to Country by Djirri Djirri, Wurundjeri women’s dance group. Wurundjeri woman and Traditional Owner Mandy Nicholson shared with us four layers of Wurundjeri Country, from Below Country to Sky Country before the group shared several traditional dances.

Session 1: Women's stories

Our first session was hosted by Aunty Stephanie Armstrong, a Gamilaraay-Bigambul woman and educator. Aunty Steph spoke about how storytelling is the way First Nations people connect, build relationships and create healing.

Three key take aways were:

  1. The importance of being true to your values in the life you live, the work you do and the stories you tell. When you tell stories that align to your values, no one can pull you up.
  2. Deep reflection will put you on the right path: consider what you want your life to stand for, and how you want to live in this world, knowing your time is limited.
  3. We need humility to truly listen. Humility is the constant willingness to learn, respecting the courage of the stories women are sharing with you and acknowledging that there is a lot of work to do. Cultural humility means working together with First Nations women in a way that is culturally safe to them.

“Truly listen to this process of healing. What are the stories the women and children are telling you? When you hear a big story, consider why that person is telling that story.” – Aunty Stephanie Armstrong

Session 2: Partnering for self-determination

After morning tea, we heard Safe and Equal Board Chair Maria Dimopoulos in conversation with Wollithiga woman and Djirra Deputy CEO Antionette Gentile alongside Safe and Equal CEO Tania Farha. The discussion centred around how the non-Aboriginal family violence sector can partner with Aboriginal women in a way that reflects mutual benefit and upholds Aboriginal self-determination. Antoinette and Tania reflected on their personal experiences and learnings that have arisen from the partnership between Djirra and Safe and Equal.

Three key take aways were:

  1. Antoinette highlighted how non-Aboriginal organisations often want to take from ACCOs. They constantly ask “Can you help us with this? Can you input into that?” but they need to actually walk with ACCOs on the journey.
  2. Genuine partnerships take a long time to establish. People shouldn’t just come to Aboriginal people and organisations when they need something. Instead, they should start building a meaningful relationship early. Tania highlighted how when partnering with Djirra, Safe and Equal invested in establishing a dedicated role for someone from Safe and Equal’s team to listen, learn and coordinate this work from within Djirra. This put the onus on Safe and Equal to observe and learn, rather than the women at Djirra to teach.
  3. Tania highlighted the importance for non-Aboriginal allies in the sector to lean into discomfort, be brave and learn from their mistakes. Unless you try you won’t learn – getting it wrong is how you learn and move forward.

“Mainstream organisations can help by walking beside us – not in front and not behind – and listen to the messages we are saying. Listen to what we want. We know what works for our people, and usually it will work for non-Aboriginal people as well. Give us the respect and walk with us on our journeys.” – Antoinette Gentile

“A key lesson is the deep listening we need to do. We need to be honest and accept what the truth has been. And really do what people are asking us to do, finally. And sit with the discomfort.” – Tania Farha

“First Nations people have been telling the truth for a long time. It’s non-Indigenous people who have been lying.” – Maria Dimopoulos

Session 3: Insights to actions

After lunch and a wander through the Milarri Garden Trail, we reconvened with Skye Gooch, proud Aboriginal woman and Manager of Djirra’s Individual Support Service, and Louise Simms, Executive Director of Policy, Communications and Engagement at Safe and Equal. Skye and Louise reflected on the process of developing a sector Commitment to Action for non-Aboriginal family violence services.

Three key take aways were:

  1. Upholding self-determination means giving Aboriginal people the right to choice and safety. They get to choose whether they seek support from an ACCO or non-Aboriginal service, but they should always receive a culturally safe response no matter which service they choose.
  2. Moving at a pace of trust means to work alongside someone, building rapport, and not trying to rush towards milestones or deliverables. It’s not about just trying to tick a box – services must respond to the individual needs of victim survivors. ACCOs recognise that each family has different needs and that responses need to be tailored accordingly. This is something non-Aboriginal services need to strive for.
  3. Non-Aboriginal services must remain accountable to First Nations people, communities and organisations in their work to strengthen cultural responsiveness. Only First Nations people can tell us if this work is effective.

“ACCOs are best placed to support Aboriginal communities, however communities should have self-determination and choice about which services they engage with. Our women should receive a culturally safe response no matter which service they work with.” – Skye Gooch

Session 4: Yarning about Whiteness

Wurundjeri and Ngu rai Illum Wurrung woman and Deputy Chair of Yoorrook Justice Commission, Sue-Anne Hunter spoke to us about how Whiteness is invisibly and strategically embedded within the family violence sector, and our entire society. A tool of colonisation, used to justify and erase violence against non-white communities, Whiteness requires explicit and visible attention within efforts to address harm against Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. You can read more in the paper Sue-Anne co-authored on Whiteness in social work here: The Maintenance of the Dominance of Whiteness in Australian Social Work.

Three key take aways were:

  1. Whiteness is not a reference to skin tone alone; it is the norm, a set of unnamed cultural practices. It’s how White people can do and say what they please and get away with it. It’s how our systems are set up through a White lens, in ways that serve White people but aren’t culturally safe for Aboriginal people. It means First Nations people become an “other”. If we don’t tackle Whiteness, we leave White privilege untackled.
  2. Sue-Anne spoke about common experiences faced by First Nations women including being labelled as the “angry Black woman”, being told to give “nicer” feedback, having “white tears” take the focus away from Aboriginal experiences, the silencing of Aboriginal voices and the constant ask for “trauma porn”.
  3. Sue-Anne invited us to reflect and discuss at our tables the ways that our work upholds and reinforces Whiteness, and the ways that we could disrupt this in our work and communities. This was an uncomfortable and courageous conversation and one we must continue having as a sector.

“When questioning what it means to be White, responses usually range from dismay to anger. There’s an accusation that the question is insinuating someone is racist. But people don’t need to beat themselves up about their own level of Whiteness if they make mistakes and learn.” – Sue-Anne Hunter

“America admits racism, while Australia suppresses it. It’s not a personal thing, its’s a systemic thing. It’s important to have the conversations or it’s just suppressed.” –  Tania Farha

“These conversations can be uncomfortable, but discomfort is not the same as lack of safety.” – Maria Dimopoulos

Session 5: Yarns around the table

We wrapped up our day with powerful discussions around each table, facilitated by Skye Gooch and Louise Simms. Guests explored key practices and insights from the day to determine ways we can collectively work that uphold self-determination, bring cultural humility, disrupt
Whiteness and move at the pace of trust.

Three key take aways were:

  1. Non-Aboriginal services need to acknowledge that the systems and structures are racist. All practitioners are part of that system and must resist it, constantly. non-Aboriginal services must be disobedient in a way that shakes the system up. Workers are responsible to victim survivors, not the department.
  2. Self-determination means being led by Aboriginal people, because they know how to take care of themselves. As service providers, we need to walk beside them, and respect that they are expert in their own lives. We are not here to dictate – we are here to listen and advocate. In the workplace, self-determination might be asking Aboriginal colleagues what programs and processes should look like or having local Aboriginal women in key positions in management and governance.
  3. In recognising that each person and family has individual needs, non-Aboriginal organisations need to be flexible, creative and dynamic with their responses. ACCOs tailor their services to meet individual women’s and families’ needs, and support them on their journeys.

“When mob aren’t being listened to, it’s your job to stand up and create a space for that voice.” – Skye Gooch

“Accountability means being open to critique, acknowledging mistakes and most importantly, demonstrating change.” – Louise Simms

Closing remarks

Before we departed to enjoy the rest of the sunny afternoon, Tania Farha shared her top take aways from the forum.

She highlighted the increasing recognition within non-Aboriginal organisations that more needs to be done, and an increasing desire to do better. She drew from her yarn with Antoinette to reiterate the importance of strong partnerships in ensuring non-Aboriginal organisations are culturally responsive. She called on non-Aboriginal leaders to address systemic racism and call it out.

The overarching message was that the sector is committed to action and story of change to support and uphold self-determination – standing beside Aboriginal people, bringing humility, disrupting Whiteness and moving at the pace of trust.

“Only by talking can we get to common understanding. We have some way to go but we are on the journey and I hope we get there together.” – Tania Farha

Page last updated Friday, September 6 2024


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Why comprehensive approaches are essential to ending family and gender-based violence

Why comprehensive approaches are essential to ending family and gender-based violence

August 2024

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by Tania Farha, CEO, Safe and Equal

The issue of family and gender-based violence continues to gain prominence in this country. This focus is long overdue. A woman is murdered at least every week in Australia, many at the hands of her current or ex-partner. A quarter of Australian women have experienced family violence, almost exclusively at the hands of men. For Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women, the situation is even worse; they experience eight times the rate of homicide of non-indigenous women. It is heartening that a more public debate has emerged about how we, as a society, can stop existing violence and best prevent future violence.

Before we discuss the effectiveness of different approaches to preventing and stopping violence, it’s important to note that the official statistics quoted are just the tip of the iceberg. For many years, the family violence-related deaths of women, particularly Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women, have either not been recognised or counted consistently. The true numbers are much higher. There is also little recognition of injury and disability that is so often the result of this violence. These include acquired brain injury, early onset dementia, and substance abuse, some of which result from coercion or medication. Children are being subjected to years of suffering and trauma, affecting them for the rest of their lives and in some cases, perpetuating the cycle of violence as they become adults. The number of children killed and injured by perpetrators of family violence are also undercounted. The harm is endless, and often intergenerational.

So, what is the best way to stop this? As a peak body, Safe and Equal works across the continuum of family violence from primary prevention to early intervention, to response and recovery. We know these pillars do not operate in siloes and we must work across all areas at the same time. We work from the evidence base built over years of research from local and international experience and best practice. Unfortunately, there is no single best way to stop or prevent family violence. A comprehensive approach is the only way, starting at primary prevention, all the way through to recovery from violence. This comprehensive approach forms the basis of every United Nations resolution and outcome on violence against women and gender-based violence.

Primary prevention aims to stop this violence from happening in the first place. This means using the evidence base to address the drivers, including gendered drivers, that lead to individuals believing that the use of violence is okay. These attitudes and beliefs are reinforced by societal institutions and systems that support the perpetuation of violent behaviour against women and gender-diverse people. When it comes to gender-based violence, in almost every culture across the world, it is mainly men hurting women and children or those that don’t conform to the rigid gender stereotypes that define our societies. Gender remains a defining factor in this form of violence. This does not mean that there aren’t other things that influence these attitudes, beliefs and behaviours. Racism, homophobia, transphobia, agism and ablism amongst other forms of oppression, all impact and increase this experience of gender-based violence.

Violent behaviour is also exacerbated by other factors, including the excessive consumption of alcohol. We have also seen the rise of harmful online pornography and other factors. Whilst these other factors aren’t necessarily the key drivers behind violent behaviour, it is critical that we recognise and address them. In most cases, people don’t hurt or kill women, children or gender diverse people just because they’ve had too much to drink. The attitudes and beliefs that underlie gender-based violence are already entrenched in these people. The consequences of all these factors, however, can significantly impact the nature and severity of violence or perpetuate the attitudes and beliefs that underpin it, so it is important to look at ways to mitigate these impacts.

Just as there is more than one driver of violence against women and gender-based violence, there is more than one way to grapple with the drivers of that violence. The evidence base for primary prevention of violence against women, Change the Story, works across many of these issues and recognition of this is certainly embedded in community based and community led prevention programs. It recognises that we must work across government, organisations, and individuals. Working with workplaces, educational environments, and the places people socialise, is critical to changing social norms.

Primary prevention is vital if we are to build a society that is free of family and gender-based violence. But sadly, because we do not live in a violence free society, primary prevention alone is not enough. Social change of this magnitude takes a long time – and we know this because we have seen it happen with smoking and road safety. We know from these examples, however, that you must remain diligent and focused, or you can lose ground. These areas continue to receive heavy investment and yet we have seen the health impacts of vaping replace smoking, and road fatalities rise recently to the highest they have been for a while.

Primary prevention of gender-based violence does not receive the same amount of funding as these issues, particularly community led and grassroots based prevention programs. We need more investment to ensure we can continue our efforts to stop it from happening at all, but given we have to deal with the violence in the here and now, we also need more and better early intervention efforts. We need to identify the risks of violent behaviour as early as possible and prevent it from escalating. We need family and friends to recognise signs of family violence and know where their local services are. We need to give people the tools to have safe conversations with those they think are at risk and help them get the support they need. Many people are caught in a generational cycle of violence and do not know that they have the right to live free from this violence.

Universal services like health and education are accessed by almost everyone in Australia. Workers in these industries must be able to identify and refer people who appear to be at risk to appropriate support services. We need more extensive support for children experiencing family violence, not only to keep them safe, but to address the trauma of their experiences. This helps them to live healthy and fulfilling lives and plays a vital role in breaking the inter-generational cycle of violence, helping to ensure that they don’t become caught in this cycle. Supports for children and young people are not adequate and nor are they sustained. Often children receive short-term assistance with services which are not funded or resourced adequately to provide an ongoing response to any victim survivor.

We need more sustainable and holistic funding for the frontline specialist services that work with survivors of all ages. We need them to be funded for crisis, response and formal recovery support – this means support to rebuild survivors’ lives after violence with dignity, to reduce the risk of social isolation and poverty, and to ensure they are not at risk of future violence. Specialist family violence, sexual violence and legal frontline services, including those that are community led, are saving lives everyday – they can stop violence escalating and they can prevent death and further harm.

We need more effective perpetrator interventions. We need to better understand what is effective in engaging men and others using violence to change their behaviour. This work is both complex and nuanced – one approach does not suit all. We know that for many complex reasons, the justice system will not be the only solution for these individuals but where police and the justice system are appropriate, then they must be fair and trauma-informed for victim survivors. We need the family court to better understand the dynamics of family violence and place the safety of victim survivors and their children as the primary factor when making decisions in relation to separation – one of the most dangerous and high-risk times for victim survivors of family violence.

Which approach work best? All of them, everywhere and all the time. If we only focus on one thing, we will miss the opportunity to intervene at all points along the spectrum. This is not acceptable. We should stop trying to work out which is the more effective approach, because we know that they are all effective in different circumstances and contexts. We must work together to make sure all aspects are funded at a larger scale and supported by all levels of Government. This must be done in a consistent way across the country. Simultaneously, it should be done in a way that allows the opportunity for different community-led organisations to work within their communities to ensure the outcomes we are looking for are realised in a way that works for them. Everyone who works in this space – academics, practitioners, victim survivors, commentators and other experts, all have important things to say. Only through collective knowledge, collaboration and respectful discussions can we get where we need to, to stop this from happening. Nothing about this is simple or quick but it does require us to harness our collective knowledge, expertise and influence and to work together! At Safe and Equal, and we celebrate and invite collaboration.

Page last updated Wednesday, August 14 2024


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Ask, listen and believe this Are You Safe at Home? Day 2024

Ask, listen and believe this Are You Safe at Home? Day 2024

Tuesday 7 May 2024

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We all deserve to be safe, respected and valued in all our relationships.

Sadly, family violence is more common than many of us realise. It happens in all communities, in all types of relationships and can take many different forms.

That is why this year’s Are You Safe At Home? Day is shining a spotlight on the significant role we can all play in our local communities to recognise and respond to family violence. 

Because family violence often happens out of sight, it can be hard for people experiencing abuse to reach out for support. It’s often the people closest to them – their friends, family members and colleagues – who may be the first to notice something isn’t right.

If you’re worried about someone you know, it can be hard to know what to do. But just by asking, listening and believing, you can have an enormous impact on someone’s journey to safety.

Ask ‘are you safe at home?’

Listen to what they say without judgement.

Believe what they tell you – validate their experiences and let them know you’re there to support.

Ending family violence is everyone’s business – and you have a crucial role to play. This 10 May, start the conversation.

How can you help

  • Raise awareness about the Are You Safe at Home? initiative
  • Share Are You Safe at Home? content through your organisation’s social media and other communication channels – access our communications toolkit here
  • Encourage your colleagues to share the content through their social media network
  • Print and display resources in your office or workplace
  • Learn about family violence and how to have safe conversations by completing our 20-minute eLearn
  • Open up the conversation with your friends, family or colleagues
  • Create space and opportunity for meaningful conversations that could support people in your workplace

New resources

Conversation flow chart

It can be hard to know what to do if you’re worried someone in your life is unsafe. Simply asking, listening and believing them can have a big impact.

This flow chart is only a guide. Approach the conversation in a way that feels right. Please print and share this guide with your communities.

How do I ask someone if they are safe at home?


Share the word in your local community, workplace, council facilities, sporting club or community group. We invite you to print these posters, and share them far and wide.

Ending family violence is everyone's business - Poster
Ask. Listen. Believe. Poster

Get in touch

If you have any questions about Are You Safe at Home? Day and the resources within our communications toolkit, get in touch with Safe and Equal.

For more information, please visit www.areyousafeathome.org.au. 


For confidential information, counselling and support for both victim survivors and their loved ones, contact 1800 RESPECT (24 hours a day, 7 days a week). 

For Victorians who need family violence crisis support, contact Safe Steps on 1800 015 188 (24 hours a day, 7 days a week).   

For people who are using violence who want to get help, contact the Men’s Referral Service on 1300 766 491.   

Page last updated Tuesday, May 7 2024


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Resources to support your Values-Based Messaging from PreventX 2024

Resources to support your Values-Based Messaging from PreventX 2024

Tuesday 16 April 2024

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In our primary prevention work, the ability to craft and deliver messages that resonate deeply with the community is key. At PreventX 2024, we delved into the heart of this crucial practice, exploring how values-based messaging can drive long-term, sustainable change in the addressing family and gender-based violence.

The conference theme, “Messaging for a Movement,” underscored the central role of effective communication in shaping attitudes, behaviours, and societal norms.

Attendees were immersed in a range of panels and discussions, each offering unique insights into effective messaging. From broad public campaigns to targeted initiatives, and from community engagement to advocacy at all levels of government, the conversations illuminated the multifaceted nature of messaging for prevention.

The feedback from attendees echoed the resonance of these discussions. One participant remarked on the value of hearing from a truly diverse range of panellists, emphasising how common themes strengthened their understanding of effective messaging strategies. Another highlighted the positive, upbeat tone of the conference, appreciating the inclusion of often-overlooked voices from faith communities.

In an effort to share knowledge and to continue the conversation from PreventX 2024, below is a series of resources shared by speakers and facilitators during the conference. These materials provide an insight into the wealth of insights, strategies, and experiences shared and discussed throughout the event.

Resources shared at PreventX: Messaging for a Movement

We have categorised resources based on the PreventX 2024 session topics: 

Cross-cutting Resources for Prevention and Values-Based Messaging 


Campaigning for Change 


Managing Resistance and Backlash 


Ethical Storytelling with Victim Survivors 


Working with Communities in Primary Prevention 


Messaging Across Social Justice Movements 


Primary Prevention Across Settings  


Financial Safety 

Page last updated Tuesday, April 16 2024


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PreventX: How we can prevent family and gender-based violence right now

PreventX: How we can prevent family and gender-based violence right now

Tue 2 April 2024

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As part of the PreventX 2024 conference, Safe and Equal hosted an in-person event for participants to pitch their innovative solutions and visions for the future of prevention in Australia. The below is a transcript of the welcome and introduction provided by Marina Carman, Executive Director of Primary Prevention.

I’d like to welcome you all here tonight on behalf of Safe and Equal. We hope that you enjoyed the last two days of the PreventX conference. We’re really pleased to be able to present this in-person event as part of the conference.

We’re here tonight to hear some wonderful pitches from practitioners about the next big things in primary prevention. But just to warm up the stage, I wanted to start by giving my own three-minute pitch – about why working in prevention is something that more people should do.

So, here goes:

Are you passionate about changing the world?

Do you want to end family and gender-based violence?

Well – imagine getting paid to do all that!

You’ll get to work with some amazing people, who are committed to social change, just like you. And we’re a bunch who really like interaction, and lots of it – conferences, events, networking, meetings – actually, maybe a few too many meetings.

Anyway, it’s a good thing – because we’re up and out there all the time, changing minds and changing systems that enable violence. You can join the Partners in Prevention network, and a bunch of others like the MAV network and regional women’s health partnerships. So really, you’ll never feel alone – and you won’t be able to escape a community of practice, even if you try.

I’m not going to kid you – it’s not always an easy job. You’ll end up in rooms where you hear attitudes and opinions that make you wither on the inside. You’ll be told that we’re all equal now, so why do women keep complaining? You’ll be told men have it so hard these days, because they have to worry about consent.

Your difficult job is to be curious and delve further to see if you can shift those ideas.

Sometimes, you have to give up and move on. But so often you’ll see the attitudes shift as people realise that there’s a different and better way to look at things. And don’t worry – we’ll arm you with lots of cool statistics, messaging strategies, and a few handy legal and regulatory frameworks. Plus, we have this really great national framework called Change the Story, and a bunch of evidence-based frameworks specifically for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities, women living with disability, LGBTIQ+ communities, and refugee and migrant communities. And we’ll word you up on all the technical bits – like drivers and socio-ecological models and stuff like that.

It might seem a bit complicated – but don’t be phased. Upstream drivers are really simple: you change ideas and you change society so that violence is no longer a choice. It takes a long time, but you get to see change every day, in small ways – and that’s the best bit.

There are so many choices about where you can do this work. There’s schools, councils, workplaces, universities and TAFEs. There’s family violence services, sexual violence services, women’s health services, sexual health services, community services, and many more. We’re all across the state and the country – not just metro – and we work with and for a range of communities. You can be a trainer, policy officer, group facilitator, network convenor, project manager, and so many more.

Many of us describe ending up in prevention as ‘an accident’, so you won’t be out of place. We come from lots of different backgrounds: public health and health promotion, international development, communications, political science, even some theatre and fine art majors (you’ll be able to pick those ones). Also, it’s a growth industry. More and more people are choosing prevention.

So get into it, and give it a go!

Page last updated Tuesday, April 2 2024


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Invest in women – accelerate progress

Invest in women – accelerate progress

Friday 8 March 2024

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This International Women’s Day, Safe and Equal welcomes the UN theme to invest in women for their economic empowerment.

We know that women’s access to financial independence, jobs and education are vital to escaping family and gender-based violence, and rebuilding their lives.

We also know women are more likely to be safe if their independence and control over decision-making is valued and supported.

Our work is part of a global movement to ensure that everyone is safe – in their homes, on the streets, and in all aspects of their lives. We stand with all women – including women living in contexts of war and disaster, and First Nations women who continue to face racism and marginalisation as the result of ongoing colonisation.

This International Women’s Day, we will continue our efforts to contribute a world without family and gender-based violence for all women.

Page last updated Friday, March 8 2024


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Ending the cycle of family violence, poverty, and homelessness

Ending the cycle of family violence, poverty, and homelessness

Parity Magazine – Poverty and Homelessness Edition

October 2023

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This article was published in Council to Homeless Persons’ Parity: “Poverty and Homelessness” October 2023 Edition.

Authors: Tania Farha, CEO, Safe and Equal

Key contributors: Ella Longhurst, Policy and Research Officer; Kim Hay, Policy Advisor; and Melanie Scammell, Media and Communications Advisor.

Over the last few years in Victoria, we’ve seen enormous shifts in the way we respond to family violence. Eight years on from the Royal Commission into Family Violence, there have been significant improvements in areas such as risk assessment and management, information sharing and family violence legislation.

However, when it comes to improvements in recovery initiatives – specifically, economic well-being and housing for victim survivors – we still have a long way to go. 

Financial security and safe, accessible housing are two of the most critical pillars in the journey to recovery from family violence. Without them, victim survivors often find themselves trapped, unable to safely escape their perpetrator and rebuild their lives without risking poverty and homelessness. 

These experiences of family violence, poverty and homelessness are inextricably linked and cyclical, impacting a victim survivor in multiple, overlapping ways.  

For many victim survivors, economic abuse features prominently in their lives. Its prevalence is high, with some research suggesting it occurs in some form in around 50 to 90 per cent of cases. According to the Australian Bureau of Statistics’ 2022 Personal Safety Survey1, one in six Australian women (around 1.6 million) have experienced economic abuse by a partner. This can include things like denying access to household funds, stopping a victim survivor from earning their own money, or controlling all spending and financial decisions. 

The impact of economic abuse on a victim survivor’s financial security and independence is significant and can impact them in a myriad of ways, even after separating from the perpetrator. I’ve seen many cases where a perpetrator has incurred enormous debts in a victim survivors’ name, hidden assets, or weaponised court systems to keep their victim in debt or in poverty. The impacts of this economic and systems abuse can be extreme and are not just economic – they can also impact Family Court proceedings or custody arrangements, further traumatising a victim survivor and her children. 

These tactics are so successfully weaponised by perpetrators because they keep a victim survivor in a constant state of economic distress and fear, and with no money and nowhere else to go, forces them to be financially dependent on and unable to safely leave their perpetrator. 

Financial and economic abuse thrives because of the significant economic inequity that exists more broadly for women. Rigid gender stereotypes that prioritise cis-male privilege and authority are designed to keep women and other marginalised groups in entrenched and inescapable poverty. Women continue to remain disproportionately in lower-paid occupations, and in part-time or casual work.2 They also experience significant pay discrimination, being paid less on average for the same full-time roles across every industry and occupation in Australia.3  

Concerningly, 30 per cent of retired women have no personal income, compared to 7 per cent of men.4 As a result, older single women are now the fastest growing cohort of people experiencing homelessness,5 many of whom are victim survivors of family violence. 

Unfortunately, for people who experience additional forms of structural oppression due to race, disability, age, sexuality, or socio-economic status, the risk of poverty and homelessness is even higher. The risk further increases for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities, who are further disadvantaged by ongoing institutional and systemic racism and discrimination. 

The ability to achieve financial equality is an essential component of any individual’s economic wellbeing and independence, and, for victim survivors, is crucial in enabling a safe exit and long-term recovery from abuse. A key part of this is having access to safe and affordable housing options.  

However, the current state of housing in Australia is putting even more strain on people experiencing family violence, with a critical lack of suitable housing and crisis accommodation available. This is well known by our state and federal governments yet has reached crisis levels, with family violence now the leading cause of homelessness for women and children in Australia.6 

In Victoria, our dedicated refuge system can only support around 160 households, meaning hundreds of victim survivors, including children, end up being placed in unsafe and unsuitable motel accommodation, many for weeks at a time. I recall a specialist family violence service deeply concerned about a victim survivor they were supporting who had been placed in unsafe motel accommodation with her children for more than 50 days. While the service was doing everything they could to support their client, without a place to call home, there was little hope of moving beyond crisis interventions and into recovery.  

Beyond refuge and crisis accommodation, Australians across the board are feeling the impacts of a deeply unsustainable housing system – and these issues are exacerbated for people experiencing family violence. With private rental properties prohibitively expensive and a social housing system buckling under significant demand and long wait times (despite family violence being a factor for prioritisation), there is little to no access for victim survivors. This leaves many with an impossible choice: do they remain in an abusive home, or do they escape and face homelessness?  

Additionally, even if a victim survivor is supported to remain in their own home, the absence of affordable housing options can mean their perpetrator is unable to find suitable accommodation, making them more likely to attempt to return and perpetrate abuse. 

Without immediate government action and investment into bolstering the systems and structures that are meant to support victim survivors to escape abuse, develop economic freedom and recover from violence, these cycles will never be broken. 

This is not new information – our sectors have been fiercely advocating for these changes for decades. While there have been wins, we are yet to see the bold and brave long-term initiatives and investment to make meaningful and lasting change.  

What is needed? Firstly, we need to address the ongoing housing crisis in this country. We need an immediate increase to crisis accommodation capacity, mandates to support victim survivors to access affordable private rentals, ongoing investment into initiatives that enable and support victim survivors to remain safe in their homes (and housing options for perpetrators of violence), and significant investment in and prioritisation of the development of more social housing properties. 

We also need an immediate overhaul of our social security system to ensure it is respectful, accessible and inclusive. This means increasing social security payments beyond the poverty line with a particular focus on parenting payments for single mothers and those on job seeker, eliminating cruel and punitive compliance and mutual obligation measures for victim survivors, and eliminating additional barriers to accessing financial support for women on temporary visas, who are ineligible for many existing income and housing support initiatives.  

Finally, we need substantive structural change to disrupt the gender pay gap and workforce inequality, including increased wages for female dominated industries, and initiatives to support victim survivors to find meaningful and long-term employment. 

Every victim survivor deserves the right to live a life free from violence. To have that chance, they must be supported to reach economic independence, financial security, and have access to safe, long-term housing options. Otherwise, many will be forced to remain in unsafe and potentially fatal relationships to avoid a lifetime cycle of poverty and homelessness.  


  1. Australian Bureau of Statistics 2021–22, Personal Safety Australia, https://www.abs.gov.au/statistics/people/crime-and-justice/personal-safety-australia/latest-release
  2. Morgan A and Boxall H 2022, ‘Economic Security and Intimate Partner Violence in Australia During the COVID-19 Pandemic’, ANROWS, http://anrowsdev.wpenginepowered.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/01/Economic-insecurityand-IPV-during-the-C19-RR2.pdf
  3. Workplace Gender Equality Agency 2021, The ABS Data Gender Pay Gap, https://www.wgea.gov.au/data-statistics/ABS-gender-pay-gapdata#:~:text=Australia’s%20national%20gender%20pay%20gap,earned%2C%20women%20earned%2087%20cents
  4. Australian Bureau of Statistics 2020, ‘Retirement and Retirement Intentions, Australia’, https://www.abs.gov.au/statistics/labour/employment-and-unemployment/retirement-and-retirement-intentionsaustralia/latest-release#income-at-retirement
  5. Australian Institute of Health and Welfare 2022, Specialist Homelessness Services Annual report 2021–22, https://www.aihw.gov.au/reports/homelessness-services/specialisthomelessness-services-annual-report
  6. Council to Homeless Persons 2022, Homelessness and Domestic and Family Violence, https://chp.org.au/wp-content/uploads/2022/06/Homelessness-and-Domestic-and-Family-Violence.pdf

Page last updated Thursday, January 18 2024


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Nurturing hope during the 16 Days of Activism

Nurturing Hope

during the 16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence

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⏲️ Reading time: approx 15 minutes

🎧 This piece includes audio and video (with transcripts) from our hopeful contributors.

To maintain a movement, we need hope. And this movement, to end family and gender-based violence, is one we must work to maintain hope for.

It is preventable. We can get there. Working together to individually and collectively maintain hope is crucial in our efforts to create a world free from family and gender-based violence, where everyone is safe, thriving and respected.

We are not meant to do this work alone, nor are we required to rely on self-care and individual resilience…in moments when hope is hard to grasp, it is possible to borrow the hope of others.

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Vikki Reynolds


The 16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence is an annual international campaign that takes place from 25 November (the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women) to 10 December (International Human Rights Day). 

Throughout the campaign, communities across the globe engage in a range of activities, events and advocacy efforts to draw attention to the prevalence of gender-based violence, and to promote initiatives that work towards its eradication. 

To commemorate this year’s campaign, we wanted to explore the concept of hope in family violence work. To support this, we asked colleagues from across the sector to share what hope looks like to them, and how they maintain hope in their work to end family and gender-based violence. 

This article centres the personal stories and experiences of many different people, who have varied feelings and opinions about hope. We want to acknowledge that the work we all do can be hard – and for many, the world feels particularly heavy right now. It’s our intention for this piece to serve as an act of collective care and for it to exist beyond the 16 Days of Activism, to help us continue our mission to end family and gender-based violence. 

In late 2022, the Centre Against Violence facilitated an art program with survivors of family and sexual violence. Over the course of a year, participants worked with therapists and artists to produce works of art that gave voice to their experiences and celebrated their strength. When it came time to exhibit the works at a local gallery in the Ovens Murray region of Victoria in August of this year, opening night was quickly booked out. 

“The hope in the room was incredible,” reflects Centre Against Violence CEO, Jaime Chubb. “All the artwork showed experiences of intense sadness, isolation, and trauma – yet all of the women who created them were strong and excited for the future.” 

For those who attended the exhibition, many of whom work exclusively in the crisis space, being able to step back and see what recovery could look like was a powerful – and hopeful – experience. 

“Seeing this allowed me to remember that ‘recovery’ isn’t just about becoming safe or moving on from the violence,” says Jaime. “Recovery can actually be about learning how to live with the story and the memories, and building a life that acknowledges the experiences and celebrates the enormous strength it took to survive.” 

Advocacy work in the family and gender-based violence space is a journey marked by highs and lows, victories and setbacks. Achieving long-term structural and societal change can often be challenging, and at times, progress feels frustratingly slow. As individuals, seeking out and maintaining a sense of hope in our work is not just important, but crucial. Sometimes, it is the only thing that gets us out of bed, out the door, and keeps us here when things get tough – which can be often. 

Nurturing and maintaining hope in our efforts to address family and gender-based violence is an active pursuit. The things we see and experience that remind us that the outcomes we are working towards are possible and worth continuing to fight for are uniquely individual. 

Hope stretches beyond expressions of unconstrained optimism, beyond passively waiting for the world to improve. It does not exist in isolation, nor to placate or minimise the very real despair, anguish and frustration experienced by those advocating for meaningful change, and by those who are subject to multiple and intersecting layers of systemic marginalisation and discrimination. Conversely, hope is often driven by these feelings – as an inner rebellion, a way for us to channel our emotions into action. Hope can be angry. It can be fierce. It can be an act of defiance against detractors. 

Hope doesn’t preclude feeling sadness or frustration or anger or any other emotion that makes total sense. Hope isn’t an emotion, you know? Hope is not optimism. Hope is a discipline… we have to practice it every single day.

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Mariame Kaba

American activist, grassroots organiser and educator

Listen to Safe and Equal life member Keran Howe on finding hope in the collective:

Read the transcript
Keran Howe: “Knowing we’re part of a chain that stretches back through the history of women’s wisdom and persistence in the struggle for justice. And that will stretch forward, as other women continue with passion – and compassion. That gives me a certainty of what’s possible, if we keep on working together to build a better, fairer, safer world.”

Individual experiences of hope within family and gender-based violence advocacy do not exist in a vacuum. Each moment, each experience, each choice made to maintain and nurture hope is interconnected, an expertly woven tapestry driven by what has been, and what can be. 

The movement to eliminate family and gender-based violence in Australia as it exists today is informed by a long line of people who have come before us; individuals and groups who sought to radically change the way Australia viewed family and gender-based violence. These change-makers – from the grassroots activists who created Australia’s first women’s refuges in the 1960s and 1970s, to the First Nations and LGBTIQA+ activists still working to dismantle the significant discrimination and marginalisation their communities experience to this day – form a collective that spans generations and will continue far beyond our lifetimes.  

For Joe Ball, CEO of Switchboard, hope stems from reflecting on this rich history of collective advocacy, and all that has been achieved against incredible odds. 

“Change is always possible,” he says. “I know this because I have witnessed so much change for the better in my own lifetime for LGBTIQA+ people. I am a huge fan of history, and it tells us that even things that seem like completely intractable structures can crumble; whether that is the Berlin Wall or discrimination against transgender people. If it is built and controlled by people, then it can be transformed.” 

In outer-western Melbourne, this idea of change and transformation is very real for Djirra, an Aboriginal Community Controlled Organisation providing support to Aboriginal people who have experienced family violence. Earlier this year, Djirra opened the doors of Djirra in the West, a service located in Melton – which has the highest rates of family violence incidents in north-west Melbourne. 

For Antoinette Braybrook, CEO of Djirra, the launch was a full circle moment – and a reiteration that change is always possible. “[My] family has been in the Melton area for more than 50 years. We were the first – and only – Aboriginal family for many years,” says Antionette. “Today, this western corridor is the fastest growing Aboriginal population, [yet] here was a clear gap in dedicated, culturally safe services for our people. We knew the demand was there in the west – and that meant Djirra [had to] be there too.” 

For the team at Djirra, opening the Melton space is the first step in expanding services across Victoria, and ultimately, forms part of their aim of transforming the lives of Aboriginal women across the state. This idea of the potential to work together for transformation – no matter how complex, or how slow moving – isas a driver of why we do the work that is echoed by many. 

“Over the years, I have realised that in order to create a new and better world, we cannot only focus on what needs to be dismantled, but [we must find] ways of mobilising and working together to imagine what we will build in its place,” says Maria Dimopoulos, Board Chair of Safe and Equal. 

“Like so many around me during the late 1980s and early 1990s, I joined the feminist movement and; dedicating myself to raising diverse voices that could attest to the histories, strength, resilience, endurance, vision, and survival that are part of the experiences of migrant and refugee women,” says Maria. 

“When migrant and refugee women are involved and their voices truly heard, they change the face of gender and intersectional equality. They alter assumptions, expand horizons and push boundaries.” 

It is this incredible sense of the collective that so often fosters hope. It is the feeling we are a part of something bigger than our individual selves and experiences; and that, as a connected force, real change is possible. This spreads far and wide: across communities, across the sector and across the continuum, from prevention, to early intervention, to response and recovery. 

“Our community experienced a homicide of a woman recently,” says Margaret Augerinos, CEO of the Centre for Non-Violence. “This was tragic and extremely distressing for many… [but] coming together during a community vigil to express our collective grief also supported us to express hope that gendered violence is preventable. 

We left with a concrete understanding that we are not alone; that we all have a part to play… that we all can take efforts to inform and influence others around us,” she describes. “Out of tragedy came understanding, hope and renewed commitment to working together.” 

“As practitioners working to prevent family and gender-based violence, we’re in the business of social change – and this isn’t an easy business,” says Marina Carman, Executive Director of Primary Prevention at Safe and Equal. “But wow, you meet some great people…and what gives me hope is seeing all those little lightbulb moments – both for ourselves and the people we’ve changed – and knowing each one is part of a growing sea of lights.” 

“I am extremely moved by the unlikely heroes, the underdogs, the people who speak up when they have everything to lose,” says Joe Ball. “The first person who dissents to injustice, the survivor who seeks to remedy a system that failed them, the family member who dedicates their life to change after their loved one is killed, the person who doesn’t want vengeance, even when they have every reason to. I look at all these people and I am filled with hope that human beings can be miraculous, especially – or perhaps because of – the darkest times.” 

[Hope is] intersectional feminism, recognising the power of victim survivors in their hopes, resistance and collective strength.

Through amplifying diverse voices and fostering solidarity, we can together work towards a society that values social justice and wellbeing for all, dismantling oppressive structures in the process.

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Bree Hewatt

Practice Development Leader
Berry Street

When we step back to look at the wider picture, it’s clear we’ve come a long way. There have been incredible changes to the way Australia recognises and responds to family and gender-based violence in the last few decades – and particularly, in the last eight years. 

Despite this, we know much more needs to be done – as a collective, and particularly for those who are trying to nurture hope amongst incredible oppression and marginalisation. 

“Even with the failed referendum, I still have hope for change,” says Antoinette Braybrook. “Our women are strong, courageous and resilient, and deserve better. This is why Djirra creates spaces where women’s business and collective wisdom can be celebrated, where there’s strength and healing in cultural identity. And most of all, where women are self-determining individually and collectively.” 

“It’s important to not lose sight of the appalling rates of violence against Aboriginal women,” adds Antoinette. “But where the hope comes is that we have the solutions, and we have the wisdom to make real change.” 

“Elizabeth Morgan House was established by strong and staunch Aboriginal women,” says Kalina Morgan-Whyman, CEO of Elizabeth Morgan House. “We strive to honour them every day in our work to uphold the rights of women and children to live a life free from violence,” she adds. 

“We have a commitment to providing the space and support so every woman can heal and not be defined by acts against them, outside of their control.” 

Watch Nadia Mattiazzo, CEO of Women with Disabilities Victoria, share what makes her hopeful in her work: 

Read the transcript
Nadia Mattiazzo: “What makes me hopeful in my work, and it’s a recent development, is the release of the Royal Commission Report – the Disability Royal Commission. We spent a number of years listening to and hearing the stories of women with disabilities speaking to the people and to the commission, and now we have their stories out there in the community as part of the report. I think it’s a really good opportunity for the nation to come together, and to implement the recommendations of the report, as opposed to individual states or individual sectors of individual states trying to do small pieces of work. I’m really looking forward to what the recommendations – and the implementation of those recommendations – hold.”

For disability rights activist and Safe and Equal life member Keran Howe, hope comes from working within an ever expanding and evolving sector – one working to be more inclusive of all people who experience violence. 

Listen to Keran Howe: 

Read the transcript
Keran Howe: “Witnessing changes that we’ve created together. The greater knowledge that now exists about women with disabilities experiencing violence. The growing commitment of family violence services to open their doors and respond to women with disabilities and join us in addressing our rights.”

“Our work as allies must always be grounded in humility, collaboration, and accountability,” says Maria Dimopoulos. “In our spheres of influence, we need to interrupt social and political injustice by challenging the practices and policies that protect privilege and keep it in place.” 

“We can use our own privilege to ensure that power is more equitably shared,” says Maria. “We can shine a light on every program, every action and endeavour we are engaged in, asking: Whose voices are being sought out and heard? Who decides what is important, right, beautiful, true, and valued?” 

“Hope in action is working with other specialists, protecting that moment in time when a victim survivor reports family violence.

In that moment, she is believed, she matters. Nothing is more important than her safety. In the crisis response bubble, we are left wanting equality and safety more than ever before for those who report – and for those who never will.”

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Rhonda Cumberland

On For Change

The things that keep us engaged in family and gender-based violence advocacy are as wide and varied as the things that brought us to the sector in the first place. For many, being able to recognise the connections between the impacts of our day-to-day work and the bigger, broader picture of long-term structural change is where hope lies. 

“[It’s] being able to see positive changes in the lives of the women and children we work with,” says Kalimna Andy, Manager of Family Violence Services at Elizabeth Morgan House. 

“I am inspired by the resilience and strength displayed by our women and feel honoured they trust myself and Elizabeth Morgan House to walk along-side them to overcome the many advertises they face.” 

Nicole Du Toit, Advanced Family Violence Practice Leader at WAYSS, agrees. 

Watch Nicole Du Toit share what keeps her hopeful in her work: 

Read the transcript
Nicole Du Toit: “What keeps me hopeful in my work is the ability to have an impact on women and/or children’s lives. Whether that be from the crisis point, to recovery, it’s enabling women to have that self-determination and autonomy to make choices in their lives, to have control over where they go or how they keep themselves safe…that’s often taken away from them. And sometimes, it’s finding those little wins or silver linings that you are having a lot of change.”

For Pania Craik, Team Leader of Family Violence at Quantum Support Services, hope comes from the strength and resilience of victim survivors. 

“When women and children first come into our service, we often experience the hope that they are holding onto – the hope to live a life free of family violence and its impacts,” says Pania. “[As we begin] walking alongside someone in their journey, we often see that hope turn into empowerment – and that is why we do what we do.” 

“For me, the hope usually comes from children and young people,” says Jaime Chubb. “[The] best moments involve seeing them smile, their excitement at finding out they get a house, their resilience to start again, their ability to still love and forgive,” she says.

“My office sits next to our reception area – the difference to a young person’s demeanour when they are greeted and treated with respect and compassion still gives me goosebumps.” 

When survivor advocate Conor Pall had the opportunity to speak at this year’s Walk Against Family Violence in Melbourne, he chose to focus on hope – and the meaningful action required to turn hope into real change for victim survivors.  

“Hope is weaved throughout our stories,” said Conor. “It was in every submission to the Royal Commission into Family Violence seven years ago. Victim survivors wrote in in the hundreds – sharing stories of survival and the failings of the system. 

“Each story was different – but each was bound by a common thread – hope. This hope lives within every one of us… a story. A principle – that everyone has the right to safety and freedom. Freedom from violence, safety from the people who use it, [and the] space to heal and recover from its impacts.” 

Listen to survivor advocate Marie Allen on what hope means to her: 

Read the transcript
Marie Allen: “Being a survivor of family violence, the hope for action in that was when I finally had enough of the family violence, and how I could see it was ruining my health, destroying the development and growth of my daughters, and everything felt like we were walking with a big, dirty, dark cloud over us. Having the strength to take that hopeful action to get away…my hands couldn’t stop shaking, my body shouldn’t stop shaking, but I kept moving forward to deliver that action – to escape from family violence. It was so, so difficult. But that’s where that hope and taking action for that hope worked for me.”

We’ve always gotta remember, being a survivor of family violence, it’s always there, but at the end, we always find a way to move on. The scars will always be there, but we always find ways to move on, and look for more hope, and action that hope.

Listen to Keran Howe:

Read the transcript
Keran Howe: “I’ve worked for many years in the areas of preventing and responding to violence against women. What’s made me hopeful? Well, I guess a certain amount of questionable optimism has kept me hoping and working for change, year in, year out. And, of course, working with women who are faced with crushing situations – but are not crushed – and who keep on trying to make things better for themselves and their children.”

Nurturing hope when things are hard

This work is hard. Working to challenge gender inequality and the deeply ingrained beliefs and behaviours that allow this violence to thrive is hard. Working to support victim survivors in an underfunded and overwhelmed system is hard. Sharing lived experiences of violence to advocate for change is hard. These barriers can be incredibly overwhelming – particularly when it’s difficult to see progress. Finding – and nurturing – hope during these times can not only feel challenging, but impossible. 

But if we have learnt anything from our time with colleagues during this year’s 16 Days of Activism, hope is always there – we just need to be deliberate about how we seek it out. We can adjust what it looks like in any given moment or any given context. And if others are struggling to see it, we can take the opportunity to share it. 

Hear from Nadia Mattiazzo:

Read the transcript
“There are often instances when it’s really hard to feel hopeful, or to acknowledge hope. I find that there is hope everywhere, so even if you are working within a space…there is something small that happens that gives you hope. You run with that, you pick that up, you encourage that. You talk about that to other people you acknowledge that to the individual or the group. I think that then sets continuing hope.”

The idea of recognising and celebrating each step forward – even if painfully slow – is pivotal to nurturing hope when things are hard, says Margaret Augerinos. 

“It is important to acknowledge change is slow and incremental,” she says. “Honouring hope in a small way is also about honouring intention. Even if change is slow to come, we do our work with a strong belief that what we do matters and makes a difference.” 

“For me hope sometimes needs to be an action,” says Jaime Chubb. “I feel more hopeful when I feel like we a moving forward – even if it’s in a tiny way.”  

“Fostering hope within the challenging context of family violence is undoubtedly difficult, but my commitment to a holistic approach is key to supporting the women on their healing journey,” says Kalimna Andy. 

“Taking a holistic perspective recognizes that healing is a multifaceted process, addressing not only the immediate challenges of violence but also the broader aspects of well-being, cultural connectedness, social and emotional support.” 

Keran Howe believes hope can be found in reflection – looking back and recognising how far we’ve come, and the systemic changes that have occurred as a result of decades of fierce advocacy.  

Listen to Keran Howe:

Read the transcript
Keran Howe: “Seeing the reforms that we’ve effected – that fires my belief that change does happen, even if it is so slow and sometimes feels like we are going backwards.”

Watch Nicole Du Toit: 

Read the transcript
Nicole Du Toit: “I think you honour hope in small ways by finding the silver lining, finding the small win. Anything positive that comes out of it should be the way you honour the hope and continue to do what you do.”

Looking to those we advocate alongside – nurturing hope as part of a collective – is also pivotal. Margaret Augerinos finds a sense of hope in new or emerging advocates. 

“[It’s] seeing and experiencing the passion and commitment that young people entering our sector have for ending gendered violence and working towards social equality,” she says. “The future is bright.” 

Jaime Chubb agrees. “Honouring hope also means seeing the people in our work – it can become overwhelming to only see the big picture of family violence all the time,” she says. 

For Pania Craik, being part of the collective also means being a source of hope for those who need it. 

“I sometimes remind myself that we could be the last bit of hope others have,” she says. “One quote I love reads, ‘Don’t lose hope: when the sun goes down, the stars come out’, and I think this would resonate with a lot of people.” 

Stories from survivors give me hope – their resilience, their hope for the future, their strength.

Thinking about future generations, and how they might view gender, power and intersectionality differently … the fact that change is always possible, and that in times of crisis there is the possibility of real shifts and structural changes too.

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Sessional Advisor
Safe and Equal

Creating meaningful change through family and gender-based violence advocacy is a long game – far beyond our lifetimes. There’s no denying the work is hard, and keeping hope alive can be difficult. But it’s important to remember that hope is often found in unexpected places. It’s in the smallest of moments, in the tiniest of wins. It’s in leaning into the collective as a form of self-care. 

“We honour hope in our sector when we defend specialisation, when we practice solidarity, when we disagree, when we listen to our BS radar, when we laugh at the same thing, when we advocate harder, when we persist,” says Rhonda Cumberland. 

Keeping hope alive is something we can focus on individually and collectively. We also need our systems and governments to come to the table and contribute to the momentum of collective hope. Keeping family and gender-based violence on the agenda with adequate funding, workforce pathways and support, ensures we can continue to do this critical work and maintain our hope within that.

“We cannot forget how much the pursuit for safety costs victim survivors; costs us, as a nation,” says Conor Pall. 

“We need our government to continue its bold leadership post-Royal Commission”, he says. Yes, the 227 recommendations have been acquitted. Yes, we have made so much progress. But people are still experiencing violence at rates higher than before. Our work is not done. We need to continue the momentum we have created.”  

Momentum from our nation’s leaders, combined with the momentum in our own work, from primary prevention and early intervention through to response and recovery, is critical to realising our collective vision of ending family and gender-based violence. 

“I think for our work, hope needs to be really broad,” says Jaime Chubb. “Its heavy to spend your day thinking about and responding to some of the worst things that humans can do to each other.” 

“But there are so many beautiful and hopeful moments in the world, we should take the time to focus on them in our work. We also need to maintain the hope for our own lives – our families and children, our friends, our communities.” 

 A very big thank you to all who generously contributed their thoughts and wisdom to this piece, and to our broader 16 Days of Activism social media campaign. Alongside these contributions, ‘Nurturing Hope’ was written and curated by Melanie Scammell, Media and Communications Advisor at Safe and Equal. 

Page last updated Thursday, December 7 2023


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Is someone you know in an abusive relationship? Here’s 6 things you can do.

Is someone you know in an abusive relationship? Here’s 6 things you can do.

Friday 8 September 2023

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With 1 in 4 women in Australia having experienced physical, sexual or emotional abuse by a current or former partner since the age of 15*, the chances of you knowing someone who has experienced family violence is high. But as individuals, it can be hard to know how to help. Safe and Equal CEO Tania Farha explains what family violence can look like and gives us 6 tips for supporting our loved ones who may be experiencing abuse.

This year, 35 women have already been killed by men’s violence in Australia^. This is unacceptable, and signals that we have a long way to go to eliminate family and gender-based violence in this country.  

For many of us, this can often feel overwhelming and frustrating. Why aren’t we doing more? Is it completely hopeless? Will this never end? 

But the reality is, it doesn’t have to be like this. Family violence is entirely preventable. And as individuals, we all have a part to play in preventing it. 

Of course, government plays a significant role. We need ongoing commitment and investment from all levels of government, to increase funding for the specialist family violence services who support victim survivors, and for prevention initiatives to stop violence before it starts. This is crucial. 

But as individuals, we also have an important role to play. 

Recently, I spoke to the team at Future Women as part of their outstanding podcast series, ‘There’s No Place Like Home.’ The series focuses on the warning signs of domestic violence, and what friends and family can look out for. 

As discussed in the podcast, for many victim survivors it is the people closest to them who will be the first to notice something isn’t right. It is these people – the best mates, the work colleagues, the next-door neighbours – who are in a unique position to offer support and make a difference. 

Maybe you’ve seen some concerning signs, things that feel like red flags. But maybe you don’t know what to say, or how to help.  

The first thing I would say is don’t ignore that instinct. Chances are, your gut is right.  

But what if you’re not sure it’s family violence? 


Family violence isn’t just physical abuse. 

Family violence can take many forms – physical, emotional, financial – and it’s common for a victim survivor to experience several of these.   

But there’s one term that people have been talking about a lot lately, and that is coercive control. 

Coercive control is a phrase that has become more commonly used in recent years but can be tricky to understand. Basically, coercive control is a pattern of abusive behaviours and tactics used by a perpetrator to gain power and control over a victim survivor. 

Some examples of how coercive control can manifest in many different and overlapping include: 

  • Isolating someone from their family and friends  
  • Controlling what someone wears 
  • Gaslighting, constant criticism and humiliation  
  • Jealous and possessive behaviours, like constantly accusing someone of cheating or being flirtatious 

Because abusers can be very good at hiding or masking their behaviour, coercive control can be quite difficult to clearly define or see from the outside. It can be as subtle as a look or a word. An action that seems harmless on the surface can cause a victim survivor to feel incredibly fearful. It’s this feeling of fear that an abuser will use as a way to exert control.  

So – you’ve noticed something is wrong and you want to do something about it. But what do you do? 


1. Start small.

One of the most common things we hear from friends or family members is that they are really worried about their loved one but have no idea how to bring it up. Much of this fear is rooted in feeling like they’ll say the wrong thing, that they’ll upset the person or cause them to retreat.  

While this can be a risk, it’s really important to say something if you are concerned. Abusers are banking on everybody staying silent and looking the other way. It’s this silence that allows the violence to thrive.  

You can start small by finding a time to talk with them alone, in-person, and preferably out of their own home, in case their abuser is using spyware to monitor them. Invite them for a walk or to your place for a coffee. 

It can be awkward to start the conversation, so I’d suggest checking in with them. You can ask how they’re feeling, or how things are going at home. If you feel ready, you can gently share some of the things that have been worrying you. Some examples include: 

“I’ve noticed [your partner] calls and texts you a lot, and you seem stressed when you’re talking to him. Is everything okay?” 

“I’ve been worried about you. I’ve noticed some things in your relationship that are concerning me. Can we talk about it?”  

Even if the conversation doesn’t go the way you planned, at the very least you have planted a seed. Your friend will know that someone is noticing what is going on, and cares about their well-being. 


2. Boost their confidence. 

Perpetrators of family violence are experts at eroding a victim’s self-esteem, to the point where they might feel like they deserve the abuse, or that what’s happening to them is normal. 

Think about it this way – if someone is constantly putting you down and making you feel worthless, eventually you might start to believe it. Over time it can become extremely difficult for a victim to see clearly that what is happening to them is not okay, and that it’s not their fault. 

I like to tell friends and family members who are worried that their biggest job is to bring some of that confidence and self-worth back – so the person experiencing family violence can start to see that they deserve a life free from abuse.  

That seems like a big task, but it can be done in little ways. Remaining judgement-free and gently reminding the person that what is happening isn’t their fault is a good start. 

Tell them they’re important to you – that you care about them, and they don’t deserve what is happening to them.  

Even if they don’t believe you at first, over time these few small actions can make a huge difference. 


3. Don’t say, ‘why don’t you just leave?’ 

There are a few reasons for this.  

First and foremost – one of the most high-risk times for a victim survivor is just before and during the first few months after they leave a violent relationship. Women are at most risk of being killed or seriously injured during this time. It’s important that if your loved one wants to leave, they have a safety plan in place (more detail about this below). 

Additionally, part of building up someone’s confidence and self-esteem is to support them to take control of their choices and actions. The ability to make their own decisions is precisely what their abuser is taking away from them.  

Victim survivors know what they need to be safe, and they’re the experts in managing their own risk. Sometimes safety looks like remaining in the relationship with some supports in place, or until they can safely leave. 

While you might feel frustrated that your friend hasn’t immediately left the relationship, you need to trust that they know what’s best for them at that moment. 


4. Listen to what they need and offer practical support. 

It can be hard to not immediately jump in with suggestions of what you would do if you were in their shoes. But again – part of building up their confidence and self-esteem is listening and respecting their autonomy.  

Ask them, ‘what can I do to help?’, or ‘what do you need from me?’. 

Offer support with practical things, like childcare or running errands. This can give your friend the space to breathe and consider their next steps.  

Help them make a safety plan. It can include things like: 

  • A code word that they can use to let you know they need police assistance 
  • Teaching their children to run to a neighbour if the house isn’t safe, or how to dial 000 and ask for police 
  • An overnight bag filled with clothes, medications and copies of keys that they can grab if they need to leave quickly 
  • Keeping copies of their important documents at your house 

You can let them know about specialist family violence services that are available and offer to help them make contact. You can call national hotlines like 1800 RESPECT, or find a service in their local area. If you’re unsure of what services are available, a good place to start is the list of services on the Are You Safe At Home? website. 

If they’re employed, you can let them know they are entitled to 10 days paid domestic and family violence leave – this came into effect this year, and everybody is entitled to it, even casual employees. 


5. They don’t want to talk? Don’t push them. 

Talking about abuse is really hard. Unfortunately, there’s still a lot of shame and stigma that exists around family violence. There’s also a lot of fear – many victim survivors are terrified if they talk about the abuse, their perpetrator will find out. 

For whatever reason, if your friend isn’t ready to talk or acknowledge what is happening – this is okay. 

Don’t pressure them if they’re uncomfortable. Even though you might be really worried, or think you’re being helpful, you may inadvertently make them close off to you. 

If you sense it’s not the right time, or that they don’t want to talk, just let them know you care and you’ll be there when they’re ready. 


6. Look after yourself. 

There’s no way around it – this stuff is really hard and can take an emotional toll. It’s scary and upsetting to know someone you care about is being abused. It can feel overwhelming and draining. But remember – you’re not expected to ‘save’ your loved one or solve the family violence on your own. 

If you are feeling overwhelmed, there are services available to support friends and family members too. You can always call 1800 RESPECT or Lifeline if you need to talk. 

And if you’re not ready to bring up the family violence, that’s okay. Don’t underestimate the power of showing your loved one that you see them, they matter, and you care.  


If you or someone you know is in immediate danger, always call triple zero (000). 

If you or someone you know is experiencing family violence, there are services that can provide support and advice. 

For support across Australia, contact 1800 RESPECT (1800 737 732) or visit 1800respect.org.au 

For more information on support services in your state, visit Are You Safe At Home?.  

To learn more about the warning signs of domestic violence, and what you can be looking out for, listen to season two of Future Women’s podcast, There’s No Place Like Home. 

To learn more about how you can implement a tailored and accessible domestic and family violence leave policy in your workplace, check out Safe and Equal’s workplace family violence services. 

*Personal Safety Survey 2021-22, Australian Bureau of Statistics

^Destroy the Joint, 2023. NB: There is limited data available on family violence deaths, so this figure is likely higher. This figure also does not include children, several of whom we know have been killed due to men’s violence this year. 

Page last updated Friday, September 8 2023


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Safe and Equal supports the call for an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Voice to Parliament

Safe and Equal supports the call for an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Voice to Parliament

Tuesday 22 August 2023

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As the peak body for specialist family violence services in Victoria, Safe and Equal is committed to walking alongside Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander services and communities, and listening to what Aboriginal people say is needed to address inequality and injustice.

Ahead of the Voice to Parliament referendum this year, Safe and Equal stands in solidarity with First Nations peoples and supports the call for an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Voice to Parliament.  

We acknowledge and respect the diversity of viewpoints held by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people around the referendum and recognise the Uluru Statement of the Heart as one way forward, with voice one element of this. We support an Aboriginal Voice to Parliament alongside other meaningful action, including treaty negotiations, truth-telling processes, implementing the recommendations from the Royal Commission into Aboriginal Deaths in Custody, and funding Aboriginal Community Controlled Organisations adequately to meet the service and support needs of their communities. 

Safe and Equal respects First Nations people’s rights to self-determination and cultural safety. Now and always, we stand strongly opposed to racism, denial of history and wilful blindness to ongoing inequality and injustice. No matter the outcome of this referendum, we will continue to listen to, stand with and support Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people in their efforts towards justice, equality and control of their own lives and futures. 

Read our full statement on an Indigenous Voice to Parliament here. 


Want to learn more?  

Read more about the Voice to Parliament at Reconciliation Australia 

IndigenousX regularly publishes features and opinion pieces on the Voice to Parliament, from First Nations writers like Celeste Liddle and Vanessa Turnbull-Roberts. You can find all articles here. 

Read statements on the Voice to Parliament from the Victorian Aboriginal Child Care Agency, the Victorian Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisation, and Mallee District Aboriginal Services. 

Check out news coverage and explainers on the Voice to Parliament referendum from SBS News, The Guardian, The Conversation and ABC News. 

The Guardian Australia has launched a special podcast series on the referendum as part of their Full Story podcast feed, titled The Voice Ask Me Anything. Episodes are released fortnightly – you can find them all here. 

Page last updated Tuesday, August 22 2023


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Victorian Disability Family Violence Crisis Response Initiative

Victorian Disability Family Violence Crisis Response Initiative

Tuesday 20 June 2023

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The expansion of eligibility criteria means victims of family violence who have disability-related needs including mental health, chronic health or ageing issues or have a temporary injury resulting from family violence can now access the Disability Family Violence Crisis Response Initiative. Broader criteria means more support is available to more women and children, but the future is uncertain.

“When Henry was removed from the house it took eight weeks to get someone to come in and do something as basic as give me a shower. They removed my carer but didn’t put anything in place to back that up.”

– Witness statement of Melissa Brown, Royal Commission into Family Violence1

Women with disabilities are particularly at risk of violence because of their experience of discrimination on the basis of both disability and gender. Research shows that women with disabilities experience violence at a higher rate and for longer periods of time than women without disabilities2. In fact, over one-third of women with disabilities experience some form of intimate partner violence3. They also encounter significant barriers to receiving appropriate services and adequate justice responses to their experiences of violence4.

In cases where the woman’s intimate partner is her carer, reporting the violence means she faces losing disability supports in addition to experiencing violence. Moving to ensure safety has more implications for women with disabilities than for other women; it can mean changing support providers and requiring assistance to manage a new environment. Despite the greater risk of family violence and the level of supports required, women with disabilities are under-represented in the family violence system.

Since 2011, the Disability Family Violence Crisis Response Initiative (DFVCRI) has provided immediate crisis supports to women and children with a disability who are experiencing family violence. These practical supports include attendant care, equipment hire, Auslan interpreters and transport costs associated with a disability.

As Melissa Brown’s witness statement above to the Royal Commission into Family Violence (RCFV) demonstrates, access to the DFVCRI has been limited. In some cases, the woman’s disability didn’t fit the narrow definition in the Victorian Disability Act (2006) in others, increased awareness of the Initiative could have helped.

Fortunately, the RCFV recognised the need to make a specific recommendation to extend eligibility to a wider group of women and children whose disability fell outside the Act5. As a result, the DFVCRI can now assist women and children who are experiencing family violence and have disability related needs including mental health, chronic health or ageing issues or have a temporary injury resulting from family violence.

The fund was created due to a recognition that disability services are not designed to respond to crisis needs. While Victoria’s new Flexible Support Packages support disability services to respond to family violence needs, they can’t offer the dedicated disability advice and liaison available through the DFVCRI.

The Disability and Family Violence Liaison Officer is located at Safe Steps Family Violence Response Centre, and can help workers across the state assess whether a woman or child’s experience falls within the extended criteria for immediate supports. They can also provide secondary consultation and advise about longer term disability supports after the 12 week period, including flexible support packages. 

More information

Disability and Family Violence Liaison Officer, Safe Steps Family Violence Response Centre

Short-term funds can be provided for up to 12 weeks to a maximum of $9,000 per person. During this period, a family violence worker will work with the woman to develop a longer term plan to address the family violence risk.

1: http://www.rcfv.com.au/MediaLibraries/RCFamilyViolence/Statements/WIT-00… 2: Woodlock D, Healey L, Howe K, McGuire M, Geddes V and Granek S: Voices Against Violence Paper One: Summary Report and Recommendations (Women with Disabilities Victoria, Office of the Public Advocate and Domestic Violence Resource Centre Victoria, 2014): 3-4: Ibid; 5: Recommendation 178 states that “the Victorian Government extend eligibility for the Victorian Disability Family Violence Crisis Response to assist people with disabilities who are victims of family violence and are not eligible for services under the Disability Act 2006 (Vic) but who nevertheless require assistance. Such eligibility should apply when these individuals do not have access to alternative supports.” 


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Family violence a workplace issue for Are You Safe at Home? Day 2023

Family violence a workplace issue for Are You Safe at Home? Day 2023

Thursday 25 May 2023

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Violence against women impacts around one in six female workers, highlighting family violence as a critical workplace issue.

Established in 2020, Are You Safe at Home? is a national awareness raising initiative designed to break down the fear and stigma associated with talking about family violence by providing clear information about what to look out for, what supports are available, and how to start a conversation if you’re concerned someone you care about is experiencing abuse.    

Following the recent introduction of universal paid domestic and family violence leave across Australian workplaces, the focus of Are You Safe at Home? Day 2023 was to shine a spotlight on the significant role colleagues and employers can play in recognising and responding to family violence. 

This year, Are You Safe at Home? Day amplified the need for a cultural shift across all workplaces, to destigmatise conversations about family violence at work and to provide the tools and skills to recognise the signs of family violence and respond safely. To kick off the 2023 campaign, Safe and Equal CEO Tania Farha joined Future Women’s Sally Spicer for a conversation on Instagram Live to discuss Are You Safe at Home?, the crucial role workplaces can play, and tips for what to do and what not to do when starting a conversation about family violence. 

The panel discussion

Are You Safe at Home? Day Panel at EY

“It’s a human right to be safe – and it’s an OHS right to be safe at work.” 

Katie Alexander, Survivor Advocate 

Hosted at EY in Melbourne’s CBD, Safe and Equal alongside Thriving Communities Partnership held a morning tea attended by over 60 business leaders and sector experts, for a robust discussion on how to create sensitive and responsive workplaces for employees at risk of experiencing family violence. 

The morning commenced with a Welcome to Country from Wurundjeri Elder Aunty Diane Kerr and an opening address from David Larocca, Oceana CEO and Regional Managing Partner at EY, who highlighted that Are You Safe at Home? Day is a reminder that conversations on family violence are not just the responsibility of governments, but everybody in the community – including workplaces. 

David’s address was followed by an in-depth panel discussion hosted by Ciara Sterling (CEO, Thriving Communities Partnership), featuring insights from: 

  • Rosie Batty AO, family violence advocate 
  • Katie Alexander, survivor advocate 
  • Caroline Wall, Head of Customer Vulnerability, Commonwealth Bank 
  • Tania Farha, CEO Safe and Equal 
  • Professor Kyllie Cripps, Director Monash Indigenous Studies Centre 

The discussion gave guests the opportunity to listen to and reflect on stories shared by panelists on what meaningful and effective change in an organisation can look like. 

The panel spoke to the significance of family violence as a workplace responsibility. Safe and Equal CEO Tania Farha reflected on the results of the recent National Community Attitudes Survey (NCAS), saying, “There’s still almost 50% of Australians who think family violence is not happening in their own community.” Head of Customer Vulnerability at Commonwealth Bank, Caroline Wall highlighted the parallels between the statistics and workplace environments – that it is confronting to consider that within any business, there may be a large number of people experiencing family violence, as well as a number of people perpetrating it. 

“I knew there was gossip. I knew there were career opportunities I was overlooked for, because I was viewed as a weak link.” 

Survivor Advocate Katie Alexander on the impact an unsupportive and unsafe workplace had on her career progression. 

Are You Safe at Home? Day Panel

Survivor Advocate Katie Alexander shared her powerful story of both positive and negative experiences as a victim survivor in the workplace. Katie called for lived experience advocates to be included across the spectrum of employer responses – in the development of organisational policies and procedures, on the Board, as well as in workplace education and training. Katie also highlighted the need for choice and control in how a victim survivor discloses family violence at work, and the options presented to them.  

This was reiterated by Professor Kyllie Cripps from Monash University, who spoke of the multitude of different aspects that form an individual’s identity and the way they interact with the world. Due to systemic discrimination and marginalisation, the options for many people seeking family violence support can be limited. Kyllie encouraged business owners to take an intersectional approach to experiences of family violence in the workplace, saying, “we have to be mindful of the individual in front of us and what they’re carrying.”  

The need to go beyond leave provisions and to embed cultural shifts within a workplace was then discussed. Tania stated that without this shift, staff can never feel safe enough to disclose and seek support. Rosie highlighted that leadership from the top-down is key, as well as fostering a workplace culture of respect and equality for people to feel safe and able to do their best work. “At the crux of all of this is respect. When you feel respected, valued, and appreciated, you thrive,” said Rosie. 

As the panel took questions from the audience and gave their final thoughts, the key message was clear: all organisations can make a difference, but it requires nuance, consideration, action and reflection. 

The webinars

Simultaneously, Safe and Equal hosted three webinars across South Australia and Northern Territory (in partnership with Northern Territory Council of Social Services and Embolden Alliance), Victoria and New South Wales (in partnership with Domestic Violence NSW) and Western Australia (in partnership with Centre for Womens Safety and Wellbeing). Over 240 attendees from across Australia joined us throughout the day.

Logos: NTCOSS, Embolden, DVNSW, Centre for Women's Safety and Wellbeing

Emma Morgan, Strategic Projects and Engagement Manager, and Rebeca Carro, Lived Experience Program Officer, explored what family violence is, what the signs are, and how to have safe and respectful conversations with colleagues about family violence.  

The webinar also included a powerful interview between Bec and Olga, exploring Olga’s particular experiences of being supported and not supported in their workplace while they were experiencing family violence and what that meant for their journey to safety. 

Resources shared throughout these webinars included: 

Are You Safe at Home? Day 2024

We will be back for Are You Safe at Home? Day on 10 May 2024. Keep up to date with the campaign by subscribing here 

Want to know more?

Continue your learning with our free Are You Safe at Home? eLearn  

The Are You Safe at Home? eLearn is self-paced and takes 20 minutes, so it fits into a busy work schedule. It’s designed to equip you with the skills to recognise and respond to family violence. Register for the eLearn here 

 Supporting Safe and Equal Workplaces  

To learn more about how Safe and Equal can work with your organisation to recognise and respond to family and domestic violence, please visit our website or reach out to Robyn Stone, Business Partnerships and Engagement Advisor, at robynstone@safeandequal.org.au.  

Make a donation  

We all have a role to play in ending family violence in our community. Your donation can strengthen our work in preventing and responding to family and gender-based violence. Make a secure donation to Safe and Equal using your credit card on the GiveNow website. Donate here.   

Start the conversation  

Most importantly, you don’t have to be an expert to support someone experiencing family violence. You can start small by opening up the conversation, listening and offering support. You can ask the question, ‘are you safe at home?’. 

Page last updated Thursday, May 25 2023


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PiP Member Spotlight: Sam House from City of Kingston

PiP Member Spotlight: Sam House from City of Kingston

Monday 24 April 2022

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This month, we spoke to Sam House, Social Policy and Planning Officer from City of Kingston, about her vital work with Active Kingston, supporting local clubs to promote gender equality and diversity, including through upcoming initiatives with Proud2Play.

Social media handles: www.linkedin.com/in/samhouse01 
Length of time a PiP member: Over five years 
List of PiP activities attended: Various in-person and online events, including the PiP 2017-18 seminar series with guest speaker, Dr Marion Frere – my then-CEO in the Office for Prevention and Women’s Equality. 

A headshot of Sam House

What is your professional background? How did it lead you to prevention work?  

My introduction to working in the prevention of family violence space was serving as the Secretariat of the Victorian Government’s then-Indigenous Family Violence Partnership Forum and later, in a policy officer role within the Office for Prevention and Women’s Equality – Respect Victoria Establishment Team (then Department of Health and Human Services).  

I moved to local government, coordinating a 12-month community-led, place-based project with the City of Kingston which engaged cultural and faith diverse community leaders in training to prevent family violence and promote gender equality in their organisations and communities. From there, I’ve been leading Council’s work to prevent family violence, including the implementation of their Prevention of Family Violence Action Plan 2019-2021 and more recently, Year 2 and 3 annual actions to prevent family violence under Kingston’s Municipal Public Health and Wellbeing Plan 2021-2025. 

When did you become passionate about gender equality?  

Personally, it was probably when I wasn’t allowed to join the same Scout troop as my older brother because I was a girl and they didn’t have any female leaders. This led to the recruitment of their first female leader and my pioneering as the first female Scout of that unit!  

Professionally, it was my role in helping establish Respect Victoria and gaining a deeper understanding of the research and evidence-base around the overwhelming and disproportionate rates of men’s violence against women and children in Victoria. I am a passionate advocate for the role we can all play to challenge gender inequality (and other social justice inequities), which drive family and gender-based violence. 

(I think the recent implementation of Gender Impact Assessments across public sector agencies, including teams and departments not normally engaged in this space, will be instrumental in helping embed an intersectional lens in program and service delivery, and advance gender equality in Victoria)!  

Tell us a bit about what you’re working on now: 

We recently briefed Council on key outcomes of its 16 Days of Activism campaign for 2022, which included an engaging webinar on ‘Equality and Respect in Sport: Promoting gender equality on and off the field’ (recording available here). We’re continuing to work with Active Kingston on how we can support local clubs to promote gender equality and diversity, including through upcoming initiatives with Proud2Play.  

Our free online (and hardcopy) primary prevention toolkit has also launched, developed with the Kingston Family Violence Working Group. The toolkit includes a poster series in English and eight other languages and a set of social media tiles that promote equality and respect across a range of settings (see www.kingston.vic.gov.au/services/health-and-support/prevention-of-family-violence > ‘Promoting equality and respect). 

What skills do you use in your role?  

Brief writing, presentation skills, project management, time management, stakeholder engagement and coordination, understanding of the policy and legislative landscape in Victoria and within our region, and active listening to ensure Council is adequately responding to community need.  

What do you like about working in primary prevention? What drew you here? 

I believe primary prevention is such as an important part of the work to end family violence in Australia and ‘stop it before it starts’. I like that primary prevention can empower people as advocates in this space, with increased knowledge and capability to recognise and challenge the underlying drivers of family and gender-based violence and contribute to positive change.  

What have you found useful in the work that Safe and Equal & PiP do to support prevention workers?  

Previous training workshops to build the foundations of understanding family violence 101 have been valuable for groups such as our internal Family Violence Staff Support Officers. Safe and Equal’s leadership around the statewide 16 Days of Activism has also been incredibly valuable to supporting key initiatives in Kingston.   

What advice do you have for someone new to the PVAW sector?  

To quote Change Our Game Ambassadors, Lauren Foote and Mel Jones OAM, who were such valuable contributors to our recent 16 Days of Activism webinar, ‘Ripples [of this work] can spread pretty far’, ‘The dividends will probably show long after we are in these positions but that as we know is the way of social change sometimes’. 

Whose work do you admire?  

I admire the work of many women who are leading and advocating in this space at the national and state level, including author Jess Hill, Kit McMahon (WHISE), Amy Prendergast (Respect Victoria), Dr Ramona Vijeyarasa (architect of the Gender Legislative Index), Dr Manjula O’Connor (Australasian Centre for Human Rights and Health and author) and our male allies, including Dr Michael Flood (XY Online) and AFL player and Our Watch Advocate, Ben Brown.  

Join the 3,400+ practitioners who are influencing social change in Victoria. Subscribe to receive our monthly Partners in Prevention bulletins and stay up to date on upcoming events and activity.

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Page last updated Monday, April 24 2023


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Achieving Safe at Home responses for victim survivors: programs and policies

Achieving Safe at Home responses for victim survivors

Programs and Policies

Tuesday 18 April

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This article was published in Council to Homeless Persons’ Parity: “Safe at Home” March 2023 Edition.

Authors: Courtney Wamala, Personal Safety Initiative Coordinator and Kate Mecham, Policy Manager – Safe and Equal

The concept of a Safe at Home response for family violence victim survivors was developed in recognition that, when a victim survivor wishes to stay in their current home and it is safe for them to do so, they should not be required to leave following an incident of family violence.  Instead, the perpetrator should be held accountable and removed from the property.

Research into homelessness and family violence has demonstrated that providing victim survivors with a Safe at home response is crucial to enabling them to maintain some stability following the experience of family violence and can reduce homelessness among victim survivors. 1 In order to support victim survivors to remain safely in their homes, a full system approach needs to be applied to remove the perpetrator from the property, keep them in view and ensure that they are being held accountable for their behaviour. This full system approach requires family violence support services, housing services, the police, the court system, child protection and any other relevant services (e.g., mental health, alcohol, and other drugs etc.) to come together and consistently turn their attention to the perpetrator, how their actions are impacting on the victim survivor’s safety and to seek to address that behaviour.  As part of the full system approach, and to assist victim survivors to remain safely in their homes, specific programs have been developed and implemented in Victoria, including the Personal Safety Initiative (PSI) and the Flexible Support Packages (FSP) programs.

The PSI and FSP programs were funded and implemented in Victoria following the Royal Commission into Family Violence after it was identified that one of the ways to support victim survivors to remain safely in their homes would be through the implementation of security responses in the home and provision of brokerage to support this.

The PSI program provides targeted security advice and responses for victim survivors of family violence. There are 17 PSI Coordinators across the state, each with extensive knowledge of family violence and security responses that can be implemented to assist victim survivors. Victim survivors can be referred by a case manager to the PSI program for a safety and security audit to be conducted on their home, which will then identify security measures that should be installed on the home based on the perpetrator’s behavior and the layout of the property. Security measures can be installed on a property that the victim survivor shared with the perpetrator or on a new property if the victim survivor was required or chose to relocate. Security measures that may be recommended include but aren’t limited to security doors, CCTV, technology sweeps of devices, bug sweeps of homes and cars, dash cameras, additional locks, and personal safety devices. Brokerage to fund the installation of these security items can be provided through the FSP program.

FSP providers are also located in regions across the state of Victoria and work closely alongside the PSI Coordinators – in some cases they are located in the same agencies. Brokerage provided by the FSP program is not limited to funding security items. Rather, the program was created to provide victim survivors (both adults and children) with a brokerage program that is holistic and can fund any items that will aid with their recovery from family violence, such as food vouchers, counselling sessions, educational costs, housing costs and legal costs. In the context of safe at home responses, having access to this flexible brokerage money can be critical to help a victim survivor establish themselves in their home independent of the perpetrator.

PSI and FSP are great initiatives to support victim survivors who wish to remain safely in their homes. However, these programs can only do so much. Rates of homelessness among women and children remain high and family violence continues to be the main reason that women and children report they seek support from a homelessness service. 2 As noted above, a whole system approach needs to be applied to aid with the safety of victim survivors. However, research conducted by McAuley Social Services on safe at home responses3 found that in addition to needing a whole of system response, there are systemic and structural barriers that impact on victim survivors’ ability to stay safe in their homes and get on the path to recovery from family violence.

First, the justice system needs to provide a stronger and more consistent response when holding perpetrators accountable for their actions and behavior. Too often victim survivors face barriers when reporting ongoing incidents of family violence and breaches to Intervention Orders, resulting in either the perpetrator not being charged or charged inappropriately. Many victim survivors also find it difficult to find legal support, further compounding the challenges they face when dealing with the justice system. There are limited legal support options available for victim survivors and these supports can be expensive. Lack of access to legal support significantly reduces the likelihood that victim survivors will get just outcomes, increases the chances of perpetrators weaponising the legal system against them, and significantly increases the stress and trauma experienced by victim survivors.

Second, the current programs in place to work with perpetrators are not providing the results needed. These programs are rarely well coordinated with victim survivors and victim survivor programs. More research and evaluation of effective programs needs to be developed to improve the way services work with perpetrators. Strengthened links and collaboration with victim survivors and victim survivor programs is also needed to ensure the work being done in perpetrator specific and allied services is contributing to victim survivors feeling safer. Alongside this, strengthened coordination across allied services, such as alcohol and other drug and mental health services, which have contact with perpetrators is also needed. These services have a valuable role in information sharing to inform safety planning for victim survivors and reinforcing a whole of system response to keep perpetrators accountable for their behavior, not collude and demonstrate that violence is unacceptable. This can help ensure that the work being completed with the perpetrator within perpetrator specific programs is reinforced.

Third, many victim survivors face economic barriers to staying safely in their home. We know that women are more likely than men to be under employed, in insecure work, working in lower paid, traditional female dominated industries, and paid less than their male counterparts in similar roles.4 We also know that during the COVID-19 pandemic, women were more likely to lose their jobs and that women’s rates of employment have been the slowest to bounce back. 5 This economic exclusion, coupled with the high costs of housing and the impacts of financial abuse as part of family violence, results in many victim survivors being unable to afford to stay in their home without the perpetrator’s additional income. This can lead to victim survivors defaulting on mortgage payments or accruing rent arrears and potentially ending up homeless. Moving into cheaper private rental properties or social housing are rarely options due to the lack of affordable housing and long social housing waitlists. If we want more victim survivors to be able to stay safely in their homes, we need economic reform that increases income support payments to livable levels and increases access to well-paying jobs for women. We also need systemic reform to the housing market and policy to make housing more affordable and we need significant and sustained investment from all levels of government into expanding the volume of social housing stock.

To increase victim survivors’ ability to remain safely in their homes, if they wish to do so, we need a whole of system reform that continues to fund programs like PSI and FSPs and brings a wide range of community services, together with police and courts to work toward victim survivors’ safety and perpetrator accountability. We also need government policies that intentionally and actively seek to reduce the systemic and structural barriers that still prevent many victim survivors from being able to stay in their homes and put them at risk of homelessness.

No single solution on its own will enable a safe at home response. It requires sustained political will at all levels of government and an ability to think of solutions beyond the homelessness and family violence sectors. However, in Victoria, we already have many of the ingredients we need for success: family violence literacy, common risk assessments and information sharing to keep the perpetrator in view are all increasing. Many of the reforms that came out of the Royal Commission into Family Violence have laid the groundwork for us to strengthen safe at home responses. Family violence and homelessness among victim survivors is preventable. Ensuring people experiencing family violence can remain safely in their homes is a critical part of that puzzle.


  1. Department of Families, Housing Community Services and Indigenous Affairs (2008) The Road Home: A National Approach to Reducing Homelessness – A White Paper Ch 3 Turning off the tap p 33 https://apo.org.au/node/2882; The Victorian Government (2016) The Royal Commission into Family Violence Ch 9 A Safe Home http://rcfv.archive.royalcommission.vic.gov.au/Report-Recommendations.html
  2. Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (2021) Specialist Homelessness Services 2020-21: Victoria https://www.aihw.gov.au/getmedia/7b4924b3-a48b-4150-9fac-7de836dcccfd/VIC_factsheet.pdf.aspx
  3. McAuley Community Services for Women (October 2021) Family Violence, homelessness and ‘safe at home’: Data state of knowledge
  4. Equality Rights Alliance Women’s Voices for Gender Equity (2019) National Plan on Gender Equality: Economic Wellbeing http://www.equalityrightsalliance.org.au/wp-content/uploads/2019/12/19703-ERA-Economic-Wellbeing-web.pdf
  5. Wood, D; Griffiths, K; Crowley, T. (2021) The Grattan Institute. Women’s Work: The Impact of the COVID Crisis on Australian Women https://grattan.edu.au/report/womens-work/

Page last updated Tuesday, April 18 2023


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Agency and choice are key to recovery from family violence

Agency and choice are key to recovery from family violence

Tuesday 18 April 2023

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This op-ed was published in Council to Homeless Persons’ Parity: “Safe at Home” March 2023 Edition.

Author: Louise Simms, Executive Director – Policy, Communications and Engagement

Safe at Home responses – centred around supporting victim survivors of family violence to remain in their current home – are critical in our efforts to ensuring the family violence service system can meet the unique needs of every person experiencing abuse and can promote autonomy and choice on the road to recovery. 

Family violence is unique in the community services context. It is the only social issue whereby the agent of risk is another person; someone who is actively making choices to cause others to experience fear and danger. Perpetrators use violence to gain and maintain power and control, and they adapt their tactics based on the strategies victim survivors put in place to protect themselves. 

This is the operating context for family violence services – we call it ‘dynamic risk’. The role of the family violence system is to identify, assess and manage family violence risk. To do this effectively, our systemic responses should be just as dynamic.

Safe at Home, as a principle and a commitment, can be a powerful driver of flexible responses aimed at achieving whatever ‘safe at home’ means for each victim survivor.

With no two individual experiences of family violence the same, service responses – including Safe at Home responses – must be flexible to meet people wherever they are on their journey to safety. This flexibility, and the restoration of agency and choice, is critical for victim survivors’ long-term recovery. 

But what does it mean to truly meet a victim survivor where they are? 

While all experiences of family violence are different, something all victim survivors can relate to is the erosion of their sense of self. This kind of abuse chips away at a person’s autonomy and their ability to make decisions – something that can take years to rebuild, long after the immediate threat has been resolved. Many victim survivors talk about the experience of having a perpetrator tightly control or remove every possible freedom in their lives, and the impact this has on their confidence and their capacity to leave an abusive relationship and regain independence. When a service system is inflexible and unable to provide choice or autonomy for its users, it mimics the power and control of family violence and can make it very difficult for victim survivors to feel safe and secure. 

In many ways, this replication of a ‘power over’ dynamic and removal of individual agency is embedded in the way our family violence system is structured and funded. The system is focused on minimising risk and is not set up to restore choice and autonomy as a priority. Most policymakers have never accessed the systems they design, and the result is a system that does not respond to victim survivors as experts in their own needs and safety – something we must consistently challenge if we want to see change. 

One of the ways we can do this is by expanding the approaches available to enable victim survivors to remain safe in their own homes, if this is what they want to do. How we do this can look incredibly different – it can mean safety and security adaptations and so much more. For example, it could be creating opportunities for financial literacy and supporting access to employment, because, as we know, financial and economic stability is crucial for a victim survivor’s recovery from abuse. It could be ongoing, long-term counselling, or increased access to legal support. 

With family violence the number one driver of homelessness among women and children in Australia, this is not only about offering flexibility and choice, but about preventing homelessness in an already over-stretched housing system. 

Systemic and structural barriers exist across the family violence service landscape, including within Safe at Home responses. Programs can only do so much to keep victim survivors safe and hold perpetrators accountable without a whole-of-system effort to bring together a wide range of community services, as well as police and justice responses all working towards a common goal. Part of this is the recognition that what enables a Safe at Home response looks different for everybody. 

Anything the service system can do to restore a victim survivor’s sense of agency in their safety and recovery is valuable and should be prioritised. Much of this can be supported by meaningful engagement with people’s lived experiences of family violence and of accessing support services. By embedding lived expertise in system and service design, we can shift to a ‘power with’ approach, remain accountable and identify areas for improvement, while also creating opportunities for victim survivors to engage with the system as consultants, advocates and leaders. 

Agency, autonomy and choice are key elements in someone’s recovery from family violence. When, at its core, a family violence system does not view those who use it as the experts in their own safety needs, it renders victim survivors unable to make decisions about their lives and hinders an integral component of their recovery. 

Family violence is complex, and the way we respond to it requires nuance and a long-term, concerted effort from our service system via a wide range of responses. Safe at Home responses are an integral part of this, though they are by no means the only response. We need to view being ‘safe at home’ as a guiding principle that informs the structure of our family violence system, one that is equipped to provide flexible and tailored responses that centre the expertise and agency of all victim survivors. 

Page last updated Tuesday, April 18 2023


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Personal Safety Survey and National Community Attitudes Survey Results 2023

Personal Safety Survey and National Community Attitudes Survey Results 2023

What have we learned and what do we still need to know?

Thursday 30 March 2023

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  • 1 in 4 women has experienced violence by an intimate partner or family member since the age of 15 
  • 1 in 4 women has experienced emotional abuse by a cohabiting partner, since the age of 15 
  • 1 in 5 women has experienced sexual violence, since the age of 15 

Source: Personal Safety Survey, Australian Bureau of Statistics, 2023. 

Author: Marina Carman

In March this year, the reports on the latest rounds of two major national surveys about family and gendered violence were released. Safe and Equal’s Executive Director of Primary Prevention, Marina Carman, takes us through the results of both surveys, why they are important, and the data gaps that remain. 

  • The Personal Safety Survey (PSS) is conducted by the Australian Bureau of Statistics. It is based on earlier surveys focussed on women, but has been conducted population-wide in 2005, 2012, 2016 and in 2021-22. A total of 11,905 people completed the latest survey, drawn from a random sample of households. The survey includes people aged 18 and over, with questions about the nature and extent of violence experienced since the age of 15.  
  • The National Community Attitudes towards Violence against Women Survey (NCAS) is conducted by ANROWS. It began in 1987, and is conducted every four years. The 2021 survey included 19,100 people aged 16 and over, through a random selection of phone numbers. The survey includes questions about how participants understand violence against women, their attitudes towards it, what influences their attitudes, as well as attitudes to gender equality and preparedness to intervene. 

Both surveys are conducted periodically (every four years), and use roughly the same questions each time. So they give us a snapshot at particular points, and allow for tracking of broad societal level changes. These surveys are key sources of data to inform reporting against indicators in the National Plan to End Violence Against Women and Children 2022-2032. 

Why is this important? 

Statistics can be a powerful way to convince people about a social problem, and particularly to argue for the prioritisation of government policy and investment. Numbers that quantify how many people experience family and gendered violence are critical for gaining attention and arguing the need for change. Meanwhile, numbers that tell us about attitudes towards violence are important in tracking progress in changing attitudes that drive violence, and helping us prevent it in the future. 

But numbers only tell part of the story. They give us a greater understanding of family and gendered violence, but we also need to understand how best to use them, and their limitations as well. 

When using and quoting statistics, the best available data will be the most ‘representative’ data. The most representative data is population-level data – and it is expensive and time-consuming to collect and analyse – so it’s extremely valuable. 

What do we know from the PSS? 

In the 2023 release, many measures of experiences of violence against women were stable, but levels of violence by cohabiting partners and sexual harassment were down. The survey was completed during the pandemic when many people were either locked down or working more from home. 

The sample size is significantly smaller (11,905 down from 21,250 in 2016). The ABS notes on methodology suggest that this was due to resource issues and additional requirements introduced to keep participants safe (private interviews). But the sample is still large and representative. 

Any changes downward in prevalence are good but reported levels of violence against women are still high. In addition, other research and data have suggested an increase in family and gender-based violence during the pandemic, so it is currently unclear what these results mean in terms of trends over time. In any case, we need sustained action to drive change home over the long-term. 

What do we know from the NCAS? 

Results from the 2021 survey of the NCAS show that understanding and attitudes regarding violence against women and gender inequality have improved slowly but significantly over time. Improvements in understanding of violence against women and rejection of gender inequality are closely related to rejection of violence against women, though the latter has improved more slowly. 

Attitudinal rejection of sexual violence improved, and there was higher recognition of some forms of technology-facilitated abuse, stalking and behaviours that constitute coercive control. However, rejection of domestic violence has remained unchanged since 2017, and participants were more likely to recognise domestic violence than to understand that it is disproportionately perpetrated by men against women.  

In the latest survey, compared to previous ones, significantly fewer respondents recognised that men are more likely to commit domestic violence and that women are more likely to experience physical harm from domestic violence. This is a key finding in informing the targeting of future messages and interventions. 

While most respondents reported attitudes that reject gender inequality, less progress has been made with certain attitudes held by a minority (i.e. attitudes that undermine women’s leadership, reinforce rigid gender roles in specific areas, limit women’s personal autonomy, normalise sexism and deny that gender inequality is a problem). Similarly, some attitudes that condone violence against women were more likely to be reported by a minority of respondents (i.e. attitudes that minimise the seriousness of violence, shift blame onto victims and survivors, mistrust women’s reports of violence, objectify women and disregard consent). 

Women and non-binary people had higher understanding and rejection of violence against women and rejection of gender inequality than men. Other demographic factors were also examined and there were differences in responses according to gender, age, sexuality, country of birth, formal education, employment, etc. However, the contribution of demographic factors wasn’t found to be the most important thing predicting or shaping the results. 

The NCAS report outlines a detailed set of implications, many of which support the need for primary prevention initiatives aimed at reinforcing the gendered nature of violence, addressing backlash and resistance, and adopting a ‘gender-transformative’ approach to target gender norms and other drivers of violence. The NCAS is particularly useful in providing details about specific attitudes that are slower to change, and where intervention is particularly needed. 

What do we still need to know? 

The PSS doesn’t tell us enough about the experiences of a range of communities. 

  • Household sampling and telephone interviews can limit the inclusion of people without a fixed address or in care settings. 
  • Some communities may be less likely to be fully open about sensitive issues if being interviewed, compared to an anonymous survey (e.g. LGBTIQ+ communities). 
  • This was the first time the PSS asked about sexual orientation. It didn’t ask about gender diversity. It also doesn’t provide reporting of results disaggregated (separated out) by any other demographic factor other than gender. 

In the 2021 NCAS a number of improvements were made, compared to previous surveys: 

  • The survey implemented the 2020 ABS Standard for Sex, Gender, Variations of Sex Characteristics and Sexual Orientation Variables, and provided data from non-binary and gender diverse participants for the first time. 
  • It also introduced new questions about recognition of particular forms of violence targeted at people because of their migrant or disability status, gender experience, sexuality or religion. 
  • Separate reports will be released detailing results from participants by age, as well as Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander participants and people born in a ‘non-main English-speaking country’. 

These population-level surveys are really important – and while they can always be improved – they can’t ask and answer all questions. Surveys can tell us who experiences violence and by whom, what sort of violence and when, as well as how people think about violence at a point in time. But they can’t tell us everything – especially why or what works to change this. We have an evidence base that addresses these questions, and we need a broad and inclusive national research agenda to fill in gaps and build on this further to inform our efforts. 

How do we use statistics? 

Quoting statistics can be powerful. But it needs to be done carefully, so we’re properly acknowledging sources and representing the findings accurately. Overusing or relying too heavily on statistics can also present a negative picture, and this can make the current situation seem inevitable and even accidentally reinforce the ideas we are trying to change.  

To shift people towards change, statistics about violence need to be placed within a story that starts with a positive vision for the future, explains what drives violence against women and other forms of family and gendered violence, and ends with suggestions for action and practical solutions everyone can get behind.  

For more on statistics you can use in your work, see: https://safeandequal.org.au/resources/fast-facts-2022/ 

Author: Marina Carman 


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‘Cracking the code’ to end family and gender-based violence

‘Cracking the code’ to end family and gender-based violence

Wednesday 8 March 2023

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This day and every day, we all deserve to feel safe, included and equal.  

This International Women’s Day, we are moving beyond morning teas to spotlight the work going on across the year to bring the gendered issues that women experience to light.  

Organisations from across Victoria are working hard to build a birds-eye view of the challenges facing both people experiencing violence and the services that support them. By building evidence and our understanding, we can find and promote inclusive, sustainable solutions to modern issues and build a safe and equal future for all. 

Today we want to spotlight some of the research being done in Victoria to ‘crack the code’ to end family and gender-based violence: 

This is the work going on across the state. On an individual level, there are ways that we can help to build the bigger picture for our community and workplace decision-makers: 

  • Leveraging the research above to inform conversations and outcomes in your workplace 
  • Funding organisations to continue this important work  
  • Ensuring that emerging research captures diverse experiences 

Learn more and get involved with UN Women Australia’s #IWD2023 campaign here: https://unwomen.org.au/get-involved/international-womens-day/ 


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Ochre Ribbon Week

Ochre Ribbon Week

Friday 17 February 2023

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This week is Ochre Ribbon week, an Aboriginal-led advocacy campaign running each year from 12 until 19 February.

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women deserve to be safe in their relationships and communities. 

Ochre Ribbon Week raises awareness about the devastating impacts of family violence on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities. 

Statistics indicate that Indigenous women experience disproportionate levels of violence – both structural and interpersonal – and face significant barriers to seeking support. 

According to the Australian Human Rights Commission’s Wiyi Yani U Thangani (Women’s Voices) Report, three in every five Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women have experienced physical or sexual violence. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women are also 32 times more likely to be hospitalised due to family violence, and 11 times more likely to die due to assault, compared to non-Indigenous women.  

These statistics are shocking, and highlight how colonisation, systemic discrimination, structural inequality and racism intersect with gender inequality to increase and intensify First Nations women’s experiences of violence. 

At Safe and Equal, we recognise the critical work of Aboriginal community-controlled organisations in the specialist family violence sector and beyond, and we’re working to amplify First Nations women’s calls for action to end the violence against Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, especially women and children.  

As 2023’s Ochre Ribbon Week comes to a close, we want to highlight the messages and advocacy from Djirra’s social media campaign, which includes information and education on Ochre Ribbon Week, National Apology Day, and what family violence can look like: 

You can show your support by following and listening to Djirra and other Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and organisations on social media, including: 

Page last updated Friday, February 17 2023


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Paid Domestic and Family Violence Leave: beyond the legislation

Paid Domestic and Family Violence Leave: beyond the legislation

Thursday 16 February 2023

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Everybody should feel supported to thrive at work, especially when things are unsafe at home.

You may have seen it on the news or heard about it at work: the Australian Government has introduced 10 days paid domestic and family violence leave into the National Employment Standards. 

What is paid domestic and family violence leave?

In short, paid domestic and family violence leave provides employees with paid time away from work so they can deal with the impacts of family violence. 

The leave is legislated and mandatory – meaning all employers have to offer it to their staff by the allocated deadline. For businesses with over 15 employees, this legislation came into effect on 1 February. For small businesses, the deadline to implement domestic and family violence leave is 1 August. 

The leave is referred to as ‘universal’ – meaning it is available to all employees, including casuals. It will also be available upfront – instead of accruing leave over time, an employee can access all 10 days of leave as soon as they need it, with the leave ‘resetting’ each year on an employee’s start date anniversary. 

The introduction of these leave entitlements shows how much Australians recognise the impact family violence has on the community, and the key role workplaces have in being part of the solution. 

Family violence is a workplace issue

We know that family violence is a prevalent and complex social issue, one that has devastating and long-lasting impacts on all parts of people’s lives. 

It also has a significant impact on the economy, costing Australia an estimated $1.9 billion per year. According to the Australian Bureau of Statistics, between 55% and 70% of women who have experienced or are currently experiencing violence participate in the workforce. That’s around one in six female workers. It’s safe to say most – if not all – workplaces will employee someone who is impacted by family violence. 

Given these figures and how much time we spend at work (most women employed in Australia work over 20 hours per week), there’s clearly a crucial role for employers in preventing and responding to family violence. 

Going beyond leave entitlements

The introduction of paid domestic and family violence leave can make a world of difference to someone experiencing abuse. It means they will be able to keep their jobs while taking the steps they need to keep themselves safe.  

To be able to take paid time off to attend an appointment with a specialist family violence service, go to court to obtain an Intervention Order, or arrange a lease and move house, means a victim survivor has a real chance at safely escaping abuse and can begin their journey to recovery.  

The introduction of this leave is an important and long overdue change – but there is a lot that workplaces will need to consider beyond just making it available to staff. 

In Monash University’s 2021 report Safe, Thriving and Secure: Family Violence Leave and Workplace Supports in Australia, access to paid domestic and family violence leave is highlighted as an important part of a broader framework of workplace responses to family violence. The report describes the significant work required across Australian workplaces to embed a culture and policy environment that is safe and respectful and supports victim survivors to thrive in their jobs. 

Employers will need to consider how leave can be requested and accessed discreetly; for example, under the legislation this form of leave cannot be displayed on a payslip. Both employers and colleagues need to be prepared to respond safely and effectively when someone in the workplace shares that they are experiencing violence. This includes knowing what specialist support is available and approaching the conversation with sensitivity, while maintaining privacy and confidentiality.   

More broadly, it’s critical employers cultivate a compassionate, trauma-informed and supportive culture within the workplace to ensure victim survivors feel safe and able to disclose abuse. This involves ongoing training for all levels of staff that supports an increased understanding of family violence, how to be an active bystander, and staff rights and responsibilities in relation to an accessible domestic and family violence leave policy. 

These skills are complex and nuanced and require time and consideration to embed properly. If you’re thinking about how to implement domestic and family violence leave in your workplace, there are lots of supports available. 

Workplaces have a real opportunity to support the big-picture change that’s needed to eliminate family and gender-based violence. Employers who develop a trauma-informed understanding of family violence, and prioritise a workplace culture of support, safety and respect will not only increase staff retention, performance and engagement, but will give victim survivors the best chance of recovering and thriving.  

For more information on how you can implement a tailored and accessible domestic and family violence leave policy in your business, check out Safe and Equal’s workplace family violence services. 

Page last updated Thursday, February 16 2023


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Midsumma Carnival 2023

Midsumma Carnival 2023

Thursday 19 February 2023

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Safe and Equal and Elizabeth Morgan House are excited to partner for this year’s Midsumma Carnival, working together to raise awareness and increase safety and support for all people who may be experiencing family violence. 

We’re co-hosting a culturally safe and affirming space at Carnival, where people can relax, yarn and learn more about inclusive family violence support services for LGBTIQA+ and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities.  

What is family violence?

Family violence is when your partner, ex, carer, family member or someone you’re in a ‘family-like’ relationship with uses threatening, controlling or violent behaviour that makes you scared for your safety and wellbeing. 

Family violence experienced by LGBTIQA+ people can include a range of verbal, emotional, psychological, financial, physical, and sexual abuse, intimidation and threats. People use a wide range of abusive behaviours to maintain power and control in relationships. No matter what form it takes, family violence is never acceptable. 

Family violence occurs in all communities

Everybody deserves to feel safe and respected at home and in their relationships. However in Australia, LGBTIQA+ people are reported to experience family violence at similar, if not greater rates than those in heterosexual relationships. 

Because of biphobia, homophobia, transphobia, heterosexism and heteronormativity, there are different risks and barriers that may stop LGBTIQA+ couples, parents and young people from accessing support for family violence. Learn more about family violence tactics and barriers to support for LGBTIQA+ communities here.  

This Midsumma Carnival and beyond, we can make a difference by recognising and celebrating LGBTIQA+ people, relationships and families. We all deserve to feel safe at home.  

LGBTIQA+ people have a right to safety from family violence

If you’re a LGBTIQA+ person experiencing family violence, you are not alone. You can access support from these services:

Switchboard – QLIFE
Phone counselling for the LGBTIQA+ community between 3 pm to midnight every night.
1800 184 527

Victoria Police LGBTI Liaison Officers
LGBTI Liaison Officers (also known as GLLOs) are located at police stations throughout the state. They have been provided with extra training to support members of the LGBTIQA+ community.
Call 03 9247 6944 to find out your closest LGBTI Liaison Officer.

Suicide Call Back Service
24-hour telephone counselling to anyone who is feeling suicidal or anyone who is supporting someone who is feeling suicidal
1300 659 467

24-hour telephone counselling to anyone who is in crisis or feeling suicidal.
13 11 14

Safe Steps
24-hour family violence response line for anyone.
1800 015 188

Sexual Assault Crisis Line
24-hour telephone crisis counselling service for people who have experienced both past and recent sexual assault.
1800 806 292

24-hour drug and alcohol counselling and referral service
1800 888 236

About Midsumma Festival

Midsumma is Australia’s premier queer arts and cultural organisation, bringing together a diverse mix of LGBTQIA+ artists, performers, communities and audiences.

Their primary event, Midsumma Festival, runs over 22 days in Melbourne’s summer (January/February) each year with an explosion of queer events that centre around hidden and mainstream queer culture, involving local, interstate, and international artists. Visit the Midsumma website for the 2023 program.

Midsumma Festival 2023

About Midsumma Carnival

Midsumma Carnival is an iconic outdoor celebration that has become one of the biggest highlights in the LGBTIQA+ annual calendar. The event provides a fitting opening to a three-week Festival each year. In itself, Carnival is a huge single-day event running from 11am until 10pm in Alexandra Gardens in Melbourne’s CBD, with a massive set up and overall coordination required for delivery each year. Midsumma Carnival attracts a broad attendance across age ranges and demographics, truly celebrating a day of inclusion and diversity in all its forms. This popular annual event is free to the public. For more info, check out the Midsumma website. 

Download our Midsumma Carnival posters

'Family Violence Occurs in All Communities' Midsumma Poster
LGBTIQA+ people have a right to safety from family violence A3 poster

Thorne Harbour Health and the Zoe Belle Gender Collective developed two posters celebrating our LGBTISBQA and queer First Nations communities. Visit their website to download the posters.

Page last updated Thursday, January 19 2023


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Safe and Equal Member Forum 2022 Wrap-Up

Safe and Equal Member Forum 2022 Wrap-Up

Thursday 15 December 2022

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Safe and Equal’s Member Forum was held both in person (for the first time in three years!) and virtually across two jam-packed days, from 27-28 September 2022. 

The Member Forum is an annual opportunity for our sector to come together and consider ‘where to from here?’ – to step back, reflect, listen, and set the vision we want to see for the future of our sector. This year’s forum gave members the chance to centre lived experience and co-production approaches as we explored key priorities for the next 12 months and beyond. 

Day One
Tuesday 27 September

Following an opening address from the Minister for the Prevention of Family Violence Ros Spence, we were joined by Commissioner Sue-Anne Hunter, Dr Simone Gristwood and Commissioner Meena Singh for a frank and deeply engaging conversation on how we can better centre First Nations women’s voices in mainstream family violence services. 

“Every single Aboriginal woman who has died at the hands of violence deserves to have her name heard.” 

– Commissioner Sue-Anne Hunter 

The panel discussion focused on four interconnected themes: cultural safety, self-determination, power shifting and sharing, and allyship. Panellists spoke to the importance of understanding more broadly the lack of cultural safety experienced by Aboriginal people in Australia, and how acknowledging the power non-Aboriginal people hold in all systems and spaces is key to shifting power imbalances.  

Of particular significance was the panel’s discussion of the term ‘vulnerability,’ and that the vulnerability and risk experienced by Aboriginal women is a product of being excluded and marginalised by the broader white Australian system. This system and our roles within it must be deeply understood and acknowledged in order to be challenged and dismantled. 

“Being an ally means sitting with the discomfort, sitting in the silence, reflecting and thinking why you want to be in this space…we don’t need white saviours, we need people to give up space for us.” 

– Commissioner Meena Singh 

The powerful conversations that arose from this session carried us into the first in-person workshop, where we heard from members about the changes we can make as individuals or within our organisations to support tangible shifts in the way we approach cultural safety, self-determination and allyship with First Nations people. 

Some key feedback that emerged from these discussions included: 

  • Challenging the way we prioritise white knowledge; for example, Rec 209 
  • Avoiding performative or habitual actions; taking the time to explore deeper learning and understanding 
  • Increasing resources in this space – investing time and money 
  • Challenging racist structures within the workplace; for example, observing January 26 as a day of mourning with the option to work on that day 
  • Shifting power by eliminating pre-determined ideas of outcomes or what an interaction might look like. 

These and other learnings generated from these foundational discussions will inform the peak’s ongoing advocacy agenda, as well as our partnership with Djirra. 

In the afternoon, the focus shifted to workforce sustainability. The first panel discussion was led by Safe and Equal CEO Tania Farha on how we can retain expertise and continually build the capacity of our workforce in an ever-changing reform environment. 

Panellists Emma Catford, Emma King and Camille Kingston discussed the difficulties the specialist family violence workforce has faced, particularly following the pandemic. With low unemployment rates and competition for workers across the broader community sector, the challenge lies in maintaining a steady flow of people entering the specialist family violence workforce, as well as enhancing the capabilities of those who are already working within it.  

Despite these challenges, there is work being done in this space to strengthen our workforce. The panel spoke to several programs and campaigns led by government, including the Jobs Guarantee Program and the Jobs That Matter campaign. Panellists also discussed the importance of data, and using an evidence base to understand the workforce needs. 

This was followed by a workshop led by Safe and Equal’s Sector Development Unit, who facilitated a member-guided conversation on workforce challenges and ideas for future-focused solutions. Feedback included issues around pay and conditions, as well as trying to encourage school-leavers to engage in tertiary social work studies. Opportunities for solutions discussed by members included sector-wide graduate programs, paid internships, and leadership training. 

Day Two
Wednesday 28 September

Data was the focus throughout the morning of day two, with presentations on both the Measuring Family Violence Services Demand Project and Safe and Equal’s draft Client Outcomes Framework.  

We heard from member services and survivor advocates as part of a panel discussion on the significance of both projects. Key themes included the incredible significance of data as a whole-of-picture story and a way to shift the conversation from a focus on outputs to outcomes, as well as the importance of collecting feedback from the often-invisible voices of children and young people. 

“There’s a real person behind data points. It’s not just data – these are people.” 

– Mishka*, Survivor Advocate 

Following this, attendees engaged in several roundtable discussions focused on next steps in delivering a client outcomes measurement framework. Some of the feedback from these conversations included the importance of testing the framework with diverse voices including LGBTIQA+ service users, remunerating victim survivors for their time and expertise, and ensuring the framework can be implemented by services under considerable strain and demand. 

After lunch we were joined by Joe Ball and Libby Jamieson from Switchboard to discuss trans and gender diverse inclusion in family violence services. Joe and Libby gave a powerful presentation on the journey of inclusion, with Joe referring to it as “a joint project for our bodies, our lives and our rights to decide.” 

“How are you signalling your commitment to inclusion in the community, so people will come?” 

–  Joe Ball 

Following their presentation, four questions were provided for group discussion, with key feedback from members including: 

  • Shifting language traditionally used in the sector; i.e. ‘women’s refuge’ 
  • Advocating for increased funding to address inclusivity, but also looking at what can be done in the current environment 
  • The need for increased demand data for LGBTIQA+ communities 
  • Ensuring the fear of ‘getting it perfect’ doesn’t stop us from trying, as doing nothing has significant consequences for those experiencing violence who need support. 

“If services aren’t safe, people won’t look to the specialist family violence sector for a response.”  

– Libby Jamieson 

We finished the day exploring how work in the response sector can be amplified and supported by prevention efforts, featuring a conversation with Respect Vic CEO Emily Maguire and followed by roundtable discussions. These conversations produced some fruitful feedback on how the response sector can forge a deeper understanding of the different types of prevention, the complexity of prevention work in the Orange Door model, and how education and training is key to allow practitioners to transition between sectors. 

Virtual Sessions

In addition to the in-person presentations and workshops, a total of nine online sessions ran concurrently and were available to virtual attendees across both days of the forum. These sessions included: 

  • The Family Violence Media and Communications Network Meeting 
  • Case Management Program Requirements 
  • Managing Resistance to Gender Equality 
  • Key learnings from the 8th National Brain Injury Conference 
  • Safe and Equal Member Consultation 
  • Specialist Family Violence Sector Communities of Practice 
  • Rural and Regional Practitioner Session 
  • Health, Safety, and Wellbeing in the Family Violence Sector 
  • Introduction to Primary Prevention 

As was acknowledged throughout the forum, the conversations generated from each session are ongoing, with all feedback informing future activity at Safe and Equal.  

We’d like to say a huge thank you to all guest speakers and to everybody who attended both in-person and online, for sharing your expertise and enthusiasm. We hope you walked away from the forum feeling invigorated and excited for the future of our sector, and the potential for safer and more just outcomes for all victim survivors of family and gender-based violence. The 2023 Member Forum will be here before we know it, and we look forward to continuing these conversations and embarking upon new ones. 

Page last updated Thursday, December 15 2022


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PiP Member Spotlight: Starlady from Zoe Belle Gender Collective

PiP Member Spotlight: Starlady from Zoe Belle Gender Collective

Friday 2 December 2022

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This month, we spoke to Starlady, Program Manager from the Zoe Belle Gender Collective, about her vital work in training, educating and consulting the family violence and primary prevention sectors on LGBTIQA+ inclusive service provision.

What is your professional background? How did it lead you to prevention work?  

I’ve worked within the LGBTIQA+ sector for the last 10 years delivering training, education, and consultation on inclusive service provision and advocating for LGBTIQA+ rights, especially trans and gender-diverse rights. Over the last few years, we’ve seen significant shifts within the prevention of violence sector in developing LGBTIQA+ cultural competency and inclusion. Our understanding of the intersection of drivers of violence against women and LGBTIQA+ people has significantly developed and there are growing partnerships between our sectors.

The Zoe Belle Gender Collective (ZBGC) has been a part of this shift through our relationship with Rainbow Health Australia who have both consistently consulted with us in the development of resources, such as Pride In Prevention, but also supported our organisation to develop our capacity to work within a prevention framework.

When did you become passionate about gender equality? 

Addressing transphobia, biphobia and homophobia has always been a part of my life. So much of the violence I’ve experienced across my life has consistently been perpetrated by cis men. However, when I started dating cis men after affirming my gender identity as a trans woman/feminine person I experienced significant objectification, fetishisation, and sexual exploitation/violence.

I quickly learned that I wasn’t alone in my experience and that many of the trans women/feminine people around me who dated cis men had very similar experiences. In discussing the supports and resources available we felt that we were being left behind. We didn’t see ourselves reflected in the campaigns addressing gender-based violence, or feel that there was an understanding of the unique issues we faced.

Tell us a bit about what you’re working on now: 

I’m leading a project called Transfemme – it’s both a campaign and website aimed at promoting healthier relationships between trans women/trans feminine people and cis men. The content of the website is drawn from 30 confidential interviews I conducted in mid-2021 and covers topics such as the fetishisation and objectification of trans women/feminine people, navigating consent and pleasure, passing and beauty myths, “coming out” to family and friends, the impacts of gender stereotypes and rigid gender roles, and the impacts of shame and stigma on cis men.

Although the website is targeted towards trans women and cis men we’re hoping in the next year to create new content aimed at their family and friends, noting that transphobia is a driver of violence.

Transfemme Posters

What skills do you use in your role? 

Community development is central to my work, and building and maintaining direct relationships with both community and service providers is essential. We have an advisory group of both trans women/feminine people and cis men that drives Transfemme; in particular, there’s a collective of trans women of color who are very talented advocates.

Professionally we’re often talking about platforming people with lived experience, but we want to support the community to develop their skills and ensure their safety and wellbeing in the process. That takes time, resources and commitment. Community support, and equally our advisory groups invaluable knowledge and expertise, are central to maintaining high-quality and culturally appropriate resources and messaging.

What do you like about working in primary prevention? What drew you here? 

It’s very personal. I want access to healthy relationships like any other person in our society. Unfortunately, transphobia, stigma, and shame impact my relationships. Many of my intimate relationships are secret and hidden. Working in prevention helps me take back my power and gives me hope for the future, not just for myself but also for my community and the people I care for.

What have you found useful in the work that Safe and Equal do to support prevention workers?  

I’ve found the resources that support practitioners in understanding and responding to LGBTIQA+ people’s experiences of family violence incredibly helpful. I often hand out their tip sheet “Top tips for inclusive responses to Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans and Gender Diverse, Intersex, Queer and Asexual (LGBTIQA+) People experiencing family violence” in our training sessions. There are significant missing gaps within resources to respond to LGBTIQA+ people’s experiences of family violence, and I appreciate the continuing efforts of Safe & Equal in being committed to addressing these gaps in their conferences and events.

My favorite resource we developed with Safe and Equal and Rainbow Door was a webinar talking about our website Transfemme and addressing cis men’s violence against trans women/feminine people. In particular, Safe and Equal prioritised the voices of trans women of colour and gave our team a platform to talk about our unique experiences.

Watch the webinar below and download the PowerPoint slides here.

What advice do you have for someone new to the PVAW sector?  

Read Transfemme and Pride In Prevention and reflect upon how trans women fit into gender equity frameworks. Collaborate and develop relationships with trans and gender-diverse organisations. Seek secondary consultation, training, or representatives from organisations such as the ZBGC.

Many of the drivers of violence against trans women/feminine people are the same as the drivers of violence against cis women. Our movements intersect, and we can learn from and support one another in our journey to drive social change.

Whose work do you admire?  

The Rainbow Health Australia team because of their ongoing commitment to support the work of Transfemme, their whole team really went out of their way to ensure our team could thrive in our advocacy. It was a real pleasure to work with people who treated us with the professional respect we deserved, were open to critical feedback and creating innovative solutions.

For more information about the Zoe Belle Gender Collective and Transfemme, contact Starlady here

Page last updated Thursday, December 1 2022


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Resources for your 16 Days of Activism 2022

Resources for your
16 Days of Activism 2022

Friday 25 November 2022

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The 16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence is an annual campaign that begins on 25 November and runs until International Human Rights Day on 10 December.

This year, we’re partnering with Respect Victoria to support local community engagement with the 16 Days of Activism ‘Respect Women: Call It Out (Respect Is)’ statewide campaign. We’ve been working with councils and statewide community health organisations around Victoria, and we look forward to sharing updates on their inspiring grassroots initiatives through our social media channels.

Connect with us here:

For each of the 16 Days, we’ll also be sharing a diverse range of resources from local, national, and international organisations working to eliminate family and gender-based violence. These are summarised below. We hope these resources support you in your learning and activism.

Friday 25 November - International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women
Saturday 26 November - Economic Abuse Awareness Day
Check out WIRE’s Respectful Relationships & Money Conversation Kit to learn how to talk about money with partners and family members.

If you or someone you know might be experiencing this kind of abuse, what can I do?

Visit Good Shepherd Australia New Zealand’s Financial Independence Hub – a free, confidential, personalised service supporting people previously impacted by financial abuse across Australia.

Sunday 27 November - Women and gender-diverse people in leadership
Check out these leadership development opportunities for women and girls: 

Monday 28 November - Street harassment

Tuesday 29 November - Media reporting on gender-based violence

Wednesday 30 November - Consent

Thursday 1 December - Porn and gender-based violence

Friday 2 December - Aboriginal Women's Lives Matter
How can I be a better ally? 

Take time to learn about and reflect on First Nations history and the impacts of colonialism on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.

If you are an Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander person experiencing family violence, contact these services in Victoria: 

1800 105 303
Mon-Fri, 9am-10 pm

Elizabeth Morgan House
1800 364 297

Visit the Safe and Equal’s service directory for more Victorian family violence services.

Sunday 4 December - Equality and respect in sports

Monday 5 December - Family violence and trans and gender diverse people

  • Check out Transfemme, a website with stories, tips and resources to support healthier relationships between trans women and men.

Tuesday 6 December - Elder Abuse
If you or someone you know is experiencing elder abuse, there is support available.  

You can call Seniors Rights Victoria on their confidential helpline – 1300 368 821. 

You can also visit Compass (www.compass.info), which is a website dedicated to providing information and resources on elder abuse across Australia. 

Remember – if you or someone you know is in immediate danger, please call triple zero (000). 

Want to learn more?

Check out our campaign resources and upcoming events for the 16 Days of Activism campaign here.

Page last updated Thursday, November 24 2022


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PiP Member Spotlight: Jodie Leahy from Nillumbik Council

PiP Member Spotlight: Jodie Leahy from Nillumbik Council

Friday 28 October 2022

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We spoke to our Partners in Prevention network member Jodie Leahy about her work in driving gender equity advocacy at Nillumbik Shire Council, and what she has found useful throughout her primary prevention career.

What is your professional background? And how did it lead you to prevention work.

I completed my Bachelor of Social Work at Victoria University. There I learnt about feminist and structuralist theory. My working background was in the response sector, I then moved into prevention around 9 years ago.

In 2014, I was a Social Worker at a council, and I started representing the council at the primary prevention networks. I was drawn in by the collective action, and the amazing work that people were implementing across their different settings. Prevention is really hopeful work.

Coming from response and building my knowledge of prevention and the health promotion model, it’s been great to see more of a connection between response and prevention work. Back then we didn’t have ‘Change the Story’, so seeing the evolution of this work has been really interesting.

Was there anything about those networks that inspired you?

I think the collective action, the amazing work that people were doing. When I first started, I wanted to get to know as many prevention workers as possible and build that peer support network.

When did you become passionate about gender equality?

I think I always was, but I didn’t have a name for it. In Uni, I enrolled in women’s studies and thought “This is what I’ve been looking for, this makes total sense.” Over the years my understanding has grown through listening, watching, reading and having many passionate conversations.

Raising my children – a daughter and a son – has made me even more passionate. They know mum advocates for equity. With the support of my partner, we are raising them to be passionate about gender equality and social justice. I also love how much they continue to teach me!

Tell us a little bit about what you’re working on now.

In 2019, Nillumbik Council received funding under Free from Violence.

15 gender equity advocates, including myself, were trained in Gender Equity 101. We then went out to our team meetings and introduced this topic to the whole organisation. We wanted gender equity as a permanent part of the agenda. It was about building conversation.

The next time we recruited advocates we got more people from the infrastructure area, including the depot and engineers, they presented to teams about our journey of gender equity, unconscious bias, gender, and intersectionality. It created a good understanding of this work and why we’re doing it. It also created multiple touch points to reach community, which wouldn’t be possible with one person.

The advocates are now being trained to complete Gender Impact Assessments to build capacity across Council and embed this practice as part of what we do.

It’s no longer just me doing this work within the organisation and I see that as progress. We have a whole team of staff across the organisation championing this work.

16 Days of Activism Against Gender-Based Violence – Nillumbik Shire Council

Gender Equity in the Early Years – Nillumbik Shire Council

What skills do you use in your role?

In my work, I use a lot of relational skills. Building connections and collaborative partnerships is important to me. I’m very open to learning and appreciate that we’re all learning together and supporting each other. Humour is also big focus for me, I like to have fun with my work.

What do you like about working in primary prevention?

In the primary prevention sector, you’re not in it alone. You may feel alone at the start, but once you build your support network around you, you realise you are part of a community and it’s very rewarding.

What have you found useful in the work that Safe and Equal and PiP do to support prevention workers?

I’ve really appreciated the opportunities to network, PreventX has been useful to hear what other people are doing and to be inspired. I’ve found the range of resources useful. Every month, I update our council intranet with new resources to share with the equity contact person in each team. This keeps gender equity and primary prevention on the agenda.

What advice do you have for someone new to the people sector?

Take the time to learn – you don’t need to know it all instantly. We’re all learning as we work in this space. You can get support by building up the network around you.

It’s important to have organisational care and support in this work, and important to have people you can debrief with when you need it because it’s emotional work and it has its challenges.

Whose work do you admire?

I admire all the people that work alongside me fighting for social justice and the amazing women who have gone before me. What I learn from them helps me in my work.

Page last updated Friday, October 28 2022


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Breaking down the ABS report ‘Domestic Violence: Experiences of Partner Emotional Abuse’

Breaking down the ABS report ‘Domestic Violence: Experiences of Partner Emotional Abuse’

Wednesday 31 August 2022

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According to a new report from the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS), 3.6 million Australians have experienced emotional abuse from a partner.

In the report Domestic Violence: Experiences of Partner Emotional Abuse, the ABS provides an analysis of data from the 2016 Personal Safety Survey (PSS), identifying key characteristics that are associated with an increased likelihood of experiencing emotional abuse from a partner. 

Let’s break this down.  

What does the ABS mean when they refer to ‘emotional abuse?’ 

According to the report, the ABS defines ‘emotional abuse’ in the PSS as specific behaviours or actions that: 

“…are aimed at preventing or controlling [a person’s] behaviour, causing them emotional harm or fear. These behaviours are characterised in nature by their intent to manipulate, control, isolate or intimidate the person they are aimed at. They are generally repeated behaviours and include psychological, social, financial (also known as economic abuse), and verbal abuse.”

Examples of emotional abuse as defined by the ABS include: 

  • Trying to stop a person from contacting their friends, family, or community 
  • Constantly putting someone down 
  • Limiting a person’s access to household money 
  • Threatening to remove access to a person’s child/children. 

With this definition in mind, the data collected in the PSS found that an estimated one in four women (or 2.2 million) have experienced emotional abuse since the age of 15, from either a current or former partner. 

Does this differ to coercive control? 

The term ‘emotional abuse’ is often used interchangeably with coercive control, but they are not the same. Coercive control is not a separate form of family violence – rather, it is a part of all family violence, including emotional abuse. 

Think of it this way: coercive control is a pattern of abusive behaviours and tactics used by a perpetrator to gain power and control over a victim survivor. It is not a ‘standalone’ type of family violence. All forms of family violence can be used by a perpetrator to gain and maintain power and control. 

It’s also important to remember that when we talk about family violence, we are talking about patterns of abusive behaviours that are used to control someone in a family, family-like or intimate relationship, and to make that person feel afraid for their safety and wellbeing. It can take many forms – not just physical or sexual abuse. Similarly, all forms of family violence can be separate, or can occur together. 

The behaviours defined by the ABS as emotional abuse include a range of tactics associated with other forms of family violence, such as financial abuse. 

With that in mind, what does the ABS data say? 

Women with disability, single parents and people experiencing financial stress were more likely to experience abuse 

The report highlighted several characteristics that were linked with higher rates of emotional abuse. 

For instance, women aged between 30 and 54 experienced the highest rates of emotional abuse, while women aged over 65 were less likely to experience abuse. 

6.3% of women with disability or a long-term health condition had experienced partner emotional abuse, compared to 4.1% of women without disability or a long-term health condition.  

Women who were single parents of children under 15 years old were more than twice as likely to experience partner emotional abuse, compared with women from all other household types. 

Both men and women living in households who had experienced cash flow problems within the last 12 months were more than twice as likely to experience partner emotional abuse as those who did not experience cash flow issues. Similarly, women living in households that were unable to raise $2000 in a week for something important were almost twice as likely to experience partner emotional abuse. 

The most common emotional abuse experienced was threatening and degrading behaviours 

76% of women who had experienced emotional abuse by a current partner had experienced that abuse in the form of threatening or degrading behaviours. 41% had experienced abuse in the form of controlling financial behaviours. 

Significantly, of the 1.7 million women who experienced emotional abuse by a previous partner, 88% experience threatening or degrading behaviours, and 63% experienced controlling social behaviours. 

The data from this report further highlights that regardless of what forms it takes, family violence is always underpinned by power and control. Coercive and controlling behaviours are found across all types of family violence, not just emotional abuse. 

Find out more about different forms of family violence here. 

For more information on family violence, including how you can seek support for yourself or a loved one, visit Are You Safe at Home? 

Page last updated Wednesday, August 31 2022


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Family violence, homelessness and pregnancy: Keeping the perpetrator in view

Family violence, homelessness and pregnancy: Keeping the perpetrator in view

Wednesday 3 August 2022

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This op-ed, written by Safe and Equal's Policy Manager Kate Mecham, first appeared in Volume 35 of Parity Magazine, Australia's national homelessness publication.

A note on language: Safe and Equal recognises that family violence impacts people across a diversity of gender identities, social and cultural contexts, and within various intimate, family and family-like relationships. Consequently, we predominately use the gender-inclusive terms ‘victim survivor’ and ‘perpetrator’ to acknowledge the complex ways family violence manifests across the community. Importantly, the term ‘victim survivor’ refers to both adults and children who experience family violence, recognising that children and young people who experience family violence are victim survivors in their own right. However, where references are being made specifically to the experiences of women, we use gendered language to accurately reflect this. As this article refers to people who are pregnant — who are predominantly women, I have chosen to use gendered language in this article.

As the peak body for family violence services in Victoria, Safe and Equal is very pleased to sponsor this edition of Parity and draw attention to the interconnections between pregnancy, homelessness and family violence.

We know that pregnancy and immediately post-birth are times of increased risk of family violence. In the case of intimate partner violence, as relationship dynamics begin to change with the impending birth of a baby, family violence may start for the first time or it may escalate if already present, putting both mother and baby at risk. For young people who are pregnant, family violence risk may be present in the form of intimate partner violence and/or from their family of origin who may not be supportive of the pregnancy, further complicating the level of risk experienced and the types of supports needed to support young mothers and their children.

It is common for women and young people to find a new impetus to leave family violence when they become mothers, or when it becomes clear that their children are also being affected by the violence. Violence against themselves may be tolerated, but violence against their children is not. Thus, pregnancy creates both an opportunity and risk — an opportunity to engage with victim survivors of family violence to talk about safety, and a risk as pregnancy is already a time of increased risk that increases again at times of separation or when planning to leave.

We know that family violence is the leading cause of homelessness among women and children. Many mothers are faced with the dreadful choice of remaining in a violent relationship or taking their children and leaving only to be faced with the very real prospect of becoming homeless. Family violence is also the leading cause of youth homelessness, as many young people who experience family violence leave home to escape. For young women experiencing homelessness, the risk of family violence, sexual assault and pregnancy increases.

‘No woman should be forced to make the choice between putting herself and her children at risk of homelessness or continuing to experience family violence’.

This nexus of pregnancy, family violence and homelessness is why this edition of Parity is so important. Research on the experiences of women who are pregnant and homeless has demonstrated that a vast majority of these women have experienced family violence. In the mix of pregnancy, medical needs, homelessness, possible drug or alcohol addiction and/or mental illness, where is the perpetrator?

When working with women who are pregnant and homeless, these critical questions must be asked. Is this woman a victim survivor of family violence? Is attempting to leave family violence the reason they are homeless? Are we recognizing and supporting both the woman and her children’s acts of resistance and efforts to stay safe in the face of violence? Where is the perpetrator? Is the system keeping them in view? Do services know where they are, what they are doing, and how their actions may have impacted and still be impacting the mother and child?

Are we viewing mental illness or substance abuse through a trauma‑informed lens, which may reveal that these issues are a response to family violence‑related trauma? Are we recognising that, for some of these women and children, family violence may still be occurring? That this trauma is not an event they have left behind, even if they are being linked in with other services?

If the abuse, violence, coercive control and resulting fear are ongoing, recovery from family violence is not possible. Are we able to acknowledge what a mammoth task it may be for the mother to effect certain changes in her life at this time? Are we able to adjust service expectations accordingly, with a view to keeping both mother and child safe and — ideally — together?

In such scenarios, it is critical that we shift our focus to the perpetrator of family violence and assess to what extent their actions are the root cause of many other issues someone who is pregnant and homeless may be experiencing. If the family violence risk from the perpetrator was removed, how might the health, wellbeing and safety of each woman and her baby be improved?

Fortunately, Victoria is starting to make this shift. The introduction of the family violence Multi Agency Risk Assessment and Management (MARAM) framework is supporting non-specialist family violence services who work with victim survivors of family violence to better assess the safety needs of both adult, child and adolescent victim survivors. The Family Violence Information Sharing Scheme (FVISS), Child Information Sharing Scheme (CISS) and rollout of the Central Information Point (CIP) all are enhancing services’ abilities to share risk-relevant information about perpetrators and victim survivors to better inform risk assessments, safety planning and holistic service delivery.

These reforms are still in the early days of implementation, and their full effect on outcomes for victim survivors, including women who are pregnant and homeless who have experienced family violence, is still yet to be felt. But they are also not enough on their own. Even when fully implemented, much will rely on the expertise and experience of individual practitioners to be able to utilise these tools effectively. It is, therefore, necessary that sectors are resourced to support their staff to use these tools and work collaboratively with other sectors to answer these critical questions through multiple practice lenses to get the best picture of what a client needs.

We also need housing.

Homelessness cannot be solved without housing. No woman should be forced to make the choice between putting herself and her children at risk of homelessness or continuing to experience family violence. We cannot reasonably expect anyone to address mental illness or substance abuse issues when they are homeless, managing a pregnancy and faced with the prospect of bringing a baby into the world without a safe place to live. We also need more crisis accommodation for young people who are independently fleeing family violence, either from an intimate partner or family of origin, to stop the intergenerational impact of family violence.

The Victorian Royal Commission into Family Violence very clearly found that children experience the effects of family violence prior to birth. Yet the service infrastructure and amount of safe, affordable, long‑term housing to support women who are pregnant and experiencing family violence and homelessness remains insufficient to address their needs. We are immensely pleased that attention is being drawn to this group of women and children and look forward to the ensuing conversation about what is needed and how to best support them.

Page last updated Wednesday, August 3 2022


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Fast Track Prevention Program Wrap-up

Fast Track Prevention Program Wrap-up

Wednesday 27 July 2022

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In the last week of June, the Fast Track prevention program held their end-of-program forum and final workshop for round 3.

Fast Track is a 10-week online program that supports professionals in the prevention and response sectors advance their careers by building skills in leadership, advocacy, partnerships, and program design.  

A cohort of 24 practitioners completed the course from a range of organisations and regions across Victoria. The final workshop focussed on advocating for change, with Emily Maguire (CEO, Respect Victoria) and Diana Sayed (CEO, Australian Muslim Women’s Centre for Human Rights) joining us for a panel discussion. The level of engagement throughout the program was high, with participants feeling a real sense of camaraderie and reinvigoration to continue their work in prevention.  

I have enjoyed this course immensely! I have not only learned a lot but have practical knowledge and skills to apply to my practice in Family Violence Prevention work and have made some great long-time relationships/networks with amazing people from the course. Thank you so much for the opportunity!

-Fast Track prevention program participant

The end-of-program forum was a success, attended by Fast Track participants and managers, mentors, and staff from DFFH and Safe and Equal. The forum was an opportunity to connect and celebrate participants’ hard work, with presentations showcasing enhanced knowledge and skills that they can apply in their workplaces. The session begun with a discussion between Tania Farha and participants around leadership, what participants valued from the program, and future hopes for leadership within the sector. The scaffolded learning outcomes covered in each weekly module alongside support from their mentors enabled participants to identify and design a workplace project to implement back in their organisation. Some workplace project logics presented at the forum included: 

  • Building a rural gender equity workforce; train the trainer model
  • Supporting multicultural and faith communities to prevent family violence, and
  • Embedding gender equality into teaching practice for the community education sector.

The Fast Track program is now entering an evaluation phase; we have partnered with Lirata and look forward to conducting a thorough evaluation of the program and sharing the analysis and findings later in the year. Discussions are currently in progress regarding the future funding of Fast Track, to join the waitlist for upcoming prevention leadership development opportunities, please click here 

Page last updated Wednesday, July 27 2022


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Being brave with Elizabeth Morgan House

Being brave with Elizabeth Morgan House

Monday 30 May 2022

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From Kalina Morgan-Whyman, CEO, Elizabeth Morgan House Aboriginal Women’s Service Inc. 

This National Reconciliation Week, we are reminded that we need to ‘Be brave. Make change.’

It has never been more important for Aboriginal women and children to have allies in our ongoing efforts to advocate for their human rights. The statistics are shocking: 

  • Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women are 5 times more likely to be victims of homicide than other Australian women. More than half (55 per cent) of these homicides are related to family violence.    
  • Aboriginal women constitute 34% of the female prison population and are only 2% of the general population.    
  • 87% of Victorian Aboriginal women in prison are themselves a victim of sexual, physical or emotional abuse.  
  • Aboriginal children are taken from their families by child services at 8 times the rate of non-indigenous children.   

Getting help is difficult because of a lack of cultural appropriateness in many services, and fears from Aboriginal women that access to support leads to interacting with a system that would remove their child or lead to further violence. Everyday, our case workers are supporting women and children through a system that discriminates and further traumatises them. Aboriginal women and children need culturally appropriate services so they are safe and can heal.  

We are seeing how Aboriginal women are treated in the news at the moment, with the latest coronial enquiry into an Aboriginal woman’s death in custody. We hear stories of a lack of medical care and inhumane treatment all the time. Aboriginal women incarcerated in Victoria receive grossly inadequate healthcare. This failure is causing preventable and treatable illnesses to become chronic, and in too many cases, is directly resulting in the deaths of Aboriginal women.  

There must be change. 

Elizabeth Morgan House Aboriginal Women’s Service (EMH) is Aboriginal-led, for Aboriginal women and children. We remain the only high-security refuge for Aboriginal women in the state, with accommodation for just four families at one time – not nearly enough to accommodate the referrals received.  

EMH is committed to advancing the International Human Rights principles for our women and their children. The safety of women is paramount, and we seek to address power, systems, structure, gendered inequality and discrimination that exists and impacts our Aboriginal women. 

EMH is taking up the challenge with an ambitious agenda to provide leadership in this space. There are ways you can help: 

Donate to us here: https://www.givenow.com.au/elizabethmorganhouse.  

Add Aboriginal women’s voices to your work – contact us to find out how.  

Follow us across social media and help spread the message that Aboriginal are strong, resilient, wise and brave. Reach out to find more ways to partner with us. 


National Reconciliation Week Promotional Banner

Page last updated Monday, May 30 2022


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#SeenAndBelieved: LGBTQ Domestic Violence Awareness Day 2022

#SeenAndBelieved: LGBTQ Domestic Violence Awareness Day 2022

Friday 27 May 2022

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Saturday 28 May is LGBTQ Domestic Violence Awareness Day – an opportunity to raise awareness and increase visibility of domestic, family and intimate partner violence against lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans and gender diverse, intersex, queer, and asexual people.

What began as a Brisbane-based awareness day in 2020 is now a national initiative – one that centres the voices of LGBTIQA+ communities and aims to educate allies, organisations and the general public about the systemic discrimination, erasure and additional barriers LGBTIQA+ people face when trying to seek domestic violence support. 

For Elvis Martin, a youth advocate and member of Safe and Equal’s Expert Advisory Panel, LGBTQ Domestic Violence Awareness Day is a reminder of the work that is still needed to ensure all LGBTIQA+ people can access safe and inclusive support. 

“Because so many people view family violence as something experienced by cisgender heterosexual women, perpetrated by cisgender heterosexual men, it can be really hard for anyone outside of that binary to be seen and acknowledged as a person experiencing violence,” he said.

“This makes it very difficult to access support – if we don’t realise that what we are experiencing is family violence, and the system isn’t recognising it, we fall through the cracks.” 

Research indicates that people who identify as LGBTIQA+ experience family violence and intimate partner violence at similar rates to those who identify as heterosexual. Private Lives is Australia’s largest national survey of the health and wellbeing of LGBTIQA+ people, conducted by the Australian Research Centre in Sex, Health and Society (ARCSHS) at La Trobe University. The third edition of the survey, released in 2020, found that more than two out of five survey respondents reported experiencing intimate partner violence, and two out of five survey respondents reported experiencing family violence, predominantly from parents and older siblings.  

The survey also highlights the unique circumstances in which LGBTIQA+ people may be subjected to violence, including rejection or abuse after ‘coming out’ to family members. As a young person, Elvis’ experience of family violence directly intersected with experiences of homophobia and discrimination. 

“For a long time, I did not know that what I was experiencing was family violence,” he said.  

“I didn’t know what to think – I would just tell myself that I was experiencing ‘conflict’ with my family. I did not see it as family violence until someone else named it.” 

After recognising that what he was experiencing was family violence, Elvis realised there were further systemic barriers for LGBTIQA+ people seeking support that other communities may not face.  

“For starters, there are not many LGBTIQA+ specialist family violence services, and many people don’t know who or where they are,” he said. 

“Adding to that are the ongoing experiences of systemic discrimination and prejudice LGBTIQA+ communities are subjected to. This can increase our distrust of services, so even if we know a mainstream service is there, we might be hesitant to reach out.” 

Challenging systemic discrimination and prejudice is key to the theme of this year’s LGBTQ Domestic Violence Awareness Day – #SeenandBelieved. For Elvis, having people name the violence and ask about his safety was life-changing.  

“Just having someone say that to me made me feel seen and believed. It gave me the confidence to seek professional support, which was something I was unable to do previously,” says Elvis. 

“But we can’t just rely on professionals – because there are less LGBTQIA+ family violence services, the community has a really important role in supporting each other,” he adds. 

“Just being there for someone who is experiencing family violence is so important. You don’t have to tell them what to do, just be there for them, don’t judge them, and let them tell you what they need.”

After overcoming some very difficult circumstances, Elvis now uses his lived experience to educate others in the community and amplify the voices of the LGBTIQA+ community. It is his hope that with initiatives like LGBTQ Domestic Violence Awareness Day, more people will feel supported to disclose abuse and reach out for help, and services will become safer and more inclusive for LGBTIQA+ people. 

“There is so much power in having these conversations. The more awareness we raise, the more our experiences are validated, the more we feel seen and respected, and the more government and policy makers must listen and change.” 

For more information on LGBTQ Domestic Violence Awareness Day, visit https://www.dvafoundation.org/. 

If you or someone you know is experiencing family violence, you can contact Rainbow Door on 1800 729 367 (10am – 5pm, every day) or QLife on 1800 184 527 (3pm-midnight, every day) for LGBTIQA+ peer support, information and referral, or 1800RESPECT on 1800 737 732 (24 hours, 7 days).

Page last updated Friday, May 27 2022


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International Day Against LGBTIQA+ Discrimination

International Day Against LGBTIQA+ Discrimination

Tuesday 17 May 2022

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Today is the International Day Against Homophobia, Biphobia, Intersexism and Transphobia, also known as IDAHOBIT. The date commemorates when the World Health Organisation removed homosexuality from the Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems on 17 May 1990.

IDAHOBIT reminds us we must stand with and celebrate LGBTIQA+ people and communities across the globe, raise awareness and acknowledge there is still significant work required to eliminate LGBTQIA+ discrimination. People who identify as LGBTIQA+ experience family violence and intimate partner violence at similar rates to those who identify as heterosexual. However, LGBTIQA+ people face systemic discrimination, erasure, and additional barriers to accessing tailored family violence support. 

Safe and Equal stands against homophobia, biphobia, intersexism and transphobia. We recognise the ongoing violence and discrimination that LGBTIQA+ people face on a daily basis, particularly in the context of family violence, and continue to advocate for change. We celebrate the wisdom, strength and humour of LGBTIQA+ communities, and strive to make our organisation an inclusive space where everyone is welcomed and valued. 

There is a lot of work occurring across the organisation to promote and support LGBTIQA+ community partnerships and collaboration. Recently, we partnered with Switchboard to develop a tip sheet to help practitioners responding to family violence provide LGBTIQA+ inclusive support.  

Last week, we joined with gender equity and women’s safety organisations across the nation to speak out in support of inclusion, dignity and respect for trans women. This Fair Agenda initiative is in response to the disturbing attempts by some political candidates to foster division by attacking the rights of trans women to participate in community and professional sports. We are deeply concerned about this divisive, hate-filled debate and its potential to fuel increasing violence against trans women and girls. You can read the joint statement and add your support here 

We are also proud to be working towards achieving our Rainbow Tick accreditation, which ensures Safe and Equal is a safe, inclusive and affirming organisation and employer for LGBTIQA+ communities.  

Finally, we are excited to be co-hosting an upcoming webinar with Switchboard and the Zoe Belle Gender Collective, to commemorate LGBTIQA+ DV Awareness Day on Thursday 26 May. The webinar is an opportunity to learn how we can better respond and support trans women of colour who are experiencing family and intimate partner violence.  

These are all important steps, but there is much more work to be done to ensure our sector can provide safe and inclusive support to all LGBTIQA+ people. 

If you’re interested in finding out more about how you can support and advocate for the LGBTIQA+ community, for IDAHOBIT and beyond, take a look and share content from Minus18 and Switchboard, two organisations doing critical work towards supporting and creating space for LGBTIQA+ people. There’s also a page on the Safe and Equal website that provides more information on how services can support LGBTIQA+ people experiencing family and domestic violence, including a list of specialist services and programs. 

Page last updated Tuesday, May 17 2022


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Start a conversation to end family violence

Start a conversation to end family violence

Tuesday 10 May 2022

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Today (May 10) is Are You Safe At Home? Day – a chance to start a conversation to end family violence.

When the first round of Melbourne lockdowns occurred in March 2020, people experiencing abuse found themselves stuck at home with their perpetrators 24/7 – without the respite that work, socialising and daily life had otherwise provided. Calls to helplines dried up as women were unable to reach out for support without alerting their perpetrator. 

During this time, family violence services started reporting an increase in ‘third parties’ – friends, family members and neighbours – contacting them with concerns about someone in their life.  

It was from these circumstances that Safe and Equal developed Are You Safe at Home? – a campaign to reduce the stigma and fear associated with asking the question, and to support communities to feel more comfortable identifying and responding to family violence. 

Expanding to a national campaign in 2022, the new Are You Safe at Home? website provides people experiencing abuse with information about what family violence is, ways to stay safe, and where to find support. Asking the question can be tough, so the website also includes information for friends, family and community members on how to respond appropriately if you suspect someone you know is experiencing family violence, centered around asking, ‘are you safe at home?’. 

‘For someone experiencing abuse, having someone ask about your safety can be incredibly meaningful. To have someone actually name what you’re experiencing as violence, believe you and offer non-judgmental support can be life-changing.’

– Tania Farha, Safe and Equal CEO

This morning’s live-streamed event to launch the very first Are You Safe at Home? Day provided an opportunity to centre the voices of lived experience and learn about the significant role individuals can play in the fight to end family violence.  

Minister for the Prevention of Family Violence, Gabrielle Williams, gave a powerful opening address that articulated the significance of community engagement and support in preventing and responding to family violence. 

‘Where people are, is where this conversation needs to be. It’s as simple as that,’ she said. 

Minister Williams went on to acknowledge the importance of awareness-raising campaigns in further educating the public, saying ‘the community at large has more of an understanding of what family violence is, due in large part to campaigns like this.’ 

Following Minister Williams’ address, MC and AFLW Richmond player Akec Majur Chuot facilitated a discussion with Elvis and Mishka* two survivor advocates who both have had experiences with being asked ‘are you safe at home?’. 

For Elvis, who experienced family violence related to his identity as a young LGBTQIA+ person, being able to name what he was experiencing as family violence was complex and difficult. 

For a long time, I thought family violence was only experienced by women in intimate partner relationships,’ he said.

‘If someone would have asked me…I might have opened up about my experience and maybe that would have fast-tracked my recovery.’ 

Mishka* shared her similar experience with being unable to recognise that she was experiencing family violence, but had supportive work colleagues who were able to name the violence and provide pathways to safety. 

‘Quite often the last person to realise they are a family violence victim is the victim themselves….my colleagues knew I was a family violence victim before I did,’ she said. 

Both Elvis and Mishka* highlighted the importance of bystander intervention – particularly of being non-judgemental and asking the individual experiencing violence what they need for support. 

‘If you see a red flag, it doesn’t do any harm to call it out and ask the question…you’ve planted a seed,’ said Mishka*. 

‘Just be a good listener. Be there for someone, listen to what they are going through,’ added Elvis. 

Both advocates advised that having regular check-ins, offering practical support and remaining patient and understanding can really make all the difference. 

‘What my colleagues did was slowly build me up, and show me I was valued and cared about, and that the violence was not my fault,’ said Mishka*. 

‘That gave me the strength to save myself, to get myself safe.’ 

Safe and Equal would like to thank Elvis, Mishka*, Akec and Minister Williams for providing their advocacy and support in the launch of Are You Safe at Home? Day. 

Click here to view the livestream of the Are You Safe At Home? Day event.

For more information and resources, please visit www.areyousafeathome.org.au. 


*names have been changed. 

Page last updated Tuesday, May 10 2022


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Fast Track Response Program Wrap-up

Fast Track Response Program Wrap-up

Tuesday 12 April 2022

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Last week, Safe and Equal held their end-of-program forum and final workshop for round 3 of the Fast Track Response program.

Fast Track is an intensive leadership program that helps professionals in the prevention and response sectors advance their careers by building skills in leadership, advocacy, partnerships and program design. 

A cohort of 21 professionals completed the course in round 3, with representatives from Berry Street, Centre Against Violence, Drummond Street Services, Elizabeth Morgan House Aboriginal Women’s Services (EMH), Family Life, Good Shepherd Australia New Zealand, Safe Steps, WAYSS Ltd, and WRISC Family Violence Support.  

The end-of-program forum was a great success, attended by Fast Track participants, mentors, and staff from Family Safety Victoria and Safe and Equal. The forum opened with a discussion between Tania Farha and participants around leadership, what participants valued from the program, and future hopes for leadership within the sector. Each participant then presented the workplace project logic they had designed during the program. The learning outcomes covered in each weekly module alongside the mentorship program supported participants to identify and design their projects, the presentation of which showcased the hard work invested and the strengthened capacity of participants. 

Workplace projects presented included: 

  • A project to connect each Aboriginal Team within the Orange Doors, to improve referral pathways and strengthen connections between teams across Victoria 
  • An audit to understand the type of barriers services face to effective and timely collaboration, followed by the implementation of targeted interventions to address these barriers (such as networking events and cross-sector meetings), and the development of processes for a formal feedback loop to monitor and review these barriers and interventions  
  • A project to encourage greater contribution from all team members in meetings, not just from management. This project aimed to address the need for a healthy, positive team culture where staff feel safe and supported to speak up and share ideas.  

Forum attendees were very impressed with all workplace project presentations, with Family Safety Victoria and the Safe and Equal Practice Development Advisor expressing interest in staying updated on the programs’ status and outcomes. 

“I just wanted to say a quick thank you for the last 10 weeks, I cannot believe how fast it went! I was really surprised at how relevant, specific and targeted the course content was, it was challenging without being overwhelming and I am thankful for the opportunity to be part of it.”

– Fast Track response program participant

This was the final funded response round for 2022, and upcoming courses are yet to be confirmed. You can add yourself to the waitlist for future Fast Track programs or for other potential leadership development opportunities here 

Page last updated Monday, April 11 2022


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Meet Safe and Equal’s new Board Chair

Meet Safe and Equal’s new Board Chair

Tuesday 15 February 2022

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Safe and Equal is excited to announce Maria Dimopoulos AM has been appointed Board Chair, commencing in February 2022.

Safe and Equal CEO Tania Farha welcomed the appointment. 

“Maria is a lauded human rights advocate and champion of diversity and gender equality. Her extensive experience and expertise, particularly around the rights and meaningful inclusion of women from migrant and refugee backgrounds in policy and system reform aligns strongly with our strategic goals and purpose,” said Tania. 

Maria has made significant contributions to policy development, research and community education, including as a member of the federal Access and Equity Inquiry Panel and as the inaugural Chairperson of the Harmony Alliance – Australia’s national coalition of migrant and refugee women. Maria has also contributed to state and federal family and gender-based violence prevention and response strategies, including as part of the National Council to Reduce Violence Against Women and their Children which oversaw the development of the First National Plan to End Violence against Women and their Children. She has undertaken extensive research with diverse communities and organisations and has been published in the Feminist Law Journal, Family and Domestic Violence Clearinghouse, and the Australian Institute of Criminology. She is also the co-author of the book Blood on Whose Hands? The Killing of Women and Children in Domestic Homicides, published by the Women’s Coalition Against Family Violence. 

“I look forward to supporting the great work of Safe and Equal, in particular the partnerships with First Nations communities and organisations,” said Maria. 

“I am committed to governing Safe and Equal with an intersectional feminist lens as a way to expose uneven power relations and structural oppressions, in order to support gender equality and social justice.”  

A recipient of Member (AM) of the Order of Australia and an inductee to the Victorian Honour Roll of Women, Maria was formerly Special Advisor, Multicultural Communities, for the Department of Justice and Community Safety. She is also a Board member of the Coronial Council of Victoria, Reconciliation Victoria, the Spectrum Migrant Resource Centre, and the National Judicial Council on Cultural Diversity.  

Maria takes on Chair responsibilities from Stacey Ong, who has led Safe and Equal’s Board as Interim Chair since September 2021. 

“I am proud to have worked as part of the Transition Board and with the staff of Safe and Equal as Interim Chair for the last five months. I look forward to seeing Safe and Equal and the sector move into the next period and welcome Maria’s expertise and leadership,” said Stacey.  

“The staff and Board would like to thank Stacey for her governance and leadership, particularly through the final stages of the merger and launch of Safe and Equal,” said Tania.  

“We are excited to continue our work across the continuum of prevention to recovery, to achieve our vision of a world beyond family and gender-based violence where women, children and people from marginalised communities are safe, thriving and respected.”  

Page last updated Tuesday, February 15 2022


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Reflecting on the establishment of Safe and Equal’s Expert Advisory Panel

Embedding family violence lived experience

Reflecting on the establishment of Safe and Equal’s Expert Advisory Panel

Tuesday 1 February 2022

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Following the development and release of the Family Violence Experts by Experience Framework, Safe and Equal began work in 2021 to prioritise embedding the voices of those with lived experience within the organisation. A key step in this work was the establishment of the peak’s first survivor advocate advisory mechanism, the Expert Advisory Panel.

As we commence our second year of working with the Expert Advisory Panel, it is timely to reflect on how we have implemented principles of the Experts by Experience Framework in our organisation, and what we have learned along the way.


The Experts by Experience Framework is based on the belief that responses to family violence will be most effective and safe if they are informed and developed in partnership with victim survivors. 

The recognition that victim survivors hold valuable knowledge and expertise about family violence and the service system is reflected in key Safe and Equal documents, including our Strategic Plan and the Code of Practice. 

To support staff to understand and recognise the value of lived experience and how it connects to their work, we undertook surveys and workshops in an effort to determine organisational readiness for engagement with lived experience and survivor advocacy. These spaces provided staff with the opportunity to share and discuss their fears and excitement for this work, and highlighted gaps where more work was required to build capacity and inform our pathway forward. They also provided us with more understanding of the different sources of lived experience in the sector – including the lived experience of clients, survivor advocates and the workforce. 

These tools will form part of an ongoing process, particularly as new staff commence within the organisation.  


“I was happy you considered me although I was still experiencing family violence, because you can still be in the middle of the situation and do advocacy. My most powerful advocacy has been when my case has been active. It is disempowering when someone decides I can’t advocate. We can assess our own safety.” 

Expert Advisory Panel member


Following the recruitment process was complete and members of the Panel were confirmed, we worked with each individual to identify and understand any legal, physical, emotional or cultural safety considerations. Where risks to safety were identified, we explored what support or protections were needed to enable safe participation. These include: 

  • Using a pseudonym for external communications and/or events 
  • Not sharing email addresses publicly 
  • Reviewing any quotes or stories before publication, to ensure they are captured in a way that protects anonymity 
  • Taking breaks during meetings as required, and encouraging panel members to switch their cameras off if needed 
  • Turning comments off on social media 

As safety considerations can change over time, it is important to revisit these risks frequently. 


The Experts by Experience Framework outlines the importance of not only recognition for survivor advocate expertise, but also financial remuneration for their time and contributions. 

While there are many ways to ensure survivor advocates are remunerated for their work, we elected for members of the Expert Advisory Panel to be engaged as employees of Safe and Equal. This is due to the nature of the role, to ensure panel members accrue superannuation, and our desire to engage panel members as staff of the peak. 


Establishing transparent processes in the way we engage with survivor advocates has been a major element of this work. Having a purpose and providing clear information supports survivor advocates to make informed decisions about what they participate in, including the nature of the engagement, degree of influence, time commitment and any limitations.  

To foster transparency and clear communication, we initially chose to provide written project briefs to survivor advocates, as well as verbal briefs in meetings or on phone calls. Feedback from panel members indicated that we have an over-reliance on written communications, and that this is not always accessible. To mitigate this, we have been exploring the use of short, pre-recorded video briefs. 

“When I’m in a trauma space I’m not reading; it’s 5 bullet points at most because of limited brain storage. So, it’s a balance – enough information, but (you) don’t want to overwhelm people.” 

Expert Advisory Panel Member


Panel members also have the opportunity to review work they have provided input to, to ensure all points have been accurately represented. Where possible, we also provide feedback on how their contributions have influenced change, big or small. 


Building in processes for accountability in all aspects of this work builds trust, as well as opportunities for innovation and continuous improvement. Through surveys, group reflections and workshops, there are regular opportunities and avenues for survivor advocates to let us know what is working well, and more importantly what is not working or could be improved.  

In 2021, we undertook a ‘health check’ panel, where we heard what was working well and identified opportunities for improvement, including: 

  • Sending reminders the day before meetings 
  • Recapping old and new business at the start of each meeting  
  • Setting up a WhatsApp group for communications between meetings
  • Using different forms of communication, not just written, e.g., video, images 


“From the get-go I felt like I could be honest and open and felt safe to do so. I think that is because of a human approach, caring and holding space…I didn’t go into the space thinking I had to perform – I could be a human and that’s a huge relief.”  

Expert Advisory Panel member


Throughout the establishment of the Expert Advisory Panel, it has been incredibly important to ensure the space is safe and supportive. This has included incorporating formal and informal trauma-informed support, such as: 

  • Access to a family violence-informed Employment Assistance Provider 
  • Warm referrals to specialist services as required
  • Generating a set of shared values for the panel
  • Using a check in and check out discussion tool
  • Allowing survivor advocates to engage in ways that work for them on the day 

The wellbeing of panel members is a top priority. We have learned that making these supports readily available has enabled survivor advocates to more comfortably participate in the panel and feel safe to ‘step back’ or implement boundaries when needed. 

“Advocates can be ‘messy’. We are trying to manage our triggers but also being passionate about the work. Push into that too, ‘how do we help you on your messy days? and how do we support you on those days?” 

Expert Advisory Panel member



Identifying and addressing power imbalances and taking the time to understand each person’s motivations and values has been integral to building trusting relationships and has allowed the Expert Advisory Panel to work collaboratively and honestly with each other and with Safe and Equal. This is always a work in progress, but some strategies we have implemented to address power imbalances include: 

  • Having check-ins that all staff, survivor advocates or people in other roles participate equally in
  • Ensuring the Safe and Equal team show up authentically, model vulnerability and are honest about what they are bringing into a space
  • Being mindful of who else is in the space and not out-numbering survivor advocates, as this changes the power dynamic
  • Ensuring people who are in the meeting have a clear role and purpose, and that this is communicated clearly
  • Following through on implementation changes that the panel suggests
  • Being mindful of which voices are being heard, and which voices are not – making a concerted effort to create space for the quieter voices to be heard 

“I didn’t feel a power imbalance. I didn’t feel like I had to front up with presentation or personality that would fit. Sometimes as a victim survivor I get torn or feel I have to mask authenticity to fit in with workplace expectations. I didn’t have to battle a notion to prove you are experienced enough to do the work.”  

Expert Advisory Panel member



Partnering with and learning from the members of the Expert Advisory Panel relies on establishing trusting and authentic relationships and being open to continuous learning and improvement. We have learned it is important to approach this work from a place of mutual learning, with curiosity and without all the answers. For us, this has meant proactively seeking feedback and being open to welcoming critique, implementing suggested changes in a timely manner, and asking questions to understand.  

This process has also highlighted the importance of approaching work with the panel in a way that welcomes ‘blue sky thinking’ – panel members bring a lot of advocacy experience, but also skills and expertise in a number of different areas that add significant value to their contributions.  


“For [Safe and Equal] to welcome people with a criminal record, was a huge benefit and relief. Otherwise, I wouldn’t have applied.” 

Expert Advisory Panel member


To support inclusion of diverse voices and perspectives, we wanted to be clear and deliberate about seeking engagement from victim survivors whose voices may not usually be heard. This involved reflecting on and acknowledging the ways that gender inequality intersects with other forms of inequality and oppression, such as colonialism, ableism, white supremacy, racism, homophobia, transphobia and classism.  

In seeking engagement and insight from a broad range of perspectives, it was critical to remove existing barriers for victim survivors who experience marginalisation and systemic oppression. One example of this was around police checks. As an organisation, we were transparent of the need for selected panel members to complete a police check, however explicitly stated that a police check result would not necessarily prevent someone being successful in the role. 

“What surprised me about the process is getting appointed to the committee. It is really important to have different perspectives and acknowledge experience of LGBTIQA+ victim survivors.”  

Expert Advisory Panel member


As diverse as the panel of survivor advocates are, they do not represent the views and experiences of all victim survivors. The work to remain aware of missing voices is ongoing, as are efforts to elevate and create space for others, including working collaboratively with other survivor advocacy groups such as inTouch’s Noor and Women with Disabilities Victoria’s Experts by Experience working group. 


Like many in the specialist family violence sector trying to meaningfully embed the voices of lived experience, resourcing and sustainability remain prevailing issues. While we continue to put in place creative methods to fund this work including private sector grants, philanthropy and utilising fee for service models, of key significance is the cultural shift and genuine commitment to ensuring victim survivor expertise is at the centre of everything we do, from the Experts by Experience Implementation Plan, to budget submissions and government advocacy. 

Taking careful steps to meaningfully engage with lived experience voices has had considerable impact. Survivor advocates were pivotal in informing and leading key pieces of work within the organisation, including the Safe and Equal name and branding, shaping our submission to the Successor National Plan to End Violence Against Women and Children, and co-designing and delivering a Children and Young People Forum, among many others.  

For us, the implementation process has provided ample learnings. We have learned that seemingly small projects or pieces of work can have a large influence and impact, and fostering genuine and authentic relationships is vital and enables us to know when things are challenging or not working well. We have also learned that to ensure maximum influence, we must ensure survivor advocates have the opportunity to work on a project from the beginning. 

Through these learnings, we have also discovered gaps and complexities that require more attention, including the irregular nature of hours and work for survivor advocates, and the need to create further opportunities for emerging advocates to gain experience and build capability. Importantly, more funding is needed for the sector to implement this work. 

Having the opportunity to work alongside survivor advocates is a privilege, and the individuals in these roles are incredibly generous with their experience and expertise. We look forward to continuing to partner with the Expert Advisory Panel to support work across all areas of Safe and Equal in 2022. 

Page last updated Tuesday, February 1 2022


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Responding to Children and Young People’s Experience of Family Violence

Responding to Children and Young People’s Experience of Family Violence

Monday 31 January 2022

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As the specialist family violence sector continues to develop and evolve, children and young people impacted by family violence still need urgent and dedicated support.

Held virtually on 10 November 2021, ‘Responding to Children and Young People’s Experience of Family Violence’ was the final session in Safe and Equal’s 2021 Specialist Family Violence Leadership Group Forum.

The session provided an opportunity for leaders in the sector to hear directly from young people impacted by family violence, and to further explore what it really means for our sector to recognise and support children and young people as victim survivors in their own right.  

Youth advocate panel discussion: working with young people in their own right 

Setting the scene for the morning was the youth advocate panel discussion moderated by Tash, a survivor advocate and member of Safe and Equal’s Expert Advisory Panel. The five youth advocate panelists, Apryl*, Elvis, Liam*, Millie* and Kaitlyne, provided unique insight into how systemic responses can evolve to be more inclusive and responsive to children and young people, based on their experience and expertise.  

When discussing what it would look like for a service to work with a young person in their own right, panelists described the feeling of being ‘invisible’ in services and being seen as an extension of a parent rather than as an individual person. There are different, individual support needs required for children and young people, and services need to directly engage with them to ensure their needs are prioritised and seen as separate to the needs of adults, as well as other children and young people. Family violence can impact each child or young person differently – even those within the same family. 

The panel discussed gaps in the current service system, particularly around the lack of dedicated funding or support available for victim survivors turning 18, for young people from diverse cultural backgrounds, and for young LGBTIQA+ people experiencing family violence. Panelists described how complicated and overwhelming it can be to navigate services and environments, which can feel like a full-time job. They recommended a more holistic approach, where services consider the intersectionalities that impact young people and provide warm referrals and support accordingly.  

The importance of staff training, sector collaboration and the inclusion of lived experience within service frameworks was also highlighted by the youth advocates as integral to creating meaningful, ongoing change. The panel discussed how essential it is that children and young people see themselves reflected at all levels of an organisation, including as Board members.  

Prioritising the needs of children and young people in system reform  

In her keynote address, Principal Commissioner for Children and Young People Liana Buchanan noted that this event was the first time children and young people had been brought together with the specialist family violence sector in this way. 

Calling for the ongoing prioritisation of children and young people in public policy and service design, Commissioner Buchanan reflected on the immense work that has been done in this space, particularly following the Royal Commission into Family Violence, but acknowledged that there is much more to be done.  

“We cannot afford to take such a long time to improve responses to children and young people who are experiencing family violence.”

Liana Buchanan, Principal Commissioner for Children and Young People


Break-out room discussions 

Break-out rooms during the forum provided an opportunity for participants to reflect on specialist family violence responses to children and young people and consider future directions in policy and system reform. Key needs and priority advocacy areas that emerged from these discussions include: 

  • Increased funding and resources to support children and young people 
  • Tools, resources and training for services to create a safe and supportive environment for children and young people 
  • Advocacy for stronger responses to children and young people within our sector 
  • Embedding of lived experience to ensure services are accessible 
  • Increased investment and capacity for refuges to respond to the needs of children and young people.

We would like to thank the staff, members and survivor advocates who contributed their time and knowledge to this event. We hope to continue this conversation and build on our practice and policy expertise to provide children and young people with safe and responsive support and services. 

Page last updated Monday, January 31 2022


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Tailoring inclusive support for our communities

Tailoring inclusive support for our communities

Wednesday 26 January 2022

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Safe and Equal is proud to partner with specialist organisations Djirra, Berry Street's Y-Change Lived Experience Consultants, Switchboard, inTouch, Women with Disabilities Victoria, Seniors Rights Victoria, and Flatout to develop a suite of practitioner resources to support tailored and inclusive responses to family violence occurring across diverse communities and contexts.

Family violence is an intersectional social problem with far-reaching impacts that reinforce structural disadvantage and marginalisation across many different communities.  

While family violence can impact anyone, there are social, structural and systemic barriers caused by historic and ongoing discrimination that has seen certain groups excluded from or unable to access services, government programs, and equitable justice responses. Ageism, ableism, colonisation, criminalisation, homophobia, poverty, racism, sexism, transphobia and other forms of discrimination can all increase the severity and lasting impacts of family violence. 

To disrupt these barriers, responses to family violence must be inclusive, tailored and flexible. Victim survivors of family violence must be understood as the experts of their own experiences, with their own unique backgrounds, life experiences, perspectives, identities, strengths, hopes and needs. 

We have partnered with seven specialist organisations who support the most marginalised members of our community who experience intersecting forms of discrimination and violence, to provide practice guidance for tailored and inclusive family violence support. 

Read on for more information on each of the resources. 

Image for Safe + Equal_Djirra-18

Supporting Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people 

This practice guidance has been prepared for family violence workers who are responding to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people experiencing family violence. This may include women and children who are experiencing family violence in the context of intimate partner violence, and/or women and children experiencing family violence in the context of kinship relationships and arrangements. 

This self-directed learning guide has been developed in partnership with Djirra, written from the perspective of an Aboriginal writer with experiences and input from other Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women. It is prepared predominantly for family violence practitioners who are not Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. 

This practice guidance is a starting point to spark more questions, think about your own practices, and continue your learning.  

Supporting children and young people 

The voices of children and young people impacted by family violence are often invisible. This guide for family violence practitioners working to support children and young people has been co-produced with Berry Streey’s Y-Change Lived Experience Consultants – a group of young people aged 18-30 with lived experience of socioeconomic and systemic disadvantage who challenge the thinking and practices of social systems through their advocacy and leadership. 

The guide explores key considerations for supporting children and young people with lived experiences of family violence and features several practical activities you can do with children or young people accessing your service. The guide is complimented by a colouring-in activity that was also co-produced by Y-Change. The artwork and colouring-in activities were created by artist and illustrator, Chadai Chamoun.  

Find out more about Y-Change’s work here. 

Supporting LGBTIQA+ People 

People of all genders, sex and sexual orientations can experience family violence. Many lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans and gender diverse, intersex, queer, and asexual or aromantic people have family violence experiences that mirror those within heterosexual and cisgender families and relationships. 

Because of biphobia, homophobia, transphobia, heterosexism and heteronormativity, there are also some distinctly different risk factors and barriers to support experienced by LGBTIQA+ people.  

We’ve partnered with Switchboard Victoria to develop a tip sheet to help practitioners responding to family violence provide LGBTIQA+ inclusive support, assessment, safety planning and referrals. 

Switchboard Victoria is a community based not for profit organisation that provides a peer-based support service for LGBTIQA+ people and their friends, families and allies. 

Supporting criminalised women 

Victim survivors who have been criminalised experience high rates of family violence and trauma, and the severity and impacts of this can be significant.  

The term ‘criminalised women’ is used to encompass women who have been imprisoned, have had contact with police for other matters, and/or who engage in criminalised activities such as illicit drug use or sex work.  

Victim survivors whose experiences of family violence intersect with their experiences of being criminalised, including experiences of incarceration, may experience discrimination in the family violence response system. This can increase their risk and impact their access to safety and support. 

Flat Out is a state-wide homelessness support and advocacy service for women who have had contact with the criminal justice and prison system in Victoria. They are an independent, not for profit, community-based organisation that is managed by and for women. Flat Out is committed to co-creating safer spaces, fostering support and self-determination for sistergirls, intersex, transgender and gender diverse women. 

To support services and practitioners to provide safe and inclusive responses to criminalised women, we have partnered with Flat Out to develop a tip sheet to help family violence practitioners understand systemic harm and violence and resist systemic collusion.  

The tip sheet is accompanied by a poster for display in a service. The poster is aimed at criminalised women and seeks to empower them to access the tip sheet and provide it to a service or practitioner they are working with. 

Criminalised women informed and shaped this resource, and we thank them for generously sharing their knowledge and experiences. 

Supporting people from migrant and refugee communities 

Family violence is widespread and is not inherent to any culture, country, or community. Victim survivors from migrant, refugee, and asylum-seeking backgrounds experience the same forms of family violence as the broader community. 

Because of racism, discrimination, language barriers, and differences in cultural contexts, people from migrant and refugee communities in Australia can be disproportionately impacted by family violence because they face some distinct risk factors and experience additional barriers to support. 

inTouch Multicultural Centre Against Family Violence is a specialist family violence service that works with women from migrant and refugee backgrounds in Victoria, including women who have experienced forced marriage.  

Forced marriage is a violation of human rights, a slavery-like practice, and a form of family violence that affects many people – especially women – in our community. While forced marriage is recognised by the Family Violence Protection Act 2008 (Vic), it has been acknowledged that the family violence system needs to improve capability to identify and respond to forced marriage in the context of family violence. 

To support this, we have partnered with inTouch to co-design a tip sheet to help family violence practitioners understand what forced marriage is, the signs to look out for, and best ways to support someone who has experienced forced marriage. This practice guide draws on the position paper Forced Marriage in Australia, published by InTouch in June 2021. 

Supporting people with disability 

In July 2021, we partnered with Women with Disabilities Victoria to deliver a webinar on person-centred risk assessment with victim survivors with disability.  

Facilitated by Keran Howe, panelists from Women with Disabilities Victoria’s Experts by Experience Group, the Office of the Public Advocate and family violence practitioners contributed their diverse perspectives and experiences. Together, they explored compounding risk factors and barriers to safety that people with disability experience. 

The webinar also explored ways specialist family violence practitioners can adapt their practice to ensure people with disability feel safe, heard and supported during risk assessments.

Supporting older people 

If you are supporting someone who is older or lives with an older person, it is vital you can recognise elder abuse and respond appropriately. 

Evidence shows there is a high prevalence of elder abuse perpetrated by adult children, and this can be a complex context for practitioners to support the safety and wellbeing of elder victim survivors.  

We have developed this resource in partnership with Seniors Rights Victoria, a specialist service that provides information, support, advice, and education to help prevent elder abuse and safeguard the rights, dignity and independence of older people. 

Seniors Rights Victoria identified that practitioners would benefit from increased guidance to support them to identify elder abuse, and to uphold the rights and safety of older people in intergenerational households – particularly when the older person may not be the primary client of the service. 

Page last updated Wednesday, January 26 2022


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Calling for a sustainable footing for the specialist family violence sector

Calling for a sustainable footing for the specialist family violence sector

Tuesday 18 January 2022

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An unprecedented amount of investment has been made in improving Victoria’s family violence system following the Royal Commission. While this has been welcomed by the family violence sector, there remains a range of complex issues which are creating clear gaps and mounting pressure on the emerging system. As the Victorian government gears up to release the 2022 state budget, we are calling for an urgent uplift in funding to secure a sustainable footing for the specialist family violence services sector, so every victim survivor can access the support and safety they need at the time they need it.

Where are the gaps?

There are ongoing issues around service sustainability, demand and resourcing in the specialist family violence sector. Essentially, services need funding at a level that meets increasing demand.  

An increase in community awareness means more victim survivors feel comfortable seeking support, however without adequate funding services cannot keep up with this ever-growing client base. Services are having to triage cases, meaning those who are assessed as lower risk will wait longer for case management. Wait times are only increasing as we see more high-risk and complex cases, due in part to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. 

It is also important to note that while we know from years of anecdotal evidence that demand for family violence services is reaching unsustainable levels, meaningful and reliable data is complex and difficult to collect. Without ongoing government investment and commitment to data collection and analysis, we will never have the whole picture on demand.  

What we do know is that team leaders and managers from many of our member organisations have expressed concern at the impact demand issues are having on victim survivor safety, and staff wellbeing and mental health. Workers want to do the best for their clients but the ever-rising demand for services, and the impacts of COVID-19 have resulted in high levels of staff turnover and burnout.  

Our indicative data suggests that most specialist services are working at a significantly reduced capacity due in part to worker burnout and staff retention issues, creating added pressure for remaining staff. One specialist service reported that the number of intake and assessment staff taking mental health days increased by at least 50 per cent during 2020. Services have difficulty recruiting and retaining experienced specialist staff, meaning new and inexperienced workers are holding significant caseloads, complexity and risk. They are reporting that after two to three years, workers are moving on to other, more secure jobs outside the specialist sector – jobs that pay more and are able to provide longer-term contracts.  

System reforms arising from the Royal Commission into Family Violence, while welcomed, have meant that many services must implement significant changes to meet new industry requirements, using existing core funding. This adds extra pressure to an already buckling workforce at full capacity. 

As services grapple with unsustainable demand and resourcing issues, the lack of crisis accommodation and long-term housing remain critical system gaps that require immediate attention. Currently, in Victoria there is only capacity to accommodate 160 households in refuge. We know the need is much higher.  

This significant lack of available refuges has meant victim survivors are often placed in motels. This year, Safe Steps supported an average of 97 victim survivors in crisis accommodation each night, with some months averaging as high as 120 people per night.  

While using motels as a form of emergency accommodation has been necessary, it is not suitable for victim survivors of family violence whose lives are at significant risk. Motels are simply unable to provide the level of care and safety required.  

Another critical gap is the lack of clarity, consistency and resourcing in responses to children and young people experiencing family violence. Funding and structural limitations along with a lack of minimum standards means the system, while trying, is struggling to provide tailored, specialist responses to children and young people as victim survivors in their own right.  

What is needed?

To deliver the best quality services to victim survivors of family violence, Safe and Equal is calling for an urgent increase in funding for the specialist family violence sector. This funding must be at a level that enables the sector to respond to not just increasing levels of demand and client complexity, but to a rapidly changing service environment stemming from the unprecedented level of government and systemic reform. 

This doesn’t just mean money for more workers to deliver more services to clients – although this is also needed. It is about investing in the longevity and sustainability of the specialist family violence sector, to ensure the best outcomes for victim survivors – both adults and children.  

It means: 

  • Longer-term staff contracts with a minimum of 3 years 
  • Longer-term program funding 
  • Increased wages for specialist family violence workers that reflect the complexity of the work, the skill set and level of qualifications required to work in the sector 
  • Increased funding to support staff professional development and wellbeing, to ensure highly skilled workers remain in the sector and do not experience burnout  
  • Immediate implementation of a fit-for-purpose, flexible costing model, and increasing funding for infrastructure costs, to enable all specialist family violence services to meet new requirements arising from reforms 
  • An immediate increase in specialist family violence crisis accommodation to enable 320 households to be accommodated on any night, the prioritisation of 1000 dwellings for victim survivors to be built immediately as part of the Victorian Big Housing Build initiative, and a greater proportion of new social housing to be set aside for victim survivors of family violence. 

For the system to be effective, all parts must be appropriately and adequately resourced to ensure people seeking support do not encounter roadblocks. There are many reforms and changes to the system in recent years that have made for a more inclusive, integrated system. These are certainly worth celebrating. However, the very sustainability of the system is under significant pressure from issues around demand and resourcing – issues that require immediate attention to ensure improvements gained over the last five years are not in vain.  

Read our submission to the 2022 Victorian State Budget.

Page last updated Tuesday, January 18 2022


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Everyone has the right to be safe at Christmas

Everyone has the right to be safe at Christmas

Tuesday 21 December 2021

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For many, the holiday season brings a sense of joy and celebration. It’s a time for reflection and festivity, a time to get together with family and friends – some of whom we may be seeing for the first time in almost two years. But for others, this is a time of fear.

December and January have long been the busiest time of year for specialist family violence support services. This is reflected in data on calls to services and police, which dramatically increased during the 2020-21 holiday season. According to Victoria Police figures, more than two thirds of all assaults reported between Christmas and New Year’s Day were related to family violence, with police attending a family violence incident every five minutes.

By the time all the presents have been opened, the food eaten, and the crackers popped this Christmas, there will have been approximately twice as many family violence assaults compared to other days in the year. These increases come on top of already alarming rates of family violence seen during the COVID-19 pandemic.

These numbers are staggering. Yet they don’t even paint the whole picture, as we know most people experiencing abuse will never contact the police. Many, however, will tell a friend, family member, or colleague.

So what can we, as a community, do to help? We all have a part to play in preventing and responding to family violence by looking out for friends, family and neighbours, and knowing what action to take if we are concerned someone may be experiencing abuse.


How do I know if it’s family violence?

Family violence is a pattern of threatening, controlling or violent behaviour that makes someone feel scared or unsafe. While it impacts people of all genders, identities, age groups, sexual orientations, cultural backgrounds and walks of life, most family violence is perpetrated by men, against women.

It’s also important to remember that family violence doesn’t always involve physical abuse. It can also include behaviours like threats, financial control, and emotional abuse. It is often cyclical – there may be periods of time without violence, and times where the violence is heightened. No matter what form it takes, family violence is never acceptable.


Common signs to look out for:

Someone who is experiencing family violence may not openly disclose that they are being abused, but there are often signs that indicate something is not right.

They may withdraw from loved ones or seem depressed. Their partner, ex-partner or family member may undermine their credibility, criticise or humiliate them publicly. They may seem afraid or nervous when this person is around, or may have cuts, bruises and other injuries with unlikely explanations. Perhaps they have mentioned their partner or family member’s temper or jealousy to you. Maybe you have seen their partner constantly calling, texting or monitoring their movements.

For children or young people who may be experiencing family violence, the signs can be harder to recognise. Sudden behaviour changes like difficulty concentrating, not wanting to go home, ‘acting out’ or becoming angry and aggressive at friends and family can mean there is something going on.


What can I do?

If anyone is in immediate danger, always call the police on triple zero (000). If there is no immediate risk, the best thing you can do is find an opportunity to speak with the person you’re concerned about alone, and approach them with sensitivity and empathy. For people experiencing abuse, being asked a simple question like ‘are you safe at home?’ can make a world of difference.

If someone discloses violence or abuse to you, it’s important you listen without judgement or criticism – the violence is never their fault. Saying ‘just leave’ is not helpful – there are many reasons why someone may be unable or unwilling to leave an abusive partner.

Help build confidence by acknowledging their bravery in sharing. Tell them that you believe them, and you want to help.

Help them make a safety plan – this could include being their emergency contact, agreeing on a code word or signal they can use if they need help, looking after copies of important documents and items in case they need to leave home quickly, or providing practical support like childcare or assistance with errands.

Let them know professional support is available – a good place to start is the list of Victorian services on the Are You Safe At Home website.

It can be scary to ask the question, but it could be the greatest gift you give these holidays.


For 24/7 family violence crisis support and accommodation in Victoria, contact Safe Steps on
1800 015 188.

For support and information in other states and territories, contact 1800RESPECT on 1800 737 732.

For tailored LGBTIQA+ support and information in Victoria, contact Rainbow Door on 1800 729 367.

If you or someone you know may be at risk of using family violence, contact the Men’s Referral Service on 1300 766 491.


*This op-ed from Safe and Equal CEO Tania Farha was originally published in the Herald Sun on Tuesday 21 December 2021.

Page last updated Tuesday, December 21 2021


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Victorian Emergency and Disaster Response

Victorian Emergency and Disaster Response

Tuesday 21 December 2021

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This blog post shares key updates and links regarding Victorian emergency management. These include Victoria’s revised State Emergency Management Plan (SEMP), SEMP roles and responsibilities and the new Emergency Recovery Resource Portal (ERRP). The table provided outlines key contacts in emergency and disaster for members to use and share with their local community and clients.

Victoria’s revised State Emergency Management Plan (SEMP) 

The SEMP details the state emergency management arrangements for the mitigation of, response to, and recovery from emergencies. It informs all levels of planning across Victoria – state, regional and municipal.  

The 2021 Review was undertaken across a six-month period and included comprehensive engagement with the emergency management sector, government departments and supporting agencies. 

The SEMP Roles and Responsibilities document (linked below) lists an extensive range of emergency and disaster support including fire, flood, and animal welfare. 

The State Emergency Management Plan Roles and Responsibilities is a web-based section of the State Emergency Management Plan (SEMP) which includes a detailed Roles and Responsibilities section.  

The Victorian Government has launched a new Emergency Recovery Resource Portal (ERRP) 

The new portal provides emergency recovery guidance and information for practitioners from communities and agencies supporting recovery in Victoria. 

Over 50 resources from a wide range of sources are now available in the ERRP, to inform and guide recovery activities and decision making. Greater access to these resources will better enable community-led recovery and resilience practices. 

The portal is part of the Victorian Government’s response to the Inspector General for Emergency Management (IGEM). It was co-created by people and practitioners from across government and the community. 

We encourage our members to share the table below with their local community or clients, particularly in the lead-up to bushfire season in Victoria. An additional resource produced by Better Health Channel in consultation with The Department of Health outlines services that you can call for immediate help1. 

In an emergency, always call triple zero (000) on any phone that has reception, even if the phone is locked you can drag the ‘Emergency SOS’ slider to call emergency services. If you have a hearing or speech impairment, dial 106 to use the text-based emergency services network on a teletypewriter.  

VicEmergency Hotline 
Call 1800 226 226 
Flood, storms, tsunami or earthquake
Victorian State Emergency Service (SES) 
Call 13 25 00 
Workplace emergencies
Worksafe Victoria 
Call 13 23 60
Medical issues
Nurse On-Call
Health information helpline provided by registered nurses.
Call 1300 606 024
Gas and electrical emergencies
To report gas emergencies, call the emergency number on your gas bill for assistance at any time. 

To report fallen electrical power lines and power outages contact your electricity supply company. 

Call (03) 9203 9700  

Maternal and Child Health Line
Family health line for child health, maternal and family health and parenting advice provided by maternal and child health nurses.  

Call 13 22 29

Red Cross Information Line
Find a bushfire relief centre or locate affected family and friends. 

Call 1800 727 077 

Support for accessing phone services
Call the National Relay Service(if you are deaf or find it hard hearing or speaking with people who use a phone) on 1800 555 677 and if you don’t speak English, call the Translating and Interpreting Service on 13 14 50. 

Page last updated Tuesday, December 21 2021


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Wrapping up the 16 Days of Activism

Wrapping up
the 16 Days of Activism

Friday 17 December 2021

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Safe and Equal are incredibly thankful to have partnered with Respect Victoria to deliver this year’s 16 Days of Activism Against Gender-based Violence grassroots initiative. Read on to learn more about how this year's grant recipients engaged their local communities to Respect Women: Call it Out.

This year, Safe and Equal partnered with Respect Victoria to award 113 grants of $1200 to a wide range of community organisations, who delivered activities and events designed to engage their communities in preventing and responding to gender-based violence. Some of the amazing examples of how these community organisations applied their grant funding include: 

44 grants for social media campaigns 

for print/traditional media campaigns

43 grants to support webinars, seminars, and workshops 

30 grants to support public art installations and exhibitions 

18 grants to run trainings on primary prevention and other topics 

15 grants to create and screen videos 

13 grants for arts/cultural events and activities 

We would like to extend our enormous gratitude to all who have been instrumental in making this campaign happen. Thank you to Respect Victoria for their funding and guidance, as well as to our Project Advisory Group members (Municipal Association of Victoria, No to Violence, Women’s Health Services Council and Victorian Council of Social Services) for their advice, expertise and support, which helped make this year’s campaign a success. 

It has been a big year, and an immensely challenging one at that. We recognise that many of you have been working within a sector that has been disproportionately impacted by the unforeseen challenges of a global pandemic, whilst balancing lockdowns, caring responsibilities and redirected work priorities, amongst many other uncertainties.  

We’d like to thank each and every one of you for the enthusiasm, creativity and commitment demonstrated during this year’s 16 Days of Activism campaign. Your collective efforts are the driving force for change, and we are so thrilled to be working alongside you towards these common goals. 

Image provided by Didi Bahini Samaj

Page last updated Friday, December 17 2021


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Meet our Fast Track participant Krissy Nicholson

Meet our Fast Track participant Krissy Nicholson

Thursday 25 November 2021

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We recently spoke to Krissy Nicholson, a Family Violence Prevention Officer from the City of Casey, about her experiences with the primary prevention stream of the Fast Track program.

Why did you join the Fast Track Program?

I wanted to deepen my knowledge and expand my family violence prevention practice with a group of supportive likeminded professionals.

What have been the key takeaways from Fast Track for you?

Fast Track allowed me the space and time to reflect on core components of family violence prevention and focus on how to put this evidence base into practice. My favourite session was focussing on Intersectionality, where I was provided additional tools and resources to ensure it is prioritised in my work. I also loved the extensive list of resources available and the opportunity to work alongside a great group of people across the sector. The mentorship program was an added bonus!

Since starting Fast Track, how do you think you’ve developed as a practitioner?

This program enabled me to consolidate my learnings and strengthen the theory that supports my work. It has provided an opportunity for me to learn from experts and think about how to apply learnings into my own practice. I have also loved the mentor process in which I have space and time to really dissect and discuss some of the more nuanced complexities in this work.

What’s next for you?

I am very excited to be working with a team to develop the City of Casey’s new Gender Equality and Family Violence Prevention Strategy. I am looking forward to embedding the learnings and resources from the Fast Track course into its development.

What advice do you have for someone new to primary prevention?

Prevention work is inspiring, diverse, challenging, and empowering. However, we are playing the long game. Change takes time so celebrate small successes and look after yourself along the way. Build and utilise networks, have patience, and also have a sense of humour.

Learn more about the Fast Track program here.

Page last updated Thursday, December 2 2021


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Meet our Fast Track participant Kerry L

Meet our Fast Track participant Kerry L

Thursday 25 November 2021

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We recently spoke to Kerry, a Family Violence and Disability Practice Leader from Berry Street, about her experiences from the response stream of the Fast Track program.

Why did you join the Fast Track Program?

I felt I had reached a level in my current practice where I had adequate skills and experience to move into a leadership role within the sector. The Fast Track intensive leadership program, is one of its kind as it is tailored to the Family Violence Sector and suited my professional development needs. The program provided the unique opportunity to be linked with an experienced specialist mentor for the duration of the program and offered regular expert presenters who shared knowledge and insights relevant to program sessions. I found the duration and times set for the program attractive as it was manageable whilst I continued to work full time.

What have you been able to achieve since completing the Fast Track program?

I was successful in my application for a leadership role as the Family Violence & Disability Practice Leader at Berry Street. As part of my final assessment, I developed a Program Logic which I presented to our Practice Development Team who were supportive of implementation.

I have developed my thinking in relation to engagement with external organisations and utilise this knowledge to promote and advocate inclusive practice for people experiencing family violence and sexual assault with lived experience of disability.

I have also put into practice my learnings regarding the importance of data collection and developed processes to collect and collate data.

Since starting Fast Track, how do you think you’ve grown as a leader?

My confidence has grown, and I understand how to advocate on behalf of myself, my team, programs, and people in the community using evidence and data. I have been able to consider how to implement frameworks and models in my current role as Family Violence and Disability Practice Leader and promote capacity building within Specialist Family Violence and Sexual Assault Services.

Is there anything else you would like to share?

I am excited about my future and what I will achieve. The Fast Track intensive leadership program has provided me with a strong foundation around feminist leadership, policy and partnerships to compliment my practice experience. I am very grateful I had the opportunity to complete the program.

I highly recommend anyone considering an application to the Fast Track intensive leadership program to apply. The facilitators are experienced, and the delivery of the program is thoughtful. There are numerous learning opportunities covering various topics. Fast Track delivered a safe space to share expertise, resources, insight, thoughts and challenges between participants, facilitators and guest speakers. Each person contributed invaluable insight to support our learning and the connections made between participants was an added bonus!

Learn more about the Fast Track program here.

Page last updated Thursday, November 25 2021


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A new peak body for the family violence sector

A new peak body for the family violence sector

Wednesday 17 November 2021

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Domestic Violence Victoria (DV Vic) and the Domestic Violence Resource Centre (DVRCV) have united to form Safe and Equal, Victoria’s peak body for family and gender-based violence.

For more than three decades, Domestic Violence Victoria (DV Vic) and the Domestic Violence Resource Centre Victoria (DVRCV) have been two key organisations in the establishment and coordination of the specialist family violence sector in Victoria.   

In 2019, the Boards of both DV Vic and DVRCV identified the possibility of a merger to further strengthen our capacity to support systems reform and connect strengths and resources for greater impact.  

After comprehensive consultation with staff, members and other stakeholders, the Boards and members of DV Vic and DVRCV voted to merge in March 2020, representing an exciting new chapter in the extensive histories of both organisations. 

On 17 November 2021, we launched our new visionary name and brand with our Board, members, key stakeholders and partners. Combining over thirty years of experience in advocacy and innovation for change in the family violence sector, DV Vic and DVRCV are proud to unite as Safe and Equal, the peak body for specialist family violence services supporting victim survivors in Victoria.   

“Following the Royal Commission into Family Violence, the Victorian specialist family violence sector has been subject to major and ongoing reforms,” said Safe and Equal Chair Stacey Ong.  

“It became clear that by bringing together the skills and expertise of both organisations, we could increase and strengthen our capacity to support specialist services through these changes and into the future.”

Safe and Equal will continue to work with practitioners and leaders to bring grassroots issues into the public arena, coordinate and participate in advocacy and action to reform policy and improve the service system, and scale up and embed practice development and innovation across the sector.  

“The roles of DV Vic and DVRCV have always been highly complementary, with closely aligned visions, purpose and values, and frequent collaboration in advocacy and campaigning,” said Safe and Equal CEO Tania Farha.

“This merger provides the specialist family violence sector with a peak organisation that has more reach than ever before, across the continuum of prevention to recovery.”

The new name, Safe and Equal, was selected after extensive consultation and feedback from victim survivors. It is a bold statement in support of the organisation’s vision: a world beyond family and gender-based violence, where women, children and all people from marginalised communities are safe, thriving and respected. 

Visit our new website at www.safeandequal.org.au. 

WARNING: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander viewers are advised that the following video may contain images of people who have died.

Page last updated Wednesday, November 17 2021


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“Silence means trauma”

“Silence means trauma”

Friday 15th October 2021

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Every year, over 110,000 Australians experience pregnancy or infant loss. To acknowledge and remember all babies lost and the grief and trauma experienced by their families, October is Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness Month, with October 15 known internationally as Pregnancy and Infant Loss Day.

To commemorate Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness Day we spoke to Rebeca ‘Bec’ Carro, a member of DV Vic/DVRCV’s Expert Advisory Panel who has experienced pregnancy and infant loss. Bec is an experienced survivor advocate, published writer and campaigner. Since the Royal Commission into Family Violence, Bec’s advocacy experience includes TV appearances, radio hosting, roundtables, public speaking engagements, as well as federal and state campaigns. Recently, Bec was part of a successful campaign that saw a national legislative change to maternity/paternity leave in recognition of stillborns.

You are the stars that steer my life by

You are everything that is good and holy to me

When I see a beautiful sunrise or sunset, that is you

When I see the lake or the forest or a flower, that is you

You are in the trees, the wind and the sunshine

You are all around me and in me

You are forever my babies born with wings.

Poem by Rebeca Carro

When Bec first started dating her perpetrator in 2005, their relationship moved quickly. After moving in together, the physical and emotional abuse started almost straight away. Six months in, Bec was surprised to find herself pregnant. She later found out her perpetrator was routinely sabotaging her birth control methods – a form of reproductive abuse.

As Bec’s pregnancy progressed, so did the violence – until seven months into her pregnancy she was rushed to hospital. Devastatingly, her baby had passed away.

“I blamed myself. I believed what he said to me, that it was my fault, I was crazy. I had to hide it and lie to the hospital staff, saying I fell down the stairs even though he pushed me. You learn to be so convincing that they don’t ask the extra questions. I was all alone; it was incredibly traumatic.”

Bec is not alone in her experience. According to the Family Violence Multi-Agency Risk Assessment and Risk Management Framework (MARAM), family violence often commences or intensifies during pregnancy and is associated with increased rates of miscarriage, low birth weight, premature birth, foetal injury and death. Data collected from the 2012 Australian Bureau of Statistics Personal Safety Survey indicated that over 400,000 women in Australia had experienced violence by a partner during pregnancy.

Family violence during pregnancy is widely regarded as a significant indicator of future harm and for this reason, it is listed in the MARAM as one of the evidence-based risk factors that may indicate an increased risk of a victim being killed or almost killed. For Bec, this risk was very real. The violence and coercive control continued after the loss of her baby, and she found herself terrified to fall pregnant again due to the risk of significant harm from her perpetrator.

“I told myself I would never go through that again…I was so scared to have another child due to the trauma I experienced. Trying to hide the fact I was on the pill was really difficult and risky – he wanted me to get pregnant, but I saw pregnancy and trauma as totally linked. I saw pregnancy as trauma.”

Bec endured 10 years of ongoing and escalating abuse, making multiple attempts to leave the relationship until she was able to escape for good in 2015.

In 2019 Bec met her current partner, Steve. He provided a sense of safety and stability she had not experienced in a relationship before. When Bec fell pregnant in her 40s with twins, she felt ready again. Things seemed perfect.

“I was over the moon. I felt like I had dealt with the trauma and PTSD and was at a stage where I could embrace the pregnancy, embrace the baby inside me. I was in a great space.”

Tragically in June of 2020, in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, Bec’s babies were stillborn.

“It was unbelievable. How could this happen to me? Having stillborns is such a traumatic experience as it is – but to experience this at a point in my life when I thought everything was perfect, I was ready…not being able to take these babies home made all my trauma resurface.”

Desperate for answers, Bec was devastated to learn the autopsy was inconclusive. Feeling lost and unsure how to work through her grief and trauma, Bec started researching stillborns in Australia. She found that every day in Australia, 6 babies are stillborn each day – a statistic that has remained relatively unchanged since 1999. In 2018, there were 9.2 perinatal deaths for every 1,000 births.

Despite the statistics, Bec found losing her twins – a boy and a girl who she named Isaac and Grace – was an incredibly lonely experience.

“I thought there would be more support out there for pregnancy loss, but there wasn’t. I felt so alone, and I had no answers.”

Bec felt a distinct lack of support and awareness both times, but particularly during her first experience in 2005 when the links between pregnancy and infant loss and family violence were not as commonly known by practitioners.

“Family violence was not really spoken about, there was a lot of shame around it. Practitioners also didn’t have the knowledge; they didn’t have the education to ask the extra questions. I am so grateful now that practitioners today are more informed, they ask those extra questions, they investigate further.”

Bec feels strongly that the ongoing trauma she experienced as a result of family violence may have contributed to her later pregnancy loss – a risk factor she believes needs more research and focus. Another gap is the lack of a specialist, targeted network or service within the family violence sector to support women who have experienced pregnancy or infant loss. Despite pregnancy being one of the most high-risk times for women to experience death or serious harm from family violence, no such service exists.

More than anything, Bec hopes her story can help others who have experienced pregnancy and infant loss to realise they are not alone. She hopes by sharing her story and advocating for change, it will help reduce the shame associated with both family violence and losing a child.

Bec’s advice for family and friends who are unsure how to approach the subject? Be kind, and approach with empathy and understanding. Don’t ask whether they want to ‘try again’ – acknowledge the loss and offer support. Above all – normalise the conversation. For Bec, the silence surrounding pregnancy and infant loss makes it impossible to move past the grief.

“It’s traumatic. Silence means trauma, it means heartache. It means my babies didn’t exist. And they did.”


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16 Days of Activism, expanding conversation and building momentum

16 Days of Activism, expanding conversation and building momentum

Monday 11 October 2021

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Domestic Violence Victoria and Domestic Violence Resource Centre Victoria (DV Vic/DVRCV) are partnering with Respect Victoria to deliver this year’s 16 Days of Activism Against Gender-based Violence grassroots initiative. Learn more about the initiative and how your organisation can get involved.

The United Nation’s international campaign – 16 Days of Activism Against Gender-Based Violence – takes place each year from 25 November (International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women) until 10 December (International Human Rights Day). Learn more about the origins of 16 Days here.  

Since 2019, Respect Victoria has delivered their 16 Days of Activism campaign supported by local councils and community organisations across the state. This year’s theme is Respect Women: Call It Out (Respect Is), encouraging Victorians to call out sexism and harmful gender stereotypes, in order to prevent violence and create a more safe and equal society. Check out last year’s campaign on the Respect Victoria website. 

Expanding community conversations 

To support the delivery of the 16 Days of Activism initiative, Respect Victoria is funding DV Vic/DVRCV to connect and build the capacity of community organisations and local councils to engage with the campaign.  

“We are thrilled to be able to support our colleagues at DV Vic to develop and deliver the grassroots element of this year’s 16 Days of Activism campaign” 

– Respect Victoria Acting CEO Amy Prendergast 

This year’s campaign is supported by a cross-sector Project Advisory Group with members the Municipal Association of Victoria (MAV), No to Violence (NTV), Victorian Council of Social Services (VCOSS), and the Women’s Health Services Council. 

“We’re pleased to be working alongside Respect Victoria and partners across the local government, women’s health, social services and perpetrator intervention sectors to support specialist family violence services, local councils, and other community organisations in this grassroots campaign.

Engagement across Victorian communities is critical to expanding the conversation and building momentum to prevent family violence and all forms of violence against women, before it occurs.” 

– DV Vic/DVRCV CEO Tania Farha 

Start planning your 16 Days campaign 

DV Vic/DVRCV is hosting a range of capacity-building activities available to all councils and community organisations interested in engaging with the campaign, including weekly newsletter updates, a Prevention & Communications Helpdesk, online events to support 16 Days campaign engagement, and a resource kit 

Grassroots initiative support fund 

series of small grants will be distributed by DV Vic/DVRCV to Victorian community organisations and councils, to develop and promote local initiatives and engage audiences across the state. The support fund aims to reinforce the existing collaborations with local councils and organisations, while also strengthening the campaign’s reach and inclusivity with tailored communications and supports.  

With 95 applications already approved, you still have time to submit an application to our call for funding! Get in quick, as grants are awarded until all funding is allocated. Start your application here. 

Upcoming webinars 

DV Vic/DVRCV will facilitate two webinars to provide both support fund recipients and community organisations with practical advice, ideas, tips and a forum to discuss how to run successful 16 Days of Activism campaigns.

Planning your 16 Days of Activism Campaign 

Our first webinar, held on Wednesday 27 October 2:00 – 3:30 pm, will provide practical advice on how to run a successful campaign, including tips on managing inclusion and accessibility, and how to engage local leaders in discussions about primary prevention of gender-based violence.

16 Days of Activism – Online Campaigns and Managing Resistance 

The second online event, held on Wednesday 3 November 2:00 – 3:30 pm, will dive into how to run an engaging and successful 16 Days of Activism campaign in the online environment and feature a deep dive into encountering resistance in online spaces.

Register here for our upcoming events, or to learn more about the 16 Days of Activism, visit our website.

The Prevention and Communications Helpdesk 

Subscribe here to receive regular email updates with case studies of participating council and community organisation activities ahead of and during the 16 Days of Activism. For any queries on the 16 Days of Activism Initiative, reach out to our Prevention and Communications Help Desk by emailing prevention@dvvic.org.au.


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Wrapping up the Women’s Safety Summit

Wrapping up the Women’s Safety Summit

Friday 17th September 2021

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The National Summit on Women’s Safety took place virtually on the 6th and 7th of September 2021, following several preparatory roundtable discussions the week prior. Bringing together delegates from across Australia, the Summit was an opportunity to air some critical issues around women’s safety and family violence.

However, much of the meaningful discussion occurred outside of the formal program, instead taking place in the lead up, surrounding and post the Summit itself. The message, however, is clear, a little less conversation, a little more action is what is required to make tangible steps towards ending family, sexual and gender-based violence.  

Tania Farha, CEO of DV Vic/DVRCV attended the Summit as the Victorian delegate and shares the sentiment that the time for action is now. You can read more about Tania’s experience and thoughts surrounding the event in her recap here.

Fair Agenda – Joint Statement 

Leaders in family violence and survivor advocates have responded to the Women’s Safety Summit in a joint statement that has been endorsed by survivor advocates and some of Australia’s leading organisations. Along with the statement are twelve calls for action that hundreds of organisations and thousands of individuals across the country have come together to support. The twelve calls for action are only a starting point for government commitments but are deemed critical for the next National Plan. 

We are in a moment of national reckoning, in which survivors have spoken out and shone a spotlight on gender-based violence. This moment demands national leadership.

DV Vic/DVRCV is proud to join hundreds of organisations and thousands of individuals in the call for transformative action in the next National Plan. Support our joint statement with Fair Agenda here. 

Housing; a clear gap

The Everybody’s Home campaign has written to Prime Minister, Scott Morrison to address the clear gaps when it comes to housing for women and children escaping family violence. The lack of accommodation and access to long-term affordable housing, means many women and children are forced to return to violent homes. They are demanding that more focus, budget and resources be placed on providing women with safe and affordable long-term housing. Backing their demands is a comprehensive report by Equity Economics, No Where to Go shows that the social and societal benefits of providing housing for women far outweigh the cost of the housing itself.  

You can read the full Statement on Housing for Women’s Safety. 

Show your support and act now by signing the petition.

The Summit in the spotlight 

Coverage during and post the Summit has been widespread and further highlighted the thoughts of many survivor advocates and sector organisations, that it’s going to take more than just a two-day summit and well-intentioned words to end family violence in Australia. 

Survivor advocate’s response to lack of inclusion in an open letter 

The Summit failed to meaningfully include or engage with the expert voices of people with lived experience. There is still a long way to go in creating real, long-term change, particularly amongst our country’s most powerful structures and systems.

The next National Plan must be relevant to everyone in our community. That means listening to and engaging with lived experience in all of its diversity, and recognising that Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples must lead responses for their communities. Victim survivors of gender-based violence must be involved in decisions that impact upon their lives.

Family Violence Advocate Cathy Oddie‘s blog post includes a powerful open letter from a national collective of victim survivors and survivor advocates.

Statement from Delegates

The panel discussions, along with those conversations had at roundtables, fed into the Statement from Delegates released shortly after the Summit. As the lead delegate for Victoria, I was truly impressed with the strength of responses and feedback I received from the Victorian delegation, the majority of which was incorporated into the final Statement of delegate priorities for the next National Plan. The Statement is more broadly representative of, and articulates, what we know, and what needs to change.

Strength in unity expressed in a joint letter

In a joint letter to the National Federation Reform Council Taskforce on Women’s Safety, some of Australia’s leading peak bodies, advocates and organisations representing and working in specialist family, domestic and sexual violence services have come together to highlight core priorities in the lead up to the next National Plan.  

You can read the joint letter here.

Catch up on the Summit

The virtual event was live-streamed and was accessible to the public over the two days. If you weren’t able to tune in, the highlights can be accessed via the Social Services website.


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A little less conversation, a little more action

A little less conversation, a little more action

Tuesday 14 September 2021

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Tania Farha, CEO of Domestic Violence Victoria and the Domestic Violence Resource Centre Victoria, reports on the discussions and learnings from the National Summit on Women's Safety.

I recently attended the two-day National Summit on Women’s Safety which took place virtually on 6 and 7 September 2021, following several preparatory roundtable discussions the week prior. Bringing together delegates from across Australia, the key purpose of the Summit was to generate discussion and share learnings that will inform actions within the next iteration of the National Plan to Reduce Violence Against Women and Their Children (the current National Plan ends in mid-2022).

The Summit is a critical part of developing the next national agenda, and while it is commendable that the Commonwealth chose to push on to present the Summit in a COVID setting and in a timely manner, the format left too much out. The lack of consultation with and inclusion of key groups both leading up to and during the Summit was a significant missed opportunity for meaningful engagement and conversation. In particular, the expert voices of those with lived experience, the specialist family violence and sexual assault sectors, and diverse and marginalised communities were limited, and in some cases, absent altogether in what was a very narrow agenda.

“It is imperative that Commonwealth strategies for ending family, sexual and gender-based violence consider and recognise the unique specialist expertise and experience of these groups, through timely consultation, engagement, and investment. National policy will not be able to respond to the reality of what is happening across Australia until we do this.”

For Victorian delegates and attendees, conversations at the Summit felt like only scratching the surface, particularly when we consider recent advancements to Victorian service system design and primary prevention infrastructure. Despite many challenges that persist, the way the specialist sector, victim survivors and government have come together in Victoria to progress a post-Royal Commission reform agenda is laudable. At the very least we can share the learnings of our endeavours with the Commonwealth. This sentiment was echoed by Minister Williams in her impressive closing remarks, where she spoke with determination on behalf of the Victorian sector and called for the Federal Government to commit to meaningful action, including advancing primary prevention and addressing the housing crisis on a national scale. I felt our Minister had really listened to the voices of Victorian delegates and advocated for genuine and constructive change in the way the Commonwealth addresses family violence, sexual assault and other forms of gender-based violence.

There were some meaningful conversations. In particular, the panel discussion on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples’ experiences of family, domestic and sexual violence provided delegates with the opportunity to understand the importance of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander organisations and communities leading the design and implementation of prevention and response work for their communities. The panelists spoke with strength and honesty when discussing how the previous national plan had failed them.  They spoke about the importance of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people leading tailored and culturally appropriate responses, including Aboriginal community controlled organisations with specialist family violence experience, such as Djirra, and called for this to shift in the next National Plan.

The panel discussions, along with those conversations had at roundtables, fed into the Statement from Delegates released shortly after the Summit. As the lead delegate for Victoria, I was truly impressed with the strength of responses and feedback I received from the Victorian delegation, the majority of which was incorporated into the final Statement of delegate priorities for the next National Plan. The Statement is more broadly representative of, and articulates, what we know, and what needs to change.

“If anything, the Summit has confirmed my resolve to continue advocating alongside and on behalf of Victoria’s specialist family violence sector, as well as with our partners in primary prevention.”

It is important we remain solutions-focused and continue to advocate for centering the voices and experiences of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, people with lived experience expertise, people from diverse communities and experts working in our services. DSS has now opened up a consultation for submissions – there is still the opportunity to influence the outcome of the successor National Plan and the first action plan, which is due before the end of the year.

We must keep writing, keep talking, keep advocating for meaningful engagement and sustainable, long-term action.

DV Vic/DVRCV is proud to join hundreds of organisations and thousands of individuals in the call for transformative action in the next National Plan. Support our joint statement with Fair Agenda here. 


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Practitioner Profile: Libby Jamieson from Switchboard

Practitioner Profile: Libby Jamieson from Switchboard

Tuesday 27 July 2021

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We spoke to Libby Jamieson about her role as Teleweb Program Manager at Switchboard, a community-based not for profit organisation that provides peer based, volunteer run support services for LGBTIQA+ people, their families, allies and communities.

Can you tell us a bit about your career in the family violence sector? What inspired you to make the move to The Rainbow Door?

My commitment to working in the family violence sector consolidated when I went to work at WIRE, in the role of Training Coordinator. Building upon existing models, I continued to develop and deliver the support worker training course that many people in the family violence sector have completed as a pivotal part of their practical training. Part of that training included the delivery of RTO accredited units Recognise and Respond to Family Violence. I worked as a Team Leader in the phone room and supported the trainees and workers to apply theory to practice. My time working at WIRE developed my understanding of the response system for survivors and highlighted the service and knowledge gaps for marginalised groups, particularly LGBTIQA + communities.

Wanting to bring this knowledge of family violence prevention and response in a very practical way to serve my community, I started working at Switchboard managing the Vic partnership of the Teleweb service Qlife, the national LGBTIQ peer support service in 2018. I played a key role establishing the After-Hours Service of With Respect as part of the LGBTIQA+ specialist family violence service consortia with Thorne Harbour Health, Transgender Victoria and Drummond Street Services.

In June 2020 Switchboard was funded by Family Safety Victoria, Department of Premier and Cabinet and Department of Families, Fairness and Housing to provide a service response to COVID-19. We weren’t sure what was going to happen in terms of COVID-19, but we were acutely aware that family violence and mental health would be key areas that would spike across all communities.

Rainbow Door is a peer-led family violence response that works towards developing pathways with mainstream and LGBTIQA+ services to address gaps and barriers to service access. Combining the extensive family violence and cross sectoral knowledge of our staff, we were able to develop and roll open the Rainbow Door in less than 3 months. It was a phenomenal team effort to provide a service long overdue for our community. It has been busy since day one.


What does a typical day on Rainbow Door look like?

Rainbow Door is a unique helpline service as we have the flexibility and capacity to offer single session work, provide holding support and short-term case management. We work with all ages, genders and sexualities using feminist, non- oppressive, non- racist and intersectional frameworks.

Of note is that our work in family violence and sexual assault can be with either victim survivors or perpetrators of violence. Rainbow Door provides comprehensive Multi-Agency Risk Assessment and Management (MARAM) for both victim survivors and those using violence and causing harm. We provide warm referral pathways for continued supports whenever possible.

We assist people with identifying and finding the right mental health counselling for them, LGBTQIA+ where possible, provide resources and referrals, and develop holding support plans until those links to longer-term services are established.

We offer information about housing and homelessness services, connect people with NDIS supports, work with older people experiencing isolation and young people exploring gender and sexuality, and provide secondary consultations for services and individual professionals keen to better support their LGBTQIA+ clients.

“We are aware of the lack of service options for our communities and operate a no wrong door policy. We may not always be able to provide exactly the resources needed because they may not exist, but we always attempt to create alternative options and smooth the way for easier pathways and access to mainstream services.”


What do you find challenging about your role?

Finding enough hours in the day to meet the needs of people in our community to access a service that is culturally safe, timely in its response, and not based in an urban centre. Our communities in regional and rural areas can be extremely isolated and lack of access to appropriate services means they are doubly disadvantaged.

“One of the toughest and most frustrating parts of our work is when supporting cisgender gay, bi, queer men, trans men and non-binary people experiencing family violence and intimate partner violence and trying to access crisis support, and accommodation for them, is a significant challenge.”


Obtaining an appropriate crisis service response when they have accompanying children in their care is almost impossible. There unfortunately still exists a patriarchal hetero-normative lens, which creates barriers to service access for these people.


What do you love most about your role?

The conversations. The ones with people who have never spoken about the family violence they experience because they thought no one would believe them, or it would be too difficult to explain their circumstances, their relationship/s their gender identity or sexuality.

The gentle chats with parents of trans and gender diverse kids who call to talk about their fears and concerns and to get support and validation from the team about how to better support their loved ones.

The conversations with workers in the sector who reach out to us to check that they are doing and saying the “right thing” and are so keen to learn how to work better and understand more about how to be a supportive worker to their LGBTIQA+ clients and be strong allies.

The complex calls with folk who are in crisis and are immediately relieved to speak with peers who understand the barriers to service access and have found creative ways through those barriers. We learn so much from them.

“Those who have never contacted a helpline but reach out to us because they want to talk to a peer, someone who gets them. To be listened to, to be heard, and to be understood is often the first step toward safety and healing and it is such a fundamental human need.”


What has been a highlight in your role?

Working with the team to develop the service model and have it up and running in such a short period of time during lockdown was both rewarding and stressful in equal measure. It gave me some extra grey hair that’s for sure! The highlight is that Rainbow Door has been able to offer supports to people who have never contacted a helpline. People have been able to access free or affordable mental health supports and many of those who contact us have never accessed mental health supports before.

Another major highlight has been recruiting incredibly skilled and passionate workers to staff the service. The service that they provide is excellent and inspiring, witnessing the work they do is humbling. We talk to people on some of the worst days of their lives and respond with compassion, care, and skilful practice.


What is the biggest piece of advice would you give practitioners in ‘mainstream’ specialist family violence services supporting a victim survivor from the LGTBTIQA+ community?

We encourage asking questions – about gender identities and sexualities, our lives and who we are – to develop a deeper and broader understanding of appropriate ways to support us. Build on your already highly developed skills, reflect on unconscious biases, and develop more nuanced thinking around particular risk factors for LGBTIQA+ people.

It really helps to recognise that as a marginalised community that intersects with other marginalised communities, people do not always feel safe engaging with mainstream services and supports. Continuing to listen to us and reflexively adapting service responses to support us, all go a long way to minimise barriers, enhance service practice generally, be more inclusive, and improve access for our diverse LGBTIQA+ communities.

Page last updated Tuesday, July 27 2021


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Practitioner Profile: Madeleine from Annie North

Practitioner Profile: Madeleine from Annie North

Tuesday 13 July 2021

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We spoke to Madeleine from Annie North, a women’s refuge and family violence service in Victoria's Loddon region, on her role as Client Services Practice Coordinator.

Can you tell me a little bit about your role?

Being from a small organisation, I wear a few different hats. My current role is Client Services Practice Coordinator, which means I am a Team Leader for our client services staff. Within that, we have three small teams: the Case Management, After-Hours, and Therapeutic teams.

I am responsible for recruitment, training, day-to-day oversight of the staff, staff reviews, and providing clinical supervision. I am also part of the management team, which encompasses strategic operations to work towards the strategic plan, and quality-related duties. I look at client feedback to determine how we can improve the services, making sure that we are meeting accreditation standards and updating procedures. So, I cover a broad range of roles.

What led you on to a career path in family violence?

When I finished my university degree, I had originally pictured myself in child protection services. And then I realised that might not be for me, but I wanted to support children. That was one of the things that attracted me to a position in refuge.

“At Annie North, we have always seen the children as clients in their own right and brought out their voices. As a refuge, we get to see kids in a way that a lot of other organisations may not get to. We are part of their day-to-day life.”


I applied for a job at Annie North back in 2008, as a Case Manager. Since then, I have had different roles including case management, intake, and team leader. My current role focuses on practice leadership rather than direct client work.

Over that time, I have seen the organisation really grow and develop new programs. We have taken on the regional After-Hours Crisis Response service for Loddon region and built a secure core and cluster facility. That has been exciting, there is always something new.

Can you describe a day in the life of a Client Services Practice Coordinator at Annie North?

Our team starts the day off with a morning check-in with the after-hours worker. The after-hours worker responds to family violence incidents in the local region overnight. This may involve bringing in an on-call support worker, advocating with police, or finding accommodation.

Then we plan our day. We respond to any crisis or client need that has arisen overnight. My day is often full of other meetings, such as case management or therapeutic team meetings – to plan, review client feedback, identify any gaps and ways to improve things. I provide supervision for staff, meet with external services over Zoom, or arrange guest speakers to come and talk to the team. I am often called upon to provide guidance to team members. I have to be pretty adaptable in my role.

What have been some of the highlights and challenges of your role?

A highlight has been moving into management. I have had the opportunity to have a look behind the scenes at the work involved with meeting accreditation standards and implementing different reforms. Keeping procedures and practice up to date is time consuming and a lot of work goes into supporting the work of the Client Services team.

Transitioning from a team member to being a leader has been a massive area of growth for me. It is not something I would have pictured myself doing earlier, but it’s been great and it’s definitely where I see myself now.

“I quite enjoy having the big picture and seeing how our different teams fit together and where our organisation fits within the sector. When I review files and write up case studies, I can step back and have a look at the work that we are doing and see that it is meaningful.”


Working in a small organisation is rewarding, because we all know each other well, and it is really supportive. There is a great energy at Annie North.

Are there any highlights or challenges working in a regional setting?

The advantage of working in a regional setting is that the services collaborate well. It’s helpful for our clients that we can do case management and have other local services come to the refuge to support them. Even prior to the MARAM reforms, because of the size of Bendigo, some of the cross-organisational partnerships have been in place for a long time and have been working brilliantly.

Some of the challenges of supporting women from regional and rural areas can be around being on our guard for potential conflicts of interest working with women from our local area. When a woman comes into the refuge that we know from school or through childcare, we must be aware of the impact that has on their privacy. We also need to be mindful that women might know each other as they come into refuge, the community is closely linked. So that’s something that we’re regularly navigating.

What has been the impact of COVID-19 on your team and your clients?

Like everyone, it has been really hard here. One of the impacts for our refuge clients was that most services moved to remote delivery. So, the wraparound support services pulled back, and we saw many clients’ mental health really, really struggle. Especially, seeing Aboriginal people disconnected from their community, from Sorry Business and other events. It was heartbreaking.

We have experienced staff shortages with people caring for children at home or taking sick leave when they have a cold. Becoming short staffed can happen quickly and can be quite disruptive for clients. That’s an ongoing impact.

We noticed that the referrals to the after-hours service picked up as well. Due to the shift to remote service delivery, there were system gaps and clients were not feeling supported by services in the same way. It was a challenging time and it has been an emotional drain for clients and for workers.

What advice do you have for anyone wanting to start a career in the family violence sector?

I always recommend studying social work. I didn’t realise how beneficial it would be until I’d worked in the field. Looking back on so many of the subjects I studied, I can see how it all fits together. When social work students come through and share what they’re learning, it’s an exciting time.

When I started in the family violence sector over a decade ago, the word “feminist” was not a very familiar label for me. There can be misconceptions about what it means to be a feminist. I am proud to call myself a feminist and work in a feminist organisation.

But this is a time when family violence and women’s experiences are talked about openly, intelligently. There are new programs and new funding to support our work. There’s a lot of energy in the sector- it’s a great time to join the field.

Page last updated Tuesday, July 13 2021


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Practitioner profile: Nitika from Safe Steps

Practitioner profile: Nitika from Safe Steps

Thursday, 24 June 2021

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We recently spoke with Nitika, an Intake and Assessment Worker at Safe Steps Family Violence Response Centre, about her role.

This is my first role after my social work degree.

I commenced my employment with Safe Steps as an Intake and Assessment worker in March 2019 following the completion of my Masters of Social Work degree. In 2020, whilst working part-time at Safe Steps, I started another part-time role as a Case Manager with InTouch, which is a specialist family violence service that works with women from migrant and refugee backgrounds. However, over time it became difficult to manage two highly demanding jobs at the same time and I decided to return to Safe Steps in a full-time capacity at the start of 2021. I have recently also started a causal role with VICSEG New Futures training as a Family Violence Trainer.

I didn’t have family violence in mind when I was doing my degree.

I completed my final social work placement at Centrelink and that’s where my interest in family violence services started growing. What drives me to work every day is the desire and passion to help and to be there when someone needs that immediate support. I consider myself a small part of a big puzzle that clients have to navigate through while they’re trying to get out of their abusive and violent relationships. I believe that I help my clients put together some of the pieces of that puzzle at the very start of their journey out of their abusive relationships and that’s what drives me to work – being there in the initial stages of someone’s journey.

A typical day for me as a crisis response worker.

My typical day at Safe Steps mainly involves answering crisis phone calls, actioning referrals and responding to emails from clients and other service providers. While I’m answering phone calls or responding to emails, I provide a crisis response to clients including immediate psychosocial and emotional support and psycho-education. As an intake worker, I predominantly undertake family violence risk assessments, create safety plans, organise crisis accommodation, refer clients to their local family violence services for ongoing support and case management programs and liaise with other services providers. This can include advocating to the police to help someone collect their belongings from their home, with hospitals to assist with discharge planning or with housing services to secure accommodation access for clients. As a part of my role, I also provide secondary consultation to external stakeholders including Child Protection, schools, disability service providers, employers and other community workers, providing them with advice on how they can best support their clients. Or it could be a call from friends and family who wants to know what they can do to support someone they know who is going through an abusive relationship.

There are challenges in my role, particularly burnout.

The most challenging aspect of my role is that it is highly demanding and can lead to burnout. The constant exposure to clients’ trauma can become overwhelming at times. However, improved self-awareness, maintaining a good work-life balance, pursuing my hobbies, regular debriefing and supervision, and accessing EAP support have proven to be quite beneficial in managing my stress and burnout.

Apart from burnout, I find it quite challenging that access to support and services is limited for clients with temporary visas, particularly housing, welfare payments and employment and education opportunities. It means that some women on temporary visas may not leave their abusive relationships due to a lack of support options available to them and continue to experience family violence which is heartbreaking. There is definitely a need for more advocacy and support in this area so that women on temporary visa experiencing family violence can be better protected and supported.

There are times when I have been shocked by the details of the actual family violence.

You never know what to expect. What I didn’t expect when I graduated was how bad the details of the violence were going to be. I am still sometimes in disbelief that someone would treat someone else the way they have. However, with time and experience, I’m less shocked with details than I used to be when I started working in the sector.

As an individual, I have grown a lot.

Working in the family violence sector, I’ve grown as a person and professional. I think I have more of an understanding of how the world operates – what’s okay, and what’s not okay. I have used the knowledge gained working in the sector to support friends and family with their relationship issues.

There are multiple factors within this complex system and sometimes I feel there are not enough options for everyone. I particularly find it challenging when I feel I’m unable to meet client’s expectations and that’s hard to sit with.

I have realised that there are limitations to what I can do for someone and often seek comfort in the concept of ‘Radical Acceptance’- it is what it is. I’m trying to focus on what I’m able to do and the difference I’m able to make to someone’s circumstances within the capacity of my role.

Page last updated Thursday, June 24 2021


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New integrated service delivery model resource pack for family violence organisations and referral partners

New integrated service delivery model resource pack for family violence organisations and referral partners

Monday 21 June 2021

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Developed by Social Ventures Australia and organisations in the family violence sector, a new set of resources and information has been developed that highlight the benefits of integrated service delivery, provides practical advice and learnings for organisations seeking to work in this way, and offers tools and templates to help with implementation.

Integrated service delivery is a coordinated approach that puts clients at the centre by bringing together all the services needed to support their recovery journey – be it legal advice, financial counselling, housing, or employment.

Following a multi-year project led by Social Ventures Australia in collaboration with the sector, this resource pack has been developed documenting an integrated service delivery model and sharing learnings, perspectives and practical advice from organisations working in this way. The resource packs include comprehensive documentation of the integrated service model and a summary report.

Funded by CommBank Next Chapter, the project is the result of extensive engagement with social sector organisations working to improve outcomes for victim survivors, including McAuley Community Services for Women, WEstjustice, EDVOS, Muslim Women Australia’s Linking Hearts program, Domestic Violence Victoria, Homelessness NSW and InTouch Multicultural Centre Against Family Violence. The work was also informed by the perspectives of victim survivor advocates through Women’s Health East.

The resources identify the benefits to victim survivors, including an increased likelihood of engagement, long-term recovery and independence, alongside how the approach helps service providers and the broader system (including funders) deliver more streamlined and effective support. Critically, it also supplies a set of resources that explore how to deliver integrated service delivery, including the stages of establishment, setting up a partnership and key success factors.

“[When engaging with individual services] too often you are repeating your story over and over again; it takes so much energy to re-tell [your] story and really wears you out,” says victim survivor Megan*.

“I cannot stress enough how important it is just to have that one place to go and to know you are safe, know everything is going to be dealt with”

The collaborative project also provides resources for service providers to advocate to government and funding partners who can support this way of working, along with a suite of practical tools including example surveys, position descriptions, templates, checklists, case studies and more.

“We want to create a system where all staff are competent in supporting clients, where victim survivors receive consistent, quality, informed support from whichever service they go to, when they need it and from whoever they deal with – it doesn’t depend on one individual or one organisation.”

– Team leader at a specialist family violence service

Page last updated Monday, June 21 2021


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Mandatory qualifications requirements for specialist family violence practitioners

Mandatory qualifications requirements for specialist family violence practitioners

Wednesday 2 June 2021

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We recently spoke to DV Vic and DVRCV’s Sector Development Advisor, Renae Leverenz about the upcoming rollout of Recommendation 209 from the Victorian Royal Commission into Family Violence.

Renae shared insights into how the mandatory minimum qualification requirements – rolling out from 1 July 2021 – will impact new and current practitioners and the specialist family violence sector.

What has driven the change in mandatory minimum qualifications for specialist family violence practitioners?

RL: This new policy has been introduced as part of the Victorian Government’s response to the recommendations of the Royal Commission into Family Violence. Recommendation 209 specifically called for the introduction of mandatory minimum qualifications for specialist family violence response practitioners.

The policy has been designed to recognise and cherish the expertise already within the sector and support existing workers to stay through an ongoing exemption.

What are the key considerations for practitioners entering the workforce?

RL: There are a few points I would emphasise to new practitioners:

The first is that the mandatory minimum qualification is just that – a minimum. So, there may be other skills, knowledge, or experience that an employer is looking for alongside the qualifications. There are also transition arrangements in place to work towards the minimum qualification, so read any advertisement carefully before making any assumptions (positive or negative).

The second is that although having a Bachelor of Social Work makes it easy to tick a checkbox that an applicant meets the mandatory minimum qualifications, it is by no means the only pathway to entry. There is a wide range of qualifications and training that can be spliced together to make up the mandatory minimum qualification. The policy doesn’t limit you to the one pathway.

The third point is that for those who have a related qualification or those who have five years of relevant professional experience, there is a five-year transition period for them to work towards the minimum qualification. That option will remain available until mid-2026.

Finally, people with significant cultural knowledge or lived experience have an important role to play in the sector. For those who bring cultural expertise or lived experience and have faced barriers to education, you can be supported to enter the sector through an ongoing pathway.

How will this change impact existing practitioners?

RL: Those employed as specialist family violence practitioners in Victoria prior to 1 July 2021 are exempt from being required to meet the mandatory minimum qualifications. This exemption will remain in place as long as they are not absent from working as a specialist family violence practitioner for more than four years.

This means that existing practitioners can still take long service leave, carer’s leave or other breaks without losing that exemption, as long as they return to that work within the four-year timeframe. And obviously the exemption stays with them if they change employers or move around Victoria – it is the absence of practising in such a role that is key here.

How will the mandatory minimum qualifications benefit Victoria’s specialist family violence sector?

RL: I think the change formally recognises that undertaking family violence work requires a high level of expertise and knowledge. This policy will ultimately strengthen the sector by demonstrating the professional nature of specialist family violence work and increasing its visibility.

Without wanting to take anything away from the variety of qualifications that people could use as a basis for meeting the equivalent qualifications, it will provide a very clear career pathway for those studying social work to consider.

It will mean that family violence electives will become more attractive to students in a diverse range of courses as they keep their career options open, and ultimately contribute to more graduates with knowledge and understanding of family violence.

How will this change impact specialist family violence services?

RL: From a recruitment perspective, complying with the new policy might mean that the selection process takes a little longer than it currently does, at least while the sector gets used to the change.

From a service perspective, the change will ensure that practitioners have a consistent and strong foundation of knowledge and cultural understanding in responding to family violence.

What supports are available during the upcoming transition?

RL: If they have any concerns about the introduction of Rec 209 or are confused about the details in the policy, they should get in touch with me at renaeleverenz@dvvic.org.au.

There are details about the policy on the Vic Government website, and a toolkit for recruiters is also on its way. There will be several information sessions run over the coming months for practitioners and for recruiters so that we can help ease you through the transition.

Find out more about the Mandatory minimum qualifications for specialist family violence practitioners policy and frequently asked questions for practitioners and employers.

Page last updated Wednesday, June 2 2021


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Let’s not pretend things are simpler than they are…

Let’s not pretend things are simpler than they are…

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DVRCV's CEO Emily Maguire responds to the recent commentary that specialist family violence practitioners and advocates are not doing enough to end violence against women.

As someone who has worked towards ending violence against women for the last 15 years – and who has been fortunate enough to learn from women who were doing this work decades before me – I have been somewhat perplexed by the recent commentary about why men perpetrate violence against women, and what can be done to stop this incredibly prevalent form of violence.

In recent weeks, I have seen incredibly simplistic articulations of complex public policy and reform in this area – “until we change attitudes, close the gender wage gap, and achieve greater gender equality, domestic abuse will continue to thrive” – that don’t represent the evidence nor the work of those in my field.

“I have witnessed the approach articulated by specialist family violence practitioners and advocates – all with a lifetime of experience – being reduced to the simplified narrative that “changing sexist and violence supportive attitudes are the [be all and end all] cure” to men’s violence against women.”

And, most recently, I have seen suggestions that there is a belief in this country that “reducing violence against women is something that can or should wait decades”.

Nobody I have ever spoken to through my work – politicians, advocates, practitioners, and those working with men who use violence – has ever suggested that reducing violence against women is something that should wait decades. I don’t believe that anybody currently working in my field thinks we can wait even one more second to do better at preventing violence against women and supporting the thousands of women who experience it on a daily basis. Advocating for this after all, is a core part of our work.

What we are all struggling with is the very real complexity of this issue and how to communicate about it, and how to articulate it in public policy and legislative reform. We are also struggling to address the resistance and backlash to this issue that comes from many quarters and, as always, we are struggling with a lack of ongoing, adequate funding to support prevention, early intervention and response.

The work of Our Watch is focused on preventing violence against women before it even occurs by addressing the structures, norms and practices in our society, our institutions, our organisations and even in our relationships and families. Our Watch’s Counting on Change document helps people understand how long primary prevention work takes and what it costs, as well as how to build awareness and understanding of the complexity of the issue and the sustained effort that will be required if we are to see a tangible and sustainable shift to the prevalence of violence against women in Australia.

Counting on Change articulates only the time it will take to reduce violence against women if primary prevention efforts are supported, funded and sustained. But primary prevention is only a third of the puzzle. It was never designed to articulate how long reducing (and ultimately ending) violence against women would take if we had the three magic elements:

  1. primary prevention activities that reached every member of the Australian public
  2. early intervention efforts for women and men who were at high risk of experiencing/perpetrating violence
  3. a connected, well-resourced response system that wraps around both victims and perpetrators.

It’s also important to remember that the whole puzzle would comprise of many different pieces including:

  • specialist support services for women, children and young people who are victims of violence
  • activities that are designed to hold men to account for their violent behaviour and support them to change
  • an effective justice system that supports perpetrator accountability and prioritises the safety of women and children
  • a well-resourced housing system that means both victims and perpetrators have somewhere suitable to live
  • human services supports to address the mental health and physical health impacts of violence for both perpetrators and victims, and
  • longer term supports (such as education, social connection, universal health care) that enable Australians to be healthy, safe, secure and thrive.

The problem is, doing all these things together – prevention, early intervention and response – is incredibly complex, incredibly expensive and something that is as a result, hard to sell to the voting public. This doesn’t excuse politicians – many of whom have shown significant leadership in this space – from action but it does show why many have been reluctant to play the leadership role we need them to.

The most unhelpful thing we can do at this critical point in time when it finally feels like we have social and political momentum – not only around ending violence against women but in addressing gender inequality, sexual harassment and gendered discrimination – is to pit the work of those preventing violence against women with the work of those who are supporting victim survivors, holding the perpetrators of violence to account and supporting them to change their behaviour. It doesn’t support our cause, inadvertently or otherwise, to undermine the efforts of those who have been working for so long (and with significant success, I might add) to support women, to increase funding, to achieve social and cultural and structural change.

I am not suggesting we all sit down, shut up and be grateful for what we are given as feminists, advocates and social campaigners. But I think it’s important to remember that where the pace of social change is slow – just like it was with smoking rates, and reducing the road toll – that it’s only by being in this together, no matter where you live, what you look like, how much you earn or who you vote for – will we actually achieve any real change.

We owe that change to the women who have been murdered; to those who have narrowly escaped murder; to the children and teenagers where family violence is the undercurrent of their lives; and to all the women who are, as we speak, living with or experiencing the impacts of men’s violence.


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Q&A with Lucy from Safe Steps

Q&A with Lucy from Safe Steps

Tuesday 11 May 2021

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Recently we spoke to Lucy who works at Safe Steps as a family violence crisis response support worker. Here she gives us some insight into her role, its challenges and what it offers a new graduate venturing into the sector.

What led you onto a career path in family violence?

This is my first job in the sector since completing a Master of Public Policy. I didn’t intentionally set out on a career in family violence but after completing my university placement at Gender Equity Victoria, the seed was sown. Family violence is very much grounded in politics, sociology, and psychology, and because I’d studied politics at university, and loved it, the work really resonated with me.

I applied for this role at Safe Steps because I wanted to have on the ground experience and work in an organisation that deals directly with clients and other services. In the future when my knowledge base is stronger and I’m more confident and experienced in the sector, I’d like to move into a policy role.

What skills do you need to work as a family violence crisis response support worker?

You need to be very flexible, have good time management skills and an ability to prioritise and juggle competing demands. You also need to have good organisational skills. My role involves providing support to the case management and the intake and assessment teams. It’s very logistical and administrative, and involves everything from paying invoices, data entry, to doing more hands-on work like booking accommodation, sourcing material and items for clients.

Can you describe a day in the life of a crisis response support worker?

Safe Steps is a crisis service so no one day is like the next. Mornings typically involve sourcing emergency accommodation for our clients. We review on a day-by-day basis because a client’s case plans can change so quickly.

The rest of the day involves everything from invoicing, getting food vouchers and material aid to women and children in accommodation. I also work closely with the case managers to resolve any issues that arise at the hotel. This can be as simple as a client needing more pillows, or it might involve working on a crisis situation that is happening for her where she is staying.

What have been some of the highlights and challenges of your role?

The highlight has been learning firsthand about the nature and complexities of family violence. Hearing and learning about client’s experiences and listening to the incredible knowledge from the case management team and our managers is so rewarding.

My main challenge is learning how to create more boundaries with my work. As a support worker you get a lot of requests so it’s important to know how and when to respond appropriately to them. It can also be challenging hearing about what our clients have been through, as well as negotiating the relationship between other services in the sector.

What has been the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on Safe Steps clients?

Women and children were in our service a lot longer than they normally would be because there were limited exit options for them. We also had women reaching out for the first time and the complexity of clients increased. We also had an expectation that there’d be a lot more calls, but the reality was that it was difficult for some women to make those calls because they didn’t have the space and time away from their perpetrators to reach out to us. This led to Safe Steps establishing a new online webchat function. We’ve had some incredible outcomes with that, it’s brought women into our service who normally wouldn’t access it. It’s also been incredibly useful in providing basic information to women and doing safety planning with them.

What advice do you have for anyone wanting to start a career in the family violence sector?

You just need to be passionate and compassionate, and have resilience. It is a sector that values a broad range of skills and experience whether that’s academic, lived or cultural. Just put what you have on the table and be open to connecting with others in the sector. It’s definitely rewarding.

Page last updated Tuesday, May 11 2021


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Inquiry into Family, Domestic and Sexual Violence

Inquiry into Family, Domestic and Sexual Violence

Thursday 8th April 2021

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Domestic Violence Victoria (DV Vic) and the Domestic Violence Resource Centre Victoria (DVRCV) welcome the release of the report of the House of Representatives Standing Committee on Social Policy and Legal Affairs on the Inquiry into Family, Domestic and Sexual Violence.

The report finds that while progress has been made in the wake of the National Plan to reduce violence against women and their children 2010–2022, we are yet to see a significant and sustained reduction in family violence. The committee has found there is much work still to be done across all levels of government, service systems and community to achieve the objectives of the current National Plan, and the 88 recommendations contained in the report are slated to inform the development of the next National Plan.

DV Vic and DVRCV commend the report’s support for an integrated whole-of-service-system response to family, domestic and sexual violence across jurisdictions, and commitment to preventing this violence before it occurs. In particular, we welcome the recommendation that all Australian schools and early education settings implement age-appropriate respectful relationships education.

The report speaks to the importance of the next phase of planning to adopt a consistent shared definition of family violence, which reflects the diverse experiences and voices of all victim survivors including children, LGBTIQA+ people, people with a disability, and older people. We welcome this expanded and more inclusive understanding of family and gendered violence. We are pleased to note the inclusion of a recommendation that mandatory family violence training for NDIA staff and disability service workers, as well as a suite of recommendations related to legislative and service changes to better support victim survivors on temporary and migration visas.

We welcome the recommendations relating to national data collection across the breadth of the service system, a critical element for setting and tracking tangible outcome measures. The success of these initiatives will require significant consultation with specialist family violence services and victim survivors to ensure that appropriate and accurate measures are embedded and implemented, and we look forward to supporting this work.

Specialist family violence services continue to face rising demand for support, and we welcome the recommendation to increase baseline funding for these services, in addition to funding increases received during the COVID-19 pandemic. We continue to urge federal and state governments to consider any increases to funding in the context of multi-year funding agreements, in order to support sustained impact, and stability for both victim survivors and the specialist family violence workforce.

DV Vic and DVRCV reiterate our position that care must be taken not to fall into the trap of producing stand-alone or siloed responses. Reducing violence against women and children is a long-term, intergenerational goal requiring sustained, scaffolded, and coordinated actions and investment. We look forward to working with federal and state governments towards a national, integrated whole-of-service-system response to preventing and responding to family violence and the forthcoming development of the next National Plan.


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Making transgender people’s experiences of violence visible

Making transgender people’s experiences of violence visible

Monday, 29 March 2021

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Transgender people face structural and social discrimination that increase their chances of experiencing domestic and family violence. Intimate partner violence against transgender people is underreported, under researched and not well understood.

What we do know is that rigid gender norms, transphobia, and hetero-cis-normativity put transgender people at increased risk of abuse in their relationships. This is particularly the case for trans women who have relationships with cisgender men. We recently spoke with Starlady, Program Manager at Zoe Belle Gender Collective, about how her current prevention project is attempting to create greater awareness and change.

Can you tell us about your transgender advocacy work and about the current project you are working on?

Starlady: Social justice advocacy and activism have been my life’s mission. My transgender advocacy is an extension of that. As someone who identifies as trans, this work is deeply important to me. There is still so much stigma and a lack of understanding about being trans in the community, and our community is suffering. The Transgender Family Violence Primary Prevention Project that I’m currently working on is attempting to address that. One of its aims is to increase the family violence sector’s understanding of the drivers and issues impacting the relationships between trans women and cisgender men. We will be drawing upon interviews with trans women and cis men to create a website to support both of them. There will also be some focus on the importance of supportive families in addressing trans shame and stigma.

How do rigid gender and sexual norms impact on trans women’s experience of relationships?

Starlady: Trans women can have issues with their partners controlling how they look, how they sound, and what they do with their bodies. There is often of pressure on them to look hyper feminine for example. Some trans women may be coerced or pressured into taking hormones or having feminisation surgery. It vital that the partners of trans women are supportive of their gender autonomy, to ensure that they feel supported and affirmed with their individual choices in regards to their social, legal and/or medical affirmation.

Whilst many trans women and their cis male partners identify as heterosexual, their relationships are often seen as homosexual and invalidated or seen as inferior. We can misgender trans people through proscribing them sexual identities that do not match their gender identity. In doing so we may also stigmatise their cis male partners who often have internalised fears of being labelled homosexual. Families of cis men can place pressure on them to marry or date cis women who can have biological children, all to the detriment of their relationships with trans women. There appears to be direct links between transphobic beliefs and actions of the families of cis men and increased risk of violence being enacted towards trans women from their partner.

What have you found talking to trans women about their experiences of relationships with cis men?

Starlady: Firstly, we need to acknowledge the real and ongoing impacts of trans misogyny on trans women. That the intersection of transphobia and misogyny exacerbate the risk of trans women experiencing intimate partner violence and increases the barriers to access to services for support.

To understand trans women’s experiences of relationships we need to be aware that they are an incredibly diverse community. People don’t fully understand that. For example, not all trans women want to transition medically or they may not have access to surgeries such as facial feminisation. Being feminine also means different things to different people.

Experiences of trans misogyny can differ depending upon what medical interventions they’ve had or not had, and whether they pass [as a cisgender woman] or are read as trans.

Due to stigma and discrimination many trans women find it difficult to enter a relationship and, when they do, they often feel less deserving and feel they may have no other options except to accept bad behaviour because they think ‘at least I have a relationship, at least I feel loved’.

How does transphobia and trans misogyny increase the risk of intimate partner violence?

Starlady: It’s more difficult for trans women to access relationships because of transphobia. There’s so much pressure on those relationships from society that they’re more likely to break down. Trans women have to do excessive amounts of emotional labour when they are in a relationship with cis men, often because of the shame and stigma that their partners might be experiencing. There’s a lot of work that goes into supporting their male partners and helping them navigate the discrimination that their partners experience from their friends and family, all on top of the discrimination that they themselves face. It’s a heavy burden. This shame can be a trigger point for men enacting violence.

Trans women also talk about being objectified and seen as a fetish. Trans women of colour have spoken about this intersecting with racism and being fetishised because of their race as well.

What are some of the risks and vulnerabilities for trans women in their relationships?

Starlady: They have to navigate their safety in different ways, often because their relationships are more hidden. There is more risk around hidden relationships.

Navigating disclosure of their trans identity in their relationships is also another area of risk. For trans women who pass, often their greatest risk is around points of disclosure and not knowing how their partner will respond. They will be struggling with questions like: ‘How do I disclose? At what point do I disclose? Do I disclose at all? And if so, how do I do that safely?’

Whilst for trans women who don’t pass and are read as trans, it’s less likely that they will be able to meet men in public because there’s more shame around it.

How can a prevention focus help trans women’s experience of relationships?

Starlady: Preventing intimate partner violence against trans women needs an approach that focuses on cis men as much as it does for trans women. Many cis men in these relationships don’t have any appropriate services or programs that can help them deal with their shame and stigma which can impact badly on their relationships. The capacity of the family violence sector and men’s services in particular needs to be built. This is crucial.

Men’s behaviour change programs do not target the specific needs of cisgender men who have relationships with trans women. If other men have misogynous, transphobic and homophobic views then it would be an unsafe environment for these men to access. This can then have harmful consequences for trans women in their relationships.

“Until we deal with transphobia in a prevention space and change our approach to service delivery, we’re going to continue to see this violence.”

Contact Starlady at zbgc@cohealth.org.au for more information on the Transgender Family Violence Primary Prevention Project. Read her Trans Visibility Day call to action.

Page last updated Monday, March 29 2021


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DV Vic/DVRCV and No To Violence joint statement

DV Vic/DVRCV and No To Violence joint statement

Monday 15 March 2021

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The peak bodies for Victorian specialist family violence services have today issued a joint statement in support of people across Australia sharing their experiences of sexual violence and seeking stronger institutional responses across all parts of our community.

"This story is broader than any individual, any specific workplace or any one incident. The reaction we have seen to recent survivor accounts is telling. We have seen those with power deflecting responsibility, rather than reflecting on the toxic culture that allows violence to occur and then relies on shame to keep victim survivors silent."

The recently-merged Domestic Violence Victoria and Domestic Violence Resource Centre Victoria have united with No To Violence to support calls for reform.

“We must listen to and believe victim survivors,” said DV Vic/DVRCV CEO Tania Farha (pictured).

“And we need to do much more than listening and believing. We must shift the structures and systems that allow sexual violence to occur. They are the same structures and systems that so often fail victim survivors when they come forward,” Ms Farha added.

Ms Farha highlighted the multiple barriers survivors face when reporting abuse, which often result in a decision not to pursue a formal complaint.

“Condoning disrespect and discrediting survivors’ experiences are at once the symptoms and the causes of the epidemic of gendered, sexual and family violence in this country. All of us have a role in changing that.”

Jacqui Watt, CEO of No To Violence, pointed out the alarmingly high rates of men’s violence in Australia.

“While media and the public may be tempted to question any one victim survivor or set of allegations, there is no question whatsoever about how prevalent this abuse is. Australian Bureau of Statistics 2016 figures show one in three girls and women over 15 have experienced physical or sexual violence – or both. What public attention seldom highlights is how many men have used these forms of violence – this needs to change.”

Ms Watt also highlighted the need to acknowledge the culture that enables these forms of abuse, and the importance of embedding accountability across all workplaces and communities.

"Sexual violence is a manifestation of disrespect and gendered power imbalances that permeate our homes, workplaces and online spaces. We must listen to people when they call out disrespect, and we must call on everyone to challenge sexism when they see and hear it among friends and colleagues."

DV Vic/DVRCV and No To Violence acknowledge that recent media coverage and public conversation may be harmful and distressing for people who have or are currently experiencing abuse of any kind.

“Support is available. Specialist services are here for you, and will believe you,” Ms Farha said.


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DV Vic and DVRCV statement

DV Vic and DVRCV statement

Wednesday 3 March 2021

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Domestic Violence Victoria (DV Vic) and the Domestic Violence Resource Centre Victoria (DVRCV) welcome the public release of the final report of the Royal Commission into Victoria’s Mental Health System and the commitment made by the Victorian Government to implement the 65 recommendations made by the Commission.

The report finds that the current mental health system is failing many people and sets out an ambitious reform agenda for a redesigned mental health and wellbeing system in Victoria.

While the recommendations do not speak directly to family violence, the report focuses on several elements which have the potential to improve outcomes for victim-survivors of family violence:

  • Moving away from a crisis-driven model to community-based models of care and addressing the ‘missing middle’ of the current mental health system. This is of particular significance for victim survivors of family violence and trauma, who are more likely to need more extensive support than is available to them through the current system.
  • Centering the voices of people with lived experience in the redesign and development of the new system and embedding structures to support this into the future.
  • Embedding trauma-informed mental health treatment responses.
  • Integrated approaches to system design and delivery.
  • Reducing barriers to accessing mental health services and increasing the range of service options available to make the system more accessible and inclusive.
  • Increased investment in the mental health workforce and service system to meet existing and forecast increasing demand.

DV Vic and DVRCV CEO Tania Farha said she hopes to see this work approached in a systematic and comprehensive way that considers the reforms required across both mental health and family violence service systems, in order to ensure better safety and wellbeing outcomes for all Victorians.

‘DV Vic and DVRCV will continue to read and reflect on the Commission’s report and recommendations, with a focus on the implications for Victoria’s coordinated response to family violence. We look forward to working with the Victorian Government to ensure the redesign of the mental health system is undertaken in a family violence and trauma-informed way, that complements and leverages the significant family violence reforms currently underway.’


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Q&A with Women’s Legal Service Victoria

Q&A with Women’s Legal Service Victoria

Friday 26 February 2021

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Women who experience family violence are ten times more likely to have legal problems and 16 times more likely to have family law problems than other community members.

Women’s Legal Service Victoria (WLSV) are at the forefront of providing critical family violence legal response to victim survivors, whilst also helping build the capability of the specialist family violence workforce. We recently spoke with WSLV to learn more about the legal support they provide and how their Critical Legal Issues Map (CLIM) training is helping family violence practitioners identify and better respond to their client’s legal needs.

What are some of the legal issues that adversely impact victim survivors of family violence?

WLSV:  Our service provides legal advice and representation to women experiencing disadvantage in the areas of family breakdown and family violence. This includes family law, intervention orders and family violence, and child protection as well as the Victims of Crime Assistance Tribunal (VOCAT). With that being said, we also acknowledge that family violence can take place in any relationship where a power imbalance exists.

Women experiencing family violence often have multiple pressing matters that must be dealt with in different courts, in different legal areas and under different laws. It can be really complex. Many women escaping family violence are living with limited assets and serious debt, yet are walking away from securing fair financial outcomes because our court system is too costly and complex.

If a woman’s issues aren’t dealt with promptly and appropriately it can impact adversely on her safety and wellbeing. On the other hand, if a woman is ill-informed and rushes into legal proceedings or makes other legal arrangements, that can create problems for her as well. One example of this relates to arrangements for finances and property after separation, and the potential for a woman to be exposed to financial abuse if she is not fully informed of her legal rights. There is often a misconception that shared property only includes real estate or money in the bank but it’s actually much more than that. Superannuation, investments, cars, and tools of the trade are considered property as well.

Debt also has to be taken into account in property settlements, whether the debt is in the victim survivor’s name, in joint names, or in the other party’s name. It’s important to get legal advice about property as soon as possible because there are strict time limits to approaching a property settlement which many women don’t know about, particularly if they are in a state of crisis or trauma.

Legal assistance is an integral part of family violence response. How does WLSV provide legal support for victim survivors experiencing violence?

WLSV: We assess eligibility to take matters through casework on a case by case basis, in accordance with our guidelines. In the event that we can’t take a matter on for casework, we will provide appropriate legal referrals out.  We accept referrals through partner organisations, community workers and other practitioners working with women experiencing family violence. We also have in-house financial counsellors and social workers that work alongside our lawyers. We have a policy team as well, and an education and engagement team. If a client appears to meet our initial criteria, we can then make an appointment with her to assess her case and provide preliminary advice.

We also provide a duty lawyer service at the Melbourne Magistrates Court for Family Violence Intervention Order matters and at the Children’s Court in Moorabbin for child protection matters. Our duty lawyers can provide free advice, representation and referrals.

How has WLSV responded to other issues that women have experienced through COVID?

WLSV: COVID turned everything on its head, and we had to adapt really quickly to continue providing legal and other help to women. We also still needed to conduct court hearings. Before COVID access to legal help and courts was entirely in-person. That all had to move online which was a huge shift.

“Factoring in how to address safety and access to justice issues was a challenge during COVID. For our clients this meant continuing to get the advice that they needed without putting their safety at risk.”

To do this we collaborated to assist the family violence legal assistance and services sector, and the courts to establish systems that victim survivors could access. This enabled us to keep in contact with the clients by phone and make online appointments.

We also worked on a regular basis with the Federal Circuit Court, as well as other women’s legal services across the country, to respond to the influence COVID was having on parenting disputes and the safety of women and children. This work led to the development of the National Online COVID List, which was set up to efficiently hear and manage urgent parents’ disputes that were being caused by COVID.

Additionally, we rapidly converted our training into an online format which we’ve had really positive feedback on. The unexpected upside of this is that we’ve been able to reach more practitioners, especially those working in regional Victoria. Clients benefit from this as well by having more practitioners trained.

Can you tell us about the Critical Legal Issues Map (CLIM) and how it can support specialist family violence practitioners in their work? 

WLSV: Despite the high level of legal need in the community we found that those who most needed it weren’t going to lawyers for advice. Many people are overwhelmed by the law or simply don’t know where to begin the process of seeking help. When people don’t take action, that’s when they receive the poorest outcomes.

“Family violence practitioners are often the first point of contact for people experiencing violence, which makes them well placed to play a crucial role in identifying critical and urgent legal issues.”

Our CLIM training is open to and will be useful to professionals working with victim survivors of all genders. The specifics of the training will help them understand the essentials of family violence law, child protection law and family law, as well as understand the difference between legal information and legal advice.

The training and practice manual takes complex legal concepts and processes and breaks them down into step-by-step guidelines that family violence practitioners can follow when working with victim survivors. We take participants through an ‘intake decision tree’ that outlines questions that require immediate legal attention, how to triage and prioritise what needs to happen next. We also take participants through a ‘casework decision tree’ that helps them identify important legal issues that require non-urgent attention, how to prevent unintended safety risks and legal crises over time. We use lots of case studies so they can practice and be prepared for the types of issues and questions that clients might present with.

The CLIM has also been designed to align with MARAM so that practitioners can easily integrate the questions and information in the map with their risk assessment and safety planning.

Find out more about Women’s Legal Service Victoria and its services for family violence practitioners and women experiencing family violence. To contact WLSV’s intake lawyer phone (03) 8622 0600 Monday to Friday from 9am-5pm. Free phone legal advice can be accessed through Victoria Legal Aid’s Legal Help service.

Page last updated Friday, February 26 2021


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How perpetrators use technology as a tool for abuse

How perpetrators use technology as a tool for abuse

Thursday 4 February 2021

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Technology plays a crucial role in daily life, but as technology becomes more accessible, it can provide people who use violence with more ways to monitor and track victims.

In a recent survey of frontline family violence workers, more than 99% said they had clients who had experienced technology facilitated stalking and abuse.

These tactics often leave victim survivors feeling like they can’t leave an abusive relationship and overwhelmed by the sense of control. In particular, stalking behaviour – relentlessly monitoring or contacting someone in an effort to control them – greatly impacts a victim survivor’s mental health and poses a significant risk of serious harm.

The survey by WESNET found that easy access to video surveillance technology, increased use of location settings on devices, and advances in GPS technology provide perpetrators with more ways to track and monitor where victims are.

According to the survey, almost one in three victim survivors of family violence have been tracked using GPS – an alarming 245% increase from the previous survey conducted in 2015.

Pre-loaded smartphone features that allow people to locate their phone, can also be used to track a victim survivor’s location wherever they are. Perpetrators can easily access this information using a shared login. Victim survivors are often coerced into sharing account details with the perpetrator – otherwise they’re accused of having ‘something to hide’.

One practitioner reported that “Once they have the password to your email, perpetrators can access almost everything.”

Perpetrators also use shared bank accounts to get location information from transaction details, often in real time.

Security settings on technology platforms alert users of changes to accounts. But these alerts also mean the perpetrator is aware if the victim survivor tries to change the settings, making them feel trapped.

And it doesn’t end when the relationship ends. 

Following separation, when a perpetrator has rights to contact or spend time with children, they can use apps such as FaceTime to abuse victims.

According to one survey respondent, “Perpetrators are frequently insisting on having contact with children by FaceTime (in court orders) then use that time to question the child about their whereabouts, what their mother is doing and where their mother is, or coerce the child into showing the mother on video.”

There has also been a 347% increase in children being given a device that the perpetrator then uses to contact and control their mother, and a 254% increase in the use of children’s social media for the same purpose.

The impact on victim survivors is devastating, with many experiencing high levels of fear as a result of the technology-facilitated abuse. One survey respondent reported:

“The impact is huge. Since technology is such a part of everyday life now, women often feel they have no escape from the perpetrator. This kind of constant, relentless abuse has a massive impact on women’s mental health. I have seen women become completely paranoid and jump at every sound due to the abuse.”

For many, the fear of using technology makes it much harder to keep in contact with friends, family and services, which can cause significant impact on their lives and increase their sense of isolation.

In some cases, victim survivors have returned to their abuser because they felt they could not escape control.

It’s a challenge for those responding to family violence.

The study found that specialist family violence workers are more aware of technology-facilitated abuse than they were five years ago, but still find it hard to keep up with new tactics used by perpetrators.

And while frontline workers feel there has been an increase in police taking reports of technology abuse seriously, the response often depends on the officer.

One practitioner said:

“Unfortunately police often underestimate perpetrators’ abilities to stalk women and doubt the veracity of their reports. Police often don’t understand the technology themselves and don’t believe perpetrators are capable of doing these things. They also appear to not have the will to fully investigate these matters and lack resources and knowledge of how to gather evidence such as ISP addresses which could prove it was a perpetrator engaging in the behaviour.”

Find out what to look out for and steps to increase safety online on the Technology and family violence page.

This information is sourced from the Second National Survey of Technology Abuse and Domestic Violence in Australia – a national survey of 442 specialist family violence practitioners published in 2020. It is a follow-up survey to the 2015 ReCharge study, conducted by DVRCV, Women’s Legal Services NSW and WESNET to investigate technology-facilitated abuse in Australia.


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Funding to improve court and justice services

Funding to improve court and justice services

Wednesday, 16 December 2020

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Attorney-General Jill Hennessy has announced $23.1 million funding to improve court and justice processes, improving the safety of family violence victims and helping to reduce delays caused by the coronavirus pandemic.

The package will include $7.8 million to expand the specialist family violence legal services model – where pre-court legal advice aims to resolve family violence intervention order (FVIO) matters prior to the court listing day.

This will reduce pressure on the courts by significantly shortening court lists and supporting the safety of family violence victim survivors by providing early legal assistance.

Additional legal assistance will also be provided for vulnerable women experiencing, or at risk of, family violence while pregnant or with young children.

The funding is part of a package of more than $80 million to increase the capacity of the courts to hear and finalise more matters.

The funding also includes:

  • $6 million for the Victoria Legal Aid Help Before Court service to assist people to prepare before their court date online and new legal service hubs for regional Aboriginal Victorians
  • $3.6 million for audio-visual technology to support staff across Magistrates’ Court, Children’s Court and VCAT
  • $5.7 million to appoint new judicial registrars and support staff to focus on simpler cases, freeing up time for Magistrates to determine more complex matters

Attorney-General Jill Hennessy said, “Those experiencing family violence do not need the added burden of unnecessary delays at court – this is about minimising backlogs to deliver the decisions and support people desperately need”.

Read the media release.

Page last updated Wednesday, December 16 2020


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Final Orange Door locations announced

Final Orange Door locations announced

Tuesday, 15 December 2020

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The Orange Door network is expanding to ensure more Victorians impacted by family violence can get the help they need closer to home.

Minister for Prevention of Family Violence Gabrielle Williams announced the rollout will be completed by 2022 with the final four Orange Door sites to open in Hume Moreland, Brimbank Melton, Western Melbourne and Outer East Melbourne.

These hubs bring together specialist family violence and perpetrator services, family services and Aboriginal services under one roof.

Workers from these services provide a range of support, from risk assessments, safety planning and crisis assistance, as well as vital connections to services for ongoing help.

Hume Moreland is expected to be set up next year, with the other three to be completed in 2022.

Each Orange Door has a primary site which is complemented by additional access points and outposts, making it easier for people to get in-person support wherever they live.

The Orange Door is currently operating in seven areas in Victoria and the remaining ten sites will be established within the next two years.

While the establishment of the Orange Door has a positive impact on victim survivor safety, DV Vic has called on government to involve and collaborate with DV Vic and other key peak bodies to resolve critical issues with the model. Read the statement.

Page last updated Tuesday, December 15 2020


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50,000 Victorians Get The Help They Need At The Orange Door

50,000 Victorians Get The Help They Need At The Orange Door

Monday, 15 July 2019

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More than 50,000 Victorians have attended an Orange Door during the past year. A key recommendation of the Royal Commission into Family Violence, the Orange Door gives Victorian women and children access to the support and services they need when they are experiencing family violence.

There are five Orange Doors – in Frankston, Geelong, Morwell, Mildura and North Melbourne. Frankston was the first established – and has now been in operation for 12 months.

Women, children and young people who attend Orange Doors are able to access specialist family services in a safe and secure environment – or get extra support with the care of children.

The Orange Door brings together workers from specialist family violence services, child and family services, Aboriginal services and services aimed at perpetrators. The model is designed to make it easier for people to seek help and support earlier. Locations are clearly visible and close to public transport.

Twelve more Orange Doors are planned to be up and running by 2022.

Page last updated Tuesday, December 15 2020


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Practitioner profile: Ashleigh Shanahan

Practitioner profile: Ashleigh Shanahan

Wednesday, 9 December 2020

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We recently spoke with LGBTI Homelessness and Family Violence Project Worker, Ashleigh Shanahan, about what inspires her work and how her current role is helping to build inclusive and integrated mainstream service provision for LGBTI people experiencing family violence, mental health issues and homelessness.

Tell us about your career in the family violence sector, and what inspired you to take on your current role at Wombat housing support services?

AS: I undertook a project for EDVOS for my final social work placement and this really set the scene for my career in the family violence sector. That project looked at how to get young people more engaged with services. After graduating I worked at EDVOS as an intake specialist family violence advisor. Whilst there I also took on the LGBTI portfolio. When my current role at Wombat came up, it was the amalgamation of everything I had been doing over the past few years and combined all of my passions together.

How have LGBTI people been discriminated against and how has the service system let them down?

AS: There hasn’t always been a great understanding of the nature of power and control and the use of violence within LGBTI relationships, especially when gender is not the defining factor. This lack of understanding has played out in LGBTI people’s experiences of services. For example, police have sometimes trivialised LGBTI people’s experiences of intimate partner violence, with responses like “Oh well, it’s just two women, what’s the harm? What can they really do to each other?” And with men, it’s like “they’re both men, they can fight it out.”

Non-binary people and trans women have, historically, been denied services because they haven’t been seen as real women or haven’t appeared feminine enough. Visual identity is important for non-binary people and trans women, and they often experience discrimination when those markers don’t live up to feminine ideals. Being homeless, for example, doesn’t allow them access to the privileges of appearance, where they’re able to access things like hormones, clothing and razors that enable them to visibly present their identity.

Many services have a poor understanding of where to refer LGBTI people. The LGBTI community is a small community, some people do not want to access an LGBTI specific service out of fear of being recognised. This makes it important for mainstream organisations to understand the needs of LGBTI people. Whilst displaying the rainbow or trans flag is important, it needs to go beyond that. If it just stops at the door, that’s even more damaging because it’s lulling people into a false sense of security.

How is the LGBTI Homelessness and Family Violence Project addressing some of the systemic gaps that LGBTI people experience?

AS: The project focuses on building the capacity of the housing and homelessness sector to be able to understand the specific needs and experiences of LGBTI people and to be able to respond to those needs. It’s about bridging the gap between the homelessness, housing and family violence sectors through a whole range of capacity building activities such as training and resource development, and working collaboratively.

Many young people have gone through the service system and never once been asked if they identify as LGBTI. This has huge implications for their safety and wellbeing. We’ve been developing ways that housing and homelessness services can create safety for LGBTI people. For example, vetting accommodation so that it’s safer and fits their needs. We’ve also developed risk assessment and safety planning processes and a checklist. So when someone is looking at placing a client in accommodation, what should they consider? This might include things like checking how safe the area is in terms of neighbours, or other residents if it’s a refuge or transitional housing. Are staff educated in LGBTI best practice? How close is their accommodation to the specific services they need? Can they easily connect with their local LGBTI community?

The work of creating organisational cultural change often falls on LGBTI staff. The majority of staff who work on rainbow tick groups or who are doing any LGBTI work, tend to be people who identify with the community themselves. But the point that we want to make is, it’s time for agencies to get on board.

What about the role of collaboration across different sectors?

AS: Collaborating is crucial. There’s often been discrepancies in some of the understandings or the ways in which family violence services work compared with how homelessness services work. We’ve been working more closely together to navigate differences in terms of risk assessment and to enable a clearer pathway for LGBTI people.

Our current focus is on family of origin violence and the homelessness that LGBTI people can experience as a result of that. So we are developing partnerships with child protection, residential, foster and kinship care services. These are really overstretched services so it’s hard to ask people to all of a sudden consider these new priorities. But I’m hoping that the project will provide the support needed and then we can advocate for there to be dedicated specialist LGBTI/homelessness roles that can do this work collaboratively with the other services.

What have been some of the highlights in your current role?

AS: I get to work directly with young people who have found their own journey of discovery with their identity, and also the hardships that they’ve come from. The resilience that these young people have is so inspiring. I’ve loved working with them and hearing their stories. I’ve also loved the collaborative process of working with other agencies.

When I conduct surveys or ask for feedback from people who have participated in the project, I get so many passionate and detailed responses. It really makes me feel that this is an area people really want to learn about and make change.

What drives you to work in the family violence sector?

AS: After falling into work in the family violence sector, I’ve fallen in love with it. I don’t see myself working outside of family violence anytime soon. I really love that this sector is so rapidly changing and adapting to the needs of people.

Page last updated Wednesday, December 9 2020


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Protecting Australia’s gun safety framework

Protecting Australia’s gun safety framework

Tuesday 8th December 2020

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DVRCV has been a proud member of the Australian Gun Safety Alliance since 2018. We have joined nearly 30 other organisations in support of efforts to protect Australia’s strong gun safety framework.

The Australian Gun Safety Alliance (AGSA) is a coalition of voices representing the interests of the community in ensuring that we maintain vigilance on issues of gun safety.

Stephen Bendle is the convenor of the Alliance and works with the Alannah & Madeline Foundation. The Foundation was established after the tragic mass shooting in Port Arthur in 1996 where young sisters Alannah and Madeline Mikac, along with their mother Nanette were killed by a single gunman.

Stephen says that “AGSA is not politically aligned and receives no corporate or individual donations. It is funded by philanthropic donations and in-kind services by members.”

He adds that “all States and Territories, along with the Commonwealth, signed the National Firearms agreement in 1996 and renewed their commitment in 2017. Unfortunately, nearly 25 years later, not a single jurisdiction is fully compliant with the Agreement.”

The AGSA understands that most gun owners in Australia are law-abiding, responsible people who are not criminals. However, Australian Governments must do everything in their power to avoid a slide towards an American culture of gun entitlement.

The AGSA believes that the onus of firearm laws and regulations should be on public safety and not for the convenience or commercial interests of a few. This is the overriding principle of the National Firearms Agreement which has served Australians well.

The role of firearms in family violence is well known.

According to the Women’s Legal Service Qld:

  • gunshot wounds are the third most common cause of death in domestic homicide
  • abusers who use or threaten to use a weapon are 20 times more likely to kill their victim
  • violent intimate partners who have access to firearms engage in more severe domestic violence than those who do not.

Following the Port Arthur shooting in 1996, Australia’s gun reforms have been recognised by the Public Health Association of Australia as one of our top 10 public health successes of the last 20 years. At the time, 90% of Australians supported the bipartisan approach to the introduction of a National Firearms Agreement that established a national framework for the regulation of firearms.

The Australian Gun Safety Alliance continues to speak to governments in all jurisdictions, monitor amendments to firearm legislation and regulations, and speak on behalf of those committed to the health and safety of the community in policy discussions.

More information is available on the AGSA website or you can contact Stephen Bendle on info@gunsafetyalliance.org.au.


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Dedicated family violence court to open in Melbourne’s south east

Dedicated family violence court to open in Melbourne’s south east

Monday, 7 December 2020

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More Victorians living with family violence can now access expert and dedicated court services with the state’s newest Specialist Family Violence Court up and running in Moorabbin.

The court has been designed to provide greater security, comfort and choice for people experiencing family violence and includes separate court entrances for victim survivors, safe waiting spaces and interview rooms, remote witness facilities, child-friendly spaces and culturally safe spaces.

Specialist magistrates at the court have the power to mandate counselling and other services such as men’s behaviour change programs, which help to promote safety by holding men accountable for their use of violence towards family members.

All specialist staff working at the court take part in ongoing family violence learning and development to ensure they are well equipped to meet the needs of people living with family violence.

The Moorabbin facility is one of five Specialist Family Violence Courts rolling out across Victoria. Family Violence Courts are already operational at Shepparton and Ballarat, with Heidelberg and Frankston set to open next year.

The project delivers on key recommendations of the Royal Commission into Family Violence and ensures consistency in family violence functions and services across courts.

Page last updated Monday, December 7 2020


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More perpetrators misusing technology to abuse victims

More perpetrators misusing technology to abuse victims

Monday, 30 November 2020

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A report released by WESNET and Curtin University has found that perpetrators are finding new ways to misuse technology to abuse victims.

The Second National Survey of Technology Abuse and Domestic Violence in Australia outlines results from a national survey of 442 specialist family violence practitioners and found significant increases in technology-facilitated abuse in Australia.

Practitioners’ awareness of the use of technology in family violence has increased since the previous survey conducted in 2015, however they find it hard to keep up with the numerous ways that perpetrators seek to control and monitor women.

WESNET CEO Karen Bentley says “The findings of this research are a stark reminder that technology is now fully enmeshed in all aspects of our lives. Legislative and programmatic responses are constantly playing catch-up, while victim survivors are living daily with the terrifying reality and frontline workers grapple with new and emerging abuse tactics.”

The report states that there was little shift in legal responses to this abuse compared to 2015. Respondents noted that breaches to intervention orders made via technology were rarely enforced and are often taken less seriously than physical abuse.

Impact on victim survivors

While the impact of technology-facilitated abuse on victim survivors is similar to 2015, there is an increased perception that they experience high levels of fear and terror as a result of the technology-facilitated abuse and that they feel trapped and hopeless.

One survey respondent reported:

“The impact is huge. Since technology is such a part of everyday life now, women often feel they have no escape from the perpetrator. This kind of constant, relentless abuse has a massive impact on women’s mental health. I have seen women become completely paranoid and jump at every sound due to the abuse.”

Technology facilitated abuse can increase the isolation felt by victim survivors and the fear of using technology to keep in contact with friends, family and services can cause significant impact on their lives.

In some cases, the victim survivor returned to their abuser because they felt they could not escape control. This intensified during the first wave of COVID-19 in Australia (the survey ran from May to August 2020).

Other key findings

  • Almost all survey respondents (99.3%) said they had clients who had experienced technology-facilitated stalking and abuse.
  • There was a 74.4% increase in the reported use of text messages, email or instant messages to threaten victim survivors.
  • There was a 244.8% increase in practitioners reporting perpetrators’ use of GPS to track victim survivors and 183.2% increase in the use of video cameras.
  • A high proportion of respondents reported perpetrators used government services such as myGov to abuse victim survivors, with 27% of respondents seeing this ‘all the time’ and a further 37.8% seeing it ‘often’.

The use of children in technology-facilitated abuse showed significant increases since the 2015 survey.

  • There was a 346.6% increase in children being given a phone or other device as a way to contact their father and monitor their mother’s movements.
  • There was a 254.2% increase in perpetrators’ use of children’s social media accounts to contact children’s mothers.
  • 49.4% of respondents reported that perpetrators use court-ordered child contact to abuse, threaten and intimidate women ‘all the time’.


About the research

The research was conducted from May to August 2020 via an online survey of 442 practitioners in the specialist family violence sector. It is a follow-up survey to the 2015 ReCharge study, conducted by DVRCV, Women’s Legal Services NSW and WESNET.

Find out more

To find out more about safe technology use, read DVRCV’s technology and family violence information.

Page last updated Monday, November 30 2020


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Further investment in family violence reforms

Further investment in family violence reforms

Wednesday, 25 November 2020

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The Victorian Government announced a $435 million investment into gender equality and family violence initiatives in yesterday’s state budget.

The investment aims to support families to recover from family violence, further develop the family violence and sexual assault workforce, and increase perpetrator accountability.

The investment includes:

  • $87.3 million over four years for flexible support packages
  • $10.7 million over four years for perpetrator accountability for family violence
  • $9.7 million over four years focused on preventing and responding earlier to family violence in multicultural and faith-based communities
  • $8.2 million to grow the family violence and sexual assault support workforce, supporting the coordination of up to 240 traineeships
  • Further funding for the implementation of the Multi-Agency Risk Assessment and Management (MARAM) framework and information sharing schemes

There is further funding of $1.6 million for the Family Violence Reform Implementation Monitor for the next two years. It is critical this role continues until the reforms have been fully implemented and the coordinated family violence system is operating as envisioned by the Royal Commission.

This is part of a budget that focuses on gender equality and tackling the disproportionate impact of the pandemic on women.

Minister for Women and Minister for the Prevention of Family Violence Gabrielle Williams said “putting women at the heart of our recovery from coronavirus will mean we recover stronger and faster as a community. It’s the right thing to do – and the smart thing to do.”

DV Vic and DVRCV will continue to engage with the Victorian Government to ensure that there is additional funding for specialist family violence service delivery in the next budget to respond to increased demand and safeguard the health and wellbeing of this unique and specialist workforce, as well as advocating for further investment into primary prevention.

Read the DV Vic and DVRCV response to the state budget.

Page last updated Wednesday, November 25 2020


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State budget response

State budget response

Wednesday 25th November 2020

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DVRCV and Domestic Violence Victoria welcome the Victorian Government’s continued investment into family violence reforms announced in yesterday’s state budget.

In particular, we are heartened by the government’s clear commitment to putting housing at the centre of Victoria’s response to family violence, with the big housing build of nearly $5.3 billion, ensuring the availability of long-term social and affordable housing that will support families to recover from family violence. This significant investment is supported by extended funding for emergency accommodation options, and $18.2 million across two years to support case management in core and cluster refuges.

We are also pleased to see continued funding for flexible support packages of $87.3 million over four years.

While we welcome the announcement of further funding for the implementation of the Multi-Agency Risk Assessment and Management (MARAM) framework and information sharing schemes, we know this will need to continue beyond the 12 months committed to today.

We look forward to working with government and our members to define specialist family violence service program requirements, to make sure implementation funding extends past 2021-22.

DV Vic and DVRCV also welcome the $8.2 million investment into building the family violence and sexual assault support workforces. However, we note that this is only a fraction of what is needed to grow and also retain the specialist workforce for an exhausted sector that continues providing services to victim survivors through the pandemic and beyond.

We look forward to engaging with the Victorian Government to ensure that additional funding for specialist family violence service delivery in the next budget, in order to respond to unrelenting and increasing demand, as well as to safeguard the health and wellbeing of this unique and specialist workforce.

We also welcome the government’s commitment to perpetrator accountability for family violence, with the promised investment of $10.7 million over four years.

We are pleased to see a focus on women’s employment and note women’s inclusion as a key group in the government’s economic recovery plans. Employment for women and all victim survivors escaping family violence is a critical element in their survival and recovery.

The Victorian Government continues to demonstrate leadership by investing in primary prevention. In particular, we welcome the further commitment of $37.5 million over four years to continue to deliver the Respectful Relationships initiative in Victorian schools, as well as $9.7 million over four years focused on preventing and responding earlier to family violence in multicultural and faith-based communities.

However, we are disappointed that more funding hasn’t been committed in this budget to prevention initiatives and the development of the prevention workforce. We know that the only way to stem the flow of family violence is to stop it from happening in the first place. Victoria is a world leader in this space and DV Vic and DVRCV look forward to working with the government to ensure this continues by providing additional funding in 2021-22.

Finally, we welcome extended funding of $1.6m for the Family Violence Reform Implementation Monitor for the next two years. It is critical this role continues until the reforms have been fully implemented and the coordinated family violence system is operating as envisioned by the Royal Commission.


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Reflecting on a year of change

Reflecting on a year of change

Thursday 19th November 2020

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As we publish our annual report for 2019-20, CEO Tania Farha reflects on the past year.

I came into the organisation in July 2020 as CEO of both DVRCV and Domestic Violence Victoria and am honoured to be leading both organisations through the transition process and into the future as a newly merged entity.

I would like to acknowledge outgoing CEO Emily Maguire’s leadership of DVRCV over the last five years. It’s abundantly clear that DVRCV would not be the organisation it is today if it wasn’t for Emily’s dedication and I look forward to building on her legacy as we move into a new chapter.

Perhaps the most exciting development this year was the Board’s decision to merge with Domestic Violence Victoria. I feel privileged to be leading this phase and am excited about the potential opportunities it provides both organisations to come together to maximise their impact and influence.

I’d like to thank the DVRCV Board who governed the organisation through this time, particularly outgoing Chair Debbie King for her wisdom and expertise during the merge exploration process while continuing to lead the ‘business as usual’ governance of a dynamic and growing organisation.

Of course, preparing to merge was just one of many priorities. This financial year also saw DVRCV forge ahead in key program areas. We experienced an increase in demand for MARAM training and received further funding to expand our work in primary prevention to support the needs of an ever-expanding workforce.

And we continued to support the sector through capability building activities.

  • 3,440 participants attended training
  • 267 training sessions delivered in person and online
  • 8,353 print resources sold and distributed
  • 5.9M visits to our websites

It goes without saying that COVID-19 has had the greatest impact not just on DVRCV but on us all. Whilst recognising its unparalleled challenges, particularly on the provision of services and support to victims of family violence during this time, the pandemic has provided us with new opportunities. None of these could have been harnessed without the commitment of our exceptional staff – all of whom have not only adjusted to working remotely during this period but have successfully adapted our professional development and capability building activities for the online environment.

I would like to extend my gratitude to DVRCV’s Board, the Senior Leadership Team, and the phenomenal women I have had the privilege of working with and getting to know these last few months.

I’m excited for the future of this new organisation that we are building together!

Tania Farha


We’ve also published financial statements and an accessible Word version of the report on our Annual reports page.

The Domestic Violence Victoria Annual Report is available on the DV Vic website.


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Are you safe at home?

Are you safe at home?

Tuesday 27th October 2020

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During the COVID-19 pandemic, we have seen an increase in family violence in Victoria.

With public health restrictions in place and people staying at home more, it’s harder than ever for people experiencing abuse to seek help.

To help support people who may be experiencing family violence and concerned family and friends, we’re distributing two cards through community services and retail outlets in Victoria.

We’ve also launched the Are you safe at home? website – a valuable source of information on how to recognise the warning signs, act safely, provide support, and where to find help.

Developed in partnership with Family Safety Victoria, the wallet-sized cards are available in IGA supermarkets and other services across Victoria.

Social media toolkit

You can help promote this important resource on your networks. Visit the Are you safe at home? toolkit page for a series of social media images and messaging you can use.


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Crime Data Captures Record Spike in Family Violence

Crime Data Captures Record Spike in Family Violence

Monday, 26 October 2020

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Data released in September, compiled by the Crime Statistics Agency (CSA), shows a spike in family violence incidents and family violence order breaches over the past 12 months.

Drawing on data collected by Victorian Police, the CSA reported family related incidents increased by 6.7% since last year to a record high of 88,214 incidents. Meanwhile, the rate of family incidents increased by 5% to 1,315.4 incidents per 100,000 Victorians.

Children were recorded present at 32,535 of these incidents, which is another record high. The largest number of incidents were reported in December 2019, January 2020 and March 2020.

The report also found breaches of family violence orders increased 9.7% to 48,071 offences.

What has contributed to the spike? 

According to CEO of Domestic Violence Victoria, Tania Farha, the increase in reports over the last 12 months can be attributed to three very different causes. One of these is Victoria Police’s commitment to make it easier for victim survivors to access support, as per reforms recommended by the Royal Commission into Family Violence.

“An increase in reports to police over the previous 12 months may be the result of ongoing efforts by Victoria Police to break down barriers to victim survivors seeking help from police,” Ms Farha explained.

Given emergencies are known to increase the frequency and severity of family violence, the spike may also be credited to the two key crises which have arisen over the past 12 months: the catastrophic bushfires which burned across the state during Summer, followed by the COVID-19 pandemic crisis which has persisted since March 2020.

Victoria Police Deputy Commissioner, Rick Nugent, said the stay-at-home restrictions had contributed to the increase, which included notable rises in first-time victims and perpetrators of family violence.

It’s also possible that media coverage of high-profile family violence homicides, such as the murder of Hannah Clarke and her children in February 2020, played a role in the high number of reports seen this year.

“For some [victim survivors] it makes them more frightened to seek help, but for others it increases their sense of urgency for themselves and their children and so they reach out for assistance,” explained Ms Farha.  

What can we anticipate moving forward? 

While this data provides insight into the number of incidents reported to police, it does not capture the full extent of the prevalence, frequency and impact of family violence in our communities.

As Victoria continues to gradually ease restrictions, services are anticipating a spike in demand. The need to ensure these services are adequately resourced to respond remains as important as ever.

“Even during strict restrictions and lockdown, you can leave home to escape family violence. We must continue to amplify this message under the current restrictions and throughout the recovery period,” urged Ms Farha.

“Specialist family violence services must be adequately resourced to respond.”

To check out the latest Victorian crime data, visit the Crime Statistics Agency website.

Page last updated Monday, October 26 2020


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Funding to Strengthen Aboriginal-led Family Violence Responses

Funding to Strengthen Aboriginal-led Family Violence Responses

Wednesday, 30 September 2020

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The Victorian Government has announced $18.2 million in funding to support Aboriginal-led family violence responses and prevention initiatives. Eligible Aboriginal community groups and organisations will be able to access funding through the Dhelk Dja Family Violence Fund.

This funding ultimately aims to provide more Aboriginal families and individuals with culturally-safe family violence support – including emergency support, family counselling and behaviour change programs.

“All Victorians deserve to live free from violence – and the best response for Aboriginal communities is one that is led by Aboriginal communities,” said Minister for Prevention of Family Violence and Aboriginal Affairs, Gabrielle Williams.

The announcement was applauded by the Victorian Aboriginal Child Care Agency (VACCA), who also stressed the importance of ensuring responses to Aboriginal family violence are led by Aboriginal organisations and communities.

“This funding will allow Aboriginal Community Controlled Organisations to work with community in providing a suite of culturally safe, trauma-informed family violence and healthy respectful relationships programs,” their media release read.

“VACCA commends the government’s commitment to advancing Aboriginal self-determination and this funding will allow VACCA and other Aboriginal Family Violence Services to enhance our programs to meet the community needs over the next two years.”

Launched in 2018, Dhelk Dja’ – Safe Our Way: Strong Culture, Strong Peoples, Strong Families’ (‘Dhelk Dja’) is an Aboriginal-led Agreement that commits Aboriginal communities, services and the Victorian government to work together to address family violence in Aboriginal communities.

Self-determination sits at the core of this agreement, marking a systemic shift in the way government has historically partnered and worked with the Aboriginal community.

Submissions for the Dhelk Dja Family Violence Fund are now open to eligible organisations. To apply or find out more visit the Tenders Vic website. Applications close 23 October.

Read the government media release here.

Page last updated Wednesday, September 30 2020


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Male peer relations and disrespect towards women

Male peer relations and disrespect towards women

Wednesday 9th September 2020

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Gender inequality creates the social conditions for violence against women to occur. There are four key expressions of gender inequality that have been found to predict or drive this violence. To prevent violence against women, we must focus our efforts on addressing these drivers.

Male peer relations that emphasise aggression and disrespect towards women is one of these drivers.

What do male peer relations that emphasise aggression and disrespect towards women look like?

This gendered driver of violence against women is where men and boys seek to form relationships and bond with each other by proving their masculinity through actions that are sexist, disrespectful or hostile towards women. Examples of this include:

  • Sexist ‘locker room talk’ that disrespects women and is viewed as harmless and normal.
  • Fear of rejection by male peers if they take a stand against their friend’s disrespect of women.
  • Believing it’s natural for a man to want to appear in control of his partner in front of his male friends.

When aggression, sexism and disrespect towards women is normalised and seen as an important part of being ‘one of the boys’, it creates a culture where violence against women is more likely to be used, supported, excused or ignored (Our Watch, 2017).

The socio-ecological model

Looking at how this driver of violence against women manifests within different settings where people live, learn, work, socialise and play can help plan your approach to addressing them. The socio-ecological model comes from the public health field and is used to help explain how violence is a product of multiple, interacting factors at the individual, organisational, systemic and societal levels.

The four gendered drivers exist at all of these levels and are the social conditions which predict, or ‘drive’, higher levels of violence against women.

Reinforcing factors interact with the gendered drivers at the individual and relationship level to increase the probability, frequency and severity of this violence.

Unhealthy male peer relations and disrespect towards women takes many shapes and forms

At an individual or relationship level unhealthy male peer relations and disrespect towards women can look like:

At an organisational or community level, unhealthy male peer relations and disrespect towards women can look like:

At an institutional or systemic level, unhealthy male peer relations and disrespect towards women can look like:

At a societal level, unhealthy male peer relations and disrespect towards women can look like:

What are some actions that you can do to challenge male peer relations that emphasise aggression and disrespect towards women?

Take action to strengthen positive, equal and respectful relations between and among men, boys, women, girls and people of all genders. This includes challenging peer relations between boys and men that involve disrespect or hostility towards women. For example:

  • implementing a whole school approach to respectful relationships education
  • delivering training programs to men and boys
  • implementing organisational policies that send a clear message that gender discrimination and sexual harassment is not tolerated
  • encouraging bystander action in highly masculine/male dominated work or peer environments

Male friends, colleagues, family members and other peers are best placed to encourage positive relations and expressions of masculinity. Whether it’s the office, the locker-room, the classroom or the street, the intervention of peers can have a powerful effect (The Man Box, 2020).

What you can do:


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Five New Orange Door Hubs to Open Across Victoria

Five New Orange Door Hubs to Open Across Victoria

Tuesday, 1 September 2020

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The Victorian Government has announced it will be extending the Orange Door network to an additional five regions in the state.

New safety hubs will be established in Melbourne’s south and inner-east, Ovens Murray, Wimmera South-West and Outer Gippsland.

Establishing accessible support and safety hubs in each of Victoria’s 17 DHHS regions was a key recommendation that came out of Victoria’s Royal Commission into Family Violence.

Branded as the ‘Orange Door’, these hubs are intended to bring specialist family violence and perpetrator services, family services and Aboriginal services together under one roof, and aim to make it easier for people affected by family violence to access the holistic support they need.

Five hubs have been set up so far, but an Auditor-General’s report tabled in May found they are ‘not yet reaching their full potential.’ The report also raised concerns that future Orange Doors will not be ‘fully prepared to support clients’ or be able to demonstrate better outcomes for families.

In light of the new Orange Door sites being announced, Domestic Violence Victoria (DV Vic) has called on government to work collaboratively with DV Vic and other peak bodies to address these shortcomings and increase the positive impact current and new Orange Door hubs will have.

“Our member specialist family violence services are keen to work with Family Safety Victoria in this next phase of Support and Safety Hub implementation. We call on Government to involve and collaborate with DV Vic and other key peak bodies to resolve critical issues with the Hub model prior to these next five sites being established,” said DV Vic CEO Tania Farha.

“Addressing the concerns of peak bodies and service providers will strengthen the impact of these new Hubs as well as the existing ones. As a result, victim survivors will be safer and perpetrators will be kept in view,” Ms Farha added.

To date, almost 100,000 Victorians have been referred or directly sought help for family violence at an Orange Door hub.

Check out the Victorian Government press release here and Domestic Violence Victoria’s response here

See the Auditor-General’s report on Managing Support and Safety Hubs here

Visit orangedoor.vic.gov.au/ for more information about the Orange Door network. 

Page last updated Tuesday, September 1 2020


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The power of advocacy: one survivor’s story

The power of advocacy: one survivor’s story

Monday 24th August 2020

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Reclaiming and redefining one's self after experiencing intimate partner violence is fraught with many challenges. Overcoming the trauma of abuse and the injustices of the legal system are just two of these challenges.

Cathy Oddie knows this all too well. In spite of this, her decision to become a victim survivor advocate has been one of her most life changing and rewarding experiences. Here she reflects on her advocacy journey and her recent appointment to the Victims of Crime Consultative Committee Victoria (VOCCC).

Cathy Oddie has been a family violence survivor advocate for 13 years. Her journey to becoming an advocate began as a result of experiencing life threatening abuse by her partner when she was 22.

“I endured every sort of abuse for three and a half years, and ongoing stalking once the relationship ended. What I didn’t expect was to be let down by the systems and services that were meant to support me. It made me angry. If someone with my white privilege finds the system that difficult, how much harder would it be for a person who is Aboriginal, or from a culturally diverse background, or who is living with a disability find it?”

Participating in the safe steps Survivor Advocate Program was a major turning point in Cathy’s life. The program supports victim survivors of family violence to get media training, to challenge victim blaming myths, and be able to tell their stories in the way they want them to be told.

"The decision to become an advocate for change saved my life."

Since completing the program Cathy has given many media interviews about her experience as a victim survivor and the need for system reform. She has also drawn upon her lived experience to help inform the production of early intervention resources for victim survivors.

In 2015, Cathy also found the confidence and courage to provide her own independent submission to the Victorian Royal Commission into Family Violence. As a result she was called upon to provide a witness testimony about her experience as a victim survivor and the difficulties she encountered navigating the service system.

“Giving that testimony was simultaneously one of the hardest things I’ve ever done plus one of the best things I’ve ever done. It’s something I’ll be forever proud of.”

Cathy’s submission and testimony helped result in two of the Royal Commission’s final recommendations – Recommendation 104 and Recommendation 106, which led to the 2018 review of the Victims of Crime Assistance Act.

“To know that just by putting my experience out there for the Commission to consider, that it could have such a lasting impact for victim survivors, that’s something I’d never want to change.”

What are some of the challenges and rewards you’ve experienced as an advocate?

“There’ve been points where I felt like walking away because, when you’re a victim survivor of family violence and sexual assault, the trauma doesn’t just end when the crisis ends. The impact that it has on you emotionally, physically, and financially is ongoing and really tough.”

“The advocacy work has kept me going forward in my life. It’s given me an opportunity to take myself outside of my own individual circumstances, to see the bigger picture and the need for broader reform and change.”

“By speaking up I’ve been able to be part of creating change. I’ve got a voice in this space that people are listening to. I also have a responsibility to use that voice in a way that amplifies the voices of those who are not being heard.”

Tell us about your recent appointment to the VOCCC and what this means to you?

“It means being part of informing policy and legislative changes that help improve the victim supports that people who’ve experienced serious violent crimes receive.”

As a representative on the VOCCC, Cathy will bring a lived experience lens of what women who experience family violence and sexual assault go through. This will include advocating for:

  • the need for legal representation
  • changes in court designs so that victim survivors are not placed at risk of encountering their perpetrators
  • more specialised case management
  • victim survivors not having to repeat their experience and story of abuse

For Cathy, this role gives her an opportunity to ensure victim survivors’ voices are central to any reform and system changes.


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Q&A: The ins and outs of DV Vic’s new Code of Practice

Q&A: The ins and outs of DV Vic’s new Code of Practice

Thursday, 6 August 2020

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Building on a resource that informed the development of Victoria’s family violence sector over many years, Domestic Violence Victoria (DV Vic) has officially released the second edition of their Code of Practice: Principles and Standards for Specialist Family Violence Services for Victim-Survivors (the Code).

To celebrate the launch, we recently spoke with DV Vic’s Senior Practice Development Advisor, Erin Davis, about the redevelopment process and how the Code’s principles and standards will guide better responses to victim survivors of family violence across Victoria.

In an ideal world, how would this resource be used by specialist family violence practitioners?

ED: I think this question is really good because it reflects how people maybe initially understand the Code: as something you give to a practitioner. Of course, the Code is for practitioners to use, but actually, it is first and foremost for service leaders to implement into their organisations. Leaders can use the Code and its audit tool to do continuous quality improvement work, compare service design against standards and indicators, and then make action plans when improvements are needed within their own contexts. Services can bring the Code into their strategic planning and value-setting work, to redevelop policies, procedures, education, training and induction programs for staff.

In their day-to-day practice, practitioners can also use the Code for their own self-reflection, to work through ethical dilemmas or to think about their practice capabilities.

“The Code doesn’t necessarily have an answer to every question that may come up in practice, but it will have a principle, standard, or way of thinking that you can draw on to inform your response.”

Importantly, leaders and practitioners can also use the Code for systemic advocacy. It can be used to promote understanding of the sector and advocate for the rights of victim survivors.

Can you tell us about the process involved in redeveloping the Code? 

ED: It started at the end of 2018 and ran all way across 2019. First, we unpacked the previous Code and identified what we wanted to maintain and bring into the second edition. We then undertook a literature review, drawing on contemporary guidelines, standards and research into good practice responses and analysed those.

We also looked at how we needed to map this new Code with legislation and policy frameworks that had evolved since the first edition in 2006 and, in particular, since the Royal Commission into Family Violence. We wanted to make sure the new Code reflected the essence of other frameworks like the Human Services StandardsChild Safe StandardsEqual Opportunity guidelines for family violence services and MARAM.

What about engagement and consultation processes? 

ED: A lot of participatory engagement processes were set up. We established an advisory group that consisted of representatives from specialist family violence services, an academic advisor, as well as key partners – including DVRCV, NTV and Family Safety Victoria. That group met at key points during the development of the Code and was very actively involved in co-designing it, which was awesome. Regular discussion and consultation was also held with the Specialist Family Violence Services Group and the Refuge Roundtable, which are key networks convened by DVVic.

I also travelled around the State and ran focus groups and interviews with practitioners and victim survivor advisory groups. We were able to really benefit from asking them how they felt about the content being developed and what key messages they wanted conveyed to the sector. I think that was a really critical piece in developing the Code.

What is the value of this resource? How will it benefit Victoria’s specialist family violence sector? 

ED: I would say the value of this resource is in its ultimate, overarching purpose: to guide consistent quality service provision for victim survivors who are accessing specialist family violence services.

“The Code is an industry resource for the sector, but the proof of its value really is in how victim survivors experience the quality and consistency of the services offered by the sector. “

Of course, the specialist violence sector is already doing many of the things that are in the Code – after all the Code came from them! But it’s just going to take things to a next stage of development.

What are the key ways the new Code builds on the original 2006 version

ED: The second edition builds on the first by providing principle-based standards and indicators that act as a roadmap services can use to self-audit, action plan and do continuous quality improvement work.

It also expands on the foundational feminist, human rights and social justice frameworks used in the original Code. While those frameworks all still underpin it, the new Code also brings in a strong intersectional feminist framework. Throughout the development process, the intersectional feminist framework – time and time again – came through as the primary way of thinking the sector wanted to see reflected across specialist family violence services.

This framework helps us understand the complex ways in which family violence interacts with gender-based oppression, with homophobia, with transphobia, ableism, ageism and many other forms of oppression. Those forms of oppression are exploited by people who use violence. They perpetuate discriminatory service responses. And ultimately, all of that exacerbates the harm that victim survivors experience.

“Specialists can use intersectionality to unpack how family violence plays out in a more nuanced way, engage in critical reflection on their own policies and practices, and to work with other sectors that respond to these oppressions and build coalitions with them.”

What is your message to other services involved in the family violence response? Is this resource useful for them as well?

ED: The Code is primarily designed for the specialist family violence service sector, but I think it’s definitely a resource that would be useful for other non-specialist services.

Many have an important role to play in family violence response. Tier 2-4 services can use the Code as a quality improvement resource, just as specialist family violence services would do. That means not just handing the Code over to individuals responding to family violence, but using it at that leadership level in self-auditing and strategic planning discussions.

If an organisation has one family violence practitioner or as small local family violence response program, the Code is for them too. A key challenge is ensuring the Code reaches those parts of the sector.

Download DV Vic’s new Code of Practice.

If you need assistance navigating and using the Code, contact DV Vic for guidance and support.

Are you responsible for embedding the DV Vic Code of Practice into your organisation? Join DV Vic’s Implementation Champions Group!

This group will support professionals in funded specialist family violence services who are responsible for embedding the Code of Practice, MARAMIS and the future Service Model in their organisations. To learn more about this group and how you can join, click here.

Page last updated Thursday, August 6 2020


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Survey Captures FV Practitioner Experiences During COVID-19

Survey Captures FV Practitioner Experiences During COVID-19

Tuesday, 4 August 2020

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As many parts of Victoria move to Stage 4 restrictions, it’s a critical time to reflect on how measures to curb the spread of COVID-19 impact the incidence of family violence and how professionals can overcome challenges associated with supporting victim survivors under lockdown.

The Monash Gender and Family Violence Centre recently published a research report capturing the voices and experiences of 166 Victorian practitioners supporting women experiencing violence during Victoria’s initial COVID-19 shutdown period.

The responses, collected through an anonymous online survey between April and May 2020, are insightful, inspiring and informative. Here’s a summary of the key findings.

More frequent, more severe violence

Among the practitioners surveyed, 59% of respondents reported that COVID-19 has increased the frequency of violence against women, while 50% said it has increased the severity. 42% of respondents reported an increase in women experiencing family violence for the first time.

As violence has become more frequent and severe, women’s support needs have become increasingly complex. Over three quarters of respondents reported an increase in case complexity and 55% reported a significant increase.

Enhanced tactics of control

Practitioners also highlighted that perpetrators are using new forms of violence and “enhanced tactics” to control, coerce and socially isolate victim survivors during the pandemic.

These tactics include weaponising the COVID-19 restrictions and using the threat of infection to control women’s movements and decision-making power. As one practitioner articulated:

“Perpetrators are using COVID-19 as a reason to keep women isolated, for example, not letting them out of the home to ‘protect them’ from COVID-19.”

Additional barriers to support

In addition to impacting the prevalence and nature of family violence, the pandemic has also diminished women’s capacity to reach out for support. In particular, practitioners were concerned by increased perpetrator surveillance over victim survivor’s devices and online activity, restricting their ability to safely contact support services. As one practitioner voiced:

“Partners who are monitoring phone use now have an increased amount of power and control in this domain as the phone is now quite literally the only connection with the outside world. “

Another shared:

“Women have been very concerned about their phone calls being overheard and not having a safe space to speak freely. Women have often ended phone calls, changed the topic or called back later when it is safe to talk.”

According to the report, lockdown measures have also further isolated victim survivors from their usual support networks, increasing the overall invisibility of their victimisation.

Overcoming challenges posed by lockdown 

Across the sector, services and professionals are working in new, innovative ways to continue safely reaching and delivering support to at-risk women during COVID-19. A few innovative approaches to service delivery professionals shared via the survey include:

  • Integrating family violence support into “essential services” that have remained open through lockdown periods, including GP clinics, Centrelink and childcare centres.
  • Creating new alert systems victim survivors can use if in trouble or in need of support.
  • Partnering with all-women rideshare company, Shebah, to provide safe transport and deliveries to women and children experiencing family violence.
  • Getting clients to provide virtual “house tours” to provide more information to support risk assessment and safety planning.
  • Using alternative phone solutions that do not require app downloads to devices, such as Gruveo.
  • Utilising video streaming technologies such as Microsoft Teams, Zoom and WhatsApp to connect with clients and do virtual risk assessments and safety planning.

Implications for professionals’ wellbeing

The research also drew attention to the effects COVID-19 has had on practitioners’ wellbeing. Several respondents reported that – since shifting to remote service delivery – the lines between work and home had become increasingly blurred, making it harder to “switch off” after a day of work. As one respondent shared:

“Boundaries for me personally – [having] work computers at home [I’m] more likely to check emails out of business hours because of concern for the family [and] wanting to see a response to be reassured they are ok. “

Others mentioned that adapting to new modes of service delivery when family violence is increasing in severity and frequency has created additional work-induced stress. In the words of one practitioner:

“[There is] increased stress on clinicians due to the pressure to not place the client at greater risk of harm when delivering an adapted service model whilst the client is in isolation with the perpetrator.”

If you’re struggling at the moment, remember there are particular services and people in your organisation you can lean on for wellbeing support. Check out this section of The Lookout for information on what supports are available to you.  

To learn more about this research project, and read the entire report for yourself, click here

For more information and resources to support your practice during COVID-19, check out our COVID-19 and family violence section. 

Page last updated Tuesday, August 4 2020


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WISHIN: a safe home for every woman

WISHIN: a safe home for every woman

Monday 3rd August 2020

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Homelessness is a gendered issue. Jade Blakkarly knows this more than most people. For the past three years, she’s been at the helm of WISHIN, a small organisation that’s at the interface of homelessness and family violence.

“Women’s homelessness is an issue of gender inequality, poverty and lack of affordable housing intersecting with other forms of discrimination and marginalisation. More than 75% of the women we see have experienced family violence.  On top of that, over 50% have a diagnosed mental health issue. We’re also seeing more women who were born overseas – over 40%.”

WISHIN’s clients have many multiple and complex needs and this often leads to them falling through the gaps. These are women who’ve been through the family violence system and felt like it hasn’t worked for them. They may have substance and child protection issues or have had lots of criminal justice involvement.

“Generalist homelessness services sometimes struggle to respond to the complex support needs of women and children.”

Many of WISHIN’s clients have previously presented to mainstream homelessness services, with active family violence issues and high risk safety concerns. Homelessness services aren’t always well-equipped to manage that risk and may refer the woman to a family violence service. Meanwhile, some family violence services may refer women to a homelessness service, if they see housing as their main issue. Jade points out that “this can lead to women bouncing backwards and forwards between those two systems and not getting an appropriate response from either.”

How does a small organisation provide housing to an overwhelming number of victim survivors, all on a shoestring budget?

“It’s a constant challenge for us but the uniqueness of our service delivery model means we’re better placed to catch many women who fall through the gaps,” says Jade.

WISHIN’s approach is to provide a holistic trauma informed response that includes initial assessment, safety planning, case management and a long term Wellbeing Program to help women transition out of the program at their own pace.

WISHIN have specialist family violence workers located at homeless access points, the places where women come to get homelessness support. These workers provide a direct response to women who come in with a current family violence crisis. This includes conducting MARAM assessments and developing safety plans, negotiating with police around intervention orders, and working with safe steps if the woman needs to access a refuge.

These workers also do a lot of advocacy between the two systems – working out the type of family violence response that women should be getting as well as the homelessness response.

WISHIN also do capacity building and training for the homelessness sector. They have staff members located at homelessness organisations such as VincentCare. This approach provides the benefit of supporting homelessness staff to develop skills in doing basic identification and risk assessments. “This has really improved the staff’s confidence and understanding in recognising and responding to family violence,” says Jade.

How has COVID-19 impacted WISHIN’s clients?

“The priority given to funding homeless people in hotels has been phenomenal. Over 2,000 households have been supported since COVID and it’s provided somewhere safe for a lot of people to stay in Melbourne’s north,” says Jade. (WISHIN’s catchment area covers the northern metropolitan suburbs of Hume, Moreland, Yarra, Whittlesea, Nillumbik, Darebin and Banyule.)

COVID-19 has exposed social inequalities with women disproportionately affected. A highly gendered casualised workforce has meant that many women have lost their jobs. WISHIN is finding that a lot of their clients who had previously moved forward and established themselves are now re-engaging with their service. As Jade points out, “they’ve lost their jobs and their options are tighter. Although there’s been a temporary increase in income for some with JobSeeker, the loss of work also creates an issue for their ongoing sustainability.”

WISHIN has also found that some women have chosen to move into private rental because the market is not as competitive as it has been, particularly for those on Centrelink and who have children. These women are willing to risk the private rental market even though they are still financially insecure.

The Victorian Government has announced a $1billion increase in social housing. How do you welcome that?

Jade acknowledges that this is a great outlay by the government but also cautions that it will take a long time to see the full benefits, especially given Victoria has the lowest percentage of public and community housing per capita in Australia.

The Victorian Government has also committed another $150 million to assist the homeless to find housing in the transition post COVID-19. Whilst this is highly welcomed, it will not in itself solve the long term cycle of homelessness for many women, especially given the ongoing high rates of family violence and poverty that many women will continue to experience.

“We’ve been carrying a long history of very poor [housing] investment and women have suffered because of it. Social housing is a major part of the solution. Working with an integrated model of support is another.”

Donate to WISHIN’s emergency appeal to raise urgent funds for homeless women and their children during the COVID-19 pandemic.


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MARAM Resources, Training & Implementation Update

MARAM Resources, Training & Implementation Update

Tuesday 7 July 2020

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In Victoria, the Family Violence Multi-Agency Risk Assessment and Management (MARAM) framework is used to ensure all services are effectively, collaboratively and consistently responding to family violence risk.

The coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic has impacted MARAM reforms on multiple fronts – from what needs to be considered during risk assessments and safety planning, to the delivery of MARAM training, and the speed at which MARAM reforms are being rolled out.

To help you wrap your head around everything you need to know, we have put together a concise summary of key MARAM-related developments (as of July 7th 2020) below.

Resources to support MARAM risk assessment and management

Victim survivors are facing increased family violence risk and barriers to support during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Recognising this, Family Safety Victoria (FSV) have developed a series of “MARAM Practice Note” resources. These outline the minimum steps professionals – across men’s behaviour change, specialist family violence, key support agencies, and mainstream and universal services – must take when responding to family violence during the pandemic.

They can be downloaded via The Lookout’s MARAM practice notes page.

MARAM training for experienced family violence practitioners

All specialist family violence professionals in Victoria must complete MARAM training.

The Domestic Violence Resource Centre Victoria has recently begun delivering its MARAM Renewing Practice training online. This training is suitable for experienced family violence specialists who have extensive experience and have previously completed specialist CRAF training. You can learn more and sign up to this training via DVRCV’s training website.

MARAM training for non-specialist services

The Centre for Excellence in Child and Family Welfare has also started delivering online MARAM training to select allied workforces. These include:

  • MARAM Brief & Intermediate level training for Child FIRST, family services, alcohol and other drug, homelessness and mental health workers.
  • MARAM Screening & Identification level training for care services.
  • MARAM Screening & Identification training for maternal child health workers.

You can find out more about this training and whether it’s relevant to you here.

Information sharing entities database

Information sharing is one way in which services can work together to keep victim survivors safe and hold perpetrators accountable under the MARAM Framework.

FSV have developed a database that compiles a list of organisations prescribed under the Family Violence Information Sharing Scheme and Child Information Sharing Scheme.

The database also tells you what kind of information sharing entity (ISE) they are, including whether they are risk assessment entity or a central contact point for information requests.  The database will be updated in regular intervals but is not a live list.

Remember: as per the Ministerial Guidelines, if you do not have an existing relationship with someone requesting information,  continue to verify their identity before sharing anything with them (e.g. by asking them to send an email from their official work account or by calling their switchboard at their organisation).

If an organisation’s contact information isn’t stored in the database, refer to the organisation’s website for public contact details.

If you are not sure if you or another organisation is prescribed, call the Information Sharing and MARAM Enquiry Line 1800 549 646 or email infosharing@familysafety.vic.gov.au

Resources to support MARAM alignment

Prescribed organisations and services are required to ensure their policies, procedures, practice guidance and tools are aligned with the MARAM framework.

Recognising the diverse obstacles organisations are facing at the moment, FSV have developed a factsheet for organisational leaders on how to do MARAM alignment as part of business continuity planning in the COVID-19 context. The factsheet is available here.

An update on reform implementation

The MARAM Framework and Information Sharing Schemes are being rolled out in gradual phases.

FSV has recently announced that due to COVID-19, phase two of implementation will be delayed until the first half of 2021. This next phase will see universal workforces – such as hospitals and health and education workforces – prescribed under the framework.

To stay up to date with the progress of the reform implementation, sign up to FSV’s e-newsletter.

For more information on MARAM developments, plus access to MARAM tools and resources, go to the Victorian Government’s website.

Page last updated Tuesday, July 7 2020


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Funding to Better Equip GPs to Respond to Family Violence

Funding to Better Equip GPs to Respond to Family Violence

Monday, 6 July 2020

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The Federal Government has announced $300,000 in funding to update clinical guidelines to help general practitioners (GPs) better respond to family violence.

Abuse and violence: Working with our patients in general practice (the Whitebook) is a manual resource designed to guide doctors and medical experts to identify family violence and support patients experiencing abuse.

Last reviewed in 2014, the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners (RACGP) will use the funding to update the Whitebook and ensure medical practitioners across the country have current, tailored and evidence-informed advice at their disposal.

The initiative is part of the a broader $9.6 million government commitment, announced in the Federal Government’s 2019–20 Budget, to build the capability of more healthcare professionals to better recognise and respond to patients experiencing abuse.

Closer to home: Royal Commission Implementation 

After family and friends, it is GPs and other primary healthcare providers who people experiencing family violence most often turn to for help and support.

Research has found that approximately one quarter of women seeking help in relation to their abuse confide initially in a healthcare professional. It’s been estimated that every week a GP sees up to five women who have been abused by their partners, though the GP may not be aware of this abuse.

The powerful role GPs have to play in responding to family violence was captured by several recommendations that came out of Victoria’s Royal Commission into Family Violence.

These included creating a database of health professionals with family violence expertise, making family violence training a mandatory requirement for all GPs, and developing a family violence learning agenda for current and future medical practitioners.

All of these recommendations have either been implemented or are currently in progress.

GP responses even more crucial during COVID-19

According to RACGP Chair, Dr Charlotte Hespe, the Federal Government’s funding announcement could not have come at a more pressing time given the detrimental impacts of COVID-19 on the prevalence and severity of family violence in our communities.

“It is a sad and unfortunate reality that the COVID-19 pandemic will have increased cases of family and domestic abuse and violence in Australia.”

“We must do all we can to ensure GPs are equipped with the skills and resources to help people experiencing abuse and violence and ensure they get the support they need,” she added.

Since the funding announcement, the RACGP has released a COVID-19 and family violence support fact sheetoutlining the indicators of family violence all general practitioners should be looking out for, plus practical advice on how to safely consult with patients over the phone or during video consultations.

The College has also released a self-paced professional development program for GPs on responding to family violence, which can be accessed via their website. 

If you are a GP looking to discuss a patient’s circumstances with a specialist family violence professional, you can contact 1800 RESPECT 24/7 on 1800737732 for guidance and support.

Page last updated Monday, July 6 2020


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A message from our CEO, Emily Maguire

A message from our CEO, Emily Maguire

Thursday 25th June 2020

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The police killing of George Floyd and the resurgence of mainstream media attention on the Black Lives Matter movement in the US and internationally has sharpened our focus on racism, dispossession and oppression in this country.

These are not new issues, but I hope this renewed spotlight will strengthen more people’s understanding of our country’s history of colonialism, marginalisation and discrimination and propel people to action.

The mass incarceration of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people is a feminist issue. The overwhelming number of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people dying in custody is a violence against women issue. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women and their communities have long given voice to these intersections, while organising to resist systemic racism and state violence.

It is our collective responsibility, now and always, to not only listen and reflect but to take up their calls to action.

You can find links to some key voices we’ve been learning from and some useful recommended resources below.

This is an excerpt from DVRCV’s eNews from June 2020. Subscribe here.


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Condoning violence against women

Condoning violence against women

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Gender inequality creates the social conditions for violence against women to occur. There are four key expressions of gender inequality that have been found to predict or drive this violence. To prevent violence against women, we must focus our efforts on addressing these drivers. The condoning of violence against women is one of these drivers.

What does condoning violence against women mean?

Condoning violence against women is excusing, downplaying, justifying or denying violence, or blaming the victim rather than the perpetrator.

VicHealth expands on this definition to include attitudes and behaviours that:

  • excuse violence by attributing it to external factors (such as stress) or proposing that men cannot be held fully responsible for their violent behaviour (for example, because of anger or sexual urges);
  • justify violence against women, based on the notion that its legitimate for a man to use violence against a woman;
  • trivialise the impact of violence, based on the view that the impacts of violence are not serious or are not sufficiently serious to warrant action;
  • minimise violence by denying its seriousness, denying that it occurs or denying that certain behaviours are indeed violence at all; and
  • shift blame for the violence from the perpetrator to the victim or hold women at least partially responsible for their victimisation or for preventing victimisation.

The socio-ecological model

Attitudes that condone violence against women play a major role in shaping the way individuals, organisations and communities respond to violence. The socio-ecological model comes from the public health field and is used to help explain how violence is a product of multiple, interacting factors at the individual, organisational, systemic and societal levels.

The four gendered drivers exist at all of these levels and are the social conditions which predict, or ‘drive’, higher levels of violence against women.

Reinforcing factors interact with the gendered drivers at the individual and relationship level to increase the probability, frequency and severity of this violence.

Rates of family violence and violence against women are higher when societies, institutions, communities or individuals condone this violence. Looking at how this driver manifests within different settings where people live, learn, work, socialise and play, can help you to plan your approach to addressing it and prevent violence against women before it occurs. The more areas across society where violence-supportive attitudes, behaviours and structures are challenged and rejected, the more we will be able to prevent violence against women before it happens.

Condoning violence against women takes many shapes and forms.

At an individual or relationship level condoning violence against women can look like:

At an organisational or community level, condoning violence against women can look like:

At an institutional or systemic level, condoning violence against women can look like:

At a societal level, condoning violence against women can look like:

What are some actions you can take to challenge attitudes and behaviours that condone violence against women?


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Men’s control of decision making

Men’s control of decision making

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Gender inequality creates the social conditions for violence against women to occur. There are four key expressions of gender inequality that have been found to predict or drive this violence. To prevent violence against women, we must focus our efforts on addressing these drivers.

Men’s control of decision making and limits to women’s independence in public life and relationships is one of these drivers, where women’s autonomy in both public life and private relationships is constrained. This can include undermining women’s decision making and leadership in public life, or relationships where men control a woman’s personal, financial or social independence.

Findings from the National Community Attitudes towards Violence against Women Survey (2017) support and reinforce this driver of violence against women. For example, many Australians:

  • agree that men make better leaders, decision makers or are more suited to holding positions of responsibility (14% agree).
  • agree that men have greater ‘natural’ authority, decision making and control in the private realm of intimate relationships and should have the ultimate say over what happens in a relationship or how a family and household are run (25% agree).

Men’s control of decision making and resources in the home, workplace or community can have serious consequences for women. Within public life, the overrepresentation of men in leadership positions and their control of decision making in the workplace has a flow on effect for women, whereby women:

  • continue to be overlooked for leadership roles, and
  • continue to be underrepresented in business.

Women in professions such as STEM, banking and finance, law, medicine and emergency services face strong cultural and institutional obstacles to leadership. This is despite the fact that women often have far higher postgraduate qualifications and are more likely to be overqualified for their work and wage than men in the same work.1

Men’s control over decision making within the private realm of heterosexual relationships and the family can limit women’s participation in public life. For example, the ‘man of the house’ can have the power to determine whether or not a woman can work and have economic independence. Women’s financial dependence on men is a barrier to them seeking safety from violence.2

Normalised control of decision making in relationships can also normalise controlling behaviours that increase the risk of intimate partner and family violence. This imbalance in power means that men have more opportunity to abuse that power with violence. Women, in turn, have less power to stop violence, call it out or leave.3

The socio-ecological model

Men’s control of decision making and limits to women’s independence play a major role in shaping the way individuals, organisations and communities respond to violence. The socio-ecological model is used to help explain how violence is a product of multiple, interacting factors at the individual, organisational, systemic and societal levels.

The four gendered drivers exist at all of these levels and are the social conditions which predict, or ‘drive’, higher levels of violence against women.

The socio-ecological model helps us understand how men’s control of decision making and limits to women’s independence manifest within different settings where people live, learn, work, socialise and play. Understanding this can help us plan prevention approaches to address violence against women within these spheres of life.

The more that women’s independence and decision making is promoted in public and private life as well as across society, the more influence and positive change we will see.

Men’s control of decision making and limits to women’s independence takes many shapes and forms.

At an individual or relationship level, men’s control of decision making and limits to women’s independence can look like:

At an organisational or community level, men’s control of decision-making and limits to women’s independence can look like:

At an institutional or systemic level, men’s control of decision making and limits to women’s independence can look like:

At a societal level, men’s control of decision making and limits to women’s independence can look like:

What are some actions you can take to promote women’s independence and decision making in public life and in their relationships?

To address men’s control in decision making and limits to women’s independence we must promote women’s independence and decision making in public life and in their relationships. This means supporting women’s leadership (in all its forms), autonomy and social connectedness, and challenging the norms, practices and structures that enable and perpetuate men’s control and dominance across different levels of society. Promoting alternatives could include:

  • offering leadership training and mentoring programs for women both in communities and in workplaces
  • providing opportunities for women to establish social networks
  • implementing workplace gender equality strategies, such as promoting flexible work arrangements for both men and women
  • introducing workplace gender quotas for leadership.

What you can do:

  • DVRCV has developed a series of tip sheets on the four gendered drivers. This resource is a great primary prevention tool that can be used to increase understanding about how men’s control of decision making and limits to women’s independence drive violence against women. Read about the tipsheets.
  • Australia has a national framework for preventing violence against women and their children, published by Our Watch, ANROWS and VicHealth in 2015. Read Change the Story and How to Change the Story.
  • Our Watch has an excellent range of ‘Workplace Equality and Respect’ tools and resources including standards for workplaces to implement.
  • Get connected. DVRCV’s Partners in Prevention network connects people working in the primary prevention of violence against women and family violence in Victoria.
  • The Equality Rights Alliance is Australia’s largest network advocating for women’s equality, women’s leadership and recognition of women’s diversity.
  • Learn about women’s financial capability. Wire and Women’s Health in the North have developed many resources aimed at increasing women’s financial literacy and independence.
  • Read Victoria’s statewide gender equality strategy: Safe and Strong: A Victorian Gender Equality Strategy.
  • Build your knowledge. DVRCV is soon set to launch its free foundational elearning package. Stay tuned!
  • Strengthen your skills. DVRCV offers a range of training in the primary prevention of violence against women, all catered to where you’re at in your prevention career.

[1] Victorian Government, Department of Premier and Cabinet, 2016: Safe and Strong: A Victorian Gender Equality Strategy

[2] Our Watch, 2018: Workplace Equality and Respect Standards

[3] ibid


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New Family Violence Jobs Hub for a Growing Workforce

New Family Violence Jobs Hub for a Growing Workforce

Thursday, 28 May 2020

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The Victorian Government has launched a Jobs Hub for the family violence workforce, putting current and prospective employees in touch with family violence and primary prevention career opportunities and information.

The Hub includes a Family Violence Jobs Portal that can help you discover and apply for roles in specialist family violence response, primary prevention or men’s behaviour change services across Victoria.

Finding your calling 

From experienced family violence workers and social workers to educators, communicators and researchers – the family violence workforce needs people with a variety of skills and backgrounds to fill diverse roles.

Within the new Jobs Portal, you can set up a profile to help employers and recruiters find you, and filter advertised family violence jobs by search terms, location or industry.

If you’re a student, graduate or career-changer, the Jobs Hub can help you get a better sense what a family violence career looks like in Victoria and just how you may be able to contribute.

Government and not for profit employers can promote relevant roles via the portal for free. Within the portal they can also view, shortlist and download candidate’s applications.

Growing the workforce 

The launch of the Jobs Hub is part of a broader campaign to help grow Victoria’s family violence workforce through raising awareness and deepening your understanding of the many meaningful, challenging and rewarding ways you can support the sector.

“Victoria needs more social workers, researchers, educators, advocates and leaders working in family violence – this hub will help fill this demand,” said Minister for Prevention of Family Violence Gabrielle Williams.

“We know these people are out there – but we need to go to them. Many potential candidates don’t know there are jobs available in a range of areas and that they could be perfect for a family violence role.”

To check out the Job Hub, click here.

To read the Victorian Government’s full media release, click here.

Page last updated Thursday, May 28 2020


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Funding Boost for Legal Support Services

Funding Boost for Legal Support Services

Thursday, 14 May 2020

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The Victorian Government has announced a $17.5 million funding package for services delivering legal assistance to Victorians, including victim survivors of family violence, during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Funding will flow immediately to Victoria Legal Aid and every Community Legal Centre and Aboriginal legal service across the state, increasing their combined power to provide more Victorians with legal advice, representation and support.

The announcement comes at a critical time, with services reporting a spike in family law and family-violence related cases since the onset of the pandemic.

“Right now, victims of family violence are isolated and at serious risk,” said The Federation of Community Legal Centres’ Director of Policy and Engagement, Shorna Moore.

“We know they need our help to obtain an intervention order and make safe arrangements for their children.”

In a similar vein, CEO of Victoria Legal Aid Louise Glanville said “we are very concerned that the isolating effect of COVID-19 on our community is increasing the risk of family violence.”

The “funding announcement means that, along with our legal sector partners, we can ensure the community continues to have access to legal information and advice about family violence. Having early access to appropriate legal assistance can help to mitigate the risk,” she added.

Many organisations – including Djirra, Victoria Legal Aid, Women’s Legal Service Victoria and other Community Legal Centres – are still providing legal services during the pandemic.

This includes duty lawyer services at Magistrates Courts across Victoria. Clients seeking an intervention order or safety notice can speak to a duty lawyer by contacting Legal Aid or a Community Legal Centre before or on their court date.

This will ensure that even if not attending court in person, they can still access legal information and advice before their case is heard.

Legal services are also being funded to upgrade their technology to continue delivering services via telephone, digitally and remotely.

The funding has been welcomed just weeks after the Family Courts announced they will triage and fast track all cases involving increased family violence risk.

Enjoyed this article? Head over to the DVRCV blog to read more about The Eastern Community Legal Centre’s innovative approach to delivering crucial services to survivors through the COVID-19 pandemic. 

If you are experiencing violence, require any support, or know someone who does, contact 1800RESPECT (1800 737 732) or Safe Steps (1800 015 188). 

Page last updated Thursday, May 14 2020


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Redefining family violence legal practice

Redefining family violence legal practice

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The impact of the recent COVID-19 isolation restrictions on woman and children experiencing family violence has meant that organisations have had to look at and change their approach to delivering crucial services.

Fortunately, Eastern Community Legal Centre (ECLC) has a proven track record of rethinking, redesigning and employing early intervention approaches to address family violence which has eased some of the current challenges in providing legal assistance remotely.

Marika Manioudakis from ECLC tells us how their innovative approach to legal service has provided leverage to help reach women during the recent pandemic.


Almost three-quarters of our work directly involves family violence, so it’s critical for us to respond sooner and integrate services to reach women before crisis point. A key question for us is always:

“how do we respond more safely to the legal needs of women at an earlier stage, when those initial warning signs of family violence begin to show.”

For example, we know that high risk periods for experiencing family violence are during pregnancy and the time after a woman gives birth. With almost 99% of women visiting their local Maternal and Child Health (MCH) centres during those first months, these services provided an obvious starting place for us to design programs to reach and engage mothers.

To develop the program required a high level of trust and support from other organisations who had relationships with women at that critical time. So our Mabels program was developed as a Health Justice Partnership (HJP) between:

  • MCH services
  • local councils
  • Aboriginal Community Controlled Organisations.

These partnerships are unique. They provide an opportunity for legal services to work directly within healthcare settings. For us, that means our lawyers get out of their offices and into the community.

“It helps break down the silos that have made responding and preventing family violence so difficult.”

Mabels’ early intervention approach involves having both a family violence lawyer and family violence advocate attend clinic appointments at an MCH site. This sounds simple, but a lot of work is needed to build trust and develop solid relationships.

“For early intervention and integrated practice to succeed on the ground, all parties need to see value in the work; need to support each other; and need to feel ownership in the process and outcomes.”

Having that level of trust and coordinated approach has produced some fantastic results. Between 2015 and 2018, we helped 357 women and 480 children.

Given the success of Mabels, we decided to apply the same practice principles to support women during the antenatal phase, another a high-risk period for women. We developed the Women Engaging in Living Safely (WELS) program. This program focuses on women accessing maternity services prior to giving birth. One day a week, the WELS lawyer is based at the hospital’s antenatal services making it possible for them to be more responsive to women needing legal advice for family violence or any other legal problem.

We have also directed our response to the more complex legal and support needs of women. Our SAGE (Support. Advice. Guidance. Empowerment) program was developed for women who would not ordinarily engage with the legal system. We coordinate a specialist community lawyer with an advocate to collaborate on intensive legal and family violence support; and link women into wraparound support services as well as co-case management.

“By bringing the lawyer, the advocate and the woman together into the appointment, she doesn’t have to repeat her story and risk being re-traumatised.”

That’s the kind of integrated approach we’re committed to establishing and embedding into everyday practice.

The interactions of clients through these programs, and the relationships with and expertise of the practitioners have taught us a lot about how to prepare and implement policies that mitigate the risk to women accessing our service. More recently, due to COVID-19 we have needed to adapt these policies for our broader service, including our intake and legal teams. Having relationships like Health Justice Partnerships in place has meant we’ve been able to respond to some of the challenges of providing family violence legal assistance remotely. For example, this has made developing risk assessment tools and ways to mitigate risk for our clients much easier. We now have a series of resources that other legal services can use when delivering family violence work remotely.

An earlier version of this article featured in the December 2019 edition of the Advocate.


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Merger announcement

Merger announcement

Friday 27th March 2020

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Domestic Violence Victoria (DV Vic) and the Domestic Violence Resource Centre Victoria (DVRCV) will merge in 2020-21 to become a new entity.

This will bring the peak body for the specialist family violence sector together with Victoria’s only specialist family violence Registered Training Organisation, combining our strength, energy and resources for greater impact.

A vote by Members of Domestic Violence Victoria was declared in favour of the merger on 26 March, marking the final approval required following earlier decisions by the Boards of both organisations to proceed with a merger. The vast majority of Members represented at the meeting voted in support of the merger.

The prospect of merging has been discussed a number of times in the past decade and DVRCV and DV Vic already work in close partnership. Our respective roles in the Victorian family violence system are highly complementary; our functions are informed by each other’s skills and expertise, and we frequently take shared positions in advocacy and campaigning.

Both organisations enter this merger with the bigger picture in clear sight: Driving the social and cultural change required to end all forms of family violence and violence against women demands new ways of working and joined-up resourcing.

Under a new name and united purpose we will extend our reach and engagement with members and stakeholders alike, and will build the capability of current and emerging workforces to prevent and respond to family violence. Our specialist expertise in family violence and violence against women remains critical to the effective delivery of the Royal Commission’s reforms and we will be positioned to lead and create the transformative change required.

The decision to merge follows 12 months of consultation and due diligence. There is a plan for a staged transition in 2020-21, including development of a new organisational name and brand. We will continue using our existing organisation names until the merger is formalised.

For updates on the merger, sign up for our enewsletter.


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Family Courts to Fast-Track Urgent Applications

Family Courts to Fast-Track Urgent Applications

Wednesday 29 April 2020

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From today, Victorians who are experiencing increased family violence risk as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic will have their applications prioritised and fast-tracked through the Family Courts.

Once lodged, urgent applications will be triaged by a dedicated registrar and heard by a judge in the Family Court or Federal Circuit Court within 72 hours.

Urgent applications concerning supervised contact with children arrangements, or children being unable to travel between carers due to current border restrictions, will also be fast-tracked.

The Courts have taken this action after recording a surge in urgent applications over March and April. The Family Court of Australia saw a 39% increase in urgent applications, while the Federal Circuit Court recorded a 23% increase.

Some women’s legal services have also reported an increase in people seeking help since the lockdowns have been enforced.

Will Alstergren, Chief Justice of the Family Court and Chief Judge of the Federal Circuit Court, said the new system is designed to ensure cases requiring urgent attention during this volatile period are identified and dealt with more quickly.

“It is important that these urgent COVID-19 applications are closely managed on a national basis so that they can be heard as swiftly as possible given the unprecedented circumstances we are facing,” he said in a statement. 

In order to simplify the process, parties will be able to lodge their paperwork electronically and attend their hearing using teleconferencing software.

These new measures will be in place for at least three months.

Referring clients to legal support 

If you are supporting someone who is experiencing violence and wishes to access legal advice or apply for an intervention order, let them know that both legal services and courts are still operating during the pandemic.

The Women’s Legal Service provides free confidential legal information, advice, representation and referral to women, and will continue to provide all of its legal services during the COVID-19 pandemic, although some will be delivered in a modified format.

Victoria Legal Aid and community legal centres are still offering legal advice over the phone and their duty lawyer services are still operating at Magistrates’ Courts across Victoria.

Djirra’s Aboriginal Family Violence Legal Service is also still providing phone support to victim survivors plus representation in court matters.

For information and advice on how to effectively refer a client to legal support and other support services, see this MARAM resource on the Victorian Government’s website.

To see the Family Court of Australia’s full media release, click here.

If you are experiencing violence, require any support, or know someone who does, contact 1800RESPECT (1800 737 732) or Safe Steps (1800 015 188). 

Page last updated Wednesday, April 29 2020


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DVRCV Launches Warning Signs Tip Sheet

DVRCV Launches Warning Signs Tip Sheet

Monday 27 April 2020

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Frontline essential workers are carrying our society in many ways at the moment. Being among the few who still have regular face-to-face contact with members of the general public, they also have the opportunity to provide critical support those who may not be safe at home during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Recognising this untapped potential, the Domestic Violence Resource Centre Victoria (DVRCV) has developed a tip sheet resource outlining the warning signs or indicators of family violence all essential workers can look out for.

The tip sheet also provides practical advice on what to do if you suspect someone is experiencing abuse, including where to refer victim survivors for specialist help and support.

As captured in the tip sheet, there are many signs of family violence we can all look out for, some of which are specific to the COVID-19 context.

According to DVRCV CEO, Emily Maguire, these signs may include “fear when a partner is mentioned or anxiousness to please or appease a partner. There may also be physical signs – like bruises, cuts or other injuries, with unlikely-sounding explanations or none at all.”

The tip sheet resource has been released at a very pressing and volatile time, with experts anticipating the COVID-19 public health crisis and associated social-distancing and lockdown measures will result in increased and escalated domestic abuse.

“Family violence can increase by up to 100 per cent during times of major crisis,” Ms Maguire explained.

“Research shows this happens as a result of stereotypical gender roles resurfacing in the home, out of sight, limiting women’s independence and autonomy, and because violence or abuse may be ‘excused’ with statements like ‘he’s just stressed.’”

On top of that, family violence risk can be further compounded by the additional, unique strains the pandemic is placing on relationships and family dynamics.

“Financial, employment and housing insecurity coupled with sustained periods of isolation from other people may exacerbate violence. Often, people living with family violence will blame themselves for what’s happening to them and may be reluctant to tell anyone,” Ms. Maguire added.

Now more than ever, it is crucial that those working in front-line essential services, who still have contact with members of the community, are equipped with the knowledge to recognise family violence and respond appropriately.

To ensure it reaches as many people working in essential services as possible, DVRCV are urging all professionals to share this resource with the essential workers in their own networks – whether that be colleagues, family members, or social media contacts.

The tip sheet can be accessed and downloaded via the Lookout website at https://www.thelookout.org.au/warningsigns

DVRCV is working hard to develop more resources to support professionals responding to family violence during this time. Check  The Lookout’s COVID-19 and Resource Hub for new additions.

To download the tip sheet, click here.

Page last updated Monday, April 27 2020


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Self-care and social change: a personal reflection

Self-care and social change: a personal reflection

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During the current pandemic, self (and social) care are more important than ever. Whilst its importance cannot be underestimated, the concept of self-care has not been an easy one for feminism as a movement to grapple with. As someone who has dedicated her life to creating systemic change for women and children, Fiona McCormack reflects on her own personal and professional struggles with self-care.

“Caring for myself is not self-indulgence, it is self-preservation, and that is an act of political warfare.”

Audre Lorde’s famous quote resonates well with me. It means different things to people, depending on your level of privilege. In our sector, it is something we are constantly confronting.

On a pragmatic level, part of the challenge of self-care for people working in small non-government organisations is that they are funded at rates not aligned with self-care. The administrative costs of running an organisation are often not included in funding. Money needs to go to service delivery but the reality is, in order to support staff to deliver those objectives, you need a certain amount of administrative capacity. Without that, keeping a work-life balance becomes an enormous challenge.

Because our sector is highly gendered there’s been an expectation that, as women and carers, we can work until we completely deplete ourselves. That doesn’t wash with me. We’ve got to care for ourselves.

How have you held the space and care for yourself whilst advocating to end family violence?

Personally, self-care has been a real challenge. Early in my career I experienced a lot of stress public speaking, doing media and having challenging conversations with politicians and public servants. My anxiety and stress were related to being negatively perceived by others, about making a fool of myself. What helped me manage those stress levels was to think:

“This isn’t about me. I have a responsibility to be a voice for women and children who don’t have a voice. What would they want me to say on their behalf? What can’t they say for themselves?”

This would take me out of myself and give me hope and the courage to say things I’d never be able to say on my own behalf.

How does leadership and organisational culture and values impact on self-care?

“We have a responsibility to ensure safe and respectful workplaces where people are supported, where it’s safe to fail, where it’s safe to learn and where we don’t have to be perfect.”

What’s really critical is that we focus on the responsibility we have to those who experience violence at much higher rates because of the barriers that discriminate beyond gender. We can’t do that work externally with credibility if we’re not walking the talk internally in how we operate and treat one another.

I am really proud of the values we carried at Domestic Violence Victoria – values that have been contributed to by all the women worked there. It’s wonderful to have worked in an organisation where you’re able to live and embody the values you hold dear.

What self-care words of advice can you share?

Make a real commitment to being disciplined about your work habits is crucial. It’s not easy!

Work collaboratively and support one another. That’s been one of my biggest learnings. The reality is, no one person can achieve anything.

“We need one another and we need all of our collective skills and knowledge to effect change.”

Now more than ever.

This article features in the December 2019 edition of The Advocate.


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Extra Government Funding to Support Survivors during COVID-19

Extra Government Funding to Support Survivors during COVID-19

Thursday, 16 April 2020

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The Victorian Government has announced a $40.2 million funding package to provide crisis accommodation and support to those experiencing or at risk of family violence during the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic.

Recognising that victim survivors may not be able to safely self-isolate or recover from coronavirus in their homes, nearly half of that package will go towards providing women and children escaping violence with access to short-term crisis accommodation.

The remaining funds will be used to build the capacity of specialist family violence and sexual assault services, including aboriginal community-controlled organisations, to meet the anticipated spike in demand for support.

Although official sources have not yet recorded a spike in Victoria, reports from overseas suggest we will see a surge in family violence incidents as a result of this public health crisis and associated lockdown measures.

Similarly, research into disasters locally and overseas shows there is a greater incidence of family violence in times of crisis, such as a pandemic.

“This funding is an important recognition of the additional family violence risks that emerge during a public health crisis like the COVID-19 pandemic, that will result in increased requests for support from specialist family violence services,” said CEO of Domestic Violence Victoria Alison Macdonald.

As part of this funding package, specialist support services will also be supplied with new technology and protective equipment to help them adapt to working in the COVID-19 context and deliver support to victim survivors in new ways.

“Specialist family violence services will be able to respond to more people, more quickly, and with more flexibility as a result of the funding. That is exactly what is needed to respond to family violence during these pandemic conditions,” added Ms. Macdonald.

The funding announcement sends out a powerful message to victim survivors across Victoria.

In the words of the Gabrielle Williams MP, “we want the message to be loud and clear.”

“The service system is still operating, services are still available to those who need them and if you need help it is there for you.”

You can find Gabrielle Williams MP’s full media release here.

If you are experiencing violence and need to access confidential crisis support, information or accommodation please call the safe steps 24/7 family violence response line on 1800 015 188 or email safesteps@safetsteps.org.au. In an emergency call 000. 

Page last updated Thursday, April 16 2020


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WESNET Safe Phones Funding Extended

WESNET Safe Phones Funding Extended

Monday, 6 April 2020

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The Federal Minister for Family and Social Services has announced that WESNET will receive $560,000 in funding to continue delivering its Safe Phones program until March 2021.

The program provides free, safe mobile phone devices to women impacted by family violence, sexual violence and other forms of violence against women. This help clients without access to a phone that’s safe to use to remain connected with others, document their abuse and communicate with the services supporting them.

WESNET also provides training to professionals on how to safely provide phones to victim survivors and support them to navigate various forms of technology-facilitated abuse.

Communication During Coronavirus Pandemic

The continuation of the Safe Phones program is arguably more crucial now than ever given the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, which will result in victim survivors relying more heavily on technology to access support.

This is especially so given many organisations are shifting their approaches to service delivery due to COVID-19, providing key services online and over the phone.

According to National Director of WESNET, Karen Bentley, requests for Safe Phones have almost doubled in recent weeks.

“We are pleased to see that the Government has recognised that the Safe Phones program is crucial to assisting survivors in Australia’s pandemic response,” said Ms Bentley in light of the Government funding announcement.

Since its establishment in 2015, the program has provided over 21,400 phones to women with an average of around 600 per month.

“It’s a relief to be able to keep the program going,” said Julie Oberin, National Chair of WESNET. “But we will need to find ongoing funding for the program beyond this period, as the program is also crucial in non-pandemic times as well.” 

WESNET is still operating during the current public health crisis. If you have a client who you wish to refer to the Safe Phones program, or if you are personally experiencing technology-facilitated abuse and require support, call 1800 WESNET on 1800 937 638. 

For information and resources on how professionals and victim survivors can increase their technology privacy, security and safety visit www.techsafety.org.au/resources

Page last updated Monday, April 6 2020


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The hidden disaster of the bushfires

The hidden disaster of the bushfires

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The period following a disaster is a complex landscape. People of all genders suffer grief and loss and are often traumatised by their experience.

Women experience increased violence after disasters like this summer’s terrifying bushfire crisis. The evidence which supports this link is strong. However, for many this violence remains a mere ‘hidden disaster’; silently afflicting women and communities long after the fire front has receded.

But what exactly causes this increased violence?

We spoke with gender and disaster expert Dr Debra Parkinson on why violence against women increases in the aftermath of bushfire disasters and what role the gendered drivers of violence have to play in the surge.

From a primary prevention standpoint, we know that there is no single cause of violence against women, but there are certain social conditions that predict, or ‘drive’ it. The evidence identifies four underpinning gendered drivers of this violence:

  • Condoning violence against women
  • Men’s control of decision making and limits to women’s independence
  • Stereotyped construction of masculinity and femininity
  • Male peer relations that emphasise aggression and disrespect towards women[1]

During times of extreme crisis, such as the recent bushfires, each of these expressions of gender inequality plays out in complex ways that further compound women and children’s vulnerability and experiences of abuse.

Gender roles, violence and bushfire disasters

Research undertaken by Dr Debra Parkinson after the 2009 Victorian bushfires showed gender roles and norms, particularly stereotypes of masculinity, become more rigid and reinforced both during and after disasters. This increases the risk of men using violence against women and their children.

According to Dr Parkinson, one example of this is how men are often mythologised as ‘heroes’ and ‘protectors’ in the post-disaster context, while women are expected to put their own needs last, behind those of husbands, partners and children – even to the extent of ‘putting up’ with family violence. The research concludes that women’s and children’s right to live free from violence is conditional upon the suffering men face post-disaster.

The result of communities reverting to traditional gender roles and looking to male “hero” figures for authority is that women become silenced and powerless. Meanwhile, men suffer under unrealistic expectations to live up to the idealistic stereotype of a strong and silent protector and provider. All of this combined creates a context and dynamic in which violence is more likely to occur.

Condoning of violence against women

In the aftermath of disasters such as bushfires, violence against women is also often minimised, downplayed or outright denied. This was the case during the 2009 Black Saturday bushfires. Despite evidence showing that family violence spiked in the aftermath of the fires, figures appeared to be recorded low at the time. Dr Parkinson said this was “probably because many women felt there was a taboo around revealing their partner was violent towards them”. Additionally, many of the bushfire relief case workers were not trained in family violence so did not know how to appropriately respond to disclosures of violence.

Violence was also frequently excused in the aftermath of Black Saturday. Members of the community, among them family, health, community and legal professionals, did not want to acknowledge that some people who had been held up as heroes were perpetrating violence against their loved ones. They chose to ignore it and look away. In other cases, men’s behaviour was excused as they were seen as the key victims of the fires who had their own trauma to deal with.

Men’s loss of control

The chaos and loss caused by disasters lead to a breakdown of social norms. Homelessness and unemployment may result, co-existing with the demands of recovery and reconstruction. Increased contact between families, sometimes in shared accommodation, increases tension, and loss of control can threaten men’s sense of their role as provider and protector[2]. This loss of control, accompanied by a breakdown of social norms and reverting to stereotypical gender roles, heightens the risk of family violence. Judy – a victim survivor interviewed by Dr Parkinson following the Black Saturday bushfires – describes the link between the loss of power her partner felt and the subsequent abuse she experienced:

“Thinking it through now, the core of abuse is to do with power and control over another person, and when this monster of a bushfire came through, I think his feelings of control were threatened. He had no control, he’d lost all of his possessions, but the one thing he thought he could control was me and our relationship.”

Keeping everyone safe during bushfire disaster management extends to recognising that men are vulnerable and need help, and being willing to hear women speak of emerging family violence. These are not matters to be swept aside as we revert to traditional gender roles – such as the strong, silent men and nurturing, sacrificing women narrative.

Now is the time to take stock and learn from the lessons of Black Saturday. Only then will women, their children and communities be able to safely recover and not be further victimised by another disaster – violence against women.

For more information on violence against women and bushfire disasters visit the Gender and Disaster Pod.


2 B. Phillips, Jenkins, & Enarson, 2009 cited in Parkinson D. The Way He Tells it, 2011


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Statement to Women’s Safety Ministers

Statement to Women’s Safety Ministers

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DVRCV stands with WESNET (Women's Services Network) Inc., Australian Women Against Violence Alliance (AWAVA), Fair Agenda and 68 family violence groups across Australia to request the actioning of five desperately needed changes to improve the safety of many women and children within weeks.

Read the full statement to our federal and state women’s safety ministers:

Dear Women’s Safety Ministers,

As specialists with years of experience working with and for women and children subjected to violence, we know that long-term, major reforms are needed over the coming months and years to achieve lasting improvements to safety and justice.

We also know there are key changes your governments can make immediately that will dramatically improve the safety of many women and children within weeks.

As well as committing to comprehensive reform to prevent all forms of violence against women, we urge you to action these five desperately needed changes at your meeting on Friday:

  1. Fully fund the specialist services that improve women’s safety, and hold men who use violence to account, including:
    The safety planning, risk assessment and wrap-around individual support provided by specialist women’s services,
    The safe at home programs and emergency accommodation services provided by specialist homelessness providers working specifically with victim-survivors of violence,
    The legal assistance and representation provided by specialist women’s legal services, Family Violence Prevention Legal Services, community legal centres, Aboriginal legal services, and Legal Aid,
    The perpetrator intervention, men’s behaviour change programs and fathering programs provided by accredited men’s behaviour change experts,
    The specialist and culturally-safe services that are best able to assist Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women and women from migrant and refugee backgrounds,
    The disability advocacy and domestic violence services needed to support women with disabilities to overcome the barriers to achieving safety after violence from a partner, carer or in an institutional setting,
    The safe phones program, which has been found be effective in delivering victims/survivors greater technology safety,
    LGBTIQ+ services and LGBTIQ+-specific resources, programs and targeted community education campaigns,
    Supporting community-based services to lead the conversations needed to change the attitudes and behaviours that enable violence, including empowering bystanders.
  2. Remove the presumption of equal shared parental responsibility and emphasis on shared parenting in the Family Law Act 1975, to ensure a child’s safety and wellbeing are the key considerations, so that courts are determining the best parenting arrangement for their needs and circumstances.
  3. Initiate a standard screening, risk assessment and referral process nationally, to ensure public health, social and community services are trained to identify key safety risks early for people experiencing violence in their relationships, and able to refer them to the services that can help them achieve safety and recover.
  4. Agree to institute improved AVO standards to make clear what is expected of police, magistrates and courts to hold perpetrators accountable, and ensure women and children subjected to domestic and family violence are able to rely on these orders to achieve safety and justice.
  5. Ensure victims/survivors seeking help can access free translating and interpreting services, so that regardless of their disability, cultural or language background, or geographical location, any woman reaching out for help to build a safer future is able to access the assistance she needs.

As with all initiatives for improved community safety and wellbeing, these urgent steps must be taken in a way that responds to the factors that shape people’s experiences of violence and encounters with institutions. These can include: the ongoing impacts of colonisation, race, class, sexual orientation and gender identity, ethnicity, nationality, religion, dis/ability and age, as well as the community attitudes, geographical isolation and the poor connectivity experienced by women in remote, rural and regional areas.

Further to these five immediate interventions, we note that the national alliance tasked with bringing together organisations to develop solutions, Australian Women Against Violence Alliance (AWAVA), has presented comprehensive advice on the major long-term reforms needed including the Blueprint for Reform for women on temporary visas experiencing violence, and that Women’s Legal Services Australia has mapped out the steps required for Safety First in Family Law. These solutions will require meaningful and sustained investment. AWAVA, its members and allies stand ready to work with governments to design and implement these reforms together.

This national crisis cannot be solved overnight. But actioning these five changes will bring immediate and substantial improvement to the safety of many women and children currently at risk, and will save lives. We urge you to do your part.


National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Women’s Alliance
Embolden – Alliance for Women’s Freedom, Equity and Respect (South Australian peak body for women’s domestic and family violence services)
Women’s Legal Services Queensland
Women’s Legal Services Tasmania
Ruby Gaea Darwin Centre Against Sexual Violence
Sexual Assault Support Service Tasmania
Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Women’s Legal Service North Queensland Inc.
Emma House Domestic Violence service
Women’s Council for Domestic and Family Violence Services WA
North Queensland Women’s Legal Service
Equality Rights Alliance
WESNET – The Women’s Services Network
Annie North Inc
Domestic Violence NSW
Women’s Legal Service NSW
economic Security4Women
Limestone Coast Family Violence Action Group
National Rural Women’s Coalition
CASA Forum – Victorian Centres Against Sexual Assault
Ending Violence Against Women Queensland
Seras Women’s Shelter Inc.
Mackay Women’s Services
Association of Women Educators
National Council of Single Mothers & their Children
YWCA Canberra
Women’s Safety NSW
Mitcham Family Violence Education and Support Service
Centre for Non-Violence
Eastern Region Domestic Violence Services Network Inc – Koolkuna
Communicare Women’s Support Services
Carnarvon Family Support Services
WRISC Family Violence Support Inc
Women’s Centre Far North Queensland
Migrant Women’s Support Program of Women’s Safety Services SA
Lucy Saw Centre Association Inc
Penrith Women’s Health Centre
Australasian Centre for Human Rights and Health
Macleod Accommodation Support Service Inc.
inTouch Multicultural Centre Against Family Violence
North Shore Women’s Benevolent Association Limited
Mid Coast Women’s Domestic Violence Court Advocacy Service
safe steps Family Violence Response Centre
Darwin Aboriginal & Islander Women’s Shelter
Harmony Alliance – Migrant and Refugee Women for Change
Accountability Matters Project
Domestic Violence Action Centre Toowoomba
Gold Coast Domestic Violence Prevention Centre
Domestic Violence Crisis Service Canberra
Immigrant Women’s Support Service
Sonshine Sanctuary Association
Beryl Women Inc.
Edon Place and Centre for Women & Co
Lou’s Place
Cairns Regional Domestic Violence Service
Women’s Information, Support and Housing in the North
Settlement Services International
Multicultural Centre for Women’s Health
Northern Territory Council of Social Service
Domestic Violence Victoria
Project Respect
Melaleuca Refugee Centre
Dawn House Inc
Western Women’s Domestic Violence Court Advocacy Service
Bramwell House (Salvation Army)
Domestic Violence Resource Centre Victoria
WASH House Inc.
Immigrant Women’s Speakout Association Inc.
Immigration Advice and Rights Centre
Australian Women’s Health Network
Centre Against Sexual Assault Central Victoria
Open Support
Women’s Legal Service (South Australia)
Family Violence Prevention Legal Services National Forum


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Supporting Survivors of Bushfires & Increased Violence

Supporting Survivors of Bushfires & Increased Violence

Monday, 27 January 2020

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It has been a difficult start of the year for many Victorians as catastrophic bushfires continue to burn across the State.

The fires have had traumatic, far-reaching impacts on individuals, families and communities. Homes and livelihoods have been destroyed. Communities have been uprooted. And violence against women is likely to surface and intensify in affected regions.

Several studies have found a link between disasters and the incidence of family violence. Some women’s services have also observed the interconnection, with Domestic Violence NSW confirming last week “reports have emerged of a noticeable, emerging “uptick” in violent incidents.”

To ensure all Victorians survive this bushfire season with their health and wellbeing intact, community-facing workers must be equipped with the skills and knowledge to effectively respond to family violence in the disaster context.

So, what can you do to help? Here’s a list of some things to consider when working with those from bushfire-affected regions: 

“Are you safe at home?” 

If you aren’t already, take the time to ask women if they feel safe at home. Ensure questions about risk and safety are included in your service’s intake form.

Listen to any concerns women and their children are expressing and validate their experiences. Although these conversations can be difficult to have, ultimately, they could save someone’s life.

“What unique risks are you facing?” 

Disaster compounds experiences of family violence, creating unique risks and vulnerabilities for women and children. It’s important you are aware of these so you can assess and manage risk more effectively. See 1800RESPECT’s website for an overview of some key considerations.

“Violence is never okay.”

Research suggests that some members of the community (including service providers or family members) may excuse or downplay abuse that’s occurred during or after disasters.

After the fires, some women may also feel hesitant to report violence; internalising that others affected by the fires, including their abusive partners, are ‘worse off’ than they are.

If someone discloses family violence to you, it’s crucial you label the behaviour for what it is. Convey that family violence is a choice and is never acceptable, no matter the circumstances that surround it.

“Document it.” 

We know that family violence is already extremely under-reported. In the disaster context, even more incidents go unreported and unnoticed than usual due to additional barriers to accessing support.

Accurate data collection is important to advocate for appropriate funding and policy development. Ensure you document all violence disclosures you hear and introduce procedures that can help collect accurate family violence data. This could include encouraging your clients to use the Arc mobile app to document and track behaviours that make them feel scared, threatened or unsafe. You can download the Arc app here.

Train staff and co-workers in the importance of accurate recording and contribute to information sharing where relevant.

“What other services can help?” 

It is important to understand the limits of your role. Sometimes the best thing you can do for someone experiencing violence is to refer to specialist support services. The Lookout’s service directory can help you find relevant services across Victoria.

If you are unsure whether or where to refer your clients, speak with your supervisor or reach out to 1800RESPECT for advice and secondary consultation.

“Can I provide additional support?” 

Once a referral has been made, follow up with your client and determine its effectiveness. This check in also provides an invaluable opportunity to offer any additional support or referrals they may need.

“Can I build my skills and knowledge?” 

To build your skills and knowledge in identifying and responding to family violence after natural disasters, The Gender and Disaster Pod have developed a tailored, face-to-face training program called “Gendered Violence and Lessons in Disaster.” For further details see www.genderanddisaster.com.au or contact space@netc.net.au.

To support your practice, Women’s Health Goulburn North East has produced a list of practical ways to support women affected by disaster, Women and Disaster, which includes a Checklist to Keep Women and Children Safe after Natural Disasters.

The Gender & Disaster Pod have also developed a fact sheet on How to ask whether someone is experiencing violence during a disaster. This can be easily distributed to your networks and inform all responses to bushfire-affected communities.

If you are experiencing violence, require support, or know someone who does, contact 1800RESPECT (1800 737 732) or Safe Steps (1800 015 188). 

Page last updated Monday, January 27 2020


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