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Browse our library of resources and publications, developed by Safe and Equal in partnership with organisations from across the sector. This library is sorted by the date that the resource was added to the library.

Supporting victim survivors who do not see police as a safe option

This reflective practice tool and these case studies were developed in partnership with survivor advocates and practitioners from Flat Out, Switchboard, inTouch, and Elizabeth Morgan House to support family violence practitioners to identify and implement tailored anti-oppressive responses for victim survivors who do not consider calling police to be a safe option.

Insights Report: Supporting a culturally responsive and accountable family violence sector

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people have the right to access culturally responsive, inclusive, and equitable family violence support, no matter what kind of service they go to. It is crucial that non-Aboriginal family violence services uphold Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people’s rights to self-determination, choice, and safety.

Statewide Prevention Workforce Development Program Summary Evaluation Report 2023 – 2024

This report is a summary of evaluation of the Statewide Prevention Workforce Development program in 2023 – 2024.

Learning Together: Safe and Equal’s Primary Prevention Communities of Practice

Learning Together describes the benefits of Communities of Practice for the Victorian primary prevention workforce and summarises Safe and Equal’s approach to delivery.

Together for Impact: Connecting Communities Partnership Case Study

Partnerships are a crucial tool for strengthening community-led primary prevention with multicultural communities, and strengthening practice more broadly within organisations seeking to engage multicultural and faith communities. Taking a partnership approach means looking closely at how organisations work together equitably, not just their project outcomes.

Foundations for Action: Understanding the primary prevention workforce in Victoria

This report describes the findings of a project aimed at strengthening the foundations for planning and implementing primary prevention workforce development in Victoria.

Supporting Wellbeing for Prevention Practitioners in Multicultural and Faith-based Communities

‘Engaging Men from Multicultural and Faith-Based Communities in Primary Prevention’ draws on the existing evidence base, as well as practice examples from members of the Connecting Communities network, to outline their learnings, tools, insights and strategies for working with multicultural and faith-based men.

Engaging Men from Multicultural and Faith-Based Communities in Primary Prevention

‘Engaging Men from Multicultural and Faith-Based Communities in Primary Prevention’ draws on the existing evidence base, as well as practice examples from members of the Connecting Communities network, to outline their learnings, tools, insights and strategies for working with multicultural and faith-based men.

PreventX: Messaging for a Movement tips and insights for messaging and advocacy

‘PreventX: Messaging for a Movement – Tips and insights for messaging and advocacy to address the drivers of family and gender-based violence’ aims to share tips and insights that were gathered as part of the conference, held 19 –20 March 2024.


Supporting victim survivors who do not see police as a safe option

This reflective practice tool and these case studies were developed in partnership with survivor advocates and practitioners from Flat Out, Switchboard, inTouch, and Elizabeth Morgan House to support family violence practitioners to identify and implement tailored anti-oppressive responses for victim survivors who do not consider calling police to be a safe option.

Insights Report: Supporting a culturally responsive and accountable family violence sector

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people have the right to access culturally responsive, inclusive, and equitable family violence support, no matter what kind of service they go to. It is crucial that non-Aboriginal family violence services uphold Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people’s rights to self-determination, choice, and safety.

Statewide Prevention Workforce Development Program Summary Evaluation Report 2023 – 2024

This report is a summary of evaluation of the Statewide Prevention Workforce Development program in 2023 – 2024.

Learning Together: Safe and Equal’s Primary Prevention Communities of Practice

Learning Together describes the benefits of Communities of Practice for the Victorian primary prevention workforce and summarises Safe and Equal’s approach to delivery.


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