Safe and Equal is the peak body for specialist family violence services that provide support to victim survivors in Victoria. We provide specialist expertise across primary prevention, early intervention, response and recovery approaches and the inter-connections between them. We hold a central position in the Victorian family violence system and its strategic governance.
As a peak, we work with and for our members to prevent and respond to violence, building a better future for adults, children and young people experiencing, at risk of, or recovering from family and gender-based violence.
Safe and Equal represents and leads member organisations from across the family and gender-based violence continuum, other organisations with a role to play in recognising and responding to family violence, and individual members. We currently represent over 80 members from around Victoria – rural areas, regional centres and greater Melbourne.
We work in partnership with our members on important issues of policy, practice development and continuous quality improvement. We seek member participation and advice through a rage of mechanisms. We value a wide range of opinions and robust debate in this process.
In this section
Safe and Equal is the peak body for Victorian organisations that specialise in family and gender-based violence across the continuum, including primary prevention, early intervention, response and recovery. Learn about the member benefits and how to apply.
Safe and Equal represents members from over 80 organisations around Victoria who provide specialist family violence services to victim survivors.