Search our directory of specialist family violence services in Victoria.

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These services work directly with people experiencing family violence to support safety, autonomy and wellbeing.

Tips for searching the directory:

Most services are funded to support people within a particular area. If you enter a location, the results will include services that are available to people living in that suburb or postcode, including services that are available across Victoria.

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Find the help and support you need in your area through The Orange Door.

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If you’d like to add a new service or change the details of an existing service, please submit an update form here:

Do you need support now?

If you or someone you know is in immediate danger, call triple zero (000).

If you are experiencing family violence, there are services that can provide support and advice. They will listen to you and help you to explore your options and think about what you want to do next.


Safe and Equal is the peak body for Victorian organisations that specialise in family and gender-based violence across the continuum, including primary prevention, early intervention, response and recovery.

As a statewide voice for change, we advocate on behalf of and support the development of high-quality services and programs across the continuum.