We advocate and provide advice with and on behalf of our members.
Working across family violence response and prevention, the peak body is recognised as the statewide voice of Victorian organisations that specialise in family and gender-based violence across the continuum.
We hold a central position in the Victorian family violence system and its strategic governance. We sit on many advisory groups and committees to improve responses to family violence, and influence state and federal government policy.
We represent the Victorian family violence sector on an ongoing basis:
- Accreditation Setting Committee for Primary Prevention
- AWAVA Advisory Group
- Economic Abuse Reference Group
- Family Safety Victoria Intersectionality Community of Practice
- Family Violence Specialist Advisors for Alcohol and Other Drugs and Mental Health Sectors Steering Committee
- Forced Marriage Network
- Forensicare Family Violence Reform Steering Committee
- Housing Peaks Alliance
- Industry Taskforce and Subcommittee – Qualifications
- Ministerial Homelessness Advisory Committee
- Multi-Agency Risk Assessment and Management (MARAM) Expert Advisory Group
- Our Watch Masculinities Advisory Group
- Our Watch National Prevention Hub
- Primary Prevention Sector Reference Group
- Respect and Equality in TAFE – Expert Advisory Group
- Respect Victoria Prevention Agencies Forum
- Respect Victoria Primary Prevention Practitioners and COVID research Advisory Group
- Respect, Now, Always – Survey Steering Committee, Universities Australia
- Respectful Relationships Education Advisory Group
- RMIT Graduate Certificate in Family Violence Steering Committee
- Roadmap Implementation Ministerial Advisory Group
- Seniors Rights Victoria Elder Abuse Network
- Service Model Governance Group
- Statewide Family Violence Reform Advisory Group (Co-Chair)
- Strengthening Hospitals Responses to Family Violence Project
- VCOSS Peaks and Statewide Networks Forum
- VicHealth Bystanders Working Group
- Women with Disabilities Victoria Gender and Disability Workforce Development Program Advisory Group