Stories from
Learning about people’s experiences of family violence and abuse helps us understand the many forms it can take and how they survived.
These stories are all true. Some names and details have been changed. We thank those who bravely told their story in the hope that they will help others who are being abused.
Bec’s partner isolated her until she felt worthless and alone. After enduring years of emotional and physical abuse, Bec made the courageous decision to reach out for support and leave the relationship for good.
Jade’s boyfriend controlled her and physically abused her until she found the strength to leave with support from friends and colleagues.
At 28, Sharyn started a relationship with a man who became violent. Now a family violence worker, Sharon wants young people to have self-confidence and know they are strong and powerful.
Despite once being in love, Sallie made a choice to end an abusive relationship and started doing things to take care of herself and reclaim the person she was before.
Donna came to Australia at 21 and developed an intimate relationship with someone she thought she knew. The longer she stayed with him, the harder it was to leave. On leaving the relationship, Donna slowly regained her confidence, undertook study at university and gained secure work.
Alex’s partner would abuse her for hours but always apologise afterwards. Recognising that the abuse was not her fault and that he would not change, Alex made the decision to leave.
Ayet’s girlfriend stopped her from having an opinion and seeing her family and she eventually lost her sense of self, making it hard to cope after they broke up. With the support and encouragement of a close friend, she began to rediscover herself in a whole new light.
Anj was an active 14-year-old when her boyfriend started abusing her. After she ended the relationship he assaulted her so badly she suffered a brain injury and was left in a coma. With strength and determination, Anj is gaining new skills and has plans for the future.
Jane is a Yorta Yorta woman who experienced family violence in her 20s, too scared to tell others as she was afraid they wouldn’t believe her. Now Jane loves her life and feels she can depend on herself.
Rebecca’s partner isolated her from family and friends, threatened her with weapons and continued to stalk her after the relationship ended. Rebecca decided to channel her energy in a positive way and advocate for change.
Mim experienced family violence in her childhood and teen years as well as an adult, but she’s learning to trust people and to love again. Mim stepped into herself and started doing what she needed.
Nawal moved to Australia from Kenya with her former husband who became physically violent. He promised many times to stop using violence, but it always continued. Nawal now has a beautiful life full of happiness with her daughter.
Supporting the safety needs of victim survivors from diverse communities through inclusive and tailored support.
If you are experiencing family violence, there are services that can provide support and advice. They will listen to you and help you to explore your options and think about what you want to do next.
There are a number of ways that you can support Safe and Equal and our member organisations. Your donation can strengthen our work in preventing and responding to family and gender-based violence.

Search our directory of specialist family violence services in Victoria.