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Browse our library of resources and publications, developed by Safe and Equal in partnership with organisations from across the sector. This library is sorted by the date that the resource was added to the library.

Insights Report: Supporting a culturally responsive and accountable family violence sector

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people have the right to access culturally responsive, inclusive, and equitable family violence support, no matter what kind of service they go to. It is crucial that non-Aboriginal family violence services uphold Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people’s rights to self-determination, choice, and safety.

Sources of Lived Experience in the Family Violence Sector Issues Paper

This issues paper seeks to build on the findings of the Family Violence Experts by Experience Framework research to define and explore different sources of lived experience which inform the work of the family violence sector.

Preventing Violence against Women with Disabilities: Resources for Action Webinar

On Wednesday 22 June 2022, Safe and Equal and Women with Disabilities Victoria (WDV) are co-hosting a webinar to showcase some of the ground-breaking resources WDV has developed in the prevention of violence against women space.

Supporting Trans Women to Access Specialist Family Violence Services Webinar

On Thursday 26 May, in recognition of the national day for the prevention of LGBTIQ+ family violence, we joined with Zoe Belle Gender Collective and Switchboard for a webinar centring on the voices of trans women of colour.

Request for Survivor Advocate Form

Our organisation works with survivor advocates in line with the Family Violence Experts by Experience Framework, please complete our request form to engage survivor advocates.

Planning Best Practice Engagements Checklist

This guide has been co-produced with the Safe and Equal Expert Advisory Panel for organisations and services to plan, deliver and reflect on your engagement with survivor advocates.

Survivor Advocate Feedback Template

This survey template is designed to enable services to collect information from survivor advocates on their experience working with a service.

My Engagement Needs and Expectations

This form is designed to enable survivor advocates to set clear expectations to support safe and accessible engagements.

Survivor Advocate Project Brief Template

This project brief template should be completed by a service to provide transparent information about a project or engagement opportunity to survivor advocates.


Insights Report: Supporting a culturally responsive and accountable family violence sector

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people have the right to access culturally responsive, inclusive, and equitable family violence support, no matter what kind of service they go to. It is crucial that non-Aboriginal family violence services uphold Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people’s rights to self-determination, choice, and safety.

Sources of Lived Experience in the Family Violence Sector Issues Paper

This issues paper seeks to build on the findings of the Family Violence Experts by Experience Framework research to define and explore different sources of lived experience which inform the work of the family violence sector.

Preventing Violence against Women with Disabilities: Resources for Action Webinar

On Wednesday 22 June 2022, Safe and Equal and Women with Disabilities Victoria (WDV) are co-hosting a webinar to showcase some of the ground-breaking resources WDV has developed in the prevention of violence against women space.

Supporting Trans Women to Access Specialist Family Violence Services Webinar

On Thursday 26 May, in recognition of the national day for the prevention of LGBTIQ+ family violence, we joined with Zoe Belle Gender Collective and Switchboard for a webinar centring on the voices of trans women of colour.


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