Together for Impact: Connecting Communities Partnership Case Study

Together for Impact: Connecting Communities Partnership Case Study

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This resource has been developed as part of the Connecting Communities program, which is a partnership between MCWH and Safe and Equal that supports grantees working to deliver primary prevention with and for multicultural and faith communities. 

Partnerships are a crucial tool for strengthening community-led primary prevention with multicultural communities, and strengthening practice more broadly within organisations seeking to engage multicultural and faith communities. Taking a partnership approach means looking closely at how organisations work together equitably, not just their project outcomes. 

In this case study, we tell the story of the partnership between MCWH and Safe and Equal – to share what worked and what’s needed for prevention partnerships between specialist and mainstream organisations. This resource highlights key learnings about good partnership practice and demonstrates the benefits and impacts of focusing on equitable partnership work in prevention projects.

More information
This resource has been developed as part of the Connecting Communities program, a partnership program between the Multicultural Centre for Women’s Health (MCWH) and Safe and Equal to support the learning and professional development needs of a network of organisations working with multicultural and faith-based communities to prevent violence against women in Victoria since 2022, through the Victorian Government’s Supporting Multicultural Communities to Prevent Family Violence Grant Program.



Resource details

Resource type: Practice guidance
Download file type: 16-page PDF
Best print size: A4 


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Supporting Wellbeing for Prevention Practitioners in Multicultural and Faith-based Communities

Supporting Prevention Practitioners in Multicultural and Faith-based Communities

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This resource brings together insights from members of the Connecting Communities network to support decision-makers, organisations, managers and primary prevention practitioners working with multicultural and faith-based communities to improve and uplift the wellbeing and sustainability of the workforce.

Working to end family violence and to create major social and structural change is inspiring and rewarding work, but it can also take a toll. A focus on worker wellbeing and sustainability is essential to support prevention practitioners and organisations in their work and to ensure the sustainability of individuals, communities, and projects.

The knowledge shared in this resource draws on the existing evidence base, as well as insights from the Connecting Communities network, to outline ways to strengthen organisational and individual practices around wellbeing. This resource shares key lessons, and proposes calls to action for embedding wellbeing and care into practice.

More information
This resource has been developed as part of the Connecting Communities program, a partnership program between the Multicultural Centre for Women’s Health (MCWH) and Safe and Equal to support the learning and professional development needs of a network of organisations working with multicultural and faith-based communities to prevent violence against women in Victoria since 2022, through the Victorian Government’s Supporting Multicultural Communities to Prevent Family Violence Grant Program.



Resource details

Resource type: Practice guide 
Download file type: 4-page PDF
Best print size: A4 


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Engaging Men from Multicultural and Faith-Based Communities in Primary Prevention

Engaging Men from Multicultural and Faith-Based Communities in Primary Prevention

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This resource draws on the existing evidence base, as well as practice examples from members of the Connecting Communities network, to outline their learnings, tools, insights and strategies for working with multicultural and faith-based men.

For gender equality and violence prevention activities to be effective, they need to engage everyone, including men and boys from multicultural and faith-based communities. By addressing barriers to engagement, highlighting the benefits of prevention activities, and consulting with communities to build trust and capacity, prevention practitioners can support men from multicultural and faith-based communities to meaningfully participate in primary prevention.

Developed by the Multicultural Centre for Women’s Health and Safe and Equal, this resource draws on the existing evidence base, as well as practice examples from members of the Connecting Communities network, to outline their learnings, tools, insights and strategies for working with multicultural and faith-based men.

More information

This resource has been developed as part of the Connecting Communities program, a partnership program between the Multicultural Centre for Women’s Health (MCWH) and Safe and Equal to support the learning and professional development needs of a network of organisations working with multicultural and faith-based communities to prevent violence against women in Victoria since 2022, through the Victorian Government’s Supporting Multicultural Communities to Prevent Family Violence Grant Program.



Resource details

Resource type: Practice guide 
Download file type: 4-page PDF
Best print size: A4 


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PreventX: Messaging for a Movement tips and insights for messaging and advocacy

PreventX: Messaging for a Movement

Tips and insights for messaging and advocacy to address the drivers of family and gender-based violence

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This resource aims to share tips and insights that were gathered as part of the PreventX: Messaging for a Movement conference, held 19 –20 March 2024.

The PreventX conference in 2024 brought a fresh focus on how to craft and deliver messages that shift hearts and minds to deliver long-term and sustainable social change to prevent family and gender-based violence. Drawing from extensive experience in messaging, effective campaigns, grassroots mobilising and advocacy, PreventX showcased and helped to build knowledge about messages that resonate and effect change.

This tip sheet summarises the key learnings from PreventX around messaging to advance primary prevention right now.



Resource details

Resource type: Tip sheets
Download file type: 11-page PDF
Best print size: A4 


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Communicating for Connection: Values-based messaging for primary prevention in multicultural and faith-based communities

Communicating for Connection

Values-based messaging for primary prevention in multicultural and faith-based communities

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This resource brings together lessons from members of the Connecting Communities network and existing evidence on how to use a values-based, community-led approach to developing messaging around primary prevention in multicultural and faith-based settings.

Building community engagement and support through tailored, strengths-based messaging is an essential part of any primary prevention project. When working in multicultural and faith-based settings, ensuring that the community’s experiences and desires are embedded into your messaging is key to creating cultural safety and effective programs. 

This resource draws on the existing evidence base, as well as practice examples from members of the Connecting Communities network, to outline how a values-based messaging approach can be applied with multicultural and faith-communities to strengthen your prevention messaging. It aims to highlight the role of values-based messaging as a tool to engage community, build trust and address backlash and resistance by creating messages that resonate with communities. 

This resource has been developed as part of the Connecting Communities program, a partnership program between the Multicultural Centre for Women’s Health (MCWH) and Safe and Equal to support the learning and professional development needs of the Connecting Communities network, a network of organisations working with multicultural and faith-based communities to prevent violence against women in Victoria since 2022. 



Resource details

Resource type: Practice guide 
Download file type: 16-page PDF
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Improving our approach to community-led prevention: Lessons from the Connecting Communities program

Improving our approach to community-led prevention

Lessons from the Connecting Communities program

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This resource brings together lessons from members of the Connecting Communities network and existing evidence on how to embed community-led practices into primary prevention initiatives working with multicultural and faith-based communities.  

Primary prevention activities in multicultural and faith-based communities are exciting opportunities for practitioners to take a community-led approach to program development and implementation. Community-led prevention can help practitioners put intersectional theory into practice by centring community expertise and needs, resulting in prevention programs that are culturally relevant, effective and sustainable.

This brief guide has been designed to support prevention practitioners working in community-led prevention initiatives with multicultural and faith-based communities. It also aims to share practical lessons from the Connecting Communities network which can be embedded into any primary prevention initiatives that engage with these communities.

This resource has been developed as part of the Connecting Communities program, a partnership program between the Multicultural Centre for Women’s Health (MCWH) and Safe and Equal to support the learning and professional development needs of the Connecting Communities network, a network of organisations working with multicultural and faith-based communities to prevent violence against women in Victoria since 2022. 



Resource details

Resource type: Brief guide 
Download file type: 4-page PDF and Word Doc
Best print size: A4 


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Forced marriage in the context of family violence

Forced marriage in the context of family violence

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This tip sheet provides information to help family violence practitioners understand what forced marriage is, the signs to look out for, and ways to support someone who has experienced forced marriage.


How does family violence affect people from refugee and migrant communities?

Family violence is widespread and is not inherent to any particular culture, country or community. However, people from refugee and migrant communities in Australia are affected by family violence and can face additional risk factors and barriers to support.

These risk factors may include:

  • Threats from a perpetrator to immigration, visa status and sponsorship as a form of isolation and control.
  • Being financially dependent on a perpetrator due to limited work rights, Centrelink eligibility or bank account access
  • Fear of social isolation from culture and community if they choose to reach out to address the violence
  • Services potentially sympathising with perpetrators’ experiences of discrimination, and excusing their use of violence.
  • Religious or cultural beliefs or expectations that may discourage someone from ending a relationship

These barriers may include:

  • Limited access to information about their rights under Australian law and local support services that are available
  • Fear or distrust of authorities, such as the police or legal system, due to previous experiences in Australia and/or overseas.
  • Racism, social isolation and economic marginalisation
  • Limited services available in languages other than English and limited or, access to interpreters
  • Lack of culturally safe services that understand the complexities of family violence for refugee and migrant communities

People from refugee and migrant communities may experience some cultural or faith-specific forms of family violence such as forced marriage, dowry abuse, and visa abuse.[1] These are not always widely recognised as family violence. Importantly, these are forms of family violence and are recognised in Victorian law.

Practice considerations

There are many things to consider when supporting a victim survivor from migrant or refugee communities.

  • Consider the victim survivor’s cultural context. Cultural stigma, norms, taboos, community pressures, social isolation, or dependency on partners/family members may all influence their experience of family violence.[2]
  • Provide support in a culturally safe way. Work collaboratively with the victim survivor, with care and insight for their culture while being mindful of your own.[3]
  • Some victim survivors may speak no or limited English. Consider whether you need to use an interpreter, communication aids, or provide information in their preferred language. Check out inTouch’s tip sheet on working with interpreters here.
  • Some victim survivors may be scared of engaging with the legal system or police. Take the time to understand these fears and explain how the system works in a way that’s accessible and relevant to the person.
  • Particularly for victim survivors who are refugees or asylum seekers, consider the impacts of trauma or violence they experienced in their country of origin.
  • Consider that the victim survivor may fear losing their visa status or residency entitlements if they report family violence or seek support. Visa status may also be used by a perpetrator as a tool of coercion or control.[4] Visa status may also affect the victim survivor’s eligibility for services such as Centrelink, housing support or healthcare.[5]
  • Work with victim survivors to build understanding of their legal rights and entitlements, including access to financial assistance, compensation and support services. Provide information on duty of care, information sharing schemes and consent limitations to help the victim survivor make informed decisions.

Tools and resources

inTouch Multicultural Centre Against Family Violence is a specialist family violence service that works with women from migrant and refugee backgrounds in Victoria.

As is recognised by the Victorian Family Violence Protection Act 2008 (Vic), forced marriage is a type of family violence. However, as a recent InTouch position paper stresses, the family violence system needs to improve capability to identify and respond to forced marriage in the context of family violence.

To support this we partnered with inTouch to co-design a tip sheet to help family violence practitioners understand what forced marriage is, the signs to look out for, and best ways to support someone who has experienced forced marriage.

Further reading and resources

If you’re a Victorian professional, contact inTouch on 1800 755 988 or fill out an online form for secondary consultation or referral.

Check out inTouch’s resources for professionals on supporting women on temporary migration visas, working with interpreters and intersectionality in practice.

[1] Family Safety Victoria (2019). Family Violence Multi-Agency Risk Assessment and Management Framework. Melbourne, Vic: State of Victoria, page 34.

[2] Family Safety Victoria (2019). MARAM Practice Guides: Foundation Knowledge Guide. Melbourne, Vic: State of Victoria, page 49.

[3] Domestic Violence Victoria (2020). Code of Practice: Principles and Standards for Specialist Family Violence Services for Victim-Survivors. 2nd Edition. Melbourne: DV Vic.

[4] Family Safety Victoria (2019). MARAM Practice Guides: Foundation Knowledge Guide. Melbourne, Vic: State of Victoria, page 49.

[5] InTouch (2020) Women on temporary visas experiencing family violence, Melbourne: inTouch. Retrieved at:



Resource details

Resource type: Booklet
Download file type: 4-page PDF
Best print size: A4

PiP Webinar – Prevention of Violence Against Women and Family Violence in Faith Settings

PiP Webinar - Prevention of Violence Against Women and Family Violence in Faith Settings

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Recorded on 12 May 2020, this webinar was conducted for all people working to prevent violence against women and family violence. Faith communities and settings are an important environment where social beliefs and norms are shaped. These beliefs and norms have the potential to either promote violence or protect against it.

With 60% of Victorians identifying as religious (2016 Census), it’s important to understand how to reach and engage with faith communities to help prevent violence against women and family violence.

The learnings from this webinar include:

  • An inside look at Faith Communities Supporting Healthy Family Relationships – the multi-faith project examining the drivers and contributors to violence against women in faith settings.
  • An understanding of the key principles to consider when working in faith settings.
  • Strategies on how to engage with faith leaders and build their capacity to prevent violence against women.

Approaches and best practice principles to address the drivers of violence against women within a faith setting.

The resources referenced in this webinar include:

  1. Vaughan, C., Sullivan, C., Chen, J., Vaid Sandhu, M. (2020). What works to address violence against women and family violence within faith settings: An evidence guide, Parkville: University of Melbourne.
  2. Vaughan, C., Sullivan, C. (2019). Technical paper: Faith communities supporting healthy family relationships,Parkville: University of Melbourne.
  3. Tip Sheet: Faith Communities Addressing Violence Against Women and Family Violence – What Works, University of Melbourne and Multicultural Centre for Women’s Health
  4. How to talk to your church about violence against women: A communications Guide for Leaders. Anglican Diocese of Melbourne
  5. Transforming Masculinities: A training manual for Gender Champions. Tearfund, 2017
  6. SASA! Faith: A guide for faith communities to prevent violence against women and HIV. Raising Voices, 2016


Dr Cathy Vaughan, Melbourne University

Cathy currently leads research on the role of settlement and multicultural services in responding to violence against women; the Australian arm of a multi-country study on sexual and gender-based violence against refugees; and research on building the capacity of faith leaders to prevent violence against women. She also co-leads the kNOwVAWdata course to strengthen capacity to measure violence against women in Asia and the Pacific, conducted by the University in partnership with UNFPA. She is Director of the WHO Collaborating Centre for Women’s Health hosted by the Gender and Women’s Health Unit at the University of Melbourne.

Robyn Andréo-Boosey, Anglican Diocese

Robyn manages the Anglican Diocese of Melbourne’s Preventing Violence Against Women Program and is co-founder and co-director of IC Change, a volunteer-led campaign urging the UK Government to ratify the Istanbul Convention on violence against women. Her background is in international development, gender equality, tackling violence against women, and human rights. She has worked on preventing violence against women in policy and operational roles with a range of organisations, including the United Nations Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights, Rape Crisis England and Wales, and the international Christian alliance to end violence against women, Restored. Robyn is particularly passionate about equipping the Church to play its part in tackling violence against women.



Resource details

Resource type: Video
Duration: 1:12:27