Together for Impact: Connecting Communities Partnership Case Study

Together for Impact: Connecting Communities Partnership Case Study

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This resource has been developed as part of the Connecting Communities program, which is a partnership between MCWH and Safe and Equal that supports grantees working to deliver primary prevention with and for multicultural and faith communities. 

Partnerships are a crucial tool for strengthening community-led primary prevention with multicultural communities, and strengthening practice more broadly within organisations seeking to engage multicultural and faith communities. Taking a partnership approach means looking closely at how organisations work together equitably, not just their project outcomes. 

In this case study, we tell the story of the partnership between MCWH and Safe and Equal – to share what worked and what’s needed for prevention partnerships between specialist and mainstream organisations. This resource highlights key learnings about good partnership practice and demonstrates the benefits and impacts of focusing on equitable partnership work in prevention projects.

More information
This resource has been developed as part of the Connecting Communities program, a partnership program between the Multicultural Centre for Women’s Health (MCWH) and Safe and Equal to support the learning and professional development needs of a network of organisations working with multicultural and faith-based communities to prevent violence against women in Victoria since 2022, through the Victorian Government’s Supporting Multicultural Communities to Prevent Family Violence Grant Program.



Resource details

Resource type: Practice guidance
Download file type: 16-page PDF
Best print size: A4 


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Supporting Wellbeing for Prevention Practitioners in Multicultural and Faith-based Communities

Supporting Prevention Practitioners in Multicultural and Faith-based Communities

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This resource brings together insights from members of the Connecting Communities network to support decision-makers, organisations, managers and primary prevention practitioners working with multicultural and faith-based communities to improve and uplift the wellbeing and sustainability of the workforce.

Working to end family violence and to create major social and structural change is inspiring and rewarding work, but it can also take a toll. A focus on worker wellbeing and sustainability is essential to support prevention practitioners and organisations in their work and to ensure the sustainability of individuals, communities, and projects.

The knowledge shared in this resource draws on the existing evidence base, as well as insights from the Connecting Communities network, to outline ways to strengthen organisational and individual practices around wellbeing. This resource shares key lessons, and proposes calls to action for embedding wellbeing and care into practice.

More information
This resource has been developed as part of the Connecting Communities program, a partnership program between the Multicultural Centre for Women’s Health (MCWH) and Safe and Equal to support the learning and professional development needs of a network of organisations working with multicultural and faith-based communities to prevent violence against women in Victoria since 2022, through the Victorian Government’s Supporting Multicultural Communities to Prevent Family Violence Grant Program.



Resource details

Resource type: Practice guide 
Download file type: 4-page PDF
Best print size: A4 


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Engaging Men from Multicultural and Faith-Based Communities in Primary Prevention

Engaging Men from Multicultural and Faith-Based Communities in Primary Prevention

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This resource draws on the existing evidence base, as well as practice examples from members of the Connecting Communities network, to outline their learnings, tools, insights and strategies for working with multicultural and faith-based men.

For gender equality and violence prevention activities to be effective, they need to engage everyone, including men and boys from multicultural and faith-based communities. By addressing barriers to engagement, highlighting the benefits of prevention activities, and consulting with communities to build trust and capacity, prevention practitioners can support men from multicultural and faith-based communities to meaningfully participate in primary prevention.

Developed by the Multicultural Centre for Women’s Health and Safe and Equal, this resource draws on the existing evidence base, as well as practice examples from members of the Connecting Communities network, to outline their learnings, tools, insights and strategies for working with multicultural and faith-based men.

More information

This resource has been developed as part of the Connecting Communities program, a partnership program between the Multicultural Centre for Women’s Health (MCWH) and Safe and Equal to support the learning and professional development needs of a network of organisations working with multicultural and faith-based communities to prevent violence against women in Victoria since 2022, through the Victorian Government’s Supporting Multicultural Communities to Prevent Family Violence Grant Program.



Resource details

Resource type: Practice guide 
Download file type: 4-page PDF
Best print size: A4 


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PreventX: Messaging for a Movement tips and insights for messaging and advocacy

PreventX: Messaging for a Movement

Tips and insights for messaging and advocacy to address the drivers of family and gender-based violence

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This resource aims to share tips and insights that were gathered as part of the PreventX: Messaging for a Movement conference, held 19 –20 March 2024.

The PreventX conference in 2024 brought a fresh focus on how to craft and deliver messages that shift hearts and minds to deliver long-term and sustainable social change to prevent family and gender-based violence. Drawing from extensive experience in messaging, effective campaigns, grassroots mobilising and advocacy, PreventX showcased and helped to build knowledge about messages that resonate and effect change.

This tip sheet summarises the key learnings from PreventX around messaging to advance primary prevention right now.



Resource details

Resource type: Tip sheets
Download file type: 11-page PDF
Best print size: A4 


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Communicating for Connection: Values-based messaging for primary prevention in multicultural and faith-based communities

Communicating for Connection

Values-based messaging for primary prevention in multicultural and faith-based communities

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This resource brings together lessons from members of the Connecting Communities network and existing evidence on how to use a values-based, community-led approach to developing messaging around primary prevention in multicultural and faith-based settings.

Building community engagement and support through tailored, strengths-based messaging is an essential part of any primary prevention project. When working in multicultural and faith-based settings, ensuring that the community’s experiences and desires are embedded into your messaging is key to creating cultural safety and effective programs. 

This resource draws on the existing evidence base, as well as practice examples from members of the Connecting Communities network, to outline how a values-based messaging approach can be applied with multicultural and faith-communities to strengthen your prevention messaging. It aims to highlight the role of values-based messaging as a tool to engage community, build trust and address backlash and resistance by creating messages that resonate with communities. 

This resource has been developed as part of the Connecting Communities program, a partnership program between the Multicultural Centre for Women’s Health (MCWH) and Safe and Equal to support the learning and professional development needs of the Connecting Communities network, a network of organisations working with multicultural and faith-based communities to prevent violence against women in Victoria since 2022. 



Resource details

Resource type: Practice guide 
Download file type: 16-page PDF
Best print size: A4 


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Improving our approach to community-led prevention: Lessons from the Connecting Communities program

Improving our approach to community-led prevention

Lessons from the Connecting Communities program

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This resource brings together lessons from members of the Connecting Communities network and existing evidence on how to embed community-led practices into primary prevention initiatives working with multicultural and faith-based communities.  

Primary prevention activities in multicultural and faith-based communities are exciting opportunities for practitioners to take a community-led approach to program development and implementation. Community-led prevention can help practitioners put intersectional theory into practice by centring community expertise and needs, resulting in prevention programs that are culturally relevant, effective and sustainable.

This brief guide has been designed to support prevention practitioners working in community-led prevention initiatives with multicultural and faith-based communities. It also aims to share practical lessons from the Connecting Communities network which can be embedded into any primary prevention initiatives that engage with these communities.

This resource has been developed as part of the Connecting Communities program, a partnership program between the Multicultural Centre for Women’s Health (MCWH) and Safe and Equal to support the learning and professional development needs of the Connecting Communities network, a network of organisations working with multicultural and faith-based communities to prevent violence against women in Victoria since 2022. 



Resource details

Resource type: Brief guide 
Download file type: 4-page PDF and Word Doc
Best print size: A4 


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Intersectionality in Primary Prevention

Intersectionality in Primary Prevention

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‘Intersectionality in primary prevention’ builds on Safe and Equal’s commitment to intersectionality and aims to draw on existing knowledge and experience in applying an intersectional analysis and approach to the prevention of family and gender-based violence. 

Safe and Equal’s commitment to intersectionality is a guiding principle of our work as an organisation. 

An intersectional approach means we, as an organisation, take action to ensure primary prevention programs, systems and policies recognise and address multiple forms of oppression and disadvantage that exacerbate the experiences of gender inequality and gender-based violence. 

We acknowledge the work of many other organisations and individuals in defining and leading this work. This is not intended as a definitive guide, but as one contribution to the development of future thinking and approaches in this area – by outlining our own organisational commitment to intersectionality in primary prevention of family and gendered violence. 

Acknowledging existing work
The following resources provide a detailed analysis of the drivers of violence for particular communities. We acknowledge the individual and collective leadership that these resources have provided in deepening intersectional knowledge and approaches in primary prevention in Australia.

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities
+ Changing the Picture, Our Watch

Women with disabilities
+ Changing the Landscape, Our Watch
+ Intersectionality and primary prevention of violence against women,
Women with Disabilities Victoria

Immigrant and refugee women
+ Intersectionality Matters,
Multicultural Centre for Women’s Health

LGBTIQ+ communities
+ Pride in Prevention: Evidence Guide,
Rainbow Health Australia
+ Pride in Prevention: Partnership Guide,
Rainbow Health Australia



Resource details

Resource type: Guide
Download file type: 6-page PDF
Best print size: A4


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