Too many women in prisons, scant wisdom in the system

Too many women in prisons, scant wisdom in the system

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More women than ever are in Victorian prisons. Housing insecurity, tough bail laws and a system women no longer trust are just the start of a systemic failure that Flat Out's Family Violence Justice Pilot Project is beginning work to fix.

Between 2012 and 2017, the Victorian female prison population doubled. Believe it or not, this makes it one of the fastest-growing incarceration rates for women in the Western world. At the moment, the government’s response is focused on building more prisons in Victoria, when a more effective response would be ensuring that women are not being adversely impacted by bail laws that imprison them unnecessarily and that they have access to more secure housing and specialised services which are delivered with a high level of trust and a gender-sensitive lens.

These issues are compounded by entrenched, systemic racism that sees Aboriginal women account for the largest growth in the prison population. Although only 0.8 per cent of Victoria’s population, Aboriginal women are 11 per cent of its prison numbers. Flat Out’s Project Lead, Rei Alphonso, sums it up like this:

“To see more Aboriginal women in a block of cells at Dame Phyllis Frost Centre than you’d see walking free down Swanston Street is a racist disgrace.”

When we see more First Nations women in prison than we would see on a main street it begs the question: why is the system increasingly failing them?

This is the challenge for Flat Out; to consider how to engage with a broken system without further victimising those already traumatised by family violence? Given that an estimated 80 per cent of criminalised women have experienced intimate partner and family violence (and that this figure is likely underreported) why are they so underserviced in terms of support? The recommendations from the Royal Commission into Family Violence recognised this urgency. As a specialised service that has been working with and advocating alongside criminalised women for decades, Flat Out have the foundations crucial to bridging the gaps in the service sector and are best placed to begin this restorative work.

One of the biggest barriers to accessing support services is women’s lack of trust which leads to disengagement with family violence services. In order to protect themselves and their families, women self-exclude from services. As Rei explains: ‘this comes from a conscious or unconscious belief that services won’t be able to respond to them.’ She goes on to say that: ‘we know women [who are experiencing family violence] are experts in how risk operates in their relationships, and they know how to respond to that.’ Many women prefer the known and familiar risk of staying in a violent relationship to an inconsistent, unknowable service system that can exacerbate their trauma.

For women who have been convicted with a criminal offence, however minor, the risk of engaging with services can be huge. Perpetrators are often fluent in using the criminal justice system to their advantage by leveraging it as an effective measure of power and control against women. Women with children fear child protection services becoming involved because of the real risk of losing their children. And when police become involved women can easily become incriminated. Women, especially Aboriginal women, can be misidentified as the primary aggressor which then sets off a chain of detrimental events leading to them being imprisoned. Such victim blaming only adds further insult to their injury and needs to be replaced with a genuine understanding and awareness of the barriers oppressing criminalised women.

This is where Flat Out’s expertise and specialised approach can improve criminalised women’s access to family violence services and response. To date, their focus has centred on training and capacity building in four specific actions for change:

  • delivering tailored workshops and presentations
  • facilitating two practice forums
  • presenting at panel discussions
  • producing best practice guidelines and an advocacy handbook.

In addition to these education and capability building activities, Flat Out is currently sitting on the Police Accountability Project (PAP) working group. Led by Flemington & Kensington Community Legal Centre, this partnership not only focuses on research and capacity building but also offers referrals and response to women seeking police accountability for duty breaches in responding to family violence.

This is only the beginning of the inroads being made into the breadth of reform needed. While Flat Out’s Family Violence Justice Pilot Project is due to finish in early 2020, there is still a lot of work to be done.

Contingent on securing funding for a second phase, plans are in place to implement a specialised Community of Practice (CoP) to respond to an identified need for more specialised support. Flat Out envisions the CoP being a foundation for two working groups — one focused on systemic advocacy and another on developing a specialised assessment tool for criminalised women experiencing barriers to service access.

To ensure women and children are safe, these initiatives need a long-term commitment by government, mainstream services, police and the criminal justice system.

‘We’re fighting an uphill battle,’ implores Rei, ‘until the government puts more money into housing than prison expansion, women and children will continue to remain unsafe.’

The evidence backs her claim, showing that more prisons do not automatically create a safer community, but what does is more specialised services, more active compassion and more than anything else, secure homes.

This article originally appeared in the Advocate, Victoria’s industry magazine providing news, interviews, articles and expert review for family violence specialists, prevention practitioners and allied professionals. Read about the December issue of the Advocate.  


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Keeping Survivors & Yourself Safe Over Holiday Period

Keeping Survivors & Yourself Safe Over Holiday Period

Thursday, 19 December 2019

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For many Victorians, the Christmas holiday period is a time for joy and celebration. But statistically, it is one of the busiest times of year for services responding to family violence and sexual assault.

According to the Crime Statistics Agency Victoria, over the past five years the number of recorded family incident reports has repeatedly peaked in the months of December and January.

This periodic spike can be partially explained by the increased contact between victims and perpetrators, financial stress and alcohol consumption associated with the holiday period.

While none of these factors can be causally linked to the perpetration of family violence, research tells us they can create an environment in which violence is more likely to occur.

Given how challenging the nature of work in this sector can be, it is especially important response workers actively take steps to support their wellbeing during this demanding time of year.

There are many ways you can look after yourself and prevent work-induced stress and burnout.

Reaching out for support, asking for help when needed and taking time to debrief with someone you trust about your interactions with victim survivors is key to protecting your wellbeing.

Sources of support you may turn to over these next few weeks may include your supervisor, a trusted friend, your colleagues, a loved one or a counsellor. If available to you, you may also be able to access your employee assistance program in times of need.

1800RESPECT will also continue to offer around-the-clock support to professionals over the holiday period; lending an ear to listen, clinical consultations and referrals to response workers who want to debrief or discuss the personal impacts of their work.

To reach 1800RESPECT you can contact 1800 737 732. Alternatively, you can access their online chat service here.

Consciously blocking out time in your schedule for the things that nourish, nurture and rejuvenate you is another way to promote your wellbeing during this busy time of year.

This could look like putting aside time to rest, doing activities that help clear your mind and spending time around the people, things and hobbies that bring you joy.

Page last updated Thursday, December 19 2019


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Fast tracking into a stronger future

Fast tracking into a stronger future

Friday 29th November 2019

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Ensuring an expert, supported and passionate family violence workforce for the future is challenging and not easy to achieve. That's why DVRCV wholeheartedly welcomed the Victorian Government's recent announcement to invest further in the family violence sector as part of its Rolling Action Plan.

This means that our Fast Track Professional Development Program, piloted in 2019, will now be expanded in 2020 enabling us to provide more opportunities to build the knowledge and skill capabilities of professionals wanting to move into specialist family violence leadership roles.

So, why is upskilling the workforce and our Fast Track Program so crucial?

If we are to make in-roads to reducing the prevalence of family violence and other forms of violence against women, we need skilled practitioners in key roles to have the ability to design and implement programs that address the root causes and contributing factors underpinning this violence. Similarly, in order to operate an effective system designed to prevent and respond to family violence and violence against women, it is crucial that appropriately skilled workforces are in place to meet the challenges we face.

Fast tracking the up-skilling of our current workforce with the capabilities to support systems implementation and service delivery, and ensuring the supply of prevention practitioners with the capability to work across settings, with specific populations, and across the general community is therefore critical.

Our Fast Track Pilot Program

Piloted in 2019 and funded by Family Safety Victoria (FSV), our program was designed to fast track the supply of knowledgeable and skilled Tier 1 senior level practitioners to take up urgently needed specialist family violence management and leadership roles. The program was conducted over a three month period and involved ten face to face sessions, coaching and mentoring, workplace experience and a community of practice. Workshops were structured around leadership and management skills as outlined in FSV’s family violence Capability Frameworks and included topics such as managing risk, leading systems and quality services, advocacy and reform.

Read a summary of our evaluation findings.

Moving Fast Track in the future

With confirmation of further investment and learnings from our pilot program taken on board, a new iteration of the program has been developed and will expand in 2020. This means more opportunities to diversify the program for delivery to wider audiences over a two-year period. We look forward to sharing more details about what our new and invigorated program looks like and how to become a part of it.


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New Funding to Grow & Strengthen Future Workforce

New Funding to Grow & Strengthen Future Workforce

Monday, 25 November 2019

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The Victorian Government has announced further investment in the family violence sector as part of its Rolling Action Plan to help grow and build the capability of the future response workforce.

The funding will be used to establish a family violence social work graduate program and increase the number of student placements provided by family violence and community organisations.

Funding will also support the expansion of the Domestic Violence Resource Centre Victoria’s Fast Track Professional Development Program, which will build the knowledge and skill capabilities of professionals wanting to move into specialist family violence leadership roles.

TAFEs and other Registered Training Organisations will also be funded to upskill family violence professionals.

The funding announcement coincided with the start of the United Nations’ 16 Days of Activism Against Gender-Based Violence campaign and the launch of the Strengthening the Foundations: First Rolling Action Plan 2019-22.

You can read more about DVRCV’s Fast Track Program here.

Page last updated Monday, November 25 2019


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Country Women’s Experiences of Domestic Violence Captured by New Report

Country Women’s Experiences of Domestic Violence Captured by New Report

Tuesday 24 September 2019

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A new research report launched by the University of South Australia and Uniting Country SA has found that rural women experiencing domestic violence are often apprehensive to seek professional support and unable to recognise the early signs of domestic abuse.

The Young Country Women’s Perceptions of Intimate Partner Violence report sought to investigate young rural women’s views on and experiences of violence in their intimate relationships.

The research involved conducting interviews with country women aged between 16 and 24, as well as older women who experienced intimate partner violence at that age.

The report found that young country women were not properly equipped to recognise the early signs of intimate partner violence, particularly if they were experiencing non-physical abuse.

“It was striking to learn that young women did not recognise the start of intimate partner violence, particularly when the violence was non-physical. The effects of this type of violence, however, were both insidious and profound,” the report found.

Interviews also revealed that young rural women experiencing violence are often hesitant to seek professional support, and unsure where to go to find it.

The report calls for formal domestic violence services to be made more readily accessible to young rural women.

In addition to recommending that youth workers and domestic violence workers increase their understanding of intimate partner violence, the report also highlights the need for greater systemic-level reform.

“A whole-of-community approach that addresses the drivers of violence against women is needed to support long-term, positive, change,” the report insisted.

Australia-wide studies indicate that higher proportions of rural women have experienced intimate partner violence than their urban counterparts.

However, most research capturing women’s experiences of family violence in Australia have predominantly drawn on the lived experiences of women from metropolitan regions.

Page last updated Tuesday, September 24 2019


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Gender Diverse People Exposed to Higher Rates of Sexual Violence

Gender Diverse People Exposed to Higher Rates of Sexual Violence

Tuesday 17 September 2019

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new report launched today at the Australasian Sexual Health Conference has revealed trans and gender-diverse Australians experience higher rates of sexual violence and coercion than their cisgender counterparts.

Among the 1,613 trans and gender-diverse participants who responded to the 2018 Australian Trans and Gender Diverse Sexual Health Survey, more than half had experienced sexual violence or coercion at some point in their lives. This rate of abuse is four times higher than that of the general population.

Almost 70% of those victim survivors experienced repeated episodes of abuse, compared to 45% of the general population.

The online survey was hosted by the Kirby Institute at the University of New South Wales and conducted in collaboration with community advocates, clinicians and researchers from across Australia.

It represents the first national piece of research in Australia exploring the topics of sex and romance as experienced by trans and gender-diverse communities.

Survey participants were asked a diverse array of questions on subjects related to their sexual health and wellbeing, including dating, sex, sexual health care, sexual violence and coercion, pleasure, relationship satisfaction and marriage.

The report also found that trans and gender-diverse participants assigned female at birth were more likely to experience sexual violence than those assigned male (61.8% versus 39.3%). Trans women were the least likely to report sexual violence, although their rate of abuse (36%) was still almost double that of the general population.

The report also shed light on some harmful assumptions being made by Australia’s healthcare services and providers in regards to the gender, bodies and sex lives of trans and gender-diverse individuals.

More than half of the survey respondents reported experiencing insensitive sexual healthcare at some point in their lives; ranging from issues such as not having appropriate gender options on forms to inappropriate touching and invasive questions.

This research represents the largest survey on Australia’s trans and gender-diverse community conducted to date.

Page last updated Tuesday, September 17 2019


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New Victorian Crime Data Shows Spike in Reported Family Incidents

New Victorian Crime Data Shows Spike in Reported Family Incidents

Tuesday, 17 September 2019

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The most recently launched batch of crime data by the Crime Statistics Agency has captured a sharp increase in Victoria’s domestic violence offences.

Drawing on Victoria Police data, the agency found that during the 2018/19 financial year the total number of recorded family incidents climbed to 82,652 across the state; representing an 8.6% increase on last year’s documented incidents.

A child was recorded as present in nearly one third (31.17%) of these incidents.

Family incidents are constituted by any event attended by Victoria Police where a Victoria Police Risk Assessment and Risk Management Report was completed and recorded on LEAP.

Chief statistician, Fiona Dowsley, told The Age that the overall rise in incidents could be partially explained by more people reporting family violence this year.

In a report by the ABC, Victoria Police Deputy Commissioner Shane Patton suggested that an increase in police resources devoted to investigating domestic violence could also explain the increase.

The new dataset also provides powerful insight into the geographical spread of family violence across the state and the gendered dynamics of family violence.

This financial year Latrobe recorded the highest rate of incident reports  (3,466.0 per 100,000 population) among all police and local government regions, shortly followed by East Gippsland (3,457.4 per 100,000) and Mildura (3,220.4 per 100,00). 

In the last 12 months, 74.8% (61,826) of the 82,653 family members affected by family incidents were female and 25.0% (20,691) were male.

Overall, Victoria’s average rate of family incidents increased by 6.4% since last year, reaching an average rate of 1253.1 incidents per 100,000 people.

The Crime Statistics Agency publishes recorded crime statistics every quarter.

Page last updated Tuesday, September 17 2019


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Family Violence Reporting Tool Goes Live Across Victoria

Family Violence Reporting Tool Goes Live Across Victoria

Tuesday 27 August 2019

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On the 14th of August 2019, Victoria saw the launch of a new family violence reporting tool for frontline police officers, designed to foster timelier and more accurate incident reporting.

The reporting tool, a mobile application, will provide Victoria police officers with increased guidance through risk assessment and management processes while working in the field.

The app equips police with more targeted questions to ask when conducting risk assessments. It can also swiftly assess the likelihood of reported violence escalating within the next 12 months.

Coinciding with the launch, over 9,500 iPads and iPhones have been issued to officers across the state.

The development and launch of the app delivers on one of 277 recommendations from the Royal Commission into Family Violence.

On average, police respond to a family violence incident every seven minutes in Victoria.

Page last updated Tuesday, August 27 2019


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Fourth Action Plan Endorsed by Council of Australian Governments

Fourth Action Plan Endorsed by Council of Australian Governments

Monday 26 August 2019

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On the 9th of August 2019, The Council of Australian Governments endorsed the fourth and final action plan of the National Plan to Reduce Violence against Women and their Children 2010-2022.

Informed by stakeholder feedback from over 600 individuals and 400 organisations plus evidence and data gathered through the Third Action Plan, the Fourth Action Plan strives to “improve existing initiatives, address gaps in previous action plans, and provide a platform for future policy to reduce domestic, family and sexual violence.”

The Fourth Action Plan’s agenda is comprised of five national priority areas, including:

  • Primary prevention
  • Supporting Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women and their children
  • Respecting and responding to the diverse lived experience and knowledge of women and their children affected by violence
  • Responding to sexual violence and sexual harassment
  • Improving support and service system responses.

In these coming months, the Commonwealth, state and territory governments will work together to develop a national implementation plan, specifying how the Fourth Action Plan’s priorities will be delivered, monitored and evaluated.

Some grants under the Fourth Action Plan are now open for application and can be found on the Community Grants Hub website and the Grant Connect website.

To view the Fourth Action Plan, click here.

Page last updated Monday, August 26 2019


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New Victoria Police Family Violence Report

New Victoria Police Family Violence Report

Wednesday 10 July 2019

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Victoria Police have provided the following information about their new Family Violence Report:

A new Victoria Police Family Violence Report (FVR) will be live across Victoria from 22 July 2019

Supported by the most in-depth family violence education ever for frontline members, the FVR (still recorded on a Form L17) is a significant change to police practice.

Much more than a ‘report’, it’s a thorough, validated family violence risk assessment and risk management tool which has been trialled and evaluated over the last two and a half years.

It includes a scored component which gives frontline members the kind of objective direction for managing family violence risk that was sought by many of those who made submissions to the FV Royal Commission. High risk cases are managed by specialist detectives in FV Investigation Units (FVIUs).

The FVR includes a number of direct questions that allow victims to choose to identify with communities of meaning to them to inform referrals and/or a need for specialist assistance to help parties participate in the police process.

Members can also now choose to complete the FVR on mobile devices which helps victims get help from referral agencies more quickly.

Detailed information for stakeholders, including how the FVR links to the MARAM, have been sent out for distribution through government agencies and peak bodies for service agencies. If you haven’t received it please contact and Victoria Police will send you one.

Page last updated Wednesday, July 10 2019


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A new statutory authority for preventing family violence in Victoria

A new statutory authority for preventing family violence in Victoria

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As a result of the Prevention of Family Violence Act 2018, a new independent statutory authority, Respect Victoria, was founded to focus on the prevention of family violence in Victoria. We interviewed Respect Victoria CEO Tracey Gaudry and Our Watch CEO Patty Kinnersly about the possibilities of this new body.

Respect Victoria is the first agency solely devoted to preventing family violence and violence against women in Victoria. What are the priorities for this exciting new statutory authority?

Tracey Gaudry: Primary prevention is our number one priority – that is, to prevent all forms of family violence and violence against women before it starts. With the recent launch of our four-year strategic plan on 29 March, we’re aware that a change of this magnitude can take generations to achieve, but we’re in it for the long haul and more than that, we’re hopeful that our vison will be realised – that all people are safe, equal and respected, and free from all forms of family violence and violence against women. By coordinating and galvanising the prevention efforts that have come before Respect Victoria, a key part of our work is educating the community about the drivers of family violence. Most notably, helping people understand the role gender inequality plays in perpetuating the attitudes and social norms that have contributed to a culture where family violence remains hidden, and in many cases, often until it’s too late.

Family violence is an incredibly complicated issue, and many people see it as the consequence of an unhealthy relationship. As we know, there’s victim blaming and a whole host of blinkered attitudes that can prevent people from absorbing the bigger picture, and that can include discrimination based upon sex, gender and race. We’re committed to bringing the community at large along the prevention journey. We’ll do this by using evidence-informed research, lived experiences and the proven societal benefits of respect and equality to demonstrate how men, women, young people, everyone can contribute to making Victoria a safer, more equitable place to live.

How does Respect Victoria differ from Our Watch?

Patty Kinnersly: A really important key difference between these two agencies is that Respect Victoria is devoted to preventing family violence and violence against women. Our Watch was established in 2013 to drive nationwide change in the structures, norms and practices that underpin violence against women. Whilst there is significant overlap, Respect Victoria has a broader remit.

The other key difference is that Our Watch has national responsibility and works with state and territory governments (including Victoria) and receives funding from almost all state and territory governments.

What possibilities does Respect Victoria bring for Victoria’s prevention sector?

Tracey Gaudry: The possibilities for Respect Victoria are endless. As a new statutory authority, we’re on a steep establishment and development curve. Our focus is to cultivate relationships with leaders in primary prevention, to consult widely and build our research arm. In the six months since Respect Victoria’s inception, we have been thrilled with the results of our flagship ‘Call It Out’ campaign, and more recently, the response to Respect Victoria’s first strategic plan.

While there is some research into the attitudes, practices and power relations that drive family violence, there is still a lot to be done, and Respect Victoria aims to fill this gap with the support of government, our colleagues and partners. We’ll be engaging with workplaces, industry, sport, the arts, media, community organisations and others. Respect Victoria will also undertake and disseminate research into the drivers of all forms of family violence and violence against women. Using this research, we’ll be developing and promoting best practice primary prevention for government, industry, organisations and communities, and we’ll be providing advice about what programs work and where investment should be placed.

Informed by research and evidence, we’ll be leading social marketing campaigns and engaging with stakeholders across multiple sectors to build a culture of respect for all Victorians.

Patty Kinnersly: Addressing the underlying drivers of violence against women and family violence is an enormous task, the more hands and minds dedicated to that task, the closer we will be to a future where women and children can live without fear of violence.

Respect Victoria will also provide a central leadership organisation for Victoria that will provide clarity about what’s needed for prevention work, give good advice to government, and advance important work to advance knowledge about the drivers of family violence (broader than gendered violence against women).

Victoria’s decision to invest both in its work with Our Watch and in establishing Respect Victoria shows that this state is genuinely committed to ending violence against women and their children, and demonstrates an appreciation of the fact that addressing gender inequality is the only true long-term solution to this terrible problem.

This article features in the April 2019 edition of DVRCV Advocate.


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Top Advocate Appointed As Victims Of Crime Commissioner

Top Advocate Appointed As Victims Of Crime Commissioner

Thursday 13 June 2019

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A leading advocate for women and children at risk of family violence has been appointed as Victoria’s new Victims of Crime Commissioner.

Minster for Victim Support Ben Carroll today announced that Fiona McCormack, former CEO of Domestic Violence Victoria, will serve as the new Commissioner from 8 July 2019.

Ms McCormack has more than 20 years’ experience working with communities and governments to improve outcomes for women and children at risk of family violence.

The Victims of Crime Commissioner is an independent and central point of contact for victims of violent crime who have experienced difficulties in their dealings with the justice system and government agencies.

The Commissioner also acts as a voice for victims of crime in the justice system and advocates on their behalf to government, public prosecution agencies and Victoria Police.

The expanded powers give the Commissioner the ability to review the outcome of a victim’s complaint under the Victims Charter Act, as well as making recommendations to improve the practices of relevant agencies. The Commissioner’s expanded monitoring, oversight and reporting functions come into effect in November.

Page last updated Thursday, June 13 2019


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Striving towards once-in-a-lifetime reform

Striving towards once-in-a-lifetime reform

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Victorian Minister for Prevention of Family Violence Gabrielle Williams and DVRCV CEO Emily Maguire reflect on the progress towards implementing the recommendations of the Royal Commission into Family Violence.

We’re about halfway through the Family Violence Rolling Action Plan 2017–­2020, how do you think the sector reform is tracking towards achieving the stated outcomes?

Minister Williams:

The sector should feel very proud of the work already done. Creating sustained, long-term and systemic reform is extremely challenging.

Our commitment to prevent family violence is enshrined in legislation through the establishment of Respect Victoria. We have rolled out five of the Orange Doors – providing a single entry point for victim survivors of family violence – and intend to have the remaining 12 operational by 2021.

We are driving an understanding of the link between gender inequality and family violence through our mass behaviour change campaigns. The second of these, Respect Women – Call it Out, has reached 5.2 million Victorians.

Emily Maguire:

Given the scale of the task and the depth of change, I think the reforms are tracking quite well across the state. The level of commitment we have around ending family violence across politics, the public and a wide range of sectors involved in these reforms is truly staggering; if we can maintain this commitment, I believe we will over time see the vision of the Royal Commission realised.

I think we’ve made progress in a lot of areas – we have strong new cross-sectoral partnerships, new prevention work is taking place across the state and more agencies than ever are seeing family violence as their core business – but as with any large-scale reform there is still lots more to do.

In the coming years it will be important to take stock of what we have achieved and learnt, and to think about what we should continue, what is still missing and what we need to improve or shift to ensure the best outcomes for women and children living with family violence.

What do you think some of the major challenges are in the reform journey over the coming years?

Minister Williams:

One of the hardest parts of reform like this is the time it takes – to not only build a system that creates behavioural change, but to see this flow through to results, in declining incidents of family violence.

It will take at least 10 years, if not more – but we know it can be done. Changes in attitudes toward drink driving took more than 20 years of sustained effort to achieve, but now they are entrenched in our lives.

Emily Maguire:

With any change comes challenges; the more we understand about what these are, the more we can plan and work together to address them.

Some of the challenges are about the people and the organisations doing the work; maintaining the pace and level of work required in a reform environment, increasing the pool of skilled prevention and response practitioners to do this work, and finding a balance between engaging with long-term reforms and maintaining the day-to-day work of organisations are joint challenges we all face.

Other challenges are more structural or theoretical; trying to coordinate a reform this complex and nuanced; bringing together differing theoretical frameworks and ensuring that the needs of women, young people, children and men are addressed in the intersections of these frameworks, and ensuring that every piece of work remains true to the intent and vision of the Royal Commission.

Whilst the challenges are significant, the depth of commitment from everyone involved will mean we can continue to work through these challenges as the reforms progress.

What is most inspiring or exciting about your work and/or the reform journey at the moment?

Minister Williams:

The most inspiring part of the work for me is how those with lived experience of family violence are guiding these reforms and how incredibly resilient they are.

Working with the Victim Survivors’ Advisory Council – set up by government in 2014 and chaired by Rosie Batty – is an absolute privilege, and the Council’s direct advice to government has been crucial to our progress so far.

It’s also exciting to help shape a global movement of change. We in Victoria are leading the world with this work.

Still so far to go – but never forget the big steps forward that are already taking us on that journey.

Emily Maguire:

There are three things in particular that help keep me inspired in my work.

The first is the opportunity to be a part of once-in-a-lifetime change for an issue I care so passionately about.

The second is the people I work with – the team at DVRCV, my colleagues across the not-for-profit sector and government alike – all of us have different roles, but the passion, intelligence and commitment of the people I work alongside is inspiring.

And the third is the victim survivors who, I hope, will be the ultimate beneficiaries of these reforms. Being a part of creating a world where women and their children are safe, and where all people are able to engage in healthy and respectful relationships, is what drives so many of us in this sector.

This article features in the April 2019 edition of DVRCV Advocate.


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Building cross-sector collaboration to prevent family violence

Building cross-sector collaboration to prevent family violence

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Susan George is an AOD (alcohol and other drugs) Specialist Family Violence Adviser (SFVA), auspiced by Odyssey House Victoria (OHV), building capacity for family violence assessment and response to all AOD service providers in the western metropolitan catchments. We spoke to Susan about the challenges and opportunities of her role.

Tell us about your role in AOD services in the western metropolitan catchments.

The Specialist Family Violence Advisor program was established in response to recommendations of the Royal Commission into Family Violence to build capacity through improving early identification and intervention to family violence by the AOD and mental health sectors. The program aims to strengthen inter-sector and cross-service coordination and collaboration, moving towards integrated and consistent responses to family violence.

What needs to be considered in the AOD context for Specialist Family Violence Advisors?

The AOD sector responds both to those experiencing and using family violence.

There is scope to consider the potential barriers for women attending AOD services, as currently the majority of clients accessing AOD services are men. Western Health – Drug Health Services have a women-specific AOD day rehabilitation program which includes addressing family violence. However, many AOD clients who have partners using violence may not be accessing specialist family violence services out of fear that their help-seeking might be used against them, both by the perpetrator and by the service system.

The large number of men accessing AOD services also provides an opportunity to further develop understandings and leadership within the AOD sector, particularly regarding developing non-collusive practice in how to raise respectful accountability questions with those who perpetrate violence.

Cross-sector collaboration can also provide an important opportunity to bring AOD and mental health knowledge back into the family violence sector, improving access and support to those who also have AOD and mental health needs. Coordinated and systemic partnerships are integral to building comprehensive risk assessment and interventions.

What are the challenges and opportunities working as a family violence specialist in the AOD sector?

Building collaboration across the sectors will require deconstructing past siloed approaches that may have existed across specialist sectors. This cross-sector work also brings opportunities to improve responses, skills and understanding of family violence for all sectors, including family violence, AOD and mental health. At a systemic macro level, this includes opportunities to improve referral pathways, develop secondary consultation systems, and offer co-case management. Developing skills and practices to avoid collusion and improving respectful responses with those who use violence creates interventions that generate individual and community accountability. Improving these responses would also assist in prioritising the safety of families who are experiencing family violence.

Another important opportunity is engagement with criminalised women, who are often identified as being ‘high risk of lethality’ through the RAMP specialist family violence program, and AOD services may be the only supports they are actively engaged with.

What are the benefits of having specialist practitioners in organisations outside the family violence sector?

Being located in an AOD organisation external to the family violence sector facilitates incidental family violence consultations and the establishment of secondary consultation systems. My attendance at AOD clinical reviews and team meetings prompts a focus on family violence, providing opportunities for practitioners to develop a family violence lens and increasing their capacity to identify family violence risk, navigate referral pathways and undertake safety planning.

Another significant benefit is the opportunity to identify AOD practitioners who have an interest in and commitment to addressing family violence. Mentoring opportunities can be developed for those practitioners, and their involvement and expertise utilised to establish capacity-building activities within their teams/services. This can help to effect systemic change and build capacity to support improved responses to family violence.

If you could improve the way that Specialist Family Violence Advisors work in other services, what would you do?

It seems essential to me that Phase 2 of the AOD and mental health Specialist Family Violence Advisor program has a coordination infrastructure across Victoria. Encouraging the sharing of information and strategies amongst advisors would facilitate the systemic changes that advisors have been tasked to implement, including breaking down barriers and bridging identified gaps in service and sector responses across the family violence, AOD and mental health sectors.

This article features in the April 2019 edition of DVRCV Advocate.


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MARAM Training

MARAM Training

Monday, 29 April 2019

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The Common Risk Assessment Framework (CRAF) has been redeveloped into the Family Violence Multi-Agency Risk Assessment and Management Framework (MARAM) to address the issues identified by the Royal Commission into Family Violence.

There are five MARAM training modules targeted to each tier of prescribed organisations. Training will be progressively available through 2019. Domestic Violence Resource Centre Victoria will commence delivery of MARAM Leading Alignment for senior leaders and Comprehensive Renewing Practice training for specialist workforces from 7 May 2019.

Registrations for MARAM Leading Alignment and Comprehensive Renewing Practice opens on 29 April 2019 and will be available via DVRCV’s website.

The remaining MARAM training modules including “Brief and Intermediate and Screening and Identification” are being tailored and delivered via relevant departments to ensure consistency with different workforce approaches to MARAM.

More information about MARAM training

Page last updated Monday, April 29 2019


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Everybody Matters – A Family Violence System Supporting All

Everybody Matters – A Family Violence System Supporting All

Friday 5 April 2019

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Minister for Health Gabrielle Williams today launched a 10-year inclusion and equity statement to ensure Victoria’s family violence system supports all Victorians.

The world-first statement was a key response to the Royal Commission into Family Violence, which found that people from diverse communities can be at greater risk of family violence and face extra barriers to getting help.

The Everybody Matters: Inclusion and Equity Statement will guide a more inclusive, safe and responsive system for more people, regardless of gender, ability, sexual orientation, sex, ethnicity, religion, age or mental health.

Women with disabilities are more likely to experience violence, while 87 per cent of female prisoners in Victoria have experienced physical, sexual or emotional abuse as an adult.

In 2016-17, 10.2 per cent of victims in Victoria Police family violence incidents were young people aged 17 or younger. Aboriginal women are 45 times more likely to experience violence than other women.

Older people, people from multicultural communities, LGBTIQ communities, and people with mental health issues can also experience family violence in unique ways, and often face unique and multiple challenges to getting help.

The new Statement calls for everybody in the family violence system – workers, service organisation leaders and those with experience of family violence – to challenge the system and strive for change that delivers choice for all.

The Statement has been produced after extensive consultation with a range of stakeholders, including people with experience of family violence.

Page last updated Friday, April 5 2019


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Peak bodies respond to the second annual report from the Family Violence Reform Implementation Monitor

Peak bodies respond to the second annual report from the Family Violence Reform Implementation Monitor

Tuesday 19 March 2019

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Read the second Annual Report

The Centre for Excellence in Child and Family Welfare, No to Violence, and Domestic Violence Victoria – the statewide peak bodies for integrated family services, specialist family violence services for perpetrators and specialist family violence services for victim survivors – welcome the Family Violence Reform Implementation Monitor’s second annual report released yesterday.

The peak bodies echo the Monitor’s call for a systemic and coordinated approach to the design and implementation of the family violence reforms. It is our view that now is an opportune time for the Victorian Government to focus on rethinking governance and planning mechanisms, without which the successful implementation of the reforms and a clear vision for future systems are jeopardised.

We agree with the Monitor’s assessment of the design and establishment of the Support and Safety Hubs, and emphasise the importance of learning from the rushed establishment of the first five Hub sites and subsequent challenges, to ensure that victim survivors across Victoria, including children, receive a consistently safe service, focused on addressing family violence risk and safeguarding child well-being. More needs to be done to bring those who use violence into the view of the system in order to be offered interventions that support behaviour change, accountability, and safety.

Interim CEO of Domestic Violence Victoria Sandie de Wolf said today, ‘This report provides us all with a valuable opportunity to reflect on how much has already been achieved and how we use the learnings to continually adapt and improve our system design, policies and practices.’

Deb Tsorbaris, CEO of the Centre for Excellence in Family Welfare, has stated today, ‘There are many positives in this report, but we know that the Hubs need to be better connected with – and funded alongside – early years programs, primary prevention programs, integrated family services, and supporting the voices of victim survivors.’

Jacqui Watt, CEO of No to Violence, says, “We recognise the importance of developing and maintaining robust workforces across government and community agencies to deliver on this reform. We encourage a more nuanced and targeted approach to perpetrator accountability and engagement throughout our efforts, to enable the safety of women and children”.

We congratulate and thank Tim Cartwright for his diligence, capacity to listen, and commitment to prioritising the interests and voices of victim survivors in his role as Victoria’s first Family Violence Reform Implementation Monitor.

We also commend the Andrews Government on their commitment to independent oversight of these landmark family violence reforms.

We acknowledge the efforts and investment Family Safety Victoria and other government agencies have made to the reform implementation.

The Centre for Excellence in Child and Family Welfare, No to Violence, and Domestic Violence Victoria look forward to continuing to work with government, departments, victim survivors, and our colleagues to realise the hopes we all share for this critical reform.

Page last updated Tuesday, March 19 2019


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New Energy Retail Protections For Victims Of Family Violence

New Energy Retail Protections For Victims Of Family Violence

Tuesday, 19 March 2019

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Energy retailers will be required to recognise family violence as a form of financial difficulty and consider this before pursuing debt, with an updated retail code planned to protect the rights of affected customers.

The Essential Services Commission has released a draft of the proposed new Energy Retail Code code after the Royal Commission into Family Violence found that essential services could be used to coerce other people – by putting a service into a victim’s name without their knowledge or consent, or obtaining contact details of a joint account holder from a provider.

The proposed Code would require retailers to have a family violence policy and new standards of conduct to boost protections, with better training for staff and improved account security and debt management practices.

Feedback from energy retailers and family violence specialists during the Royal Commission agreed that the energy industry could create meaningful and long-term change with these new measures.

Family violence can have a significant financial toll on victim survivors, especially where the perpetrator has used access to money and debts to exert control. These changes will offer greater protection and awareness.

The updated code is set to take effect from 1 January 2020 and will reflect similar changes to the water service code made in 2018, to protect customers experiencing family violence.

Stakeholders can comment on the draft energy code at, until 16 April.

Page last updated Tuesday, March 19 2019


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How local government can help prevent violence against women

How local government can help prevent violence against women

Thursday 14th December 2017

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As recommended by the Royal Commission into Family Violence, all Victorian councils are now required to articulate how they will help reduce family violence in their community.

Recommendation 94 enshrines what many workers in the primary prevention of violence against women (PVAW) and local government sectors already know: local government is critical in driving the change needed to prevent violence against women and to embed gender equity and respect into local communities.

Councils work with people across all life stages and across a number of settings, such as health and community services, arts, sports and recreation, education and care settings and public spaces. Councils are a major employer within their municipality, providing them with a unique opportunity to embed primary prevention in their communities through civic leadership, service provision, policies, work practices and community engagement. Over the last decade, councils across Victoria have been taking action at the local level to address the drivers of violence against women as set out in the national prevention framework, Change the Story.

It would be hard to talk about prevention of violence against women in the local government space without talking to Kellie Nagle, Policy Adviser for Prevention of Violence against Women at the Municipal Association of Victoria (MAV) since 2011. The position is, in Kellie’s words, “a networking position that links councils to each other and to the broader PVAW system.”

For the last six years, Kellie has convened quarterly network meetings which attract dozens of workers from across the state to share learnings and challenges and stay up to date on primary prevention. But her role is much more than simply linking local government PVAW workers to each other. The scope of Kellie’s role has expanded since the RCFV, and Kellie’s role is now seen as a conduit for state government and other services to keep a finger on the pulse of what is happening in the PVAW space in local government.

Councils working in a deliberate and coordinated way on this issue is a relatively new development. Prior to the MAV Policy Adviser role, Kellie began her work in local government at Darebin City Council in 2007 as the Family Violence Project Coordinator where it was her role to “explore if councils had a role in family violence.” This was when Chief Commissioner Christine Nixon introduced major family violence reforms in Victoria Police, which led to a spike in reporting of violence against women. Suddenly each council had a clearer picture of the rates of family violence in their communities, and the data was sobering. VicHealth had released their ground-breaking 2004 report, The Health Costs of Violence: Measuring the burden of disease caused by intimate partner violence which found that intimate partner violence is the single greatest contributor to death, disability and illness in Victorian women between the ages of 15-44. Councils were increasingly taking notice of these developments and considering their role in the health, wellbeing and safety of the community. Kellie piloted a statewide PVAW networking project out of Darebin City Council, and two years later the Premier announced funding for the position at the MAV.

The importance of the policy adviser role for PVAW work in local government cannot be underestimated. Kellie has established links with at least one worker from all 79 councils in Victoria, and has a handful of contacts at most councils. Over the last year she has overseen ten projects funded by the Victorian Government through the Local Government PVAW Grants Program, administered by the MAV and their gender equity e-bulletin is essential reading in the prevention sector, reaching over 600 individuals, both within and outside of local government.

Impressive as these numbers are, the significance lies in the connections being formed through the network and Kellie’s role as a local government cog in the prevention sector. The position was designed to keep violence against women on the agenda of all councils, but it has also encouraged the sharing of ideas, challenges, learnings and initiatives within local government and the broader PVAW sector. Rather than reinventing the wheel, councils have been able to know and build on each other’s successes. The MAV recently launched the PVAW Promising Practice Portal, a collaborative website where councils are invited to share examples of practices, projects and plans that they have developed to support PVAW. Kellie says, “Councils are incredibly good at sharing their work with each other and they can also be quite competitive.” This combination of information sharing and competition creates a particularly useful framework for innovation and action in primary prevention.

Kellie has seen major changes in the local government sector since she began the pilot role back at Darebin City Council nearly a decade ago. “Councils’ focus has expanded from thinking in terms of response-based work into considering primary prevention and culture change”. She also says that many councils are starting to move away from awareness-raising activities on one day of the year to embedding primary prevention principles into everything they do – work practices, service provision, policies, culture and community engagement.

“Increasingly, councils are taking creative and varied action; gender equitable parenting in maternal and child health services, children’s books in libraries that resist traditional gender stereotyping…”

Increasingly, councils are taking creative and varied action; they’re implementing gender equitable parenting programs in maternal and child health services, libraries are actively featuring children’s books that resist traditional gender stereotyping, and councils are implementing programs that mentor women to run for local council. Other councils are auditing public spaces to ensure they are welcoming and accessible for women, adding sports facilities and programs to increase women’s participation in physical activity, and putting gender equity guidelines in place for anyone wanting to hire council venues. One council has even introduced a gender equitable superannuation policy that provides a higher rate of superannuation for women in acknowledgement that women retire with significantly less super than men.

“But there is so much more to be done,” says Kellie. Only three Victorian councils have a full-time dedicated PVAW or gender equity worker; most allocate this role to a staff member who has a few hours a week dedicated to PVAW-related work. In the MAV’s submission to the RCFV, it called for a gender equity development officer to be funded at every council. The MAV wants to see state government recognise the critical role local councils play in delivering on many of the Victorian PVAW strategies – and invest in the local government workforce accordingly.

But challenges aside, Kellie’s role at the MAV has ensured that there is someone taking a bird’s eye view of PVAW in local government, joining the dots and connecting the right people. It is ensuring that there is not a piecemeal approach to the work, and that the learnings made in one council are incorporated into other projects and become part of the accumulated wisdom of councils and others working in this space.

“Councils work with people across a number of life stages and settings, providing them with a unique opportunity to embed primary prevention in their communities”

More information

Visit the Municipal Association of Victoria website for more information and resources on gender equality.

To subscribe to the Prevention of Violence Against Women and Gender Equality email updates, please contact Kellie Nagle:

Read more of the December 2017 edition of The Advocate
Download this article


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MARAM and Information Sharing update

MARAM and Information Sharing update

Monday 1 October 2018

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Message from Family Safety Victoria about the FVISS, CIS and MARAM

The Family Violence Information Sharing Scheme, the Child Information Sharing Scheme and the Family Violence Multi-Agency Risk Assessment and Management Framework (MARAM) will commence on Thursday 27 September 2018.

The Victorian Government is supporting organisations to implement the reforms. The following information will help organisations with preparing for and implementing the reforms.


For the latest information and resources on the reforms, please visit the Information Sharing and MARAM website:

New integrated resources

The Victorian Government has developed a suite of integrated resources to support organisations to implement the Information Sharing Schemes and MARAM. The following resources are now available on the website

  • Module 1: Introduction to the Information Sharing Reforms and MARAM Framework.
    This video introduces and provides an overview of the three Victorian Government reforms.
  • Organisational readiness checklist 
    A checklist for organisational leaders, to determine responsibilities under both the information sharing schemes and identify policies and procedures that require updating to reflect obligations under the schemes.
  • Fact Sheet – How do the Information Sharing Schemes work together? 
    A fact sheet that highlights the differences and intersections between the Child Information Sharing Scheme and the Family Violence Information Sharing Scheme.
  • Record-keeping tips
    A fact sheet with tips for information sharing entities (ISEs), to assist them with meeting their record keeping obligations under the two Information Sharing Schemes.
  • Tips for a conversation with a child and/or parent about information sharing
    Tips and conversation prompts for ISEs, explaining the purpose of the two Information Sharing Schemes to a child and/or non-offending parent.

In addition, specific resources have been developed or updated for each of the schemes and are available on the website.

New MARAM resources

The following MARAM resources are now available on the website:

  • The MARAM Framework (Policy document)
    The MARAM Framework will support professionals across the service system to better understand their responsibilities to undertake risk assessment and management, including information sharing and working collaboratively.
  • MARAM organisational check list
    A checklist to support organisational leaders with aligning their organisational policies, procedures, practice guidance and tools to MARAM.
  • MARAM responsibilities decision guide for organisational leaders
    High-level guidance for organisational leaders on determining MARAM responsibilities.

Framework legislative instrument published

The Framework Legislative Instrument has been published in the Government Gazette:

Face-to-face training

As previously advised, the face-to-face delivery of the Information Sharing and introduction to MARAM training will commence on 8 October 2018.

The initial training will be delivered as a two-day program for a select number of priority personnel from across prescribed workforces. You will need approval from your organisation to register, as places are strictly limited.

Please visit for details on the locations and dates of the face-to- face training, including how to register.

Scheme commencement communications

An email announcing scheme commencement will be sent out on 27 September 2018. This will include contact information for the Enquiry Line for the three reforms.

The Enquiry Line will provide support and information about the operation of the information sharing schemes and MARAM to organisations and services that have been prescribed.

More information

For more information visit, or contact or

Page last updated Monday, October 1 2018


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Start date for information sharing and MARAM training

Start date for information sharing and MARAM training

Monday, 27 August 2018

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To ensure a quality training product, face-to-face training will begin on 8 October 2018, as agreed by the new Information Sharing and MARAM Steering Committee on 21 August 2018. This aligns with recent feedback from stakeholders requesting more time for implementation, including training roll out. It allows organisations to prepare and it also provides more time for priority professionals from prescribed organisations and services to register for training and make arrangements to attend. Family Safety Victoria will provide more information on training dates and registration in the coming days.

As advised previously, Phase one rollout will still commence on 27 September 2018. FSV is strongly encouraging prescribed organisations and services to read the Ministerial Guidelines for both information sharing schemes ahead of this date, to understand their obligations. Additionally, a suite of integrated implementation resources will provided by DET and FSV to support organisations and services to meet their obligations under the schemes. DJR, DHHS, DET, Courts and VicPol will also provide tailored resources for their delivered, contracted and funded services. Family Violence Information Sharing Scheme resources are already available on FSV’s website.

Page last updated Monday, August 27 2018


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Information Sharing and MARAM update

Information Sharing and MARAM update

Thursday 2 August 2018

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The next phase of the Family Violence Information Sharing (FVIS) Scheme, Child Information Sharing (CIS) Scheme and the Multi-Agency Risk Assessment and Management (MARAM) Framework reforms will now commence on Thursday 27 September 2018.

Key messages

  • the new commencement dates of the reforms is the 27 September 2018
  • existing training for FVIS Scheme will continue until 31 August 2018
  • the new integrated training schedule for all 3 reforms starts on 3 September 2018 – further advice to come about how to enrol
  • further information to come about how prescribed organisations and services will align to the MARAM Framework
  • support for implementation, including FVIS and CIS Scheme Guidelines and support material will be provided


From 27 September 2018, prescribed organisations will be required to comply with the Family Violence and Child Information Schemes, and the new MARAM Framework.

View the list of organisations and services that will be prescribed as Information Sharing Entities

Further information to prescribed organisations about alignment means to the MARAM Framework will be provided by the funding / contracting department or agency soon.


FVISS initial tranche training

FVISS training remains available for those prescribed in the FVISS initial tranche until 31 August 2018. These sessions include an introduction to the FVIS Scheme and will assist practitioners with sharing information that is relevant to family violence risk assessment and management.

In addition to initial tranche workers, the remaining sessions are now also open to workers who will be prescribed as Information Sharing Entities (ISEs) under FVIS Scheme from September 2018. As an understanding of family violence risk is required to operate effectively under the FVISS, the training is for workers who have previously completed CRAF training.

Register for Family Violence Information Sharing Scheme training

Integrated training on information sharing

Family Safety Victoria, the Department of Education and Training and the Department of Health and Human Services are jointly working towards the roll out of integrated workforce training on the information sharing schemes.

From 3 September 2018, the integrated training package, covering the two information sharing schemes and foundational MARAM Framework content will progressively roll out. Initially, the program will be provided as two-day, face-to-face training in 17 locations across Victoria. It will target approximately 4000 ‘priority’ personnel across all prescribed Phase 1 workforces.

In addition to the face-to-face option, the same package will be available in modular form via e-learn from 3 September 2018.  Customised modules are also being developed to meet the specific needs of affected workforces.

Relevant departments will contact organisations about the allocation of prioritised learning places, locational options, timing and advice on how to enrol by mid-August 2018.

MARAM Framework training – coming later this year

In-depth training in the MARAM Framework will be available later this year and will continue throughout 2019. Delivery of this training will complement the integrated training. While the integrated training focuses on information sharing, with some context from the MARAM Framework, the in-depth MARAM training will have a deeper focus on risk assessment and management, and how to embed the Framework into organisational practice.

In the meantime, professionals are encouraged to continue improving their family violence risk assessment capabilities through existing CRAF training.

Organisational readiness

Organisations and services prescribed as information sharing entities should update their policies and procedures to reflect their responsibilities under the new information sharing reforms. This includes communicating to staff about who is appropriately authorised to share information on behalf of the organisation or service.  That is, organisations and services will need to consider what staff should be authorised to share information (in relation to family violence risk assessment and management and child wellbeing and safety), based on their functions and role.

Implementation support

Family Safety Victoria, the Department of Education and Training and the Department of Health and Human Services are developing guidance and materials to support organisations to implement these three integrated reforms.

There is a range of FVISS resources including:

  • the Ministerial Guidelines
  • flow chart
  • guides on how to share information
  • process checklists for making and responding to requests
  • consent forms for adult victim survivors
  • model conversations.

The Ministerial Guidelines for the CIS Scheme and support materials including organisational and practice guidance will be made available on the Victorian Government’s Child Information Sharing website from late August 2018.

The MARAM Framework will be supported by a suite of risk assessment tools and operational practice guidance. These materials are currently in development.   Further guidance and advice to assist organisations to align to the MARAM Framework will be provided by Family Safety Victoria and funding/contracting departments/agencies later this year.

Further information

More information about the CIS Scheme

Page last updated Thursday, August 2 2018


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Information sharing and risk assessment consultations

Information sharing and risk assessment consultations

Thursday 28 June 2018

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The Victorian Government is holding public consultations for key documents related to the Child Information Sharing (CIS) Scheme, the Family Violence Information Sharing (FVIS) Scheme, and the redeveloped family violence risk assessment and risk management framework.

The CIS Scheme Ministerial Guidelines will be available from the week commencing 28 May 2018 and will close in the week of 25 June 2018.

The FVIS Scheme and the redeveloped Framework public consultation materials will be available on the Victorian Government Family Violence website from 12 June 2018. Consultation closes on 10 July 2018.

Members can take part in government consultations by responding to the survey on the Engage Victoria website and registering for metropolitan and regional consultations.

Click here to participate

For queries regarding government consultation, please contact:
FVIS Scheme & Risk Assessment

Page last updated Thursday, June 28 2018


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New Laws to Support Family Violence Victim Survivors

New Laws to Support Family Violence Victim Survivors

Tuesday, 12 June 2018

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New laws introduced on 5th June will allow victim survivors of family violence to provide recorded statements via body-worn cameras.

The Justice Legislation Amendment (Family Violence Protection and Other Matters) Bill 2018 will allow for a recorded statement taken by police at family violence incidents – at trial sites in Epping and Ballarat – to be used as evidence in court.

The reforms will deliver on a key recommendation from the Royal Commission into Family Violence for a trial of the cameras supported by any necessary change to the law.

The Bill will also allow victim survivors to file family violence intervention order applications online by making a formal declaration of truth.

For the first time, courts will also be able to make interim family violence intervention orders on their own motion at any point during the criminal process, such as during bail hearings, committal hearings, during a trial, at sentencing, and on appeal.

This will allow the courts to act immediately to manage any risk to a victim’s safety based on material emerging from the proceedings, and may ease the need for victim survivors to apply for an interim order.

The reforms will also expand the examples set out in the Family Violence Protection Act 2008 to include dowry-related abuse and forced marriage as examples of family violence.


Page last updated Tuesday, June 12 2018


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Fines Victoria’s New Family Violence Scheme

Fines Victoria’s New Family Violence Scheme

Monday 7 May 2018

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Fines Victoria’s new Family Violence Scheme commenced at the start of this year to support people affected by family violence within the fines system. The scheme allows victim survivors to apply to have their infringement fines withdrawn if family violence substantially contributed to the offence or it is not safe for them to name the responsible person.

To access the Family Violence Scheme, a person must:

  • have been issued with an infringement notice, and
  • show they were a victim survivor of family violence, and
  • show that the family violence substantially contributed to the person: committing the offence; or not being able to nominate the driver that committed the offence in a car registered to the victim.

Further information about the Family Violence Scheme and how to apply is available at

Page last updated Monday, May 7 2018


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Recommendation 209: mandatory qualifications for specialist FV practitioners

Recommendation 209: mandatory qualifications for specialist FV practitioners

Monday 7 May 2018

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The Royal Commission into Family Violence called for the introduction of mandatory qualifications for specialist family violence practitioners (recommendation 209). The Royal Commission recommended that family violence practitioners be required to hold a social work or equivalent degree no later than 31 December 2020.

The Victorian Government announced in Building from Strength: 10-Year Industry Plan for Family Violence Prevention and Response that the existing workforce will be exempt from the minimum requirement. This approach recognises the skills, knowledge and professional experience of the existing specialist family violence workforce, and is in line with the Royal Commission’s suggestions for implementing the recommendation.

Building from Strength also acknowledged the complexity of introducing a minimum entry standard for the specialist family violence sector, and that careful consideration is required to prevent any negative implications for existing or future workers.

On this basis, Government will be taking more time to consider in depth how recommendation 209 can best be implemented for future workers, and when it should take effect. It is anticipated that these details will be announced in Building from Strength’s first Rolling Action Plan. Family Safety Victoria will be engaging with the sector on recommendation 209 in the lead up to the Rolling Action Plan.

Page last updated Monday, May 7 2018


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Men’s behaviour change: a new model and increased funding

Men’s behaviour change: a new model and increased funding

Thursday 29 March 2018

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Minister for Families and Children Jenny Mikakos has announced the release of a new and enhanced men’s behaviour change program model, alongside more than $9.1 million for additional places in men’s behaviour change programs and $2.3 million for men’s intake and referral services.

This investment will support the delivery of more than 4,000 community based men’s behaviour change places in 2018-19 – an increase of more than 500 places state-wide – to be delivered by 32 community organisations.

The new model, developed in consultation with No to Violence and Domestic Violence Victoria, responds to key recommendations made by the Royal Commission into Family Violence and includes:

  • Increasing behaviour change program duration from 12 to 20 weeks
  • Additional support for victim survivors and their families
  • Ensuring all family violence workers are able to share vital information with partner community services, such as specialist victims agencies
  • Greater coordination with the broader community services sector.

The Government has invested an additional $150,000 in No to Violence to help transition service providers to the new model and will support workforce development by funding 30 places in this year’s Graduate Certificate in Male Family Violence.

Page last updated Thursday, March 29 2018


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More Rapid Housing for Victims of Family Violence

More Rapid Housing for Victims of Family Violence

Thursday 29 March 2018

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Minister for Housing, Disability and Ageing Martin Foley has announced more than $4 million in new funding for the Rapid Housing Program. Under the program, homes are leased from private owners by community housing agencies, which sublet them to women and children at below market rent.

One in 10 applicants on the Victorian Housing Register priority list identifies family violence as a reason for seeking urgent housing assistance. The Rapid Housing Program focuses on areas with high incidences of family violence and offers stable accommodation for up to 12 months.

Page last updated Thursday, March 29 2018


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Temporary Migration and Family Violence Research

Temporary Migration and Family Violence Research

Thursday 29 March 2018

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A new research report, Temporary migration and family violence: An analysis of victimisation, support and vulnerability, was recently published by Monash University in partnership with inTouch Multicultural Centre Against Family Violence.

The report draws on a comprehensive review of the cases of 300 women experiencing family violence who had a temporary migration status and sought support from inTouch over 2015-16.The research documents the many ways in which migration status impacts women’s experiences of family violence and access to support, and offers recommendations towards ensuring that all women experiencing family violence are supported, regardless of their migration status.

Read more and view the full report

Page last updated Thursday, March 29 2018


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New training: Well-being, self-care and worker sustainability

New training: Well-being, self-care and worker sustainability

Thursday 22 March 2018

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Well-being, self-care and worker sustainability is essential training for Family Violence Specialists, Team Leaders and Managers, or anyone who works with family violence clients.

This one day training from DVRCV considers the needs of a sector that is experiencing unprecedented demand and rapid change and has been designed for Specialist Family Violence Practitioners in direct work and the Team Leaders and Practice Leads who support them. The training offers an opportunity to develop practical strategies and tools to assist with preserving ‘self’, while continuing to do complex and demanding work.

The day will cover the following topics:

  • Critiquing and reframing concepts of ‘self-care’, ‘worker burn-out’, and ‘compassion fatigue’.
  • Transformative nature of aligning values to the work you do to create meaning
  • Strategies for locating yourself within a broader system for change
  • How to manage the pace of change, the reforms and their impact on individual workloads
  • Develop a holistic tool to build a plan for well-being and sustainability
  • Utilising a feminist and trauma informed framework to understand the impact of the work
  • Strategies for professional and personal empowerment through the work
  • Importance of a mutual approach between worker and agency to enable support.


Page last updated Thursday, March 22 2018


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New Family Violence Information Sharing Scheme now operating in Victoria

New Family Violence Information Sharing Scheme now operating in Victoria

Thursday 1 March 2018

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The Family Violence Protection Amendment (Information Sharing) Act 2017 is now operating in Victoria.

The new Family Violence Information Sharing Scheme also enables other major reforms like the Support and Safety Hubs and Central Information Point to operate.

The Royal Commission into Family Violence and Coronial Inquest into the Death of Luke Geoffrey Batty identified barriers that prevent information about perpetrators from being shared effectively. It found the failure to share crucial information with family violence workers can have catastrophic consequences.

In response to these findings, the Labor Government introduced the Family Violence Protection Amendment (Information Sharing) Act 2017 in March last year.

The Act allows an authorised group of trusted government agencies and community service organisations to share information with each other for family violence risk assessment and risk management purposes.

The Act also removes the requirement in existing Victorian privacy legislation that a serious threat to an individual must also be imminent before information can be lawfully shared.

More than 500 practitioners and managers across priority workforces authorised under the Scheme have been trained, including women’s and men’s specialist family violence services, Child FIRST, community based Child Protection, Victoria Police, Courts Victoria and sexual assault support services.

Training will continue to be available in the coming months to ensure the new laws are implemented effectively.

Ministerial Guidelines, fact sheets and other tools relating to the new family violence legislation are available at

These reforms will align with the launch of the revised Family Violence Risk Assessment and Risk Management Framework later this year. Complimentary Child Information Sharing legislation recently passed the lower house.

Page last updated Thursday, March 1 2018


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Collaboration is at the heart of what we need

Collaboration is at the heart of what we need

Thursday 14th December 2017

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The reforms resulting from the recommendations of the Royal Commission into Family Violence are not just about change in one area.

They encompass massive, complex structural change across multiple service systems, multiple government departments and they extend family violence practice into mainstream and universal services, all of which requires considerable cultural change at a system level, an organisational level and a practitioner level.

The scale of such complex reforms requires historically siloed service systems to work in close partnership, and to do that we need time to talk about the knowledge and skills we have developed from our respective practice and theoretical frameworks, our unique perspectives and the experiences of our staff and service users.

The rapid pace of the family violence reforms has meant we haven’t always had time to have the necessary in-depth conversations about risk, safety, and cross-sectoral practice across the range of service providers who are engaged in these reforms.

The article in this issue of the Advocate on the recent Family Violence Protection (Information Sharing) Amendment Act 2017 illustrates how legislative reform can have different implications for many, depending on which sector you work in, so these conversations are vitally important to our effective collaboration.

The focus of any human services specialist, is (rightly) on the safety and wellbeing of the person sitting in front of them, but the ‘client’ will differ from service to service. A holistic approach considers people as part of a family or kinship system that can impact on the services they need.

Specialists in child and family welfare can find it difficult to work with a mother who decides to stay with an abusive partner, as they are keenly aware (as are family violence specialists) of the long-term impacts even witnessing family violence can have on a child’s development.

Specialists in family violence know from experience that a mother who chooses to remain in a violent home may be making the only decision she feels safe and able to, and – despite the violence – she is taking protective actions to ensure the safety and wellbeing of her children as best she can.

“There is enormous value in what specialists from different areas bring to each other, if we collaborate under the vision of what we have in common” said Emily Maguire, CEO of DVRCV.”

There is enormous value in what specialists from family violence, child and family welfare and universal services bring to each other’s practice, if we communicate, collaborate and lead the shared design of practice and advocacy under the vision of what we have in common.

As practitioners, our focus on the women and children we work to protect and support is so strong, and the system is designed in such a way that we can understandably lose sight of the perpetrator. A pivot in focus on perpetrators (and partnering with experts in this area) can ensure we are holding them to account in our judicial systems and therapeutic and behavioural change programs. This will also ensure that our work with women and children is informed by remembering that the harm to victims of all ages is a direct result of a father/partner making a choice to use violence against his partner or child.

Significant reforms such as those proposed by the Royal Commission can be nerve wracking, but they also have the potential to bring us new solutions that will ensure women, children and young people receive the support they need when they need it and that perpetrators are held to account and supported to change.

History suggests this challenge should be met with optimism – collaboration is in our DNA.

We know that individuals and families are multi-faceted and no single service system will meet all their needs. As our article on the Barwon CASA and Minerva Community Services merger demonstrates, overcoming the practical, theoretical and cultural obstacles of combining sexual assault and family violence services under one roof has brought enormous benefits to the women and children they support.

When it comes to partnering with government, we all want to support the government of the day to make the most practice and evidence-informed decision that they can.

Governments can’t be expected to wholly understand the minutiae of daily work in the field. Public servants and ministers require information, evidence and bottom-up sharing of real world information to design and implement these reforms, and this is as vital as the top down support we receive.

“Our advocacy to government at this point may be to ‘make haste slowly’ and heed the guidance of professionals whose knowledge comes from honed practice”

Our advocacy to government at this point may be to ‘make haste slowly’ and heed the guidance of professionals with the deep experience, skills and knowledge that only comes from honed practice in supporting the safety of women and children or long term policy/advocacy leadership in this space.

The Advocate aims to be a platform for collaboration by talking about what is happening within different service systems, giving the opportunity for everyone working within them to have a voice and providing a space for the necessary conversations about how to coordinate our efforts.

Emily Maguire | Chief Executive Officer

Read more of the December 2017 edition of The Advocate
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Universal Children’s Day and Family Violence Reform

Universal Children’s Day and Family Violence Reform

Monday 20th November 2017

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Today, the 20th of November is the Universal Children's Day. This day offers us an opportunity to reflect on the right for children to grow up in a world free from violence.

For this to be a reality, enormous changes across almost all aspects of our society is required, which will rely on the collaboration of many: government services, correction services, legislative and judicial systems, and between the service sectors that traditionally operated in more siloed ways.

We have seen some changes begin as a result of investigations, inquiries, research and royal commissions into circumstances related to children, families and family violence, and although it is never their responsibility, it is the courage of victim survivors who have spoken about their experiences that has often set that change in motion.

Last week, the Victorian parliament passed a Greens motion to start the process to expunge criminal convictions given to children in state care; until 1991, children placed in state care were charged with being in need of protection, which then appeared on police criminal history records, compounding the suffering those children experienced even further.

Many of these children would have been fleeing their home due to family violence. Protection charges of children that are conflated with criminal charges should be expunged and the systems in place to protect children who cannot find safety at home should be accountable to the care they provide. For us, this also underlines the need for women to have the financial independence and support to provide safety and protection for their children when experiencing family violence.

Women experiencing violent or abusive relationships face high financial barriers to escape. This makes leaving impossible for many, and is the motivation behind the campaign calling on the federal government and the Fair Work Commission to implement ten days of paid family and domestic violence leave for Australian workers to support victim survivors of family violence.

Like so many of the changes that have been advocated in this area, paid family violence leave would be just a first step in the ongoing change that is required to address this national emergency.

To ensure a world free from violence for every child, it is critical that the various legal, child and family welfare, educational and family violence organisations working with children and parents experiencing family violence fulfil their roles within a coordinated effort and that our common goals of keeping women and children safe guide our collaboration.


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Victoria Against Violence

Victoria Against Violence

Monday 13 November 2017

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The Victoria Against Violence (VAV) — 16 Days of Activism campaign commences on International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women 25 November 2017 and concludes on International Human Rights Day 10 December 2017.

Now in its third year, the 16 day initiative seeks to turn Victoria’s attention to the devastating impact that family violence has on the lives of so many. It brings together families, businesses, students, community centres and organisations from across the state for one common purpose: to unite to end violence against women and girls and to educate the community about the key role that gender inequality plays in causing family violence and all forms of violence against women.

Find out more and view events calendar.

Page last updated Monday, November 13 2017


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Training for healthcare workers

Training for healthcare workers

Monday 28 August 2017

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On August 25, Acting Minister for the Prevention of Family Violence Jenny Mikakos announced $10.2 million to train healthcare workers across Victoria to identify and support patients experiencing family violence.

More than 3,000 hospital staff have already received training.

The funding boost will expand that training to thousands more health workers at all 88 public health services across Victoria – giving hospitals the tools and skills to ensure family violence victims don’t fall through the gaps.

The Strengthening Hospital Responses to Family Violence initiative teaches workers to see the warning signs, respond sensitively and respectfully, and connect victims to the services and the support they need, sooner.

Read Victorian Government media release.

Page last updated Monday, August 28 2017


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MARAM sector readiness consultations

MARAM sector readiness consultations

Thursday 10 August 2017

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In response to the findings of the Royal Commission into Family Violence, the Victorian Government has committed to redeveloping the Family Violence Risk Assessment and Risk Management Framework (commonly referred to as the CRAF). The redeveloped Framework will be enabled by new information sharing laws that allow services to share information that helps them effectively assess and manage family violence risks.

To support whole-of-system embedding of the redeveloped Framework, a series of stakeholder consultations are being conducted to better understand the likely impact of reform on each service sector and inform the government’s training and change management strategies.

Family Safety Victoria are seeking to consult with the following types of staff:

  • front-line practitioners; i.e. individuals with direct client or patient contact who may have a role in identifying, assessing or managing family violence risk, including safety planning and information sharing;
  • organisational leaders and people managers with responsibility for workforce and organisational development and support.

Consultation sessions will be held with the following sectors: hospital & paramedics, community health & aged care, general practitioners, allied health, mental health & alcohol and other drug services, community housing services, DHHS housing services & homelessness services, disability services – adults & children, Specialist FV services for women and children, sexual assault services, services for people who use violence, child protection & youth justice, out of home care & Child FIRST/Family Services, Aboriginal Community Controlled Organisations, telephone helplines, legal services, corrections, Victoria Police, court staff, justice service centres, sheriffs & financial counsellors, victim support agency, schools and area based health and wellbeing staff, early childhood & early parenting centres.

Register here for a consultation session. Sessions will be limited to a maximum of 12 people.

Page last updated Thursday, August 10 2017


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Funding for LGBTI family violence specialist services

Funding for LGBTI family violence specialist services

Thursday 10 August 2017

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Minister for Equality Martin Foley has announced $3 million over four years to develop comprehensive specialist services for LGBTI Victorians who experience or are at risk of experiencing family violence. This adds to the $1 million allocated for the initiative in 2016/17.

The funding will support family violence referral, counselling and support, peer support, early intervention and perpetrator intervention programs. This work will involve secondary consultation to mainstream family violence organisations across Victoria.

Supported by the Victorian LGBTI Taskforce, the services will bring together expertise from the LGBTI and family violence sectors to provide increased support for Victoria’s LGBTI communities.

Read full media release

Page last updated Thursday, August 10 2017


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Support and Safety Hub Statewide Concept released

Support and Safety Hub Statewide Concept released

Friday 7 July 2017

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The Support and Safety Hub Statewide Concept outlines the role the hubs will have in the Victorian government’s long-term plan to end family violence in Victoria.

The establishment of the Support and Safety Hubs was a key recommendation of the Royal Commission into Family Violence.

The initial roll-out of the hubs will commence later this year across five launch sites in Barwon, Bayside Peninsula, Inner Gippsland, Mallee and North-East Melbourne areas.

The newly established Family Safety Victoria will lead the establishment of the hubs and integrate them into the existing family support network.

Page last updated Friday, July 7 2017


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New family violence agency commences

New family violence agency commences

Monday 3 July 2017

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The Support and Safety Hub Statewide Concept outlines the role the hubs will have in the Victorian government’s long-term plan to end family violence in Victoria.

The Victorian government has appointed Sue Clifford as Chief Executive Officer of its new family violence agency, Family Safety Victoria.

From 1 July, Family Safety Victoria will be responsible for driving and delivering the government’s $1.9 billion action plan to end family violence.

As Victoria’s first-ever agency dedicated solely to family violence reform, Family Safety Victoria will lead the implementation of new initiatives, including establishing the Central Information Point that will allow police, courts and government services to track perpetrators and keep victims safe.

It will also be responsible for establishing the Centre for Workforce Excellence and 17 Support and Safety Hubs across the state, to give women and children the coordinated support they need to recover.

Read the Victorian government media release.

Page last updated Monday, July 3 2017


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Family violence in an LGBTIQ context

Family violence in an LGBTIQ context

Wednesday 3rd February 2016

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Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans, Intersex and Queer (LGBTIQ) people are not only more likely to experience family violence but less likely to recognise, report and receive appropriate support in response.

Dr Kate O’Halloran presents a summary of issues arising out of submissions to the Royal Commission into Family Violence (excerpt of full article).

The recently held Royal Commission into Family Violence provided a much-needed opportunity to address gaps within the sector.

One clear issue that emerged was that, at present, family violence is treated within a binarygender model of male perpetrator and female victim, often in the context of a heterosexual relationship. As pointed out in the submission by the Victorian Gay and Lesbian Rights Lobby (VGLRL), such an approach is insufficient and ‘inappropriate in addressing domestic violence in LGBTI relationships’.

It is understandable why such a framework exists. As noted in the joint submission to the Royal Commission by Safe Steps and No To Violence (NTV): Women are at least 6 times more likely than men to be the victim of physical assault by a current or former partner, 24 times more likely than men to become homeless due to experiencing intimate partner violence; and a woman’s experience of intimate partner violence is associated with substantially more fear and severity than men’s.

Accordingly, and in practice, most mainstream services adopt a feminist approach that insists that family violence is rooted in patriarchal and systemic gendered inequality. Often, however, this defaults to an exclusive focus on heterosexual intimate partner violence that, according to the VGLRL submission, results in ‘LGBTI groups being rendered invisible’. Crucially, this means that ‘some people in abusive relationships will not recognise it as such and therefore may not seek help’.

The barriers towards appropriately addressing family violence in an LGBTIQ context are numerous. They begin with limited statistical data on the prevalence of such violence. Data collected by mainstream services at national and state level on intimate partner violence ‘omits sexuality indicators, making it very difficult for researchers and policy makers to consider evidence for, and design programs in response to, issues affecting GLBT populations’ (ACON 2011).

What data has specifically been collected on the LGBTIQ community, however, suggests that rates of intimate partner violence are either equal to, or higher than, those of family violence between non-LGBTIQ people (ACON 2009).


This is an excerpt from the full article that was published in the spring/summer 2015 edition of DVRCV Advocate.

Dr Kate O’Halloran is a trainer at DVRCV.  


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Risk assessment at the Royal Commission

Risk assessment at the Royal Commission

Monday 18th January 2016

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The Royal Commission into Family Violence has created an unprecedented opportunity to examine how Victoria’s response to family violence can be improved. DVRCV’s Libby Eltringham summarises the Commission’s inquiries into risk assessment and risk management (excerpt of full article).

DVRCV’s submission to the Royal Commission included a comprehensive list of recommendations covering prevention, early intervention and response.

One specific area of focus was about the need to ‘embed a universal risk assessment and risk management framework’ in Victoria using the Family Violence Risk Assessment and Risk Management Framework (CRAF) as the foundation.

Released in 2007, CRAF is now the central tool for assessing and responding to family violence risk across different sectors and settings in Victoria. It serves as one of the most significant pieces of collaborative work to reduce family violence harm in the state.  CRAF was also critical to the development of an integrated family violence system in Victoria.

The Framework adopts a ‘structured professional judgement’ approach that combines three elements to determine the level of risk:

  • the victim’s own assessment of their level of risk
  • evidence-based risk indicators
  • the practitioner’s professional judgement.

In 2008 DVRCV, together with Swinburne University and No To Violence, was contracted to develop and deliver CRAF training programs and materials. Since that time, DVRCV has delivered, or co-delivered, CRAF training to over 6,500 Victorian service providers. In doing so, DVRCV trainers and others have identified gaps in the Framework, challenges around its use, and issues connected to the training and roll-out of CRAF. Our submission detailed those gaps and challenges, and called for a comprehensive review of CRAF.


This is an excerpt from the full article that was published in the spring/summer 2015 edition of DVRCV Advocate.

Libby Eltringham is the Policy and Legal Worker at DVRCV. 


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Family violence in Aboriginal communities

Family violence in Aboriginal communities

Monday 18th January 2016

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Family violence impacts on Aboriginal people at vastly disproportionate rates and has devastating effects on Victorian Aboriginal communities. This is an extract from the Aboriginal Family Violence Prevention and Legal Service (FVPLS Victoria) submission to the Victorian Royal Commission into Family Violence.

Aboriginal women are 34 times more likely to be hospitalised from family violence [1] and almost 11 times more likely to be killed as a result of violent assault.[2] Aboriginal women have been identified as the most legally disadvantaged group in Australia.[3]

Tragically, family violence against Victorian Aboriginal people appears to be escalating. Across Victoria, police reports of family violence against Aboriginal people (predominantly women and children) have tripled in less than a decade.[4]

This is despite evidence that the majority of family violence incidents go unreported and the reality that Aboriginal women are markedly less likely to disclose family violence due to a multitude of complex barriers.[5]

Family violence is complex and the issues our clients face are complex. Our clients live with intergenerational trauma, removal of children, discrimination, poverty, mental health issues, family violence-driven housing instability and homelessness, disability, lower levels of literacy and numeracy, as well as a range of other cultural, legal and non-legal issues.

There are multiple complex and diverse factors contributing to the high levels and severity of family violence in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities. It must be clearly understood that the causes do not derive from Aboriginal culture. Family violence is not part of Aboriginal culture. However, the disadvantage, dispossession and attempted destruction of Aboriginal cultures since colonisation have meant that family violence has proliferated in Aboriginal communities.

This does not, however, mean that family violence affecting Aboriginal victims/survivors, predominantly women and children, is exclusively the domain of Aboriginal communities—or that all perpetrators of violence against Aboriginal women are Aboriginal men. There is insufficient data on the Aboriginality of perpetrators and FVPLS Victoria routinely sees Aboriginal clients, mostly women, who experience family violence at the hands of men from a range of different backgrounds and cultures, Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal. The only certainty in the existing data is that Aboriginal women are at disproportionately higher risk of family violence.


This is an excerpt from the full article that was published in the spring/summer 2015 edition of DVRCV Advocate.


1. The Australian Productivity Commission (2014) Overcoming Indigenous Disadvantage—Key Indicators 2014, 4.93 table 4A.11.22

2. Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (2006) Family Violence Among Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, Cat. no. IHW 17, p.71

3. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Commission (ATSIC) (2003) Submission to the Senate Legal and Constitutional References Committee, Parliament of Australia, Inquiry into Legal Aid and Access to Justice, 13 November 2003, p.4

4. Victorian Auditor-General (2014) Victorian Auditor-General’s Report: Accessibility of Mainstream Services for Aboriginal Victorians, p.57

5. Matthew Willis (2011) ‘Non-disclosure of violence in Australian Indigenous communities’, Trends & issues in crime and criminal justice, No. 405


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Family violence risk assessment falling short

Family violence risk assessment falling short

Tuesday 29th September 2015

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Last year’s coronial inquest into Luke Batty’s death was a rare opportunity to examine the systems that Rosie Batty was in contact with as she sought help to protect herself and to keep Luke safe, and how these systems can be improved to prevent this type of tragic event from happening again.

The findings from Luke’s inquest, handed down by State Coroner Judge Ian Gray on 28 September 2015, have highlighted the critical need to improve the way that family violence risk, and the risk of filicide in the context of family violence, is assessed and managed across the service system.

Despite a long and documented history of violence and abuse by Greg Anderson towards Rosie, as well as her contact with multiple services, Judge Gray noted the systems failure to engage with Greg Anderson. The responsibility to protect Luke was largely borne by Rosie. Luke’s death is a tragic example of what can happen in a system where risk of domestic homicide and family violence harm is not assessed and managed consistently and rigorously across sectors. There is no question: the system needs to change.

The Coroner made a number of recommendations about Victoria’s Family Violence Risk Assessment and Risk Management Framework (otherwise known as the Common Risk Assessment Framework or CRAF) including that it be reviewed and validated to ensure that Victoria has the best tool available to assess and manage family violence risk, including risk to children.

CRAF provides a common or standardised approach to risk assessment and can be applied across all organisations in Victoria that respond to, or encounter people experiencing, family violence. CRAF is widely available, and intended to be used across a large range of professional and service types, including police and the community sector.

However, Luke’s inquest highlighted that even first responders in critical sectors, like Victoria Police and Child Protection, were not always being trained in CRAF and not using it consistently. The Coroner recommended that all agencies in the family violence system be mandated to use an updated CRAF, and adequate training be provided. Operational support for agencies to embed CRAF within their responses was also recommended. Domestic Violence Resource Centre Victoria applauds these recommendations.

Effective use of CRAF requires effective information sharing. The Coroner noted that in this case there was no 360 degree information sharing; no uniform approach to risk assessment and no coordinated approach to risk management and safety planning. Had this been in place the assessment of the seriousness of risk faced by Rosie and Luke may have led to different outcomes.

Since 2008, over 6,500 professionals from a wide range of services have completed CRAF training. Judge Gray made recommendations on the need for further widespread training on recognising, understanding and responding to family violence. Understanding risk is a critical part of this.

More widespread and consistent use of CRAF will mean that, in future, the types of risk factors exhibited by someone like Greg Anderson could be flagged across the system, information shared and strategies put in place to manage the risks. It would mean that all services would apply common standards and practices to ensure the focus of any intervention and support remained on the safety of those experiencing violence. Using the same approach also minimises the risk of misunderstandings and important information being lost. It is a crucial step in preventing further deaths of women and children.

Last week, the federal government pledged $14 million for family violence workforce development. Now is the time to invest in making sure effective risk assessment practices are embedded across all sectors that respond to family violence.

Related media

ABC Radio – PM, 28 September 2015

7.30 Report – 28 September 2015 (story starts at 24.21 minute mark)

‘Stop domestic violence for all time’, The Age, 28 September 2015

‘Let’s talk about men’s deadly sense of entitlement’, The Age, 28 September 2015

‘Rights of children must trump violent parents: Rosie Batty’, The Age, 28 September 2015

Rosie Batty: coroner is right about child protection and police systems, The Guardian, 28 September 2015

Rosie Batty media conference 28 September 2015


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The four R’s: Reading, writing, arithmetic and RESPECT

The four R’s: Reading, writing, arithmetic and RESPECT

Tuesday 1st September 2015

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The Victorian Government’s announcement that respectful relationships education will be part of the school curriculum from 2016 is exceptionally good news for our community and those working to prevent violence against women and girls.

The evidence base clearly establishes that the main drivers of violence against women are rigid stereotypical gender roles and gender inequality, and that schools are a key setting for preventing violence and promoting healthy and respectful relationships [1]. Through the education system, respectful relationships curriculum creates an opportunity to make a positive impact on children and young people’s relationships later in life.

Michael Coulter’s opinion piece (Sunday Age, 23/08/15) ‘Reading, writing and numeracy the way to stop domestic violence‘ ignores some key truths in claiming that respectful relationships education is a waste of valuable class time, given that “no one would any longer publicly say it’s [domestic violence] okay”. VicHealth’s 2013 National Community Attitudes towards Violence Against Women Survey (NCAS) found that 43 per cent of the Australian population believes that rape results from men not able to control their need for sex, 25 per cent believe that domestic violence can be excused if the violent person regrets it, and 22 per cent believe that domestic violence can be excused if people get so angry they lose control. According to 2015 research by The Line (the federal government’s youth website), one in six 12-24 year olds believe ‘women should know their place’, and one in three believe ‘exerting control over someone is not a form of violence’. More than 25 per cent of young people believe ‘male verbal harassment’ and ‘pressure for sex toward females’ are ‘normal’ practices. Community attitudes still condone the use of violence, power and control over women.

Australian and international research on the prevention of violence against women affirms that locating respectful relationships education in schools is essential [2]. Schools are also ‘mini communities’ where respect and equality can be modelled to help shape positive attitudes and behaviours early in life. Positive interventions at school can change young people’s personal and relationship trajectories, preventing problems in adulthood and delivering long term benefits [3].

We know that young people experience disproportionately high rates of physical and sexual violence in intimate or dating relationships. This violence is gendered: girls and young women are the majority of victims, and young men the majority of perpetrators [4].

The good news is that respectful relationships education in schools works. Students demonstrate positive attitudinal and behaviour change; longitudinal studies show reductions in future violence perpetration and victimisation [5].

Respectful relationships education also contributes to improved educational, social, political and economic outcomes. Students who have experienced gender based violence, for example, have higher rates of absenteeism and are more likely to withdraw from education. Lower levels of academic achievement impact on a young person’s social, financial and political participation throughout their lives [6].

Schools are mandated to provide an environment that is safe, supported and equal and they have a vital role to play in promoting gender equality and non-violent norms through respectful relationships education.  By engaging with children and young people to help them to develop respectful and non-violent relationships creates a lasting positive impact on their relationships later in life.

Jacinta Masters
Prevention Officer
Domestic Violence Resource Centre Victoria


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