2025-26 Victorian State Budget Submission

2025-26 Victorian State Budget Submission

28 November 2024

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2024 has been a horrific year for incidences of family and gender-based violence and homicide in Australia, further amplifying the critical need to intensify, strengthen and expand existing approaches to protect all victim survivors and prevent violence now and into the future.

To achieve this, we are calling on the Victorian Government to prioritise funding for three critical focus areas in the 2025-26 Victorian State Budget:

  • Sustainable specialist family and gender-based violence sectors
  • Building system capability and capacity
  • Addressing gaps in the family violence system

Investment in these key areas will ensure we continue to build on existing foundational work in Victoria, progressing towards a family violence system that gives victim survivors a voice, a home and a timely and clear pathway to recovery.

Page last updated Thursday, November 28 2024


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Hope in Action during the 16 Days of Activism

Hope in Action

during the 16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence

Welcome to the 16 Days of Activism

by Tania Farha
CEO, Safe and Equal

Twelve months ago, to commemorate the 16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence*, we published Nurturing Hope. This collection of stories and reflections from many different people working to end family and gender-based violence was a chance for us to capture and celebrate what hope can look like in the change-making work we do. 

The feedback we received was immensely positive and heartening, both during the 16 Days of Activism and beyond. Many people reached out to us with their own stories of hope and reflections on its significance. Working to end family and gender-based violence can be tough, all-consuming work. We have all watched with dismay this year as the number of women killed continues to tick upwards. Each and every one of these women deserved a long and happy life, and we know that there are more deaths and severe impacts that are not fully reflected in this number, including the impact on children. Victim survivors are at the centre of all our work to ensure that everyone is free of violence and supported to survive and thrive. 

Being able to pause and share how we maintain hope in this work is crucial.

It is an act of collective care and connection – we are all in this together, and the work we do matters.

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Tania Farha

For this year’s 16 Days campaign, we wanted to continue exploring what hope looks like in our work. This time, we are showcasing Hope in Action: a campaign to illustrate how family and gender-based violence prevention and response work is creating hope – for both the family violence sector and the broader community – through meaningful change. 

Throughout 16 Days, we’ll be platforming three different stories of Hope in Action on our social media and website, featuring incredible practitioners working to end family and gender-based violence. These stories showcase the tangible impact of community-based and community-led prevention and response work, and give us a chance to celebrate the people who make it happen. 

Most importantly, we want Hope in Action to serve as a reminder that ending family and gender-based violence is possible – and we are making progress. In a world that can feel heavy at times, now more than ever we need to remember that change is possible. Our work does make a difference – and we have every reason to be hopeful for a future free from violence. 


*Each year, the 16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence takes place from 25 November (the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women) to 10 December (International Human Rights Day). This global campaign (running since 1991!) provides an opportunity for individuals, organisations and communities to unite and collectively advocate for the elimination of gender-based violence. 

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Transfemme affirms that trans women are welcome in our families and communities.

Watch our conversation with Starlady from the Zoe Belle Gender Collective about Transfemme, a project designed to promote healthier dating and relationships between trans women and cisgender men and to help end men’s violence against trans women and trans feminine people.

Want more? Here’s some further reading:



PACE uplifts migrant and refugee women and gender-diverse people, and has done so for 15 years.

Watch our conversation with Feifei Liao from the Multicultural Centre for Women’s Health (MCWH) about the PACE Program – a leadership program that has inspired and uplifted women and gender-diverse people from migrant and refugee backgrounds.

Want more? Here’s some further reading:



Champions of the West harnesses the power of footy for a more equitable future.

Watch our conversation with Tess Stewart-Moore from GenWest about Champions of the West, a partnership between GenWest, the Western Bulldogs Football Club, the Western Bulldogs Community Foundation, and Women’s Health Grampians, with support from the Western Football Netball League.​

Want more? Here’s some further reading:

Reflections on Hope in Action

As the 16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence draws to a close, it’s timely to reflect on our work as part of a growing global campaign to eliminate family and gender-based violence.

The last year has shown us yet again why this campaign is needed. We have seen the recent and harrowing statistic that, worldwide, one woman or girl is killed every 10 minutes at the hands of their intimate partner or a family member. But there are also inspiring examples all over the world of people organising together to demand change.

Here in Australia, we have all been devastated to see the number of women and children murdered continue to rise – particularly over the last few weeks. By one count, at least 96 women have been killed this year, and these are only the deaths we know about. The true numbers of not only deaths, but experiences of violence, are likely much higher than we know.

While it has been a deeply sad and challenging time, there are so many reasons to hope and push forward with change.

This year, we have seen the release of the Senate Inquiry into Missing and Murdered First Nations Women and Children, alongside a landmark inquest into the domestic violence murders of four Aboriginal women in the Northern Territory. We have been inspired by First Nations advocates who continue to challenge the silence and inaction that surrounds this violence and fight for self-determined solutions.

We have seen rallies across the country, a rise in public conversation, and national funding announcements to address the deaths of women being reported in Australia.

Importantly, we have been buoyed by the determination and the tireless work of all the advocates and practitioners across the state and the country. This work to create a better future for all people experiencing family and gender-based violence forms the backbone of our Hope in Action campaign for the 16 Days of Activism.

The three stories featured in the campaign give us a glimpse into our sector, and the ways we are creating meaningful change. We hope that these stories serve as a way for us all to celebrate all our work, and nourish hope.

As we look beyond the 16 Days of Activism, Safe and Equal will continue to work with our members, stakeholders and partners to advocate for what we need to eliminate family and gender-based violence.

Hope in Action is one way we can hold a focus on valuing and supporting each other while we do this – because that’s how hope stays alive.

Safe and Equal wishes to thank Starlady, Feifei Liao and Tess Stewart-Moore for their generous contributions to our Hope in Action campaign.

Page last updated Monday, November 25 2024


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Call for urgent action following spike in family violence homicides

Call for urgent action following spike in family violence homicides

Wednesday 20 November 2024

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Victorian family violence peak body Safe and Equal is calling on state and federal governments to take urgent action following several recent family and gender-based violence deaths. 

[Melbourne] — At least 14 women have been killed across Australia in a 3-week period, a disturbing spike that comes on top of an increase this year in reports of women losing their lives to family and gender-based violence. 

Despite an increase in public and government attention – including an urgent meeting of National Cabinet on gender-based violence earlier this year – family violence deaths remain on the rise, with a horrific average of one woman being murdered every four days. 

Most recently, police located the remains of 19-year-old Brunswick woman Isla Bell, missing since 4 October. A 53-year-old man has been charged with her murder. 

“Yet again, another woman has lost her life, in what is an entirely preventable act of gender-based violence,” said Tania Farha, CEO of Safe and Equal. 

“We know young women are much more likely to experience family and sexual violence,” said Farha. “Not only that, but support services have been telling us they are seeing more and more young people experiencing abuse and needing help.” 

“We are sad, frustrated, and angry. Isla’s death – along with all family and gender-based violence deaths – should never have happened. This is a national crisis, and we need to act, now.” 

While recent investment and action from state and federal leaders is welcomed, it is simply not enough. Safe and Equal is urgently calling on all governments to work together to prioritise an ongoing, sustainable response to this crisis. Specifically, we are calling for: 

  • Increased investment in early intervention and primary prevention initiatives to stop violence before it starts or escalates, which includes addressing the attitudes, cultures, systems and structures that enable it. 
  • Adequate and long-term investment in specialist family violence services that provide life-saving support for victim survivors in crisis and are struggling under immense demand. 
  • Immediate action to address the ongoing housing crisis, so that victim survivors can access both crisis accommodation and affordable, long-term housing options – a crucial step in escaping violence and rebuilding lives. 
  • Investment in tailored supports for adults, young people and children experiencing violence, so they can receive the support they need, in the way they need, when they need it – no matter where they live, who they are, or their circumstances. 

“This isn’t just a one-and-done exercise – change takes time and requires everybody to be on board. Not just government, but individuals, businesses, and the broader community,” said Farha. “We all have a role to play here.” 

“We must not accept these deaths as inevitable. We have to remember – family and gender-based violence is preventable. But if we don’t take increased action now – if we don’t get this right – we’ll never truly address this crisis, and more women and children will die.” 

### END ### 



Name: Melanie Scammell, Media and Communications Advisor, Safe and Equal 

Email: media@safeandequal.org.au 

Phone: 0425 832 511 



About Safe and Equal 

Safe and Equal is the peak body for Victorian organisations that specialise in family and gender-based violence across the continuum, including primary prevention, early intervention, response and recovery. 

As a peak, we work with and for our members to prevent and respond to violence, building a better future for adults, children and young people experiencing, at risk of, or recovering from family and gender-based violence. 

We are an independent, non-government organisation that leads, organises, advocates for, and acts on behalf of our members to drive the continued development of an innovative and leading sector. 

There is no complete and official list of every woman and child murdered in Australia. Two reputable sources are Destroy the Joint and Australian Femicide Watch. 

While the numbers reported are shocking, they are only the ones we know about. Many deaths go unreported and unrecognised as family violence, meaning the true number of women and children killed is likely far greater. 

 Download this Media Release as a PDF.

Page last updated Wednesday, November 20 2024


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Engaging Organisational Leadership in your 16 Days Campaigns

Engaging Organisational Leadership in your 16 Days Campaigns

A 16 Days Case Study

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Each year during the 16 Days of Activism, communities around Victoria unite to call an end to gender-based violence.  

While some participating organisations have programs of work and staff specialising in prevention of family and gender-based violence and gender equality, for others the 16 Days of Activism may be one of the few times in the year when attention and resources are directed towards this work.  

For all organisations, 16 Days represents an opportunity to strengthen work that is being done, garner support, and highlight to leadership the importance of this work across and within organisations. 

But, engaging organisational leadership in prevention and gender equality work can be challenging.  

Factors such as a lack of understanding, limited resources and competing priorities can impact leadership support for activities like the 16 Days. 

Below are some common questions and statements you might hear when trying to engage your organisational leadership in conversations about the importance of primary prevention of family and gender-based violence and the role they must play. We aim to provide you with information and resources to help challenge these narratives, and highlight the importance of this work. 

‘What is primary prevention?’
Primary prevention is a whole-of-population approach to ending family and gender-based violence before it begins.  

The goal of primary prevention is for everyone in the community to have healthy and respectful relationships, so they can live safe and happy lives. 

Primary prevention is the work done across communities, organisations and society where people live, learn, work, socialise and play to stop violence from happening in the first place. It is about work that challenges the deep underlying social conditions that drive violence against women, the attitudes, practices or structures that excuse, justify or even promote violence. These are known as the gendered drivers.  

The gendered drivers are attitudes, systems and structures that condone violence, minimise women’s independence and role in decision-making, reinforce rigid gender stereotypes, and perpetuate dominant male cultures that emphasize aggression, dominance and control. 

As well as gender, overlapping forms of inequality and discrimination also drive violence. These are related to racism, the impacts of colonisation, homophobia, transphobia, ableism and myths about culture. 

 Primary prevention aims the change all this. Activities might look like: 

  • A program and curricula promoting respectful relationships in a local school; 
  • A local football club creating a program to ensure women have equal access to resources and facilities; 
  • A workplace implementing a gender equity policy focusing on leadership and workplace culture.

For primary prevention to be effective, the approaches and messaging used needs to be consistent and mutually reinforcing. 

Primary prevention needs to happen alongside services and programs that aim to meet the needs of victim survivors and keep them safe and help rebuilt their lives. Prevention must also involve directly addressing perpetration and intervening early to stop violence.  

You might sometimes hear the language of prevention of gender-based violence used interchangeably with gender equality. This is because gender inequality is the social context that underpins all the drivers of gender-based violence. It is closely related to broader efforts to promote and achieve gender equality but also distinct from it. For example, improving legal and workforce equality does not automatically change the underlying ideas and social structures that cause violence. Nevertheless, when you engage in gender equality work, you are also contributing to the prevention of family and gender-based violence. 

For more on this, you can read Safe and Equal’s resource on What is Primary Prevention. 

‘Why do we need to focus on gender?’
We all have a right to live safe, equal and fulfilling lives. 

Violence can affect anyone, but patterns of family violence are clearly gendered. 

Anyone in our community can perpetrate or experience violence. However, we know that the vast majority of violence, around 95% is perpetrated by men. We also know that violence experienced by women is likely to be at the hands of a man they know, whereas when men experience violence, it is usually a one-off incident at the hands of a stranger.  

When it comes to intimate partner violence, around one in four Australian women have experienced this since age fifteen, in comparison to around one in fourteen men. Women are also much more likely to suffer serious injury or death as a result of violence, with approximately one women every nine days being killed by a former or current partner in Australia.For bisexual women, and trans and gender diverse people (particularly trans women) rates of intimate partner violence are even higher. 

Looking at these statistics, it’s clear that violence is a gendered issue. Because of this, the way we prevent violence must focus on gender.  

The national framework for preventing violence against women in Australia, called Change the Story, tells us how particular issues drive high rates of violence, such as condoning of violence, men’s control of decision-making, rigid gender stereotypes and male cultures that emphasise dominance, aggression and control6. Addressing these ‘gendered drivers’, while we work towards gender equality in our workplaces and communities, is how we prevent that violence. 

There are also a range of frameworks that address the overlapping drivers of violence for particular communities, including Changing the Picture, Changing the Landscape, Pride in Prevention and Intersectionality Matters. 

You can check out Safe and Equal’s Driving Change resource for more information on how to address the gendered drivers of violence, alongside the overlapping drivers of violence experienced by so many communities.  

If you would like to use statistics as part of your campaign, our resource on How to use Statistics in Primary Prevention is a great place to start. 

‘What is the 16 Days of Activism?’
The 16 Days of Activism against Gender-based Violence is the United Nation’s international campaign, that takes place each year from 25 November to 10 December. 

The campaign began in 1991 as a strategy to unite and magnify calls for the elimination of gender-based violence. Each year, the 16 Days of Activism campaign galvanises movements and organisations working around the world, and draws the attention of governments to this critical issue.   

Each year, hundreds of organisations around Victoria take part in the campaign, by hosting events, running social media campaigns, delivering staff training or engaging with their communities to raise awareness.

Safe and Equal is funded by Respect Victoria to deliver the 16 Days Grassroots Initiative. The purpose of this initiative is to provide participating support in the form of grants, events, resources and more, to help you deliver the most impactful campaigns possible. 

‘Preventing gender-based violence is not core business’
We all deserve a world where we can live and love freely and fully, where families and relationships are safe and respectful, and people have everything they need to thrive.  

This means preventing family and gender-based violence is everybody’s business. 

Increasingly, organisations and workplaces are required to make sure that they are addressing the needs of their employees experiencing family and gender-based violence, and contributing to positive social change to address these issues. 

Some organisations have a particular responsibility to make sure that they are modelling gender equal practices. 

Under Victoria’s Gender Equality Act (2020), certain organisations known as ‘defined entities’ have a responsibility to promote gender equality, and ensure they are considering gender equality in all of their policies and practices. This means looking at your work, and considering how your staff and the community might have different experiences based on their gender. 

Defined entities include the public service and public bodies, local councils, community health organisations, universities and courts, as well as some others.  

As employers, organisations also have a responsibility to their staff to make sure the workplace is safe and free from hazards. Gender-based violence is considered by WorkSafe as an occupational hazard, and as such, employers have a responsibility create workplaces where everyone is safe and respected. Under the Equal Opportunities Act, all organisations also have a positive duty to prevent discrimination, sexual harassment as violence as far as possible. 

The 16 Days of Activism represents an opportunity for organisations to build on the momentum of the global campaign, and achieve great outcomes for their employees and the community. 

‘What difference can this organisation make?’
Workplaces can play a vital role in preventing family and gender-based violence. 

Our workplaces are where we spend a large amount of our time. Workplace policies and culture can have a significant impact on the health and wellbeing of employees. 

Workplace approaches to family and gender-based violence have knock-on effects for the broader communities who engage with their services, as well as the families of employees. This is particularly true in regional communities, where certain large workplaces such as councils and hospitals can be the biggest local employers, and come to act as community hubs. 

Primary prevention initiatives in the workplace might look like: 

  • Creating policies that put the responsibilities on workplaces to prevent and respond to violence, rather than on employees. 
  • Building organisational cultures that normalise consequences for people who use violence, and support victim-survivors. 
  • Addressing the representation of women in leadership positions and male-dominated industries. 
  • Offering flexible working arrangements to allow everyone to take up roles as parents and carers. 
  • Ensuring equal gender representation in public forums and meetings so that all voices are heard and valued. 
  • Monitoring and reporting on the representation of women in the workplace. 
  • Ensuring workplace programs build cultures that break down ‘boys clubs’.

For more examples of how you can take action to address the drivers of family and gender-based violence, check out Safe and Equal’s Driving Change resource. 

The 16 Days of Activism is a great time of year to focus on implementing internal policies and organisational commitments to change, highlighting the issue of family and gender-based violence as a priority.  

To find out more about how you be prepared to have safe and supportive conversation about family violence in your workplaces, check out Safe and Equal’s free Are you Safe at Home? eLearn. 

‘How can this campaign make a difference in two weeks?’
The 16 Days is an opportunity to build on collective momentum, and showcase the great work that happens year-round. 

Across Victoria and in many different sectors, people and organisations are working to prevent family and gender-based violence. 

Some organisations specialise in prevention of family and gender-based violence, while others undertake this work as part of their larger remits as hospitals, schools, councils, community organisations and more. Some have funding or staff designated for this work, while others have limited budgets and staff who undertake it on top of their normal responsibilities. 

The 16 Days of Activism is an opportunity to draw attention to all the amazing work that happens year-round, and build collective action to strengthen our efforts. The campaign shows our communities that we are committed to ending gender-based violence, and supporting their safety and wellbeing. 

Organisationally, the 16 Days is an opportunity to showcase the achievements of those who take this work upon them, to thank them, and to re-commit to supporting them into the new year. 

While the campaign itself only lasts 16 Days, the impacts of the activities can be felt year-round. Staff that attend awareness-raising training will consider what they learned and apply it in an ongoing way. Resources or materials produced during the campaign can be reproduced and distributed throughout the year. 

Perhaps most importantly, the conversations sparked by the 16 Days campaign can continue and build, and may even grow into new primary prevention initiatives. The impact of the 16 Days builds on itself year on year, to increase the overall impacts, and lend support to the broader efforts of those working to prevent violence in Victoria.  

‘We have limited resources and competing priorities. How can we help?’
Prioritising primary prevention makes for healthier and more productive workplaces.  

Maintaining an ongoing focus on gender equality, and addressing all forms of inequality and discrimination, can have significant impacts on the wellbeing of your staff. 

Evidence shows that workplaces with gender equal practices and diverse workforces are likely to have: 

  • Increased organisational performance 
  • Better capacity for innovation 
  • Higher retention rates 
  • Stronger organisational reputation 
  • Improved ability to attract talent11 

Promoting gender equality and the prevention of family and gender-based violence doesn’t have to be too resource-intensive, and can be embedded into everyday operations to ensure it remains a running thread without drawing down on too much staff time. 

Impactful 16 Days of Activism campaigns also don’t need to cost a lot or take up a lot of staff time, with many organisations around Victoria running great campaigns with limited funding every year. 

Some ideas for campaign activities that can be impactful on a small budget include: 

  • Encouraging staff to decorate the workplace in orange 
  • Adding 16 Days banners to staff email signatures 
  • Facilitating conversations in the workplace about equality and respect 
  • Lighting up buildings in orange to highlight the 16 Days 
  • Screening films that explore concepts of discrimination and equality 
  • Hosting a local walk on the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against women 
  • Running communications campaigns that include resource guides, reading lists, and information on other local activities 

You might also consider partnering with other organisations working in your local area to pool your resources and increase the overall impact of your campaign. 

‘I’m worried about pushing too much onto people’
People want to feel safe, and have healthy, respectful relationships. 

Having conversations about family and gender-based violence can be challenging. Sometimes people might be resistant to having these discussions, or even push back against the changes you are trying to make. 

People can be resistant to primary prevention work for a number of reasons. They might not feel that it aligns with certain values they hold, such as values around family, security or tradition. People might have a lack of understanding around gender equality, and this can make them feel threatened, or like they are losing something. 

The 16 Days of Activism is a great opportunity to start conversations about preventing family and gender-based violence, which can give you a better understanding of the kinds of concerns people might have. This can help you design great initiatives that are informed by the particular strengths and needs of your community, and to make sure people feel like they are coming along on the journey with you. 

To shift people towards change, we need to start our conversations and messages with a positive vision for the future, and make sure we end with suggestions for action, and practical solutions everyone can get behind. 

Framing primary prevention as a way of building healthy, happy communities where everyone feels safe and respected is a great way to get people on board. Approaching conversations with openness and empathy can make people feel safe to express their concerns, and you can work through them together. 

If you are concerned about some of the stronger kinds of resistance and backlash that gender equality work can illicit, there are plenty of great resources around to support you. 

Safe and Equal’s Overcoming Backlash and Resistance is a great place to start. On our website you can find this webinar delivered by John Fulcher, specifically addressing the issue of managing resistance during 16 Days campaigns.  

If you are looking for more resources to support you in engaging your managers or organisational leadership in supporting 16 Days work, you can check out our How We Thrive video resources, which explore how to do great prevention work in different kinds of organisations.

End notes:

Page last updated Wednesday, November 20 2024


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Homelessness support services struggling to cope, escalating risks for family violence victim survivors

Homelessness support services struggling to cope, escalating risks for family violence victim survivors

Monday 18 November 2024

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A surge in demand for homelessness services has left the system overwhelmed, leaving many unable to access critical support.  

[Melbourne] — The release of a new report, Call Unanswered, by Impact Economics and Policy for Homelessness Australia, paints a grim picture of Australia’s homelessness crisis. The report reveals that overwhelmed homelessness services are leaving families, children, and individuals without critical support, escalating risks for those fleeing family violence. 

Surveying 23 specialist homelessness services, including specialist family violence services, over two weeks in September 2024, the report highlights the stress that under-resourced providers are under:  

  • Services couldn’t answer phones for 325 hours (1 in every 13 operating hours).
  • Front doors were closed for 200.5 hours (1 in every 22 operating hours).
  • 666 urgent emails went unanswered.

“Family violence remains the leading cause of homelessness for women and children in Australia,” said Tania Farha, CEO of Safe and Equal. “The chronic shortage of crisis and long-term housing leaves victim survivors trapped in cycles of abuse, poverty, and instability. Demand for homelessness services has skyrocketed, yet the system is significantly under-resourced. Families with children were turned away on one in five of the days surveyed, and individuals without dependents face even greater barriers, being turned away on one in two of the days surveyed.” 

“Specialist family violence services work directly with victim survivors to help them escape and keep them safe while they recover,” said Farha. 

“Without safe and affordable housing options too many victim survivors face an impossible choice: stay with their abuser or face homelessness.

A Growing Housing Crisis Puts Victim Survivors in Danger 

Australia’s housing crisis has emerged as a major contributor to homelessness, especially for victim survivors of domestic violence. Rental vacancies have plummeted to record lows since mid-2022, driven by shifting housing demand and a shortage of affordable rental properties. This has left renters with fewer options and intensified competition for available homes. 

In Victoria, the number of low-income households facing rental stress has soared by 23.1% since the 2021 Census, with an estimated 229,000 households now struggling to keep up with rent payments. 

The shortage of long-term accommodation is leading to longer support periods, with individuals remaining in temporary housing and relying on homelessness services for extended durations. Between 2011 and 2022, the number of people in Australia receiving accommodation support for over 12 months rose by 76%. 

“Without stable housing, victim survivors can’t move beyond crisis interventions to focus on safety and recovery,” said Farha. 

What Needs to Be Done?

We welcome the new five-year National Agreement which allocates $400 million annually to homelessness services and requires matching contributions from states. However, additional federal investment is essential to reduce homelessness risk and address unmet service demand. 

Safe and Equal joins Homelessness Australia to call for immediate government action to address the inextricably linked crises of homelessness and family violence. Key recommendations in the new report include an increase in social housing and support payments; strengthening programs to intervene earlier and prevent homelessness; increasing funding for homelessness and family violence services; a housing first approach prioritising immediate access to permanent housing paired with tailored support services; and data-driven service planning.  

Without significant and urgent investment, the cycles of abuse, poverty, and homelessness will persist, leaving family violence victim survivors and all Australians facing homelessness with limited options and no clear path to recovery. 



Name: Melanie Scammell, Media and Communications Advisor, Safe and Equal 

Email: media@safeandequal.org.au 

Phone: 0425 832 511 


About Safe and Equal 

Safe and Equal is the peak body for Victorian organisations that specialise in family and gender-based violence across the continuum, including primary prevention, early intervention, response and recovery. 

As a peak, we work with and for our members to prevent and respond to violence, building a better future for adults, children and young people experiencing, at risk of, or recovering from family and gender-based violence. 

We are an independent, non-government organisation that leads, organises, advocates for, and acts on behalf of our members to drive the continued development of an innovative and leading sector. 

Australia is facing a national crisis, with more than one woman murdered every week in 2024. These are only the known cases. Visit Destroy the Joint for the latest figures. 

About the Report 

The Call Unanswered report offers a stark warning about the impact of underfunded homelessness services on Australia’s most vulnerable populations. Conducted by Impact Economics and Policy, the survey captured 330 response days from providers, highlighting systemic issues that demand immediate action. 

 Download this Media Release as a PDF.

Page last updated Monday, November 18 2024


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