Training for healthcare workers

Training for healthcare workers

Monday 28 August 2017

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On August 25, Acting Minister for the Prevention of Family Violence Jenny Mikakos announced $10.2 million to train healthcare workers across Victoria to identify and support patients experiencing family violence.

More than 3,000 hospital staff have already received training.

The funding boost will expand that training to thousands more health workers at all 88 public health services across Victoria – giving hospitals the tools and skills to ensure family violence victims don’t fall through the gaps.

The Strengthening Hospital Responses to Family Violence initiative teaches workers to see the warning signs, respond sensitively and respectfully, and connect victims to the services and the support they need, sooner.

Read Victorian Government media release.

Page last updated Monday, August 28 2017


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MARAM sector readiness consultations

MARAM sector readiness consultations

Thursday 10 August 2017

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In response to the findings of the Royal Commission into Family Violence, the Victorian Government has committed to redeveloping the Family Violence Risk Assessment and Risk Management Framework (commonly referred to as the CRAF). The redeveloped Framework will be enabled by new information sharing laws that allow services to share information that helps them effectively assess and manage family violence risks.

To support whole-of-system embedding of the redeveloped Framework, a series of stakeholder consultations are being conducted to better understand the likely impact of reform on each service sector and inform the government’s training and change management strategies.

Family Safety Victoria are seeking to consult with the following types of staff:

  • front-line practitioners; i.e. individuals with direct client or patient contact who may have a role in identifying, assessing or managing family violence risk, including safety planning and information sharing;
  • organisational leaders and people managers with responsibility for workforce and organisational development and support.

Consultation sessions will be held with the following sectors: hospital & paramedics, community health & aged care, general practitioners, allied health, mental health & alcohol and other drug services, community housing services, DHHS housing services & homelessness services, disability services – adults & children, Specialist FV services for women and children, sexual assault services, services for people who use violence, child protection & youth justice, out of home care & Child FIRST/Family Services, Aboriginal Community Controlled Organisations, telephone helplines, legal services, corrections, Victoria Police, court staff, justice service centres, sheriffs & financial counsellors, victim support agency, schools and area based health and wellbeing staff, early childhood & early parenting centres.

Register here for a consultation session. Sessions will be limited to a maximum of 12 people.

Page last updated Thursday, August 10 2017


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Funding for LGBTI family violence specialist services

Funding for LGBTI family violence specialist services

Thursday 10 August 2017

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Minister for Equality Martin Foley has announced $3 million over four years to develop comprehensive specialist services for LGBTI Victorians who experience or are at risk of experiencing family violence. This adds to the $1 million allocated for the initiative in 2016/17.

The funding will support family violence referral, counselling and support, peer support, early intervention and perpetrator intervention programs. This work will involve secondary consultation to mainstream family violence organisations across Victoria.

Supported by the Victorian LGBTI Taskforce, the services will bring together expertise from the LGBTI and family violence sectors to provide increased support for Victoria’s LGBTI communities.

Read full media release

Page last updated Thursday, August 10 2017


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