Sexual Assault Crisis Line

The Sexual Assault Crisis Line Victoria (SACL) is a state-wide, after-hours, confidential, telephone crisis counselling service for people who have experienced both past and recent sexual assault.

SACL is the central after hours coordination centre for all recent sexual assaults and provides immediate crisis responses throughout Victoria.

SACL operates between 5pm weeknights through to 9am the next day and throughout weekends and public holidays.

This service offers tailored support for:
Service offered:


SECASA is a specialist sexual assault and family violence service, which provides: time limited therapeutic interventions and counselling following sexual assault and/or family violence, to victim/survivors and other affected family members; 24/7 sexual assault crisis response for people who have been sexually assaulted in the past two weeks, or disclosed past sexual assault for the first time and assessment and intervention for children and young people with harmful sexual behaviours and their families.

They also provide community education and prevention work, including programs in Early Learning Centres, Primary Schools and High schools; secondary consultation and professional training.

This service offers tailored support for:
Service offered:
Safe and Equal Member

Goulburn Valley Centre Against Sexual Assault

GVCASA provides free and confidential counselling and support services, including therapeutic counselling and advocacy for victim survivors of sexual assault and their non-offending families, partners and friends.

Services include 24/7 crisis care response to victim survivors of recent sexual assault, group counselling and support, and secondary consultations (including debriefing).

This service offers tailored support for:
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1800RESPECT can support people experiencing, or at risk of experiencing family violence. They provide confidential information and counselling and can provide a referral to other services.

The service is also available for workers and friends and family who need advice.

This service offers tailored support for:
Service offered:

24 hours / 7 days