This resource brings together insights from members of the Connecting Communities network to support decision-makers, organisations, managers and primary prevention practitioners working with multicultural and faith-based communities to improve and uplift the wellbeing and sustainability of the workforce.

Working to end family violence and to create major social and structural change is inspiring and rewarding work, but it can also take a toll. A focus on worker wellbeing and sustainability is essential to support prevention practitioners and organisations in their work and to ensure the sustainability of individuals, communities, and projects.
The knowledge shared in this resource draws on the existing evidence base, as well as insights from the Connecting Communities network, to outline ways to strengthen organisational and individual practices around wellbeing. This resource shares key lessons, and proposes calls to action for embedding wellbeing and care into practice.
More information
This resource has been developed as part of the Connecting Communities program, a partnership program between the Multicultural Centre for Women’s Health (MCWH) and Safe and Equal to support the learning and professional development needs of a network of organisations working with multicultural and faith-based communities to prevent violence against women in Victoria since 2022, through the Victorian Government’s Supporting Multicultural Communities to Prevent Family Violence Grant Program.