Preventing violence
before it occurs

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Working in prevention

What is primary prevention?

Primary prevention is critical to achieving the vision of a world beyond family and gender-based violence, where women, children and people from marginalised communities are safe, thriving and respected. 

The prevention ecosystem

The history, organisations, settings and challenges that make up Victoria’s prevention of family and gender-based violence sector.

Careers in primary prevention

Set yourself up for a rewarding career in Victoria’s prevention of violence against women sector.

Our role in workforce development

Our strategic direction over the next two years is to grow our leadership role in representing and developing the primary prevention workforce, and building and sharing innovative practice.  

Key settings for prevention

Education and care settings

Education is one of the key settings for primary prevention activity, with the  respectful relationships education program being implemented in Victorian schools and early childhood services.

Workplace settings

How managers, supervisors and other workplace leaders can create change and play a valuable role in preventing family and gender-based violence.

Considerations for your work

Responding to disclosures

What to say and do to support a colleague, student or client if they disclose an experience of family violence or sexual assault.

Facing resistance in your work

Tools for understanding and planning for different types of resistance in work to promote gender equality and prevent violence against women.

Evaluating prevention activity

Guidance on monitoring progress in primary prevention on a population and project level.


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Contact the Safe and Equal primary prevention team for information, resources and advice on working to prevent gender-based violence in Victoria.


Our Primary Prevention Strategy affirms our role as the peak body for specialist family violence services, working across prevention, early intervention, response and recovery.

Our Strategic Direction over the new two years is to grow our leadership role in representing and developing the primary prevention workforce and building sharing innovative practice.

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