Partners in Prevention
Member Benefits

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As a PiP Network member, you will receive our regular PiP bulletins to help keep you up to date with the latest sector information, emerging research and evidence, practice guidance, tools and resources, and details of upcoming PiP and sector events.  

Being a member of the PiP Network ensures you will be the first to hear about Safe and Equal’s primary prevention offerings and opportunities, including:


PiP events, including webinars, workshops, PiP Connects and in person meet ups are opportunities for prevention practitioners to come together and hear from other practitioners, share ideas and discuss their work.

Explore upcoming events here.

The Partners in Prevention Online Network Basecamp

This is a virtual space for practitioners to engage with others across the sector. This online network provides opportunities to share resources, troubleshoot practice challenges and promote upcoming events. The online network currently hosts 650 practitioners, working across a range of settings and programs. 

Join the online network Basecamp through our Prevention Helpdesk,by submitting an enquiry form here.


PreventX is our biennial national primary prevention conference. The event has been running successfully for several years, bringing prevention practitioners together to connect, share and learn to meet the biggest challenges facing the sector. At PreventX 2024 – Messaging for a Movement, we heard about the many  ways prevention practitioners are developing and delivering messages that change attitudes now and into the future, so that violence is no longer a choice or reality for future generations.   

If you missed out on the 2024 conference, you can create a conference recording registration for free to watch the OnDemand recordings of the sessions here.A resource summarising key insights from the conference is also available here.

Training and capability building

Safe and Equal provides a suite of  professional development opportunities and training  for practitioners working in primary prevention and respectful relationships education to build their knowledge and skills. These offerings support practitioners at all stages of their careers.

Check out our current training options here.

Practice resources

We create and share practice guidance resources to support practitioners to develop an evidence-based understanding of primary prevention and respectful relationships education, and build their capacity to implement this knowledge into their work.

Visit our primary prevention resource library here.

Primary Prevention Communities of Practice

Safe and Equal’s primary prevention Communities of Practice (CoP) bring together those working in primary prevention to explore challenges and opportunities, strengthen policy and practice and build the capabilities and skills of those working in prevention.

Explore our CoPs here, and learn more about our approach through our resource, ‘Learning Together’.

After a few months in my new job, I felt how enormous this area was and that maybe I wasn’t the right person. Then I attended a PiP meeting and I was amazed and delighted at this seemingly underground movement of dedication, diversity and information that was strong, credible and extensive. And yes it was collegial and connective!

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Hear from a PiP Member

Resources for
Prevention Practitioners

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useful pages to
support your role

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What is primary prevention?

Primary prevention is critical to achieving the vision of a world beyond family and gender-based violence, where women, children and people from marginalised communities are safe, thriving and respected. 

The prevention ecosystem

The history, organisations, settings and challenges that make up Victoria’s prevention of family and gender-based violence sector.

Our role in workforce development

Our strategic direction over the next two years is to grow our leadership role in representing and developing the primary prevention workforce, and building and sharing innovative practice.  

Careers in primary prevention

Set yourself up for a rewarding career in Victoria’s prevention of violence against women sector.

Past PiP

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Contact the Safe and Equal primary prevention team for information, resources and advice on working to prevent gender-based violence in Victoria.

Subscribe to our
prevention bulletin

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Our Partners in Prevention email bulletin includes invitations to events and training, resources and sector updates.