Ethical Engagement of Survivor Advocates - Tip Sheet for speaking engagements

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Organising events and having a survivor advocate talk about their lived experience can be powerful ways of engaging audiences and sharing messages to promote change. But how can we ensure that these forums are effective, safe and ethical?

Around significant annual events, such as the 16 Days of Activism and International Women’s Day, there is an increase in organisations holding events to raise awareness and engage more people in action. 

Based on the Family Violence Experts by Experience Framework, Safe and Equal has developed extensive guidance for engaging survivor advocates in a range or work – including a great checklist in Planning Best Practice Engagements with Survivor Advocates. 

This tip sheet adds to these resources, with a focus on speaking engagements and events. It has been developed in collaboration with survivor advocates and reflects the things that they felt were most important to remember when organising events. 

Resource details

Resource type: Report
Download file type: 2-page PDF
Best print size: A4 


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