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Browse our library of resources and publications, developed by Safe and Equal in partnership with organisations from across the sector. This library is sorted by the date that the resource was added to the library.
In the context of preventing violence against women, bystander action refers to the action taken by a bystander to challenge behaviour, attitudes, norms, policies and structures that contribute to and perpetuate violence against women.
Recorded on 12 May 2020, this webinar was conducted for all people working to prevent violence against women and family violence. Faith communities and settings are an important environment where social beliefs and norms are shaped. These beliefs and norms have the potential to either promote violence or protect against it.
Supporting a whole of school approach to respectful relationships. Recorded on Tuesday 23 June 2020.
Recorded on May 27 2020, this webinar was conducted for all people working to prevent violence against women and family violence. LGBTIQ communities experience family and intimate partner violence at rates equal to or higher than non-LGBTIQ people. In conversation with Jackson Fairchild of Rainbow Health Victoria, this webinar explores the complexities that drive this violence.
Held on 11 February 2020, this seminar provides an insight into the challenges that primary practitioners face in evaluating and monitoring their projects.
Filmed in Melbourne on 12 March 2020, this seminar explored how to effectively frame our work to engage men and boys to prevent violence against women. A panel of experts, academics, on-the-ground prevention practitioners discussed how to manage and work through the barriers and challenges that restrict engagement with men and boys.
This keynote address is from the Domestic Violence Resource Centre Victoria (DVRCV) forum ‘What Does It Take? – Addressing high risk family violence through an integrated service response’ held on 11 September 2014.
This keynote address, “Building Trust, Building Safety”, is from the Domestic Violence Resource Centre Victoria (DVRCV) forum ‘What Does It Take? – Addressing high risk family violence through an integrated service response’ held on 11 September 2014.
We all have a role to play in stopping violence against women. The Know your A-Z resources offer 26 ways everybody can help challenge harmful stereotypes, promote respect and prevent violence. You can download the free Know your A-Z poster and cards then print or share them online.
This survey template is designed to enable services to collect information from survivor advocates on their experience working with a service.
This form is designed to enable survivor advocates to set clear expectations to support safe and accessible engagements.
This project brief template should be completed by a service to provide transparent information about a project or engagement opportunity to survivor advocates.
Authentic engagement with survivor advocates starts with preparation and self-reflection. Use this tool to identify the skills and capabilities you will apply to ensure safe and respectful engagement with survivor advocates.