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Browse our library of resources and publications, developed by Safe and Equal in partnership with organisations from across the sector. This library is sorted by the date that the resource was added to the library.

Improving our approach to community-led prevention: Lessons from the Connecting Communities program

‘Improving our approach to community-led prevention’ brings together lessons from members of the Connecting Communities network and existing evidence on how to embed community-led practices into primary prevention initiatives working with multicultural and faith-based communities.

Key Messages Guidance – Supporting Young People to Understand Affirmative Consent Program

This ‘Key Messages Guide’ is a explores the key definitions, legislative changes and key messages around affirmative consent in the Victorian legal context.

Safe and Equal Disability Inclusion Forum 2023

On Wednesday 15 November 2023, Safe and Equal hosted the annual Disability Inclusion Forum to support practitioners in enhancing their practice when working with victim survivors with disability.

Statewide Prevention Workforce Development Program Theory of Change

This document sets out the Theory of Change for the Statewide Prevention Workforce Development.

Statewide Prevention Workforce Development Program Summary Evaluation Report 22/23

This report is a summary of evaluation of the Statewide Prevention Workforce Development program in 2022/23.

Overcoming Resistance and Backlash – a Guide for Primary Prevention Practitioners

This resource brings together and adds to existing resources by providing tips on effective strategies and ways of overcoming resistance, and other more extreme forms of backlash.

Driving Change

‘Driving Change’ focuses on positive, practical solutions to take actions against the gendered drivers while keeping a focus on the change we want to see.

Resistance and backlash across the continuum

This interactive panel discussion, recorded during the Safe and Equal Annual Member Forum 2023, explores how resistance is experienced across the continuum from prevention to response.

Fast Facts on Family and Gender-based Violence 2023

‘Fast Facts’ provides an overview of statistics and key facts related to experiences and impacts of family and gender-based violence, and changing social attitudes towards these.


Foundations for Action: Understanding the primary prevention workforce in Victoria

This report describes the findings of a project aimed at strengthening the foundations for planning and implementing primary prevention workforce development in Victoria.

Supporting Wellbeing for Prevention Practitioners in Multicultural and Faith-based Communities

‘Engaging Men from Multicultural and Faith-Based Communities in Primary Prevention’ draws on the existing evidence base, as well as practice examples from members of the Connecting Communities network, to outline their learnings, tools, insights and strategies for working with multicultural and faith-based men.

Engaging Men from Multicultural and Faith-Based Communities in Primary Prevention

‘Engaging Men from Multicultural and Faith-Based Communities in Primary Prevention’ draws on the existing evidence base, as well as practice examples from members of the Connecting Communities network, to outline their learnings, tools, insights and strategies for working with multicultural and faith-based men.

PreventX: Messaging for a Movement tips and insights for messaging and advocacy

‘PreventX: Messaging for a Movement – Tips and insights for messaging and advocacy to address the drivers of family and gender-based violence’ aims to share tips and insights that were gathered as part of the conference, held 19 –20 March 2024.


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