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Safe and Equal provides expert commentary on issues related to domestic and family violence in the Victorian context.

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Federal Budget: Victim survivors of family and gender-based violence deserve better during a national crisis

Amid a national crisis, limited new and additional funding was announced in last night’s 2025-26 Federal Budget to help victim survivors of family violence, or the sector working to support them.

Call for urgent action following spike in family violence homicides

Victorian family violence peak body Safe and Equal is calling on state and federal governments to take urgent action following several recent family and gender-based violence deaths.

Homelessness support services struggling to cope, escalating risks for family violence victim survivors

A surge in demand for homelessness services has left the system overwhelmed, leaving many unable to access critical support.

Let’s look after each other this long weekend.

For many people, sporting finals are a time of joy and a chance to gather with loved ones. However, it’s also one of the most high-risk times for the perpetration of abuse.

Response to National Cabinet

Safe and Equal is pleased to see family and gender-based violence being prioritised at the highest level of government and new commitments of $4.7 billion following National Cabinet today.

Response to the Rapid Review into Prevention Approaches

The Review’s recommendations are intended as an accelerant, but this must start from a solid foundation in existing work and expertise.

Response to the Domestic, Family and Sexual Violence Commission Yearly Report to Parliament

Every person experiencing domestic, family or sexual violence should be able to access the specialist support they need, when they need it – no matter where they live.

Report Shows That Ending Family, Domestic and Sexual Violence Requires Greater Government Investment and Action

Domestic, Family, and Sexual Violence Commissioner, Michaela Cronin, yesterday announced the release of her inaugural report on the progress of the National Plan to End Violence against Women and Children.

Funding the Frontline to respond to domestic, family and sexual violence

Every person experiencing domestic, family or sexual violence should be able to access the specialist support they need, when they need it – no matter where they live.

Safe and Equal’s response to the Victorian Government’s Women’s Safety Package

Since the release of the Victorian Government’s 2024-25 budget earlier this month, we have been eagerly awaiting further announcements to comprehensively address family and gender-based violence in our state.

‘Ask. Listen. Believe’ to help end family violence on Are You Safe At Home? Day

Family violence is a national emergency – and we all have a role to play in ending it. This is the goal of Are You Safe At Home? Day 2024, held on 10 May each year.

Victorian Budget 2024-25: Staying the course on family violence, but more needed for long-term change

In an incredibly tight budget environment, the Victorian Government is continuing to stay the course on strengthening systemic approaches to addressing family and gender-based violence.

Safe and Equal response to National Cabinet Announcement

Family and gender-based violence is complex – and addressing it requires a robust, thoughtful, and sustained response. While the actions announced by National Cabinet are welcome, they are simply not enough to create the positive change needed to protect victim survivors and prevent further harm.

State budget cuts mean thousands of victim survivors to miss out on family violence support

In its 2024-25 State Budget Submission, Safe and Equal is calling for the Victorian Government to continue family violence response funding as a priority, alongside increased investment for safe and affordable housing and primary prevention initiatives to stop violence before it starts.

Setting the Scene: Impacts of the Reform Agenda

This address was presented by Safe and Equal CEO, Tania Farha as part of the Leading Change in Family Violence Symposium on Monday 4 December 2023. It formed part of the session alongside Deb Tsorbais (Centre for Excellence in Child and Family Welfare), Setting the Scene: Impacts of the Reform Agenda.  

Urgent call for National Cabinet focus on family and gender-based violence deaths

In this joint letter, we are writing, as peak bodies, networks and organisations representing more than 200 specialist service providers and others working to end family and domestic violence across the country, to express our deep grief and outrage at the recent reports of the murders of women by their partners or former partners.

Safe and Equal responds to the introduction of standalone non-fatal strangulation offences in Victoria

As the peak body for specialist family violence services in Victoria, Safe and Equal welcomes initiatives that bring attention to non-fatal strangulation, as it is deeply connected to family violence risk, serious injury, and significant harm to victim survivors’ psychological and physical wellbeing. 

More needed to address family and gender-based violence in government’s new Action Plan

Safe and Equal welcomes the Commonwealth Government’s release of the First Action Plan 2023-2027, as the first of two Action Plans under the 10-year National Plan to End Violence Against Women and Children 2022-2032.

Safe and Equal responds to the 2023-24 State Budget

In a difficult economic context, the Victorian Government is ‘staying the course’ on responses to family violence in the State Budget 2023-24.

Safe and Equal responds to the 2023-24 Federal Budget

Safe and Equal welcomes the ongoing investment in and support of women’s safety initiatives delivered in the 2023-24 Federal Budget.

Workplaces in the spotlight for Are You Safe At Home? Day 2023

This year’s Are You Safe At Home? Day is shining a spotlight on the significant role colleagues and employers can play in recognising and responding to family violence.

Latest Personal Safety Survey shows family violence remains a critical issue for Australians

Safe and Equal welcomes the release of the fourth Personal Safety Survey, a critical measure of the prevalence of family and gender-based violence in Australia.

Safe and Equal urgently requests continued funding for the Equal Remuneration Order

Safe and Equal, on behalf of the Victorian specialist family violence sector, has today written to Ministers asking them not to cut critical funding which is due to expire in June.

Safe and Equal responds to the Victorian Government’s acquittal of the Royal Commission into Family Violence recommendations

As the Victorian Government announces the acquittal of all recommendations from 2016’s Royal Commission into Family Violence, we reflect on the landmark achievements and progress made in the past seven years.

Preventing violence against women top of the agenda for the 16 Days of Activism in Victoria

The 16 Days of Activism is a platform to call for change, and to remind us all that preventing violence starts with changing the culture that allows it to happen.

Safe and Equal’s response to the Federal Budget October 2022

Safe and Equal welcomes the Albanese government’s first budget and acknowledges the tough financial circumstances in which it is being delivered.

Safe and Equal responds to the National Plan to End Violence against Women and Children 2022-2032

Safe and Equal welcomes the launch of the second National Plan to End Violence against Women and Children, and its significant aim to end violence in one generation.

Change takes time: Safe and Equal calls for a continued focus on family violence in their 2022 Victorian Election Platform

Safe and Equal, Victoria’s peak body representing specialist family violence services, is calling on all parties to commit to five key priorities ahead of the 2022 Victorian election.

Supporting communities to help end family violence: Safe and Equal launches ‘Are You Safe at Home?’ videos

Safe and Equal have launched four new animations for our ‘Are You Safe at Home?’ initiative, to support family, friends and colleagues of people who are experiencing family violence.

Safe and Equal responds to proposed consent legislation reforms

Safe and Equal welcomes the recently proposed reforms to consent legislation in Victoria – an incredible step forward in upholding the rights of victims of sexual violence.

Response to the Inquiry into children affected by parental incarceration report

Safe and Equal welcomes the release of the final report of Victoria’s inquiry into children affected by parental incarceration.

Are You Safe At Home? Five words that can start a conversation to end family violence

In 2022, the Are You Safe At Home? campaign is expanding with the launch of the very first Are You Safe At Home? Day on Tuesday 10 May.

Safe and Equal responds to announcements in the Victorian Budget 2022/23

Safe and Equal welcomes the investment into expanding refuge and crisis accommodation capacity, with the establishment of two new core and cluster refuges, six new Crisis Accommodation Program (CAP) properties, and upgrades to three existing refuge properties.

Welcome step in ensuring Victoria’s future social housing supply

Safe and Equal and Safe Steps welcome the Victorian Government’s announcement today of a new Social and Affordable Housing Contribution Fund.

Safe and Equal 2022 Budget Submission: Calling for a sustainable footing for the specialist family violence sector

Safe and Equal calls for an urgent uplift in funding for the specialist family violence services sector in the 2022 State Budget.

Victoria Police and family violence organisations urge Victorians to celebrate safely this holiday season

More than two thirds of all assaults reported last Christmas Day and New Year’s Day were related to family violence, according to latest figures from the Crime Statistics Agency. No to Violence, Victoria Police and Safe and Equal are urging Victorians to look after each other this holiday season.

Safe and Equal supports 16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence campaign

Safe and Equal is delighted to partner with Respect Victoria to deliver this year’s 16 Days of Activism against Gender Based Violence grassroots initiative. The Respect Women: Call it Out (Respect Is) campaign encourages all Victorians to consider what respect means to them, to call out sexism and challenge harmful gender stereotypes.

Safe and Equal’s response to Family Violence Reform Implementation Monitor’s report into accurate identification of predominant aggressors

Safe and Equal welcomes the Family Violence Reform Implementation Monitor’s report into accurate identification of predominant aggressors released this week. The report unpacks the all too frequent issue of a victim survivor being labelled as the perpetrator in a family violence setting and the unjust and detrimental consequences.

DV Vic and DVRCV have united to form Safe and Equal, Victoria’s peak body for family and gender-based violence

Following a comprehensive consultation period with staff, stakeholders and victim survivors, the Boards and members of DV Vic and DVRCV voted to merge organisations in March 2020.   On November 17 2021, the merged entity launched under the name of Safe and Equal.  

Media Release

This section includes media releases of Domestic Violence Victoria (DV Vic) and Domestic Violence Resource Centre Victoria (DVRCV) prior to the merge to form Safe and Equal.

DV Vic and DVRCV response to the 2021-22 Victorian State Budget announcement
21 May 2021

Domestic Violence Victoria (DV Vic) and the Domestic Violence Resource Centre Victoria (DVRCV), the peak body for specialist family violence services in Victoria, welcomes yesterday’s announcement of the Victorian State Budget for 2021-22. We are pleased to see ongoing commitment to addressing family violence feature in the budget, with an overall investment of $354 million.

Tania Farha, CEO of DV Vic and DVRCV said, “Rates of family violence in our community are increasing year on year. While we unreservedly welcome the funds committed by the government to family violence responses in this budget, we know that this level of funding does not meet the level of need in the community.”

The specialist family violence sector is emerging from a major period of reform off the back of the Royal Commission into Family Violence, while also recovering from the unprecedented disruptions and challenges posed by the Covid-19 pandemic. We thank the Victorian Government for its ongoing commitment to addressing family violence, and particularly welcome this budget’s additional funding for support services for victim-survivors ($49 million over four years).

The investment outlined in yesterday’s budget announcement includes:

  • Continuation of funding of the Central Information Point ($12.9 million) which provides comprehensive information to family violence practitioners in The Orange Door to ensure the safety of victim-survivors. We look forward to working with government to ensure The Orange Door will be fully integrated with the broader systemic response to family violence and access to this crucial risk management platform is extended to include the entire specialist family violence service sector.
  • Ongoing funding ($97 million over four years) for the implementation of the multi-agency risk assessment and management framework (MARAM) and information sharing schemes to support workforces to develop more comprehensive policies and practices for responding to family violence. Significant resourcing will be required to support the newly mandated workforces (totalling an estimated 370,000 individual workers across a range of service areas) to implement these crucial reforms. We hope that this work will continue to be informed by specialist family violence practice.
  • Specific initiatives focused on Aboriginal communities including the establishment of an Aboriginal refuge in Horsham, after hours family violence support and legal assistance to meet the needs of Aboriginal communities.
  • Investment in family violence early intervention, and responses to children and young people impacted by family violence. This includes the welcomed state-wide expansion of therapeutic services for adolescents who use violence in the home. There is a critical need for concurrent investment in the development of a state-wide coordinated crisis response to adolescent family violence, which is currently lacking.
  • Increased investment in perpetrator accountability ($18.1 million).
  • $1.2 million investment (over two years) in the Family Violence Graduate Program that will support 80 new graduates to receive training and on-the-job support while working to become specialists in family violence services. This initiative delivers on the promised investment in the last budget for creating pathways to employment for young people to transition into specialist family violence positions.
  • Investment to strengthen justice system responses to family violence. This will include additional funding to expand the network of specialist family violence courts and to increase early access to legal advice for victim-survivors will help promote safer legal outcomes for victim-survivors.
  • Investment in the victim service system. We look forward to receiving more detail about how this will contribute to increasing access to the support services and financial assistance essential for victim-survivors to rebuild their lives and recover.
  • Investment of $2.4 million over two years to develop tools and resources for addressing drivers of sexual violence in young people, as well as resourcing for youth-focused programs that promote healthy relationships and greater community understanding. We welcome the $2.3 million investment to continue delivering initiatives that promote gender equality and respectful relationships among young people and address the drivers of sexual and family violence. Continued investment in strengthening broader understanding of the drivers of family violence and gendered violence is critical to support sustainable, long-term social change.
  • Additional funding to support women’s health services across the state. This funding will continue to build the capacity of regional infrastructure to strengthen sector-wide collaboration and primary prevention deliverables.
  • Investment to support the establishment of a new gender responsive budgeting unit. Deliberately applying a gender lens to assess the overall gendered reach and impact of the Victorian State Budget is essential to advancing gender equality and ending family violence in our community.

We look forward to receiving further details about how this money will be spread across the many areas of work required for a safe and coordinated response to victim-survivors of family violence and concerted effort to prevent this violence before it occurs.

The only way to stem the unacceptable rates of family violence in our community is to stop it from happening in the first place. There is still much more to be done including the much-needed additional investment in prevention and the prevention workforce, as well the longstanding need to increase funding for specialist family violence response services.

DVVic and DVRCV are committed to continue our work with the Victorian Government to ensure funding is committed in 2022-23 and beyond for prevention and adequate and sustainable funding for the essential services working to support the safety and wellbeing of victim-survivors and ending family violence across our community.

Responding to Coercive Control in Victoria – Broadening the conversation beyond criminalisation
11 May 2021

Coercive control is one of the most complex and urgent social issues impacting communities across Australia, and victim survivors clearly need improved responses from the system and the community. Coercive control has always been recognized by the specialist family violence sector as a defining feature of family violence that significantly impacts on the safety and wellbeing of all victim-survivors. Safe and just outcomes for victim survivors requires a whole of systems and community response – where everyone has a shared understanding of what coercive control is and looks like, and how to assess and manage associated risks. Domestic Violence Victoria (DV Vic) and the Domestic Violence Resource Centre (DVRCV), the peak body for specialist family violence services in Victoria, welcomes the growing public conversation about how best to achieve this.

DV Vic and DVRCV CEO Tania Farha states “A new law is not where we should be starting in Victoria, where there is already recognition of coercive control in our legislation. The focus needs to be on improving how existing laws are applied.”

DV Vic and DVRCV have released a position paper that identifies immediate actions that can be taken to improve understanding of and response to coercive control across the broader family violence system. This must start with a shared understanding of coercive control across all systems, services and agencies responding to family violence, that recognises coercive control as a pattern of abusive behaviours and tactics used by a perpetrator to gain power and control over a victim survivor.

While the justice system (civil and criminal) forms part of the systemic response to family violence, DV Vic and DVRCV would not support the introduction of a new offence to criminalise coercive control in Victoria at this stage. It is the peak’s view that criminalisation of coercive control is unlikely to result in safer outcomes for victim survivors or increase perpetrator accountability, while at the same time it may increase risk for those most vulnerable and marginalised victim survivors in the community.

“The criminal justice system’s current response to family violence is inconsistent. We need to look at the whole picture and ensure that we don’t lose sight of victim survivors who for many reasons do not engage with police or the courts,” says Tania Farha.

The peak is grateful for the opportunity to contribute to this critical discussion and remains committed to ongoing consideration of the emerging evidence and engagement with the many valid perspectives and viewpoints expressed in this most critical conversation.

Call to extend funding to address impact of COVID-19 on services responding to family violence and sexual assault
19 April 2021

The three peak bodies for specialist services responding to family violence and sexual assault in Victoria – Domestic Violence Victoria and Domestic Violence Resource Centre Victoria, No to Violence, and Sexual Assault Services Victoria – call on the Australian Government to extend the initial $150 million COVID-19 funding provided to support Australians experiencing domestic, family and sexual violence due to the fallout from coronavirus during 2020.

While the respective sectors these peak bodies represent each benefitted from the initial funding during a crucial period, the impacts of COVID-19 are far from over. These sectors each face a significant rise in demand for services from people impacted by family and sexual violence and an increase in complexity of cases.

We urge the Australian Government to commit to further resourcing specialist family violence and sexual assault services to respond to the ongoing impacts of the pandemic.

Read our letter to the Australian Government.

Joint Statement: DV Vic, DVRCV and No To Violence
15 March 2021

The peak bodies for Victorian specialist family violence services have today issued a joint statement in support of people across Australia sharing their experiences of sexual violence and seeking stronger institutional responses across all parts of our community.

The recently-merged Domestic Violence Victoria and Domestic Violence Resource Centre Victoria have united with No To Violence to support calls for reform.

“We must listen to and believe victim survivors,” said DV Vic/DVRCV CEO Tania Farha.

“And we need to do much more than listening and believing. We must shift the structures and systems that allow sexual violence to occur. They are the same structures and systems that so often fail victim survivors when they come forward,” Ms Farha added.

Ms Farha highlighted the multiple barriers survivors face when reporting abuse, which often result in a decision not to pursue a formal complaint.

“This story is broader than any individual, any specific workplace or any one incident. The reaction we have seen to recent survivor accounts is telling. We have seen those with power deflecting responsibility, rather than reflecting on the toxic culture that allows violence to occur and then relies on shame to keep victim survivors silent.”

“Condoning disrespect and discrediting survivors’ experiences are at once the symptoms and the causes of the epidemic of gendered, sexual and family violence in this country. All of us have a role in changing that.”

Jacqui Watt, CEO of No To Violence, pointed out the alarmingly high rates of men’s violence in Australia.

“While media and the public may be tempted to question any one victim survivor or set of allegations, there is no question whatsoever about how prevalent this abuse is. Australian Bureau of Statistics 2016 figures show one in three girls and women over 15 have experienced physical or sexual violence – or both. What public attention seldom highlights is how many men have used these forms of violence – this needs to change.”

Ms Watt also highlighted the need to acknowledge the culture that enables these forms of abuse, and the importance of embedding accountability across all workplaces and communities.

“Sexual violence is a manifestation of disrespect and gendered power imbalances that permeate our homes, workplaces and online spaces. We must listen to people when they call out disrespect, and we must call on everyone to challenge sexism when they see and hear it among friends and colleagues.”

DV Vic/DVRCV and No To Violence acknowledge that recent media coverage and public conversation may be harmful and distressing for people who have or are currently experiencing abuse of any kind.

“Support is available. Specialist services are here for you, and will believe you,” Ms Farha said.

Where to get help

Sexual Assault Crisis Line
Support for people who have experienced past or recent sexual assault.
Call: 1800 806 292 (24 hours)

Information, counselling and support for people affected by family violence or sexual assault. Support is available all day and every day.
Call 1800 737 732 Webchat:

safe steps
Support for women and children experiencing family violence.
Call 1800 015 188 (24 hours) Webchat: Email

Men’s Referral Service
Confidential support for men at risk of using family violence.
Call 1300 766 491 (7 days, varying hours)

Rainbow Door
Free specialist helpline providing information, support, and referrals for LGBTIQA+ Victorians.
Call 1800 729 367 (10am-6pm, 7 days) Text: 0480 017 246 (10am-6pm, 7 days)

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