Respectful Relationships in Victoria: Responding to Disclosures in Prevention Settings (1 of 2)

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We know that primary prevention activities often increase the likelihood of people disclosing. These disclosures may be about their personal experience of violence, perpetration of violence or their family situation. It is important that prevention practitioners have the skills and understanding to respond effectively in these situations. This video is part of a series on Respectful Relationships in Victoria.

Join the conversation with a panel of experts, educators and practitioners who will discuss key considerations and suggest practical techniques to safely respond to a disclosure from a colleague or a child/young person.

Featuring panellists:

  • Deanne Carson, CEO & Co-founder, Body Safety Australia
  • Alyssha Fooks, Program Leader, Education Training and Development, CASA House
  • Sangwon Lee, PVAW Project Officer, Multicultural Centre for Women’s Health
  • Deborah Robins, Foundation Teacher, Brunswick North West Primary School
  • Genevieve Sheppard, Senior Education Advisor, Our Watch

Moderated by Maria Delaney, PVAW Specialist, Capability Building, DVRCV

This video is part one of two. View the second part: Responding to Disclosures in Prevention Settings (2 of 2)

Resource details

Resource type: Video
Duration: 30:35