PiP Seminar: Supporting bystander action to prevent violence against women

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In the context of preventing violence against women, bystander action refers to the action taken by a bystander to challenge behaviour, attitudes, norms, policies and structures that contribute to and perpetuate violence against women.
Join the conversation with a panel of experts and practitioners who will give an overview of bystander action in the context of primary prevention, and discuss how to plan and deliver bystander approaches that align with best practice design principles. You will be sure to walk away with a pocket full of practical considerations, tools and techniques that will support you in your bystander work. Featuring: Casey Burchell, Marketing and Communications Advisor, Our Watch Tracey Egan, Gender Equity Officer, City of Monash Natalie Russell, Principal Program Officer – Mental Wellbeing, VicHealth Claire Marshall, Principal Advisor – Independent Review, Victorian Equal Opportunity and Human Rights Commission.
More information: https://www.partnersinprevention.org.au/resources/seminar-series/

Resource details

Resource type: Video
Duration: 1:46:22