We all have a role to play in stopping violence against women.
The Know your A-Z resources offer 26 ways everybody can help challenge harmful stereotypes, promote respect and prevent violence.
You can download the free Know your A-Z poster and cards then print or share them online.

Here are some ideas on how you can use the A-Z resources.
- In your workplace, school or club
- Put it up in your tea room, on the fridge, on the staff notice board, on the back of toilet doors, or office partition
- Share it with your colleagues in the newsletter or in internal communications (download newsletter blurb and image). Encourage staff to take action, do research or submit ideas around the different actions
- Create an internal or external campaign
- Pick a month and make it Prevention of Violence Against Women month
- Send out one A-Z image per day/week via email, newsletter, Twitter or intranet
- Use these prompts to start a conversation at lunch or add them to meeting agendas
- Discuss what your organisation is doing to prevent violence against women
- Let clients, contacts and suppliers know what you are doing to take action and invite them to join you.