Change the Story

What is the evidence?

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Drawing on Australia’s National evidence-based framework for preventing violence against women, ‘Change the Story’, Director of Policy and Evaluation at Our Watch Dr Lara Fergus outlined the drivers of violence against women and discussed how we can address them.

Early childhood educators are in a unique position to support the children and families they work with, as well as their colleagues experiencing violence. There is a significant opportunity to work with children to develop a foundation of gender equity and respectful relationships to help prevent violence in the next generation.

This conference aimed to build the capacity of early childhood educators to respond to and prevent violence against women. It sought to provide an understanding of:

  • The prevalence, dynamics and impact of family violence to guide the work of educators
  • How to identify and respond to family violence in early childhood centres
  • What the research says the drivers of violence against women are, how these drivers present in early childhood and opportunities to address these drivers in early childhood settings
  • How can the workplace be used as a setting to prevent and respond to violence against women

The Conference was held at the Darebin Arts and Entertainment Centre in Preston on Wednesday 13 July 2016.

Resource details

Resource type: Video
Duration: 24:18

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