Foundation Knowledge:
Capability Two

Knowledge of the indicators of violence against women and how to respond to and refer those who disclose their experience.

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The following are resources, research papers and other material arranged under headings for each knowledge indicator. They are to support and further your learning for Capability Two.

Understanding the warning signs and risk indicators

Professional obligations under the Family Violence Risk Assessment and Risk Management Framework

Their own organisational policies, protocols and procedures in relation to risk assessment and responding to family violence

  • These will need to be understood within the context of the participant’s organisation.

Information sharing laws and regulations, including when risk indicates that privacy and consent must be superseded

  • DV Vic/ DVRCV has created an online booklet, which includes contact details and further information on services in family violence and related sectors around Victoria. This booklet is updated regularly and can be used to contact services for further information.

Mandatory reporting requirements and Child Safe Standards in regard to children and young people

  • Family Violence Information Sharing Scheme – This video introduces the MARAM, the Family Violence Information Sharing Scheme and the Child Information Sharing Scheme focusing on the links between the three and highlighting the purpose of information sharing schemes. The Family Violence Information Sharing Scheme enables prescribed information sharing entities (ISEs) to share information between themselves for family violence risk assessment and risk management. This link provides detail around the Family Violence Information Sharing Scheme, including which organisations are ISEs, as well as implementation timelines.
  • Child Information Sharing Scheme – This scheme provides additional mechanisms for sharing of information relating to children to promote their safety and wellbeing. This information sharing extends beyond the scope of family violence relayed information.
  • Mandatory Reporting – Mandatory reporting laws are applicable to doctors, nurses, midwives, teachers, police and professionals working within Family Court. However, most professionals working within family violence response and prevention would also adhere to mandatory reporting guidelines and many organisations require that staff, regardless of their profession, follow mandatory reporting guidelines.
  • Failure to Disclose Offence – Outlines the legal obligation of any adult who has a reasonable belief that a sexual offence has been committed by an adult against a child to report this to the police.

The emotional, psychological and physical safety needs of children and young people

  • Working with Children and Young People – The Lookout – Provides an overview of key considerations when working with children and young people along with links to further information and resources.

The broader definition of family violence for Aboriginal communities


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