Prevention in Practice Course Foundation Guide

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The Prevention in Practice Foundation Guide provides an overview of key resources for participants seeking to build their knowledge of the evidence base on the prevention of family violence and violence against women.

The content provided in this guide meets the requirements of Foundational Knowledge for Prevention Practitioners as outlined in the Preventing Family Violence and Violence Against Women Capability Framework.

This foundation guide and the key resources are intended to supplement the learning you undertake as a participant in the Prevention in Practice Course.

Guide overview

This guide has been designed according to the following Foundational Knowledge Capabilities:

Capability One: Knowledge of behaviours that constitute violence against women, the nature, dynamics and impacts of this violence and knowledge of the terms and concepts used by PVAW practitioners

Capability Two: Knowledge of the gendered drivers of violence against women and how to respond to and refer those who disclose their experience.

Capability Three: Manages risk and prioritises the safety of victim survivors of family and gender-based violence.

Prevention in Practice Course - Background Reading

The following documents are essential background reading for all Prevention in Practice participants. They offer a comprehensive overview and context for Prevention of Violence Against Women practitioners, providing the basis of foundational knowledge requirements for working in the sector.

Responding to Family Violence and Violence Against Women – Foundational Knowledge

The Prevention in Practice course is not primarily focused on responding to family violence, however there is an expectation that both prevention and response practitioners will have an understanding of how to effectively respond to disclosures when undertaking their roles, as outlined in the Prevention of Violence Against Women Capability Framework.

Safe and Equal offers the Multi Agency Risk Assessment and Management Framework (MARAM) training module, an online course that provides core knowledge on the integrated family violence system and how to identify and respond to victims of family violence.  The course addresses various elements of the Foundational Response Capabilities and can act as a first and primary resource when looking further into this knowledge.


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