Our role in workforce development

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Our strategic direction over the next two years is to grow our leadership role in representing and developing the primary prevention workforce, and building and sharing innovative practice.

Safe and Equal Primary Prevention Strategy 2022-2024 

At Safe and Equal we recognise the need to continue to build the skills, knowledge and confidence of the primary prevention workforce, as well as providing opportunities for collaboration and connection.  

Our activities aim to support and advance this developing workforce by bringing people together, developing their capabilities, and advocating for and with them. We take a holistic approach to workforce development, which involves wrap-around support across four areas of activity:  

  • Leadership and advocacy with and for the prevention workforce 
  • Workforce development and practice through tailored and sector-wide training and education 
  • Sector development through networks, communications, meaningful partnerships and communities of practice 
  • Organisational sustainability through creating and sustaining systems to evaluate and adapt our work, and ensuring our work remains accessible and inclusive 

Effective primary prevention will require a diverse and multi-disciplinary workforce in order to create long-term social change, that addresses the gendered drivers of violence across a wide range of settings, and using a variety of different techniques. 

We offer a range of capability development offerings for new, emerging and established practitioners, including: 


Our primary prevention training builds the capability of practitioners to engage in best practice primary prevention of family and gender-based violence, and respectful relationships education work.

Communities of Practice

Our communities of practice purposely bring together those working in primary prevention or respectful relationships education to explore challenges and opportunities, support evidence-based approaches, and strengthen policy and practice in relation to this work.

Leadership programs

Our suite of leadership programs provides mid-career and senior practitioners with the skills required to take on leadership and management roles and advance their career within the family violence response and prevention sectors.


Browse our library of resources and publications, developed by Safe and Equal in partnership with organisations from across the sector.

Partners in Prevention

The Partners in Prevention network is a vital way for practitioners to connect and share knowledge through events and activities.


Our webinars, conferences and networking events build capability and connections across the primary prevention sector.


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