Risk Assessment and Management Panels (RAMPs)

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A Risk Assessment and Management Panel or ‘RAMP’ is a formally convened meeting of key local agencies and organisations who conduct a multi-agency risk assessment of people who are at high risk of serious harm from family violence.

The panel focuses on the perpetrator while simultaneously centralising the safety of victim survivors, mostly women and their children. They are engaged when the usual service system has not or cannot mitigate serious risk posed by the perpetrator due to systemic and structural barriers and/or intensifying, overt, calculating and immutable perpetrator behaviour. 

There are 18 RAMPs across Victoria.

How RAMPs are run

Each RAMP is co-chaired by a representative from a specialist family violence service and Victoria Police. RAMP core members include representatives of community corrections, the Department of Families, Fairness and Housing, clinical mental health services, alcohol and drug services, men’s family violence services, family services and child protection.

The RAMP Statewide Coordinator provides training and support for RAMP Coordinators, Chairs and members and ensures high quality and consistent processes across the state.

How to refer a case to a RAMP

RAMP is not a first response to family violence. Cases will only be considered when the usual service response is not able to sufficiently reduce the level of threat posed by the perpetrator.

Given that RAMPs target only the highest risk family violence cases, they consider up to five new cases a month – only a small number of serious risk family violence cases reported in Victoria. Most serious risk family violence cases are successfully managed by the standard family violence response. 

Cases can be referred to RAMPs by contacting your local specialist family violence service or Orange Door.

A comprehensive MARAM risk assessment will be conducted for each case to determine whether the perpetrator presents a serious and imminent threat to the victim. 

RAMPs are an initiative of the Department of Families, Fairness and Housing (DFFH), in partnership with Safe and Equal.


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