At 28, Sharyn started a relationship with a man who became violent. He used multiple controlling tactics to stop her from pursuing tertiary studies. Now a family violence worker, Sharyn wants young people to have self-confidence and know they are strong and powerful.
We live in a society where, as women, it’s like you have to have a partner, and there’s something wrong with you if you haven’t got a partner.
After leaving the perpetrator, Sharyn was able to complete the tertiary studies that she previously thought she would need his help for. She reports feeling like “a new me” and wants young people to know that controlling behaviour is not a normal part of relationships.
About this story
While some names may have been changed, this story is true and was shared with consent for the purpose of raising awareness about the experience of family violence. Please do not republish or adapt this story without written permission. Contact us.
Telling your own story
Sharing your story of family violence and your journey to recovery can be powerful. It can raise awareness, challenge stereotypes and inspire others. There are many ways you can tell your story. This might include writing it down, expressing it through art, or sharing with a trusted person or support service.

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