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MARAM - Brief and Intermediate

This training is suitable for professionals whose purpose of intervention is linked to family violence but not directly focused on family violence. You may be engaging with people in crisis situations, or at high risk of experiencing or using family violence. This training focuses on working with victim survivors.

MARAM - Identification and Screening

This training is suitable for all professionals who may identify family violence is occurring and who engage with people in a one-off, episodic or ongoing service environment and are in a position to identify or screen for family violence. This training focuses on working with victim survivors.

MARAM - Leading Alignment - Virtual

This training is suitable for organisational leaders‚ CEOs, Directors or senior managers across all organisations/ agencies prescribed under the MARAM. The training promotes an understanding of the MARAM Framework including key strategies and requirements such as practice, policies and procedures necessary to align with MARAM.

MARAM Comprehensive Risk Assessment and Management Module

This training is suitable for new family violence specialists and/or those who have not previously completed specialist CRAF training. This training focuses on working with victim survivors. This training is for professionals who work in a specialist capacity across the integrated service system.

MARAM Comprehensive Risk Assessment and Management Training – adapted for the legal assistance sector

This two-day course has been adapted for the legal assistance sector is primarily for community service professionals who work in the legal assistance sector across the integrated family violence service system. This training will be co-delivered by Safe and Equal and Eastern Community Legal Centre (ECLC).

MARAM - Working with adults who use family violence - Identification

This training is suitable for all professionals prescribed under MARAM in Victoria who may identify family violence is occurring and who engage with people in a one-off, episodic or ongoing service. This training focuses on working with adults using family violence.

MARAM - Predominant aggressor identification and responding to misidentification

This training is tailored for specialist family violence victim-survivor practitioners with comprehensive MARAM responsibilities. This training equips participants with the skills and knowledge to identify and respond effectively to misidentification, including use of the Predominant Aggressor Identification Template and associated practice guidance.

What to expect

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Hear from previous participants across our range of  MARAM courses.

I thought this training was extremely thorough and [the trainer] was extremely knowledgeable with lots of experience on the topics she was training. I have recommended this training to other colleagues.

MARAM Identification & Screening 2023

I think my practice with victim survivors will be smoother and more thoughtful as a result of this training. I was generally quite aware of the tools and major risk factors relating to family violence, but I believe the training has sharpened my understanding of the knowledge underpinning the MARAM framework tools and how to implement them well.

MARAM Brief & Intermediate 2023

The training was engaging and enjoyable. The presenters facilitated the course incredibly well and were very knowledgeable.

MARAM Comprehensive 2023


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