MARAM Comprehensive Risk Assessment and Management Module - adapted for the legal assistance sector - Virtual (ECLC)

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The ‘MARAM Comprehensive Risk Assessment and Management Training – adapted for the legal assistance sector’ is primarily for community service professionals who work in the legal assistance sector across the integrated family violence service system. 
This virtual training is suitable for practitioners who are working within legal services, who are not prescribed to use the MARAM, but who come into contact with individuals and families experiencing family violence within roles that require them to identify, assess and manage risk.

Who can attend?
  • community service professionals whose role requires them to identify, assess and manage risk; 
  • community lawyers whose roles require them to provide casework to women and children experiencing family violence; 
  • people in leadership positions supervising practitioners in the previous two categories. 


Day 1: 9.15 am - 4.45 pm
Day 2: 9.15 am - 4.45 pm

The cost per participant is $385

Instructions to register:
  1. Choose the date you would wish to attend below and click the ‘enrol’ button.
  2. Enter your given name, family name and email address and click ‘create’ (Note: if you’ve registered with us before with the same email address, you’ll receive an email titled ‘Incomplete Online Booking’ to verify your address and continue with your booking)
  3. Enter your details.
  4. You'll receive an email to confirm your booking. If you opt to receive an invoice, your place will be confirmed once payment has been received
If the available dates don't work for you, please join our waitlist to be informed when new dates are made available. You can join the waitlist here.
This training will be co-delivered by Safe and Equal and Eastern Community Legal Centre (ECLC). By registering for this course, you are giving your permission for us to share some of your personal details with Eastern Community Legal Centre. Your name, role, email and organisation will be shared for registration purposes.

Who is this for?

This training is primarily for community service professionals who work in the legal assistance sector across the integrated family violence service system.
This training is suitable for practitioners who are working within legal services, who are not prescribed to use the MARAM, but who come into contact with individuals and families experiencing family violence within roles that require them to identify, assess and manage risk.


  • You must attend all four sessions in the correct sequential order to receive a certificate.
  • We will only issue certificates to participants who have attended all of the training sessions.
  • Cost: $385

Upcoming dates

MARAM Comprehensive Risk Assessment and Management Module - adapted for the legal assistance sector - Virtual (ECLC)
Name Location Date Time Enrol
MARAM Comprehensive Risk Assessment and Management Module adapted for the legal assistance sector - Virtual - 27 & 28 February 2025 (ECLC)
27 & 28 February 2025
09:15 am - 04:45 pm


By subscribing to our regular bulletins.