Trauma Informed Practice for Family Violence Specialists – Two Day Intensive

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In this two day intensive course, you will learn what makes family violence different from other traumatic experiences, and how you can integrate a trauma-informed framework into your practice. We will also cover ways to prevent vicarious trauma and strategies for you and your employer to support your wellbeing.
A trauma-informed approach shifts away from pathologising ‘problem’ behaviour, towards understanding a person’s experiences, behaviours and responses as a way of coping and responding to trauma.

Assumed knowledge:
Please note – it is assumed that participants will have knowledge or experience of family violence practice, including the dynamics of power and control, risk assessment, safety planning and responding to a disclosure. 

  • $310 SHS (Specialist Homelessness Service) funded workers
  • $760 Non SHS (Specialist Homelessness Service) funded workers
SHS or Specialist Homelessness Services provides funding support to most family violence and housing/homelessness services. If you are unsure about your SHS status, please check with your organisations Finance Officer or Administration Coordinator.

If you'd like to be notified when there are new training dates available, please join the waitlist here.
  • It was nice to gain an understanding of the emotional and physical complexities of trauma and how we can use our skills in empathy and emotional intelligence to face it head-on together. It is quite empowering.
  • I will advocate to our general manager that this needs to be part of core training for new staff.

Who is this for?

Workers across a range of settings and roles, including intake, outreach and refuge, as well as in workplaces like hospitals or integrated family violence settings, where family violence may not be the only presenting issue.
  • What will I learn?
  • Understanding the impacts and dynamics of trauma for family violence survivors
  • Identifying trauma responses in survivors and how to respond to minimise further traumatisation
  • Applying a foundational understanding of the neurobiology of trauma to practice frameworks
  • Understanding the impact of traumatic brain injury as a result of family violence
  • Using a trauma informed practice approach to increase advocacy for survivors
  • dentifying impacts on workers to prevent vicarious trauma
  • Practical strategies and approaches to increase survivors’ agency in decision-making
  • Micro-counselling skills to enhance regulation, grounding and sense of safety


  • Please note this course is not currently being delivered.
  • If you are interested in attending in the future please let us know by completing the waitlist below.

Upcoming dates

Trauma Informed Practice for Family Violence Specialists – Two Day Intensive
Name Location Date Time Enrol


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