Prevention in Practice - Blended Delivery

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This Prevention in Practice blended course gives you the opportunity to learn about primary prevention at your own pace and to level up your program design and delivery with our trainers. You will build your understanding of what drives violence against women and establish and strengthen your skills to implement programs that take action to prevent violence from occurring in the first place.
Ending family and gender-based violence is possible, and we all have a role to play in stopping this violence from happening in the first place. We want to break this cycle of violence by challenging the culture and attitudes that drive it. To do this, we give prevention practitioners foundational knowledge of the drivers of violence against women and how to implement prevention programs to challenge them.

Adapted from Safe and Equal’s flagship primary prevention training Prevention in Practice, this blended course has been developed with flexible learning options in mind. Designed to be completed alongside your workload, this course includes two parts:
  1. Primary Prevention Foundations eLearn (4 hours) – build your foundational knowledge about primary prevention and the drivers of violence against at your own pace.
  2. Prevention in Practice: Design & Delivery (1 day) – join our trainers for an interactive training on prevention design and delivery, resistance and collective wellbeing.
Throughout this course, you’ll build the skills, tools and understanding to increase the impact of your primary prevention efforts and long-term cultural change towards a world in which everyone is safe, equal and respected.

If you’re starting your journey in primary prevention or want the opportunity to hone your prevention expertise, this training is great way to continue your learning journey.

  • eLearn – Canvas, Learning Management System
  • Virtual training – online via Zoom, supported by Canvas, Learning Management System.

  • Definitions, prevalence and impacts of gender based and family violence 
  • The drivers of violence against women 
  • The primary prevention approach and its role in addressing family and gender-based violence 
  • The importance of embedding intersectional approaches into prevention  
  • The essential actions for ending violence against women 
  • How to design and implement effective and sustainable prevention programs  
  • How to apply an intersectional lens to prevention work  
  • Designing effective prevention initiatives  
  • How to monitor and evaluate programs effectively  
  • Understanding the forms of resistance and backlash when undertaking this work  
  • The role of worker wellbeing and organisational care for undertaking prevention work 

Who is this for?

  • Workers from related sectors looking to know more about primary prevention
  • Emerging primary prevention practitioners (those who have been in the sector less than one year)
  • Experienced practitioners who are keen to build their skills and knowledge in prevention program design, implementation and evaluation
  • People that are leading and/or managing a team designing and delivering prevention programs (or are curious about applying the prevention lens to your work)


  • Cost: $275
  • Credit card payment upon enrolment required
  • This blended course includes access to Primary Prevention Foundations eLearn module and Prevention in Practice: Design and Delivery live virtual training

Upcoming dates

Prevention in Practice - Blended Delivery
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