Training &

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Recognise and respond appropriately to domestic and family violence

Build your skills and confidence to identify and respond to family violence during professional contact with clients. This nationally accredited training in self-paced and hybrid to allow you to study and work.

Woman wearing hijab on phone


Training and events

Visit this page to view our full range of training courses, workshops and programs.

Training refunds and cancellation policy

Learn more about Safe and Equal’s training refunds and cancellation policy.

MARAM training

Safe and Equal delivers MARAM training modules for practitioners who need to have an applied understanding of MARAM and information sharing in their roles.

Primary prevention training and events

Safe and Equal’s primary prevention training builds the capability of practitioners to engage in best practice primary prevention of family and gender-based violence, and respectful relationships education work. 

Tailored training for your staff

Safe and Equal delivers in-house tailored training packages to suit your needs for responding to family violence and preventing gender-based violence.

Family Violence Foundations

Family Violence Foundations is a free online learning package for all Victorian professionals, designed to build your knowledge to prevent, identify and respond to family violence and violence against women.

Fast Track intensive leadership programs

Three unique programs, Response, Prevention and Foundations, offer experienced practitioners the opportunity to build leadership and management capabilities in a learning environment tailored to their practice specialty, role and career goals.

Lead + Adapt leadership program

Designed for executive and senior leaders in the specialist family violence, primary prevention and sexual assault sectors, this professional development program puts you at the centre of your leadership journey.


Fast Track intensive leadership programs

Three unique programs, Response, Prevention and Foundations, offer experienced practitioners the opportunity to build leadership and management capabilities in a learning environment tailored to their practice specialty, role and career goals.

Lead + Adapt leadership program

Designed for executive and senior leaders in the specialist family violence, primary prevention and sexual assault sectors, this professional development program puts you at the centre of your leadership journey.

Leadership Network

We know that strong connections create strong leaders. Our new leadership network is for people working in family violence, primary prevention or sexual assault services in Victoria.


Primary prevention communities of practice

Safe and Equal facilitates Communities of Practice to build networks and support peer learning between Victorian primary prevention practitioners.

Specialist family violence communities of practice

Safe and Equal’s Communities of Practice provide specialist family violence practice advice, and support innovation in practice and service design.

Connecting Communities

Connecting Communities is a free program of wrap-around capability building and networking activities, delivered in partnership with the Multicultural Centre for Women’s Health, for prevention practitioners who work with multicultural and/or faith-based communities.

Leadership Network

We know that strong connections create strong leaders. Our new leadership network is for people working in family violence, primary prevention or sexual assault services in Victoria.


Understanding family violence as a workplace issue

Workplaces have a role in recognising and responding to family violence, in alignment with national legislation.

Connecting with lived experience expertise

Access the lived experience expertise of survivor advocates to create better outcomes for your organisation.

Working with us to create a Safe and Equal workplace

Work with Safe and Equal to develop and implement your family and domestic violence paid leave policy, tailored to your workplace’s needs.

Training and events

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PreventX - What's Next?

PreventX – What’s Next? is the national conference for those who want to create change and prevent violence against women and family violence. It’s a place to mobilise, build and inspire and to take your skills and career to the next level.

Primary Prevention + Conference

Unpacking Resistance - Virtual

This training will give you the confidence to respond to resistance when it arises. From denial to backlash, to understanding why people might resist gender equality work, you’ll be equipped with the strategies and skills to create meaningful and sustainable change.

Primary Prevention + Advanced Skills

Case Notes, Family Violence and the Law

In this full-day training, you will learn best practices for the structure, style and language of case notes, and develop your knowledge about how to respond to subpoenas, appearing as a witness in court, privacy and legal issues.

Responding to family violence

MARAM - Brief and Intermediate - Virtual

This training is suitable for professionals whose purpose of intervention is linked to family violence but not directly focused on family violence. You may be engaging with people in crisis situations, or at high risk of experiencing or using family violence. This training focuses on working with victim survivors.

MARAM + Foundational Knowledge


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