The Family Violence Experts by Experience Framework aims to enhance the ability of specialist family violence services to provide opportunities for survivor advocates to influence policy development, service planning and practice.

Ensuring the centrality of victim survivor voices and responding to the needs and experiences of clients from different communities and client groups was a key message delivered by the Victorian Royal Commission into Family Violence (Recommendation 201).
Following the Victorian Royal Commission, the Family Violence Philanthropy Collaboration Project (FVPCP) was established by Domestic Violence Victoria to bring together representatives from the specialist family violence sector, philanthropic and government sectors to support a coordinated response to the implementation of the Royal Commission’s Recommendations.
This group worked with the family violence sector to identify a range of strategic areas for philanthropic investment to address some of the emerging needs of the specialist family violence sector. One of the projects funded was the development of a Lived Experience Framework for specialist family violence services.
The project was undertaken by the University of Melbourne and supported by Domestic Violence Victoria as part of the Family Violence Sector Capacity Building Program and generously funded by Gandel Philanthropy, the William Buckland Foundation, Give Where You Live Foundation, State Trustees Australia Foundation, the Victorian Women’s Benevolent Trust and the Johnstone Gumption Fund and the Jump Start Fund, sub-funds of Australian Communities Foundation.
Suggested citation:
Lamb K, Hegarty K, Amanda, Cina, Fiona, and the University of Melbourne WEAVERs lived experience group, Parker R. (2020) The Family Violence Experts by Experience Framework: Domestic Violence Victoria. Melbourne, Australia.