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To achieve our vision of a world free from family and gender based violence, we join with other organisations and advocates to drive social and systemic change.

Our Advocacy

‘Vote Against Violence’ 2022 State Election Tour

In the lead-up to the 2022 Victorian Election, specialist family violence and sexual assault service providers came together with local political candidates in key electoral districts across the state to discuss issues and priorities for their communities. Hosted by peak bodies Safe and Equal, Sexual Assault Services Victoria, and No to Violence, the ‘Vote Against Violence’ tour was an opportunity for sector experts to highlight the impacts of increasing demand, workforce challenges, housing shortages, and inequitable access to justice and legal support on victim survivors of family violence and sexual assault.

Victorian Election Platform 2022

Safe and Equal calls for a continued focus on family violence in their 2022 Victorian Election Platform. Ending family violence is complex. Even with the incredible investment into improving Victoria’s response to family violence in recent years, barriers and gaps still exist. Demand for specialist services continues to increase, yet these services remain chronically under-funded. Safe and Equal’s Victorian Election Platform contains 17 recommendations centred around key asks for the specialist family violence sector.  

16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence

The United Nation’s international campaign 16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence, takes place each year from 25 November (International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women) until 10 December (International Human Rights Day). To support the delivery of the 16 Days of Activism initiative, Respect Victoria has funded Safe and Equal to connect and build the capacity of community organisations and local councils to engage with the campaign.

Are You Safe at Home?

Safe and Equal developed the ‘Are you safe at home?’ initiative in 2020 in response to an increased risk of family violence during the COVID-19 pandemic. Initially launching in September 2020, the initiative provided victim survivors with information about what family violence is, ways to stay safe, and where to find support. In 2022, the Are You Safe at Home? initiative will provide factual, helpful, and relevant information to Australians in every state. This campaign is aimed at people either experiencing family violence or those who believe someone they know might be.

Learn more about the advocacy campaigns we support, and the changes we are working together with our partners to achieve.

Campaigns we support

Make Social Housing Work

We join with other peak bodies to call on the Victorian Government to increase social and public housing for people at risk of homelessness, including victim survivors of family violence. Visit the Council to Homeless Persons website to read the Make Social Housing Work report.

Safety First in Family Law

In 2019, DV Vic supported the Women’s Legal Services Australia ‘Safety First in Family Law’ campaign. The campaign aims to create a family law system that keeps women and children safe.

Fair Agenda – No one should be left without the support they need to escape abuse

Launched in 2015, we support Fair Agenda’s campaign for all Australian governments to fully fund family violence services.

Safety and Respect for All Women

Safe and Equal joined with key gender equity and women’s safety organisations from around the nation to speak out in support of inclusion, dignity and respect for trans women. In the lead up to the federal election, we’re concerned about this divisive, hate-filled debate and its potential to fuel increasing violence against trans women and girls. Our struggles are intertwined, and it’s important for organisations like ours to join with others to stand up and speak out for the safety and equality of all women. We stand with trans women, sistergirls, and all trans people.

Everybody’s Home

We are a proud partner of the Everybody’s Home campaign, calling for national action to end homelessness. With more and more people struggling to afford the private rental market, the demand for affordable or social rental properties is outstripping supply. And a chronic shortage of social and affordable housing is forcing record levels of homelessness.


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