Advocacy priorities

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This series of Advocacy Priorities has been developed to support the delivery of Safe and Equal’s new Strategic Plan.

Informed by the knowledge and expertise of our members, they are designed to help Safe and Equal focus and articulate our position and relevant asks on a range of issues which we have consistently heard from members are the most critical and pressing issues to be addressed. They will guide our advocacy agenda for the next several years. They will be reviewed annually to ensure they remain relevant and reflect any contemporary shifts in our policy and service landscape.

You can find our Strategic Plan here, and the summary below.

Our 2024 Advocacy Priority Summaries

Developing a client-centered family violence system

Inclusive, safe and effective support should be accessible to all people experiencing or at risk of family violence, through joined-up, family violence-informed community services.

Workforce sustainability

A sustainable, highly skilled and supported specialist family violence workforce is critical in meeting the demand for specialist family violence services and delivering a client centered family violence service system. This means a skilled, capable and diverse workforce that is remunerated appropriately, is valued, and has access to upskilling opportunities, career pathways and wellbeing supports. Ultimately, we want a strengthened specialist family violence sector, trusted to provide expert leadership and service delivery.

Investing in a sustainable specialist family violence sector and ongoing service system improvements

We want a sustainable specialist family violence service sector, with clear pathways into and out of specialist services for all victim survivors who need it, when they need it.

Strengthening Primary Prevention

Primary prevention is critical to achieving our vision of a world where everyone is safe, respected and thriving, living free from family and gender-based violence.


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