Meghan Cooper

(She / Her)
Prevention Project and Partnership Manager

Primary Prevention Unit

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Meghan leads a team of Prevention Advisors working on prevention policy, partnerships, evaluation and sector development, including the Partners in Prevention Network.

Meghan has over 12 years’ experience in gender equality and women’s rights research, policy, advocacy and evaluation, and is an accredited Partnership Broker.

Prior to joining Safe and Equal Meghan was the Senior Program Manager for International Women’s Development Agency (IWDA) overseeing IWDA’s funding to women’s rights organisations in the Pacific, and supporting IWDA to broker feminist partnerships and coalitions across Asia and the Pacific. She also oversaw a multi-country violence against women research program while with UN Women Asia -Pacific and coordinated activities within the regional UNiTE to End Violence against Women campaign.

I am always inspired by the creativity, passion and learning that can come from collective action. I love working within and across social change movements. I fundamentally believe that a more just world is possible, when we support feminist, and gender justice movements to thrive, and to be a driving force in challenging systems of oppression.


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