Amelia Ditcham

(She / Her)
Prevention Practice and Workforce Development Manager

Primary Prevention Unit

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Amelia manages primary prevention practice and workforce development, overseeing a suite of capability development offerings.  This includes training design and delivery as well as unique programs like the Fast Track intensive leadership program; developing management and leadership career pathways for both the primary prevention of violence against women and specialist family violence response workforces; and Connecting Communities, a prevention capability development program delivered in partnership with the Multicultural Centre for Women’s Health.

Amelia’s previous work in Safe and Equal has been as a Program Manager in sector development, including the Partners in Prevention network and the PreventX conference. She has over a decade of experience in project and program management across the family violence and primary prevention sectors.

I love being a part of the collective fight for a more socially just and free world, making my individual, unique contribution to the larger, generational movement to end gender-based violence. This work feels like an alignment between what I can do, what I am good at, what is needed, and what I value.


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