The Family Violence Philanthropy Collaboration Project brings together philanthropic and corporate funders, government stakeholders and family violence sector representatives to ‘grow the philanthropic pie’ to support systemic change and improve family violence outcomes for all Victorians.
The Victorian Royal Commission into Family Violence made it clear that improving family violence outcomes requires a coordinated response across government and the community.
The Family Violence Philanthropy Collaboration Project (the Collaboration Project) established in 2018, led by Safe and Equal, and funded by Gandel Foundation, the Ross Trust and the William Buckland Foundation, marks a new phase of cross-sector commitment to collaboration.
The Collaboration Project brings together philanthropic and corporate funders, government stakeholders and family violence sector representatives to ‘grow the philanthropic pie’ within a complex, world leading reform environment, with the aim to support systemic change and improved outcomes for all Victorians.
Through the Collaboration Project we established the Family Violence Funders Network, open to any corporate or philanthropic funder with an interest in family violence prevention and response. Through the network, the Collaboration Project promotes opportunities to co-design and co-fund collaborative funding projects, as well as promoting discrete funding opportunities for projects emerging from the family violence sector.
Family Violence Funders Network
The Family Violence Funders Network was established in 2018 through the Family Violence Philanthropy Collaboration Project and is convened by Safe and Equal. The network is open to any corporate or philanthropic funder with an interest in family violence prevention and response.
The network, convened bi-annually and supplemented by a monthly email newsletter, is an opportunity to hear from subject matter experts, receive up to date news about the sector and reforms, and to exchange insights and learnings from other funders. The network also promotes opportunities to codesign and co-fund projects, circulating “stand alone” funding opportunities for family violence projects emerging from the community violence sector.
While funder networks are not new, the location of this project’s backbone coordination within a not-for-profit peak body Safe and Equal and key input from partners in government departments represents an evolution in the funders network model. The grant makers have contributed financial resources and their time and efforts over four years to create an environment for collaboration and partnership.
If you’d like to become a member of the network, contact us.
Enduring and Evolving: Five Years on from the Victorian Royal Commission into Family Violence
The Enduring and Evolving report aims to provide a snapshot of the family violence systems reforms implemented since the Victorian Royal Commission into Family Violence and provide insights into strategic areas for philanthropic and corporate investment in the next phase of our work together.
2019-2020: Phase Two in Review
This implementation and outcomes evaluation report provides a snapshot of the achievements and learnings from phase two of The Family Violence Philanthropy Collaboration Project and future directions for the Project.
The establishment of the Family Violence Philanthropy Collaboration Project was generously funded by Gandel Foundation, The Ross Trust and The William Buckland Foundation.