Change takes time: Safe and Equal calls for a continued focus on family violence in their 2022 Victorian Election Platform

Wednesday 7 September 2022

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Ending family violence is complex. Even with the incredible investment into improving Victoria’s response to family violence in recent years, barriers and gaps still exist.

“The Royal Commission into Family Violence laid the groundwork for some significant changes to the way we prevent and respond to family violence in Victoria,” said Louise Simms, Safe and Equal Acting Chief Executive Officer.

“But change takes time. If we want to end family violence, we need renewed commitment and ongoing action from government.” 

Safe and Equal, Victoria’s peak body representing specialist family violence services, is calling on all parties to commit to these five key priorities ahead of the 2022 Victorian election: 

  1. Investing more in specialist family violence services to meet escalating demand 
  2. Growing, developing, and retaining specialist workforces  
  3. Eliminating the impossible ‘choice’ between violence and homelessness  
  4. Addressing system gaps and barriers to make services accessible for all 
  5. Investing meaningfully into primary prevention 

 “Eliminating family violence is going to take ongoing, coordinated action,” said Ms Simms. 

“We’re seeking commitment from across the political spectrum to address these issues and ensure that every person experiencing family violence in Victoria can access the support and safety they need, when they need it.” 

Read the full Election Platform here. 

Page last updated Wednesday, September 7 2022


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