MARAM and Information Sharing update

Monday 1 October 2018

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Message from Family Safety Victoria about the FVISS, CIS and MARAM

The Family Violence Information Sharing Scheme, the Child Information Sharing Scheme and the Family Violence Multi-Agency Risk Assessment and Management Framework (MARAM) will commence on Thursday 27 September 2018.

The Victorian Government is supporting organisations to implement the reforms. The following information will help organisations with preparing for and implementing the reforms.


For the latest information and resources on the reforms, please visit the Information Sharing and MARAM website:

New integrated resources

The Victorian Government has developed a suite of integrated resources to support organisations to implement the Information Sharing Schemes and MARAM. The following resources are now available on the website

  • Module 1: Introduction to the Information Sharing Reforms and MARAM Framework.
    This video introduces and provides an overview of the three Victorian Government reforms.
  • Organisational readiness checklist 
    A checklist for organisational leaders, to determine responsibilities under both the information sharing schemes and identify policies and procedures that require updating to reflect obligations under the schemes.
  • Fact Sheet – How do the Information Sharing Schemes work together? 
    A fact sheet that highlights the differences and intersections between the Child Information Sharing Scheme and the Family Violence Information Sharing Scheme.
  • Record-keeping tips
    A fact sheet with tips for information sharing entities (ISEs), to assist them with meeting their record keeping obligations under the two Information Sharing Schemes.
  • Tips for a conversation with a child and/or parent about information sharing
    Tips and conversation prompts for ISEs, explaining the purpose of the two Information Sharing Schemes to a child and/or non-offending parent.

In addition, specific resources have been developed or updated for each of the schemes and are available on the website.

New MARAM resources

The following MARAM resources are now available on the website:

  • The MARAM Framework (Policy document)
    The MARAM Framework will support professionals across the service system to better understand their responsibilities to undertake risk assessment and management, including information sharing and working collaboratively.
  • MARAM organisational check list
    A checklist to support organisational leaders with aligning their organisational policies, procedures, practice guidance and tools to MARAM.
  • MARAM responsibilities decision guide for organisational leaders
    High-level guidance for organisational leaders on determining MARAM responsibilities.

Framework legislative instrument published

The Framework Legislative Instrument has been published in the Government Gazette:

Face-to-face training

As previously advised, the face-to-face delivery of the Information Sharing and introduction to MARAM training will commence on 8 October 2018.

The initial training will be delivered as a two-day program for a select number of priority personnel from across prescribed workforces. You will need approval from your organisation to register, as places are strictly limited.

Please visit for details on the locations and dates of the face-to- face training, including how to register.

Scheme commencement communications

An email announcing scheme commencement will be sent out on 27 September 2018. This will include contact information for the Enquiry Line for the three reforms.

The Enquiry Line will provide support and information about the operation of the information sharing schemes and MARAM to organisations and services that have been prescribed.

More information

For more information visit, or contact or

Page last updated Monday, October 1 2018


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