Recommendation 209: mandatory qualifications for specialist FV practitioners

Monday 7 May 2018

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The Royal Commission into Family Violence called for the introduction of mandatory qualifications for specialist family violence practitioners (recommendation 209). The Royal Commission recommended that family violence practitioners be required to hold a social work or equivalent degree no later than 31 December 2020.

The Victorian Government announced in Building from Strength: 10-Year Industry Plan for Family Violence Prevention and Response that the existing workforce will be exempt from the minimum requirement. This approach recognises the skills, knowledge and professional experience of the existing specialist family violence workforce, and is in line with the Royal Commission’s suggestions for implementing the recommendation.

Building from Strength also acknowledged the complexity of introducing a minimum entry standard for the specialist family violence sector, and that careful consideration is required to prevent any negative implications for existing or future workers.

On this basis, Government will be taking more time to consider in depth how recommendation 209 can best be implemented for future workers, and when it should take effect. It is anticipated that these details will be announced in Building from Strength’s first Rolling Action Plan. Family Safety Victoria will be engaging with the sector on recommendation 209 in the lead up to the Rolling Action Plan.

Page last updated Monday, May 7 2018


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