Embedding respect in Local communities
Everybody has a role to play in ending family and gender-based violence.
The 16 Days of Activism Grassroots Initiative provides support and funding for Victorian community organisations, regional and state-wide community health organisations, and local councils to participate in Respect Victoria’s ‘Respect Women: Call It Out (Respect Is)’ campaign.

How to get involved
The United Nation’s international campaign 16 Days of Activism Against Gender-Based Violence, takes place each year from 25 November (International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women) until 10 December (International Human Rights Day).
To support the delivery of the 16 Days of Activism initiative, Respect Victoria has funded Safe and Equal to connect and build the capacity of community organisations and local councils to engage with the ‘Respect Women: Call It Out (Respect Is)’ campaign.
We are here to support participating organisations to implement community-led prevention activities or projects promoting respect and gender equality in their local communities. Community organisations and councils can help generate conversations about gender equality and respect by organising online and COVID-safe events and activities across the 16 Days, such as:
- Social media posts
- Podcasts, webinars and virtual panel discussions
- Participating in the reimagined Walk Against Family Violence
- Virtual book clubs and StoryTime in conjunction with libraries
- Developing artwork and online art exhibitions
- Online training sessions
- Online competitions / trivia / quizzes
- Small grants to community groups for community-led initiatives
- Street art, banners, posters and lighting up buildings in orange
- Partnerships and collaborations with other councils, regional networks and local businesses.
Supporting Local
Community Engagement
This initiative aims to support the Victorian community to understand what respect means and how to put it into practice in everyday life. To empower and equip community organisations, community health organisations and councils in their 16 Days campaign engagement, Safe and Equal is supporting with:
Grant Applications
Safe and Equal, in partnership with Respect Victoria, is providing 88 one-off grants to Victorian community organisations and local councils to support community engagement with the Respect Women: Call It Out (Respect Is) campaign.
We encourage organisations that work with diverse or at-risk communities – particularly multicultural and faith-based communities, Aboriginal communities, LGBTIQA+ communities, people with disabilities, young people, and older Victorians – to apply.
Grants applications were open from Wednesday 6 July until Wednesday 10 August. This year, two types of grants will be offered:
Individual Grants
Individual grants of $1,500 will be available to individual organisations planning 16 Days activities, approximately 80 of these grants will be offered.
Applications are now closed – applicants will be contacted by early September 2022.
Consortium Grants
Consortium grants of $5,000 will be available for partnerships of two or more organisations planning joint and collaborative 16 Days activities. Approximately 8 consortium grants will be offered.
We hope that these consortium grants will support partnerships to increase their reach in communities and make strategic connections with like-minded organisations. Regional health partnerships are particularly encouraged to apply.
Applications are now closed – applicants will be contacted by early September 2022.
Additional information
Individual Grants
Applications must:
- Be for an activity/project that is related to Respect Victoria’s 16 Days of Activism Against Gender-Based Violence messaging, Respect Is: (Call It Out)
- Be for an activity/project that will be implemented between 1st September – 21st December 2022
- Be submitted on or before the advertised deadline
- Have all sections completed
- Have successfully acquitted any previous funding under the 16 Days Grants Program
- Provide a valid ABN in the Applicant organisation’s name
- Not request funding for any of the ineligible activities listed below:
- Activities/projects that contradict Safe and Equal and/or Respect Victoria’s values
- Activities/projects that have already been completed (i.e. retroactive funding for work already undertaken)
- Operational or ongoing activities normally funded through other arrangements
- Profit-making activities, where any profit generated will not be reinvested into the organisation’s community-focused activities
Consortium Grants
Applications must meet all the above Individual Grant criteria, AND:
- List two or more organisations that will participate in the consortium, including the organisations’ ABNs
- Demonstrate meaningful partnership between consortium members, with clear roles and responsibilities for each
Individual Grants
Assessment Criteria are as follows:
- Promotes community conversations that align with Respect Victoria campaign messages during the 16 Days of Activism
- Demonstrates work in partnership with membership base/relevant stakeholders to build awareness and promote community conversations utilising campaign messaging
- Demonstrates consultation with membership base/relevant stakeholders which informs approach, or a clear plan as to how consultation will occur
- Demonstrates understanding of who stakeholders/beneficiaries of the activities are, and messages are tailored accordingly
- Organisation represents or can demonstrate work with diverse communities
- Activities are well-considered and achievable within the timeline and budget
- Demonstration that the project team has the appropriate skills and capacity to deliver the activities
- Organisation is committed to participating in the collection of outputs and data to feed into the campaign evaluation conducted by Respect Victoria at the end of the campaign.
Consortium Grants
Applications must meet all the above Individual Grant criteria, AND:
- Clearly articulate a meaningful partnership between consortium members with clear roles and responsibilities for each
- Demonstrate that one or more consortium members represent or work directly with communities
- Demonstrate strategic understanding of how a consortium grant will increase the potential reach (breadth or depth) of campaign messages in the community
- social media campaigns
- print/traditional media campaigns
- webinars, seminars, and workshops
- public art installations and exhibitions
- training on primary prevention and other topics
- creation and screening of videos
- arts/cultural events and activities
This list is not exhaustive and is intended to illustrate the kinds of projects that previous grantees have undertaken. For further ideas and to learn about past projects, MAV has prepared evaluation summaries with case studies of actions from the 2019 and 2020 campaigns.
- Activities/projects that contradict Safe and Equal and/or Respect Victoria’s values
- Activities/projects that have already been completed (i.e. retroactive funding for work already undertaken)
- Operational or ongoing activities normally funded through other arrangements
- Profit-making activities, where any profit generated will not be reinvested into the organisation’s community-focused activities
Applications close: 5pm Wednesday 10 August 2022
Notification of outcome: by Wednesday 7 September
In 2022, Respect Victoria and Safe and Equal are partnering to deliver and support local community engagement with the 16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence state-wide campaign. [Organisation] has been funded under Respect Victoria’s 16 Days of Activism grassroots initiative.
Any written statements in published or printed materials associated with the project, including media releases, reports and evaluations should acknowledge funding by Respect Victoria.
Any initiative materials or resources developed by the project and used as part of the 16 days initiative should include the Respect Women: Call it Out logo.
Logos to be used on any new assets/resources created:
Email Safe and Equal Help Desk – 16Days@safeandequal.org.au
Join the 16 Days of Activism Supporter Bulletin Mailing List
Keen to be informed about ideas, campaign resources, event information, and updates from Respect Victoria in the lead-up to and during the 16 Days of Activism? Subscribe here.

Safe and Equal is sending regular emails to support organisations with ideas, campaign resources, event information, and updates from Respect Victoria in the lead-up to and during the 16 Days of Activism.