About the campaign
Safe and Equal, formerly DV Vic and DVRCV, are partnering with Respect Victoria for the 16 Days of Activism Against Gender-Based Violence in 2021. Following positive reception for the campaign messaging in 2020, this year’s theme will be Respect Women: Call It Out (Respect Is).
The United Nation’s international campaign 16 Days of Activism Against Gender-Based Violence, takes place each year from 25 November (International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women) until 10 December (International Human Rights Day).
Check out Respect Victoria’s website for more information on the campaign.
To support the delivery of the 16 Days of Activism initiative, Respect Victoria has funded Safe and Equal to connect and build the capacity of community organisations and local councils to engage with the campaign.
Safe and Equal is hosting a range of capacity-building activities available to everyone, including an event to support 16 Days campaign engagement, a helpdesk and a resource kit.
How to get involved
Community organisations and councils can help generate conversations about gender equality and respect by organising online and COVID-safe events and activities during the 16 Days such as:
- Social media posts
- Podcasts, webinars and virtual panel discussions
- Participating in the reimagined Walk Against Family Violence
- Virtual book clubs and StoryTime in conjunction with libraries
- Developing artwork and online art exhibitions
- Online training sessions
16 Days weekly newsletter
We are sending weekly emails to support organisations with ideas, campaign resources, event information and updates from Respect Victoria in the lead-up to and during the 16 Days of Activism.
- Online competition / trivia / quiz
- Small grants to community groups for community-led initiatives
- Street art, banners, posters and lighting up buildings in orange
- Partnerships and collaborations with other councils, regional networks and local businesses.

All organisations and councils participating in the campaign can use the resources below, to support the delivery of their 16 Days of Activism grassroots initiative.
16 Days Toolkit
The toolkit features information and resources for organisations to use during the 16 Days and beyond.
Evaluation Guide
This guide is for grant recipients of the grassroots initiative support fund.
Funder Logos
Respect Victoria and Safe and Equal have developed logos for the campaign.
Social media
Respect Victoria has developed social media tiles for Facebook, Instagram, Twitter & LinkedIn.
More campaign collateral
“Respect is” sticker (PDF – 112KB)
“Respect is” virtual selfie frame (JPG – 78KB)
“Respect is” virtual selfie frame (PNG – 99KB)
“Respect is” virtual selfie frame high res (EPS – 2.88MB)
“To me, Respect is” and “To us, Respect Is…” A4 cards (PDF – 109KB)
“To me, Respect is” banner to insert into Word documents (JPG – 87KB)
“To us, Respect is” banner to insert into Word documents (JPG – 95KB)
The following resources are available from a range of organisations in Victoria, working in primary prevention and family violence that may support organisations in their campaigns around the 16 Days of Activism
Women’s Health in the North – Communications Guidelines for Prevention Violence against Women with accompanying Webinar and Slide deck
Women’s Health in the South East and Common Cause Australia – 16 Days of Activism and Values-Based Messaging 2020 (YouTube webinar recording)
VicHealth – Framing Masculinity – Message guide (PDF – 267KB)
Deakin University – Bystander for primary prevention: A rapid review (PDF – 1.23MB)
Our Watch – Bystander research snapshot report
Partners in Prevention Seminar – Supporting bystander action to prevent violence against women (YouTube)
VicHealth – Take Action: Empowering bystanders to act on sexist and sexually harassing behaviours (PDF – 379.3KB)
VicHealth – Review of bystander approaches in support of preventing violence against women
VicHealth – Stepping In bystander action toolkit (designed for State Sporting Associations to become workplace leaders)
Women’s Health Loddon Mallee – 16 Days of Activism Resource Pack 2020 (PDF – 10.9MB)
Women’s Health Goulburn North East - 16 Days of Activism 2020 regional calendar of events, workplace and organisational resources and social media toolkit
Women’s Health in the North – 16 Days of Activism Against Gender-Based Violence Campaign Toolkit 2019 (PDF – 705KB)
Women’s Health in the South East – 16 Days of Activism Social Media Toolkit
Engagement across Victorian communities is critical to expanding the conversation and building momentum to prevent family violence and all forms of violence against women, before it occurs.
Tania Farha
CEO, Safe and Equal
Campaign Webinars
Safe and Equal's Primary Prevention Unit facilitated a webinar series is for community organisations and councils that are planning to get involved in this year's initiative.
Planning your 16 Days of Activism Campaign
Our first webinar provided participants with practical advice on how to run a successful campaign, including tips on managing inclusion and accessibility, and how to engage local leaders in discussions about primary prevention of family and gender-based violence.
Online Campaigns and Managing Resistance
Our second webinar held on Wednesday 3 November 2:00 – 3:30 pm, dives into how you can run an engaging 16 Days campaign in the online environment and prepare you to respond to different forms of resistance.
Learning from the 16 Days of Activism
Our third event provided participating organisations with the opportunity to celebrate and reflect on the 16 Days, connect with one another, share how their organisation engaged with the campaign and provide feedback for informing future campaigns.
Case studies
A wide range of councils and community organisations across metropolitan, rural and regional Victoria are participating in this years' 16 Days campaign.
See below for some examples of innovative and inspired activities and events that participants have planned for promoting the campaign and engaging their communities in preventing and ending gendered violence.
The Network is encouraging locals to walk at least 16 K’s in 16 Days to raise awareness of, and support for, older victim-survivors of family violence. Participants are encouraged to log their distance on a whole-of-community pedometer available on the Respecting Seniors website. Selfie frames will be installed along popular walking routes and digital versions will be available for download on the Respecting Seniors Network website.
For more information, visit the campaign website, #16Ksin16Days: https://respectingseniorsnetwork.org.au/16ks-in-16-days/
The first to feature is The Geelong Women’s Social Action Network, who have put together The Clothesline Project. This project encourages participants to get creative at home and make or use clothing, tea towels, scarves or other old items they may have, to tell stories or share statements about stopping violence against women; advocating for women’s rights; promoting awareness around safety in public and in private; ending sexual assault; and preventing all forms of gendered and family violence.
The Clothesline Project is focused on promoting greater awareness of the impact of violence and sexual assault and helping break the silence.
If COVID-19 restrictions allow, the Geelong Women’s Social Action Network are aiming to hold a public art installation of submissions made to the Clothesline Project – see here for ideas.
Register your interest to take part in the Clothesline Project 2021 online.
Good Samaritan Inn will run a day of small workshops at a local Catholic boys’ school to educate students on the gendered drivers of family violence. Following the workshop, each participant will be invited to contribute a message of advocacy and hope to a larger banner that will be displayed to the public in Preston.
Local community members will be able to walk by and read messages created by staff and students, encouraging broader conversations and community engagement with respectful relationships.
Located in the northern suburbs of Melbourne, Good Samaritan Inn assists women and children who have experienced family violence and homelessness by providing short-term crisis accommodation and support.
Hosted by comedian and author Nelly Thomas, Exploring Gender in the Early Years will provide attendees an opportunity to develop their understandings of gender stereotypes at home, and provide strategies to challenge these.
The Greater Shepparton Family Violence Prevention Network is comprised of specialist family violence services, youth and family services, education, police, local council and community services. The grant provided by DV Vic/DVRCV and Respect Victoria allowed the committee to engage Nelly to deliver the session and provide her expertise.
This event is open to both professionals and community members, who have different but very important roles in undertaking this work.
Register to attend Exploring Gender in the Early Years via Eventbrite.
16 Days in the Media
If you would like to engage media to increase awareness of your grassroots initiative, we have developed a media release template for recipients of our grassroots initiative support fund.
16 Days of Activism, expanding conversation and building momentum
Published on the DVRCV website on Monday 11 October 2021
Respect Victoria announces cross-sector partnerships for 2021 grassroots 16 Days of Activism campaign
Published on the Respect Victoria website on Monday 23 August 2021
Grassroots initiative support fund
Safe and Equal is funded by Respect Victoria to deliver capacity-building activities supporting councils and community organisations across Victoria to participate in this year’s Respect Women: ‘Call It Out’ (Respect Is) campaign. In the lead-up to the campaign, $1200 grants are available to 115 organisations across Victoria.
Please note: Members of the Victorian Council of Social Services, the Municipal Association of Victoria, Safe and Equal (formerly DV Vic/DVRCV), Women’s Health Services Council and No to Violence are eligible to apply.
Priority funding will be given to organisations who:
- – Represent or can demonstrate work with diverse communities;
- – Are a local entity representing local communities, or based in a rural and remote location;
- – Present an application from multiple organisations, for joint activities/projects.
- Councils and community organisations in receipt of campaign funding will be required to:
- – Work in partnership with their membership base and relevant stakeholders to build awareness and promote community conversations utilising campaign messaging;
- – Promote community conversations that align with the Respect Victoria campaign – Respect Women: ‘Call It Out’ (Respect Is) – and align to the 16 Days of Activism (25 November – 10 December);
- – Participate in the collection of outputs and data to feed into the initiative evaluation conducted by Respect Victoria at the end of the intiative. Participation in the initiative evaluation is a prerequisite for receipt of a grant.
In 2021, Respect Victoria and Safe and Equal (formerly DV Vic and DVRCV) are partnering to deliver and support local engagement in the 16 Days of Activism Grassroots initiative. [Your organisation name] has been funded through this initiative.
Any initiative materials or resources developed by the project and used as part of the 16 days initiative should include the Respect Women: Call it Out logo, with the optional addition of the Respect Victoria and Safe and Equal (or DV Vic and DVRCV) logos. The logos can be downloaded above.
Note: Where campaign resources are being re-used and remain unchanged from 2020 (E.g. Zoom template) Safe and Equal (or previously DVVic/DVRCV) logo is not added.
Here are some of the frequently asked questions for recipients of the support fund grants.
- Victorian Council of Social Services (VCOSS);
- The Municipal Association of Victoria (MAV);
- Domestic Violence Victoria/Domestic Violence Resource; Centre (DV Vic/DVRCV);
- No to Violence (NTV); or
- Women’s Health Services Council (WHSC).
Priority funding will be given to organisations who:
- Represent or can demonstrate work with diverse communities;
- Are a local entity representing local communities, or based in a rural and remote location;
- Present an application from multiple organisations, for joint activities/projects.
Safe and Equal is working with Respect Victoria and our project partners to build the capacity of community organisations and local councils to engage with the initiative. Safe and Equal will provide support to 16 Days of Activism campaign participants through Safe and Equal’s Helpdesk, informative events, a comprehensive campaign toolkit, and the allocation of grants for grassroots initiatives across Victoria.
Project partners for the 2021 campaign include the Municipal Association of Victoria (MAV), the Victorian Council of Social Service (VCOSS), No to Violence, and the Women’s Health Services Council (WHSC). Safe and Equal will draw on the significant expertise and strength partners’ memberships to inform our capacity-building work and further the reach of the initiative across Victoria.
For those successful, your organisation will need to email the DV Vic/DVRCV’s Helpdesk an invoice for the $1200 grant. Once received, we will promptly process your transfer.
If you are interested in participating in the 16 Days campaign, please subscribe to our weekly campaign updates here.
These events and resources include:
- Pre-campaign event: An interactive online event with organisations interested in being involved in the 16 Days campaign. During this event, we will outline campaign messaging, reflect on learnings from previous years’ campaigns, support new engagement ideas, and workshop COVID-19 responsive contingency planning;
- Resources: A 16 Days of Activism Campaign toolkit and collateral including social media tiles, posters, short videos or animations, screensavers, and book lists. Specifically, resources that will translate well in an online environment. We will also be sharing DV Vic/ DVRCV’s Are you safe at home? Toolkit, which includes posters and animations translated into 15 community languages and Easy English. Are you safe at home? is a family violence early intervention campaign aimed at increasing access to family violence information and supporting victim survivors and their family and friends.
- Weekly campaign updates: A weekly email from early October to grant holders and those who sign up via the DV Vic website profiling Campaign activities for duration of the 2021 Campaign periods.
- Prevention & Communications Helpdesk: Organisations can email prevention@dvvic.org.au to access support for tailoring resources in the lead up to the campaign launch and throughout the campaign.
- Post-campaign event: An interactive online event for organisations to share stories from their campaign experience, and to reflect on learnings to inform future campaign organizing efforts in 2022.
16 Days of Activism
Supporter Bulletin
Safe and Equal is sending weekly emails to support organisations with ideas, campaign resources, event information and updates from Respect Victoria in the lead-up to and during the 16 Days of Activism.